So Biden Would Not Answer To Why He Never Contacted Portland To Stop The Democrat Riot. Gee, Why? Was He Just Too Busy? Watching Netflix?

Unbelievable, right? It was a simple question. we all saw it. Mr. Biden, did you call the Governor/Mayor of Oregon/Portland to tell them to tell his supporters to stop burning down Portland?
Biden did not answer. So anyone here wanna guess why? was he watching any particular movie/movies on cable TV?
Was Biden too busy on his PC in his hideaway?
And yet, at least 40% of us are gonna vote for Biden?
:dunno: :dunno:
He did answer that. Said he wasn’t holding elected office. He doesn’t see that as a responsibility of his.

1. It is a huge issue and he should have already addressed it. THat he did not is a failure on his part.

2. He could have said what he WOULD do, if elected. Not doing that, was very telling. He does not want to admit what he will or will not do, because a lot of his voters support the violence and a lot do not.;

3. Attacking Trump for it, as though it is not his supporters and the lefty mayors and governor who are at fault, was wrong and disgusting.
Biden has addressed it. He’s said many times that violence of any kind should not be accepted and arrests should be made.

he has also said what he would do. Open a commission with leaders from all sides so they can communicate and reach solutions. People are screaming in the streets because they want action and want to be heard. Ignoring them isn’t going to help quiet things, it’s going to make them get louder.

Trumps own a lot of responsibility, he ignores and insults those who protest and tries to strong arm them into submission. That’s how you inflame things not how you resolve issues

The message was heard BEFORE the riots began. This is not about getting a message heard.

Trump is not responsible for the actions of your people. Your attempt to blame him for your side's actions is the type of thing an ill mannered child would do.

Biden, if he was half the man he is pretending to be, would have called out the Mayors of Portland and Seattle, for their utter betrayal of the responsibilities of their office, by siding the mobs against their own people.
I’m not on the side of anybody who is being violent or damaging property so I don’t know what you’re talking about. Trump has absolutely ignored and acted against the issues being protested. Like it or not that inflames things. He is responsible for his part in that. Very poor leadership. Ultimately those committing crimes are responsible for the crimes they commit and they should be punished accordingly

Giving a violent mob what they want, might be the obvious answer to you. To me, using the police or the National Guard to clear the streets and protect the citizens seems a more Just solution.

My point about Biden stands. THe mayors are the ones who have ordered the cops to stand down. Other than the actual rioters, they are the ones most directly responsible for the riots continuing and growing to the scale we have seen.
Regarding your law enforcement comments. Yes cops should shut down any violence or property damage. I’d defer to the cops for what they need to do that. If a politician is standing in the way of what cops need then they are probably wrong in doing so and should not be re-elected. But these situations are complicated and neither you or I know the resources at hand or the situation on the ground that the cops are facing.

The situation is not complicated. Several dem mayors have sided with rioters vs the Federal Government and/or their own people.

They should not be re-elected. I agree. I also think that in a sane world, they would be arrested on violating the rights of their citizens and possibly sedition.
Unbelievable, right? It was a simple question. we all saw it. Mr. Biden, did you call the Governor/Mayor of Oregon/Portland to tell them to tell his supporters to stop burning down Portland?
Biden did not answer. So anyone here wanna guess why? was he watching any particular movie/movies on cable TV?
Was Biden too busy on his PC in his hideaway?
And yet, at least 40% of us are gonna vote for Biden?
:dunno: :dunno:
He did answer that. Said he wasn’t holding elected office. He doesn’t see that as a responsibility of his.

1. It is a huge issue and he should have already addressed it. THat he did not is a failure on his part.

2. He could have said what he WOULD do, if elected. Not doing that, was very telling. He does not want to admit what he will or will not do, because a lot of his voters support the violence and a lot do not.;

3. Attacking Trump for it, as though it is not his supporters and the lefty mayors and governor who are at fault, was wrong and disgusting.
Biden has addressed it. He’s said many times that violence of any kind should not be accepted and arrests should be made.

he has also said what he would do. Open a commission with leaders from all sides so they can communicate and reach solutions. People are screaming in the streets because they want action and want to be heard. Ignoring them isn’t going to help quiet things, it’s going to make them get louder.

Trumps own a lot of responsibility, he ignores and insults those who protest and tries to strong arm them into submission. That’s how you inflame things not how you resolve issues

The message was heard BEFORE the riots began. This is not about getting a message heard.

Trump is not responsible for the actions of your people. Your attempt to blame him for your side's actions is the type of thing an ill mannered child would do.

Biden, if he was half the man he is pretending to be, would have called out the Mayors of Portland and Seattle, for their utter betrayal of the responsibilities of their office, by siding the mobs against their own people.
I’m not on the side of anybody who is being violent or damaging property so I don’t know what you’re talking about. Trump has absolutely ignored and acted against the issues being protested. Like it or not that inflames things. He is responsible for his part in that. Very poor leadership. Ultimately those committing crimes are responsible for the crimes they commit and they should be punished accordingly

Giving a violent mob what they want, might be the obvious answer to you. To me, using the police or the National Guard to clear the streets and protect the citizens seems a more Just solution.

My point about Biden stands. THe mayors are the ones who have ordered the cops to stand down. Other than the actual rioters, they are the ones most directly responsible for the riots continuing and growing to the scale we have seen.
When did I say anything about giving a violent mob what they want? Please show my quote or stop lying about the things I say

You attacked Trump for "ignoring and acting against the issues being protested".

The implication is clear. If ignoring or acting against the issue is "wrong" then paying attention and giving them what they want, is "right".
You can determine wrong and right in your own mind. I didn’t use those words. I said when you Ignore and mock people they get louder. When you listen to them and work woth them they calm down. I’m not talking about rioters I’m talking about the vast majority who are protesting
BTW, Biden Calling them would be called influence. Maybe some understanding of what the issue was and how to offer ideas on how to work through it. Maybe aske them why the police didn't do anything to curb the issue.
He answered

Not my job, he holds no office
so if your president TRUMP just sent in the big boys, you would accept that? i doubt it because you are ignorant , jump on the band wagon, flip-flopping, brain dead and brain washed, and as stupid as the demonrats

TRUMP runs the Justice Department

Biden does not
deflect...typical from demonrats

That is a FACT not a deflection
so if your president TRUMP just sent in the big boys, you would accept that? i doubt it because you are ignorant , jump on the band wagon, flip-flopping, brain dead and brain washed, and as stupid as the demonrats
heres another chance for you to deflect
Trump has law enforcement at his disposal, Biden does not

Trumps directives to his soldiers was to bust heads not de-escalate the protests

Mayors and Governors said no thanks
you are so far gone there is no hope. done wasting time on braindead/brainwashed demonrats, go deflect somewhere else

Wow a Trump Humper calling someone brainwashed or braindead is comical.
wrong again. the comedy is you supporting a senile, lying, denying piece of shit thats been a huge racist, do nothing for 47 years..and a home wrecking whore. that tells me the comedy is in your head..god knows what else depraved shit you are for

No more different than dumbass Trump Humpers like you who worship a egotistical, arrogant, narcist, racist. A man who claims he loves his country ssoooooo much, but when she called for his service he ran and hid behind Papa Trump.
just like draft dodgers BEIJING XIDEN and pedo billy clinton---where did they run to? you must have forgotten
He answered

Not my job, he holds no office
so if your president TRUMP just sent in the big boys, you would accept that? i doubt it because you are ignorant , jump on the band wagon, flip-flopping, brain dead and brain washed, and as stupid as the demonrats

TRUMP runs the Justice Department

Biden does not
deflect...typical from demonrats

That is a FACT not a deflection
so if your president TRUMP just sent in the big boys, you would accept that? i doubt it because you are ignorant , jump on the band wagon, flip-flopping, brain dead and brain washed, and as stupid as the demonrats
heres another chance for you to deflect
Trump has law enforcement at his disposal, Biden does not

Trumps directives to his soldiers was to bust heads not de-escalate the protests

Mayors and Governors said no thanks
you are so far gone there is no hope. done wasting time on braindead/brainwashed demonrats, go deflect somewhere else

Wow a Trump Humper calling someone brainwashed or braindead is comical.
so you got nothing to say here?

About as much as you do.
keep it down, because its just plain old gibberish
Unbelievable, right? It was a simple question. we all saw it. Mr. Biden, did you call the Governor/Mayor of Oregon/Portland to tell them to tell his supporters to stop burning down Portland?
Biden did not answer. So anyone here wanna guess why? was he watching any particular movie/movies on cable TV?
Was Biden too busy on his PC in his hideaway?
And yet, at least 40% of us are gonna vote for Biden?
:dunno: :dunno:
He did answer that. Said he wasn’t holding elected office. He doesn’t see that as a responsibility of his.

1. It is a huge issue and he should have already addressed it. THat he did not is a failure on his part.

2. He could have said what he WOULD do, if elected. Not doing that, was very telling. He does not want to admit what he will or will not do, because a lot of his voters support the violence and a lot do not.;

3. Attacking Trump for it, as though it is not his supporters and the lefty mayors and governor who are at fault, was wrong and disgusting.
Biden has addressed it. He’s said many times that violence of any kind should not be accepted and arrests should be made.

he has also said what he would do. Open a commission with leaders from all sides so they can communicate and reach solutions. People are screaming in the streets because they want action and want to be heard. Ignoring them isn’t going to help quiet things, it’s going to make them get louder.

Trumps own a lot of responsibility, he ignores and insults those who protest and tries to strong arm them into submission. That’s how you inflame things not how you resolve issues

The message was heard BEFORE the riots began. This is not about getting a message heard.

Trump is not responsible for the actions of your people. Your attempt to blame him for your side's actions is the type of thing an ill mannered child would do.

Biden, if he was half the man he is pretending to be, would have called out the Mayors of Portland and Seattle, for their utter betrayal of the responsibilities of their office, by siding the mobs against their own people.
Correct! He is a public servant, he is not a civilian
He answered

Not my job, he holds no office
so if your president TRUMP just sent in the big boys, you would accept that? i doubt it because you are ignorant , jump on the band wagon, flip-flopping, brain dead and brain washed, and as stupid as the demonrats

TRUMP runs the Justice Department

Biden does not
deflect...typical from demonrats

That is a FACT not a deflection
so if your president TRUMP just sent in the big boys, you would accept that? i doubt it because you are ignorant , jump on the band wagon, flip-flopping, brain dead and brain washed, and as stupid as the demonrats
heres another chance for you to deflect
Trump has law enforcement at his disposal, Biden does not

Trumps directives to his soldiers was to bust heads not de-escalate the protests

Mayors and Governors said no thanks
you are so far gone there is no hope. done wasting time on braindead/brainwashed demonrats, go deflect somewhere else

Wow a Trump Humper calling someone brainwashed or braindead is comical.
so you got nothing to say here?

About as much as you do.
Not at all, see integrity comes from character the chicken shit Biden has neither! You join him with your nothing
Unbelievable, right? It was a simple question. we all saw it. Mr. Biden, did you call the Governor/Mayor of Oregon/Portland to tell them to tell his supporters to stop burning down Portland?
Biden did not answer. So anyone here wanna guess why? was he watching any particular movie/movies on cable TV?
Was Biden too busy on his PC in his hideaway?
And yet, at least 40% of us are gonna vote for Biden?
:dunno: :dunno:
He did answer that. Said he wasn’t holding elected office. He doesn’t see that as a responsibility of his.

1. It is a huge issue and he should have already addressed it. THat he did not is a failure on his part.

2. He could have said what he WOULD do, if elected. Not doing that, was very telling. He does not want to admit what he will or will not do, because a lot of his voters support the violence and a lot do not.;

3. Attacking Trump for it, as though it is not his supporters and the lefty mayors and governor who are at fault, was wrong and disgusting.
Biden has addressed it. He’s said many times that violence of any kind should not be accepted and arrests should be made.

he has also said what he would do. Open a commission with leaders from all sides so they can communicate and reach solutions. People are screaming in the streets because they want action and want to be heard. Ignoring them isn’t going to help quiet things, it’s going to make them get louder.

Trumps own a lot of responsibility, he ignores and insults those who protest and tries to strong arm them into submission. That’s how you inflame things not how you resolve issues

The message was heard BEFORE the riots began. This is not about getting a message heard.

Trump is not responsible for the actions of your people. Your attempt to blame him for your side's actions is the type of thing an ill mannered child would do.

Biden, if he was half the man he is pretending to be, would have called out the Mayors of Portland and Seattle, for their utter betrayal of the responsibilities of their office, by siding the mobs against their own people.
I’m not on the side of anybody who is being violent or damaging property so I don’t know what you’re talking about. Trump has absolutely ignored and acted against the issues being protested. Like it or not that inflames things. He is responsible for his part in that. Very poor leadership. Ultimately those committing crimes are responsible for the crimes they commit and they should be punished accordingly

Giving a violent mob what they want, might be the obvious answer to you. To me, using the police or the National Guard to clear the streets and protect the citizens seems a more Just solution.

My point about Biden stands. THe mayors are the ones who have ordered the cops to stand down. Other than the actual rioters, they are the ones most directly responsible for the riots continuing and growing to the scale we have seen.
When did I say anything about giving a violent mob what they want? Please show my quote or stop lying about the things I say

You attacked Trump for "ignoring and acting against the issues being protested".

The implication is clear. If ignoring or acting against the issue is "wrong" then paying attention and giving them what they want, is "right".
You can determine wrong and right in your own mind. I didn’t use those words. I said when you Ignore and mock people they get louder. When you listen to them and work woth them they calm down. I’m not talking about rioters I’m talking about the vast majority who are protesting

I was talking about the rioters. YOu changed the subject to the protestors. Seems like you think the two groups are pretty heavily overlapped.

YOU did that. Not me.

And, I agree. I think the two groups are heavily overlapped and connected and aligned. and those that pretend otherwise are full of shit.

Also, I think that the mayors, who let the RIOTERS run rampant while ordering the cops to stand down and refusing help, are guilty of serious crimes, including sedition.
The more Joe refuses to answer the questions regarding packing the court and who s on his list, the more he confirms that he does support packing the court and that his list is full of radical judges who can't wait to legislate from the bench.

He says if he answers his answer will become the issue...don't look now, Joe, but your REFUSAL to answer has become an even bigger issue.

* Joe Biden was the VP in an administration officially acknowledged to be THE most criminally non-compliant with the FOIA and Federal Records Act, MEANING the Obama administration CRIMINALLY withheld information from the American people. They were the complete OPPOSITE of 'the most transparent administration evuh' they promised they would be. Now, before getting into office, Joe is proving he is going to continue that criminal non-transparency if he gets in.

Biden is nothing more than an old, white, rich racist TROJAN Jackass - 'vanilla' on the outside in order to fool the people to get inside the 'gates'. Once in, the radicals are going to come screaming out, leaving the empty husk of Joe Biden behind on their way to take over...
Unbelievable, right? It was a simple question. we all saw it. Mr. Biden, did you call the Governor/Mayor of Oregon/Portland to tell them to tell his supporters to stop burning down Portland?
Biden did not answer. So anyone here wanna guess why? was he watching any particular movie/movies on cable TV?
Was Biden too busy on his PC in his hideaway?
And yet, at least 40% of us are gonna vote for Biden?
:dunno: :dunno:
He did answer that. Said he wasn’t holding elected office. He doesn’t see that as a responsibility of his.

1. It is a huge issue and he should have already addressed it. THat he did not is a failure on his part.

2. He could have said what he WOULD do, if elected. Not doing that, was very telling. He does not want to admit what he will or will not do, because a lot of his voters support the violence and a lot do not.;

3. Attacking Trump for it, as though it is not his supporters and the lefty mayors and governor who are at fault, was wrong and disgusting.
Biden has addressed it. He’s said many times that violence of any kind should not be accepted and arrests should be made.

he has also said what he would do. Open a commission with leaders from all sides so they can communicate and reach solutions. People are screaming in the streets because they want action and want to be heard. Ignoring them isn’t going to help quiet things, it’s going to make them get louder.

Trumps own a lot of responsibility, he ignores and insults those who protest and tries to strong arm them into submission. That’s how you inflame things not how you resolve issues

The message was heard BEFORE the riots began. This is not about getting a message heard.

Trump is not responsible for the actions of your people. Your attempt to blame him for your side's actions is the type of thing an ill mannered child would do.

Biden, if he was half the man he is pretending to be, would have called out the Mayors of Portland and Seattle, for their utter betrayal of the responsibilities of their office, by siding the mobs against their own people.
I’m not on the side of anybody who is being violent or damaging property so I don’t know what you’re talking about. Trump has absolutely ignored and acted against the issues being protested. Like it or not that inflames things. He is responsible for his part in that. Very poor leadership. Ultimately those committing crimes are responsible for the crimes they commit and they should be punished accordingly

Giving a violent mob what they want, might be the obvious answer to you. To me, using the police or the National Guard to clear the streets and protect the citizens seems a more Just solution.

My point about Biden stands. THe mayors are the ones who have ordered the cops to stand down. Other than the actual rioters, they are the ones most directly responsible for the riots continuing and growing to the scale we have seen.
Regarding your law enforcement comments. Yes cops should shut down any violence or property damage. I’d defer to the cops for what they need to do that. If a politician is standing in the way of what cops need then they are probably wrong in doing so and should not be re-elected. But these situations are complicated and neither you or I know the resources at hand or the situation on the ground that the cops are facing.

The situation is not complicated. Several dem mayors have sided with rioters vs the Federal Government and/or their own people.

They should not be re-elected. I agree. I also think that in a sane world, they would be arrested on violating the rights of their citizens and possibly sedition.
I said when you Ignore and mock people they get louder. When you listen to them and work woth them they calm down. I’m not talking about rioters I’m talking about the vast majority who are protesting
couple of things
1. when has trump mocked protestors? post a link otherwise you just lied.

2. there is an election that decides winners, listening to demands after isn't how we run our country. Go get a candidate that can win and run it through a campaign. It's how our country works. elected officials ignored the rioters, pitiful
Unbelievable, right? It was a simple question. we all saw it. Mr. Biden, did you call the Governor/Mayor of Oregon/Portland to tell them to tell his supporters to stop burning down Portland?
Biden did not answer. So anyone here wanna guess why? was he watching any particular movie/movies on cable TV?
Was Biden too busy on his PC in his hideaway?
And yet, at least 40% of us are gonna vote for Biden?
:dunno: :dunno:
He did answer that. Said he wasn’t holding elected office. He doesn’t see that as a responsibility of his.

1. It is a huge issue and he should have already addressed it. THat he did not is a failure on his part.

2. He could have said what he WOULD do, if elected. Not doing that, was very telling. He does not want to admit what he will or will not do, because a lot of his voters support the violence and a lot do not.;

3. Attacking Trump for it, as though it is not his supporters and the lefty mayors and governor who are at fault, was wrong and disgusting.
Biden has addressed it. He’s said many times that violence of any kind should not be accepted and arrests should be made.

he has also said what he would do. Open a commission with leaders from all sides so they can communicate and reach solutions. People are screaming in the streets because they want action and want to be heard. Ignoring them isn’t going to help quiet things, it’s going to make them get louder.

Trumps own a lot of responsibility, he ignores and insults those who protest and tries to strong arm them into submission. That’s how you inflame things not how you resolve issues

The message was heard BEFORE the riots began. This is not about getting a message heard.

Trump is not responsible for the actions of your people. Your attempt to blame him for your side's actions is the type of thing an ill mannered child would do.

Biden, if he was half the man he is pretending to be, would have called out the Mayors of Portland and Seattle, for their utter betrayal of the responsibilities of their office, by siding the mobs against their own people.
I’m not on the side of anybody who is being violent or damaging property so I don’t know what you’re talking about. Trump has absolutely ignored and acted against the issues being protested. Like it or not that inflames things. He is responsible for his part in that. Very poor leadership. Ultimately those committing crimes are responsible for the crimes they commit and they should be punished accordingly

Giving a violent mob what they want, might be the obvious answer to you. To me, using the police or the National Guard to clear the streets and protect the citizens seems a more Just solution.

My point about Biden stands. THe mayors are the ones who have ordered the cops to stand down. Other than the actual rioters, they are the ones most directly responsible for the riots continuing and growing to the scale we have seen.
When did I say anything about giving a violent mob what they want? Please show my quote or stop lying about the things I say

You attacked Trump for "ignoring and acting against the issues being protested".

The implication is clear. If ignoring or acting against the issue is "wrong" then paying attention and giving them what they want, is "right".
You can determine wrong and right in your own mind. I didn’t use those words. I said when you Ignore and mock people they get louder. When you listen to them and work woth them they calm down. I’m not talking about rioters I’m talking about the vast majority who are protesting

I was talking about the rioters. YOu changed the subject to the protestors. Seems like you think the two groups are pretty heavily overlapped.

YOU did that. Not me.

And, I agree. I think the two groups are heavily overlapped and connected and aligned. and those that pretend otherwise are full of shit.

Also, I think that the mayors, who let the RIOTERS run rampant while ordering the cops to stand down and refusing help, are guilty of serious crimes, including sedition.
I’ve already said that rioters should be arrested. Biden has said the same. Any official that doesn’t agree isn’t doing their job. I don’t know what else you want me to say about that.

my critique on Trump was how he has only acted to provoke and not to calm the groups protesting the movement. The peaceful group. When you provoke a group of frustrated people you push them to get louder and yes some will light shit on fire. So this denial that Trump isn’t making the problem worse is BS.

You tell me... what has he done to address the issues being protested? How is he giving voice to the peaceful side of the protest to address their concerns? I’m all ears
Unbelievable, right? It was a simple question. we all saw it. Mr. Biden, did you call the Governor/Mayor of Oregon/Portland to tell them to tell his supporters to stop burning down Portland?
Biden did not answer. So anyone here wanna guess why? was he watching any particular movie/movies on cable TV?
Was Biden too busy on his PC in his hideaway?
And yet, at least 40% of us are gonna vote for Biden?
:dunno: :dunno:
Let's see and take a guess. Biden has no authority since he is only a private citizen, so there is no answer to that silly question? The riots are not caused by democrats, but they are caused by people who may or may not support Democrats? The white supremacists were in the background agitating?
Trump's divisive rhetoric had nothing to do with the riots? Trump told the white supremacists and "proud boys" to
"stand back and stay ready"? Is this a provocative statement? Nah
and douchebag botox bitch pill-osi told AMERICA not to listen to its president...thats treason on its own. so guess what---stand by and hang on
That grifter is president in name only.
Yeah he's the only politician that doesn't enrich him self while in office and he's the grifter......what's it like living in Bizaro world?
trump has been a grifter all his life and he has made billions since the election, according to him. There are politicians who do not enrich themselves while in office and they don't need to. The fact that they held the office will
result in enrichment after leaving office and it should be that way.
Biden is no grifter.
Unbelievable, right? It was a simple question. we all saw it. Mr. Biden, did you call the Governor/Mayor of Oregon/Portland to tell them to tell his supporters to stop burning down Portland?
Biden did not answer. So anyone here wanna guess why? was he watching any particular movie/movies on cable TV?
Was Biden too busy on his PC in his hideaway?
And yet, at least 40% of us are gonna vote for Biden?
:dunno: :dunno:
He did answer that. Said he wasn’t holding elected office. He doesn’t see that as a responsibility of his.

1. It is a huge issue and he should have already addressed it. THat he did not is a failure on his part.

2. He could have said what he WOULD do, if elected. Not doing that, was very telling. He does not want to admit what he will or will not do, because a lot of his voters support the violence and a lot do not.;

3. Attacking Trump for it, as though it is not his supporters and the lefty mayors and governor who are at fault, was wrong and disgusting.
Biden has addressed it. He’s said many times that violence of any kind should not be accepted and arrests should be made.

he has also said what he would do. Open a commission with leaders from all sides so they can communicate and reach solutions. People are screaming in the streets because they want action and want to be heard. Ignoring them isn’t going to help quiet things, it’s going to make them get louder.

Trumps own a lot of responsibility, he ignores and insults those who protest and tries to strong arm them into submission. That’s how you inflame things not how you resolve issues

The message was heard BEFORE the riots began. This is not about getting a message heard.

Trump is not responsible for the actions of your people. Your attempt to blame him for your side's actions is the type of thing an ill mannered child would do.

Biden, if he was half the man he is pretending to be, would have called out the Mayors of Portland and Seattle, for their utter betrayal of the responsibilities of their office, by siding the mobs against their own people.
I’m not on the side of anybody who is being violent or damaging property so I don’t know what you’re talking about. Trump has absolutely ignored and acted against the issues being protested. Like it or not that inflames things. He is responsible for his part in that. Very poor leadership. Ultimately those committing crimes are responsible for the crimes they commit and they should be punished accordingly

Giving a violent mob what they want, might be the obvious answer to you. To me, using the police or the National Guard to clear the streets and protect the citizens seems a more Just solution.

My point about Biden stands. THe mayors are the ones who have ordered the cops to stand down. Other than the actual rioters, they are the ones most directly responsible for the riots continuing and growing to the scale we have seen.
When did I say anything about giving a violent mob what they want? Please show my quote or stop lying about the things I say

You attacked Trump for "ignoring and acting against the issues being protested".

The implication is clear. If ignoring or acting against the issue is "wrong" then paying attention and giving them what they want, is "right".
You can determine wrong and right in your own mind. I didn’t use those words. I said when you Ignore and mock people they get louder. When you listen to them and work woth them they calm down. I’m not talking about rioters I’m talking about the vast majority who are protesting

I was talking about the rioters. YOu changed the subject to the protestors. Seems like you think the two groups are pretty heavily overlapped.

YOU did that. Not me.

And, I agree. I think the two groups are heavily overlapped and connected and aligned. and those that pretend otherwise are full of shit.

Also, I think that the mayors, who let the RIOTERS run rampant while ordering the cops to stand down and refusing help, are guilty of serious crimes, including sedition.
I’ve already said that rioters should be arrested. Biden has said the same. Any official that doesn’t agree isn’t doing their job. I don’t know what else you want me to say about that.

my critique on Trump was how he has only acted to provoke and not to calm the groups protesting the movement. The peaceful group. When you provoke a group of frustrated people you push them to get louder and yes some will light shit on fire. So this denial that Trump isn’t making the problem worse is BS.

You tell me... what has he done to address the issues being protested? How is he giving voice to the peaceful side of the protest to address their concerns? I’m all ears
There are outside agitators in the mix also, according to the FBI. The white supremacist movement is known for that kind of behavior. trump addresses issues like this with pepper spray and troops to quell the protesters. He has no
empathy for others so that is his way. Kinda like a dictator.
Biden has no power authority. Not his job. Why is that so difficult to grasp?
Unbelievable, right? It was a simple question. we all saw it. Mr. Biden, did you call the Governor/Mayor of Oregon/Portland to tell them to tell his supporters to stop burning down Portland?
Biden did not answer. So anyone here wanna guess why? was he watching any particular movie/movies on cable TV?
Was Biden too busy on his PC in his hideaway?
And yet, at least 40% of us are gonna vote for Biden?
:dunno: :dunno:
He did answer that. Said he wasn’t holding elected office. He doesn’t see that as a responsibility of his.

1. It is a huge issue and he should have already addressed it. THat he did not is a failure on his part.

2. He could have said what he WOULD do, if elected. Not doing that, was very telling. He does not want to admit what he will or will not do, because a lot of his voters support the violence and a lot do not.;

3. Attacking Trump for it, as though it is not his supporters and the lefty mayors and governor who are at fault, was wrong and disgusting.
Biden has addressed it. He’s said many times that violence of any kind should not be accepted and arrests should be made.

he has also said what he would do. Open a commission with leaders from all sides so they can communicate and reach solutions. People are screaming in the streets because they want action and want to be heard. Ignoring them isn’t going to help quiet things, it’s going to make them get louder.

Trumps own a lot of responsibility, he ignores and insults those who protest and tries to strong arm them into submission. That’s how you inflame things not how you resolve issues

The message was heard BEFORE the riots began. This is not about getting a message heard.

Trump is not responsible for the actions of your people. Your attempt to blame him for your side's actions is the type of thing an ill mannered child would do.

Biden, if he was half the man he is pretending to be, would have called out the Mayors of Portland and Seattle, for their utter betrayal of the responsibilities of their office, by siding the mobs against their own people.
I’m not on the side of anybody who is being violent or damaging property so I don’t know what you’re talking about. Trump has absolutely ignored and acted against the issues being protested. Like it or not that inflames things. He is responsible for his part in that. Very poor leadership. Ultimately those committing crimes are responsible for the crimes they commit and they should be punished accordingly

Giving a violent mob what they want, might be the obvious answer to you. To me, using the police or the National Guard to clear the streets and protect the citizens seems a more Just solution.

My point about Biden stands. THe mayors are the ones who have ordered the cops to stand down. Other than the actual rioters, they are the ones most directly responsible for the riots continuing and growing to the scale we have seen.
When did I say anything about giving a violent mob what they want? Please show my quote or stop lying about the things I say

You attacked Trump for "ignoring and acting against the issues being protested".

The implication is clear. If ignoring or acting against the issue is "wrong" then paying attention and giving them what they want, is "right".
You can determine wrong and right in your own mind. I didn’t use those words. I said when you Ignore and mock people they get louder. When you listen to them and work woth them they calm down. I’m not talking about rioters I’m talking about the vast majority who are protesting

I was talking about the rioters. YOu changed the subject to the protestors. Seems like you think the two groups are pretty heavily overlapped.

YOU did that. Not me.

And, I agree. I think the two groups are heavily overlapped and connected and aligned. and those that pretend otherwise are full of shit.

Also, I think that the mayors, who let the RIOTERS run rampant while ordering the cops to stand down and refusing help, are guilty of serious crimes, including sedition.
I’ve already said that rioters should be arrested. Biden has said the same. Any official that doesn’t agree isn’t doing their job. I don’t know what else you want me to say about that.

my critique on Trump was how he has only acted to provoke and not to calm the groups protesting the movement. The peaceful group. When you provoke a group of frustrated people you push them to get louder and yes some will light shit on fire. So this denial that Trump isn’t making the problem worse is BS.

You tell me... what has he done to address the issues being protested? How is he giving voice to the peaceful side of the protest to address their concerns? I’m all ears

Biden has not addressed the fact that dem officials in office are siding with the rioters against their own police and against the Federal government.

That is a massive failure on Biden's part.

That he has not called out his own people on their behavior, nor addressed the racial aspects of much of the violence, is him showing that he would be a shit leader if he gets in.

Trump is not responsible for or TO, the rioters or the "protestors" who are blocking traffic and thus endangering thousands of people and inciting violence in doing so or screaming abuse and threats at people who don't deserve such shit.

The 'peaceful side" as far as I am concerned, have their voice with all the lefty politicians and media and ect. that they need.

What they are doing it not "protesting" to get their message out, but direct action to let people know that they will have their goals achieved or they will disrupt society with force.
Unbelievable, right? It was a simple question. we all saw it. Mr. Biden, did you call the Governor/Mayor of Oregon/Portland to tell them to tell his supporters to stop burning down Portland?
Biden did not answer. So anyone here wanna guess why? was he watching any particular movie/movies on cable TV?
Was Biden too busy on his PC in his hideaway?
And yet, at least 40% of us are gonna vote for Biden?
:dunno: :dunno:
He did answer that. Said he wasn’t holding elected office. He doesn’t see that as a responsibility of his.

1. It is a huge issue and he should have already addressed it. THat he did not is a failure on his part.

2. He could have said what he WOULD do, if elected. Not doing that, was very telling. He does not want to admit what he will or will not do, because a lot of his voters support the violence and a lot do not.;

3. Attacking Trump for it, as though it is not his supporters and the lefty mayors and governor who are at fault, was wrong and disgusting.
Biden has addressed it. He’s said many times that violence of any kind should not be accepted and arrests should be made.

he has also said what he would do. Open a commission with leaders from all sides so they can communicate and reach solutions. People are screaming in the streets because they want action and want to be heard. Ignoring them isn’t going to help quiet things, it’s going to make them get louder.

Trumps own a lot of responsibility, he ignores and insults those who protest and tries to strong arm them into submission. That’s how you inflame things not how you resolve issues

The message was heard BEFORE the riots began. This is not about getting a message heard.

Trump is not responsible for the actions of your people. Your attempt to blame him for your side's actions is the type of thing an ill mannered child would do.

Biden, if he was half the man he is pretending to be, would have called out the Mayors of Portland and Seattle, for their utter betrayal of the responsibilities of their office, by siding the mobs against their own people.
I’m not on the side of anybody who is being violent or damaging property so I don’t know what you’re talking about. Trump has absolutely ignored and acted against the issues being protested. Like it or not that inflames things. He is responsible for his part in that. Very poor leadership. Ultimately those committing crimes are responsible for the crimes they commit and they should be punished accordingly

Giving a violent mob what they want, might be the obvious answer to you. To me, using the police or the National Guard to clear the streets and protect the citizens seems a more Just solution.

My point about Biden stands. THe mayors are the ones who have ordered the cops to stand down. Other than the actual rioters, they are the ones most directly responsible for the riots continuing and growing to the scale we have seen.
When did I say anything about giving a violent mob what they want? Please show my quote or stop lying about the things I say

You attacked Trump for "ignoring and acting against the issues being protested".

The implication is clear. If ignoring or acting against the issue is "wrong" then paying attention and giving them what they want, is "right".
You can determine wrong and right in your own mind. I didn’t use those words. I said when you Ignore and mock people they get louder. When you listen to them and work woth them they calm down. I’m not talking about rioters I’m talking about the vast majority who are protesting

I was talking about the rioters. YOu changed the subject to the protestors. Seems like you think the two groups are pretty heavily overlapped.

YOU did that. Not me.

And, I agree. I think the two groups are heavily overlapped and connected and aligned. and those that pretend otherwise are full of shit.

Also, I think that the mayors, who let the RIOTERS run rampant while ordering the cops to stand down and refusing help, are guilty of serious crimes, including sedition.
I’ve already said that rioters should be arrested. Biden has said the same. Any official that doesn’t agree isn’t doing their job. I don’t know what else you want me to say about that.

my critique on Trump was how he has only acted to provoke and not to calm the groups protesting the movement. The peaceful group. When you provoke a group of frustrated people you push them to get louder and yes some will light shit on fire. So this denial that Trump isn’t making the problem worse is BS.

You tell me... what has he done to address the issues being protested? How is he giving voice to the peaceful side of the protest to address their concerns? I’m all ears
There are outside agitators in the mix also, according to the FBI. The white supremacist movement is known for that kind of behavior. trump addresses issues like this with pepper spray and troops to quell the protesters. He has no
empathy for others so that is his way. Kinda like a dictator.

The ws movement is NOT known for that kind of behavior. They are known for being completely ineffectual and irrelevant.

Trump does not need to have empathy for the assholes blocking traffic and screaming at people and burning shit down and killing people.

HE needs to have empathy for the victims of these mobs, ie the law abiding citizens.

That you empathize with the violent criminals, instead of their victims, shows what kind of person you are.
Unbelievable, right? It was a simple question. we all saw it. Mr. Biden, did you call the Governor/Mayor of Oregon/Portland to tell them to tell his supporters to stop burning down Portland?
Biden did not answer. So anyone here wanna guess why? was he watching any particular movie/movies on cable TV?
Was Biden too busy on his PC in his hideaway?
And yet, at least 40% of us are gonna vote for Biden?
:dunno: :dunno:
He did answer that. Said he wasn’t holding elected office. He doesn’t see that as a responsibility of his.

1. It is a huge issue and he should have already addressed it. THat he did not is a failure on his part.

2. He could have said what he WOULD do, if elected. Not doing that, was very telling. He does not want to admit what he will or will not do, because a lot of his voters support the violence and a lot do not.;

3. Attacking Trump for it, as though it is not his supporters and the lefty mayors and governor who are at fault, was wrong and disgusting.
Biden has addressed it. He’s said many times that violence of any kind should not be accepted and arrests should be made.

he has also said what he would do. Open a commission with leaders from all sides so they can communicate and reach solutions. People are screaming in the streets because they want action and want to be heard. Ignoring them isn’t going to help quiet things, it’s going to make them get louder.

Trumps own a lot of responsibility, he ignores and insults those who protest and tries to strong arm them into submission. That’s how you inflame things not how you resolve issues

The message was heard BEFORE the riots began. This is not about getting a message heard.

Trump is not responsible for the actions of your people. Your attempt to blame him for your side's actions is the type of thing an ill mannered child would do.

Biden, if he was half the man he is pretending to be, would have called out the Mayors of Portland and Seattle, for their utter betrayal of the responsibilities of their office, by siding the mobs against their own people.
I’m not on the side of anybody who is being violent or damaging property so I don’t know what you’re talking about. Trump has absolutely ignored and acted against the issues being protested. Like it or not that inflames things. He is responsible for his part in that. Very poor leadership. Ultimately those committing crimes are responsible for the crimes they commit and they should be punished accordingly

Giving a violent mob what they want, might be the obvious answer to you. To me, using the police or the National Guard to clear the streets and protect the citizens seems a more Just solution.

My point about Biden stands. THe mayors are the ones who have ordered the cops to stand down. Other than the actual rioters, they are the ones most directly responsible for the riots continuing and growing to the scale we have seen.
When did I say anything about giving a violent mob what they want? Please show my quote or stop lying about the things I say

You attacked Trump for "ignoring and acting against the issues being protested".

The implication is clear. If ignoring or acting against the issue is "wrong" then paying attention and giving them what they want, is "right".
You can determine wrong and right in your own mind. I didn’t use those words. I said when you Ignore and mock people they get louder. When you listen to them and work woth them they calm down. I’m not talking about rioters I’m talking about the vast majority who are protesting

I was talking about the rioters. YOu changed the subject to the protestors. Seems like you think the two groups are pretty heavily overlapped.

YOU did that. Not me.

And, I agree. I think the two groups are heavily overlapped and connected and aligned. and those that pretend otherwise are full of shit.

Also, I think that the mayors, who let the RIOTERS run rampant while ordering the cops to stand down and refusing help, are guilty of serious crimes, including sedition.
I’ve already said that rioters should be arrested. Biden has said the same. Any official that doesn’t agree isn’t doing their job. I don’t know what else you want me to say about that.

my critique on Trump was how he has only acted to provoke and not to calm the groups protesting the movement. The peaceful group. When you provoke a group of frustrated people you push them to get louder and yes some will light shit on fire. So this denial that Trump isn’t making the problem worse is BS.

You tell me... what has he done to address the issues being protested? How is he giving voice to the peaceful side of the protest to address their concerns? I’m all ears

Biden has not addressed the fact that dem officials in office are siding with the rioters against their own police and against the Federal government.

That is a massive failure on Biden's part.

That he has not called out his own people on their behavior, nor addressed the racial aspects of much of the violence, is him showing that he would be a shit leader if he gets in.

Trump is not responsible for or TO, the rioters or the "protestors" who are blocking traffic and thus endangering thousands of people and inciting violence in doing so or screaming abuse and threats at people who don't deserve such shit.

The 'peaceful side" as far as I am concerned, have their voice with all the lefty politicians and media and ect. that they need.

What they are doing it not "protesting" to get their message out, but direct action to let people know that they will have their goals achieved or they will disrupt society with force.
I’ve explained it as clearly as I can you either don’t understand or are just way to far off to acknowledge what I’m saying.

Yes Biden is not attacking democrat governors for not cracking down on criminals. That’s a political strategy. Trumpnis all in on that narrative and Biden is drawing a co yeast to Trump as he is in a campaign against him. Biden has condemned rioter and called for them to be arrested
Unbelievable, right? It was a simple question. we all saw it. Mr. Biden, did you call the Governor/Mayor of Oregon/Portland to tell them to tell his supporters to stop burning down Portland?
Biden did not answer. So anyone here wanna guess why? was he watching any particular movie/movies on cable TV?
Was Biden too busy on his PC in his hideaway?
And yet, at least 40% of us are gonna vote for Biden?
:dunno: :dunno:
He did answer that. Said he wasn’t holding elected office. He doesn’t see that as a responsibility of his.

1. It is a huge issue and he should have already addressed it. THat he did not is a failure on his part.

2. He could have said what he WOULD do, if elected. Not doing that, was very telling. He does not want to admit what he will or will not do, because a lot of his voters support the violence and a lot do not.;

3. Attacking Trump for it, as though it is not his supporters and the lefty mayors and governor who are at fault, was wrong and disgusting.
Biden has addressed it. He’s said many times that violence of any kind should not be accepted and arrests should be made.

he has also said what he would do. Open a commission with leaders from all sides so they can communicate and reach solutions. People are screaming in the streets because they want action and want to be heard. Ignoring them isn’t going to help quiet things, it’s going to make them get louder.

Trumps own a lot of responsibility, he ignores and insults those who protest and tries to strong arm them into submission. That’s how you inflame things not how you resolve issues

The message was heard BEFORE the riots began. This is not about getting a message heard.

Trump is not responsible for the actions of your people. Your attempt to blame him for your side's actions is the type of thing an ill mannered child would do.

Biden, if he was half the man he is pretending to be, would have called out the Mayors of Portland and Seattle, for their utter betrayal of the responsibilities of their office, by siding the mobs against their own people.
I’m not on the side of anybody who is being violent or damaging property so I don’t know what you’re talking about. Trump has absolutely ignored and acted against the issues being protested. Like it or not that inflames things. He is responsible for his part in that. Very poor leadership. Ultimately those committing crimes are responsible for the crimes they commit and they should be punished accordingly

Giving a violent mob what they want, might be the obvious answer to you. To me, using the police or the National Guard to clear the streets and protect the citizens seems a more Just solution.

My point about Biden stands. THe mayors are the ones who have ordered the cops to stand down. Other than the actual rioters, they are the ones most directly responsible for the riots continuing and growing to the scale we have seen.
When did I say anything about giving a violent mob what they want? Please show my quote or stop lying about the things I say

You attacked Trump for "ignoring and acting against the issues being protested".

The implication is clear. If ignoring or acting against the issue is "wrong" then paying attention and giving them what they want, is "right".
You can determine wrong and right in your own mind. I didn’t use those words. I said when you Ignore and mock people they get louder. When you listen to them and work woth them they calm down. I’m not talking about rioters I’m talking about the vast majority who are protesting

I was talking about the rioters. YOu changed the subject to the protestors. Seems like you think the two groups are pretty heavily overlapped.

YOU did that. Not me.

And, I agree. I think the two groups are heavily overlapped and connected and aligned. and those that pretend otherwise are full of shit.

Also, I think that the mayors, who let the RIOTERS run rampant while ordering the cops to stand down and refusing help, are guilty of serious crimes, including sedition.
I’ve already said that rioters should be arrested. Biden has said the same. Any official that doesn’t agree isn’t doing their job. I don’t know what else you want me to say about that.

my critique on Trump was how he has only acted to provoke and not to calm the groups protesting the movement. The peaceful group. When you provoke a group of frustrated people you push them to get louder and yes some will light shit on fire. So this denial that Trump isn’t making the problem worse is BS.

You tell me... what has he done to address the issues being protested? How is he giving voice to the peaceful side of the protest to address their concerns? I’m all ears
There are outside agitators in the mix also, according to the FBI. The white supremacist movement is known for that kind of behavior. trump addresses issues like this with pepper spray and troops to quell the protesters. He has no
empathy for others so that is his way. Kinda like a dictator.

The ws movement is NOT known for that kind of behavior. They are known for being completely ineffectual and irrelevant.

Trump does not need to have empathy for the assholes blocking traffic and screaming at people and burning shit down and killing people.

HE needs to have empathy for the victims of these mobs, ie the law abiding citizens.

That you empathize with the violent criminals, instead of their victims, shows what kind of person you are.
Does Trump need to have empathy for those who are protesting but not rioting or causing violence? You know the vast majority of those who have been out there for months

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