So, Cruz isn't going to show Indianans his "great organization" and "hard work" skills

Btw the fact that Cruz can organize an alliance is a strong evidence of his organization and hard work will win. Or do you think no effort went into organizing this partnership?

It's proof of nothing. The establishment rigged it for the guy with the best chance at catching the outsider. You should be ashamed of your party disenfranchising people instead of talking up dough boy. The Republicans are going to suffer lasting effects from this. People don't want to join or stay in a party for the sake of being a pawn.

An election isn't rigged if candidates use strategy to allocate resources to win votes. The voters still determine who wins.

But that's what scares you isn't it? With Kasich not competing in Indiana essentially becomes a two man race there. And despite your constant yelling that trump is the will of the people, you know he isn't and this will crush him.

:lol: The rigging is in Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming is very real. The Indiana/NM/Oregon stuff is at least above board. I think it speaks to the desperation of Kasich and Cruz, though. It makes them look weak. Trump is the will of the people; you need only look at the vote totals to know that.

Again, simply because people vote against your candidate doesn't mean anything is rigged. Trump is not liked in the West. His supporters lost the caucus and the conventions that followed. Trump made no effort to win them.

You keep going on about the will of the people and want to make excuses when the will of the people go against you.

Stop trying to make this about "my candidate". It's clear that I'm arguing that the system is BS. It's BS this time around, and it'll be BS next time around if nothing changes. Both parties have stacked it ("rigged") it towards insider candidates rather than having the man of the people who garners populous support of party members.
Either way, the point remains that candidates are trying to barter states like they're chips. Kind of a slap in the fact to people who live there, honestly. This is why I would not support such worms.

And the underlying point remains that Cruz is politicking behind the scenes for delegates (cough: Colorado) rather than trying to win the hearts and minds of the populous. # Avatar4321

Welcome to a competition where there's no participation trophies given. Just because you boy is too stupid to play all facets of the game, doesn't mean he's being cheated, he's being out played.

I don't want my nomination process to be more "game" than actual election. You may not like having your vote counted; but my ancestors weren't taking bullets for anything less.

When are you going to grow up and figure out that it's not a direct election, just like the general election for president. It's a party selection process, the party makes the rules, just like the NFL makes their own rules. Your vote is for delegates to the convention, state party rules determine how those delegates are allocated. To win the nomination you need 50% + 1 of delegate votes at the convention, nothing else matters. You don't like the party system, get involved on the party level and change it. All this whining and crying does noting but make you look small.

It's not direct elections because politicians are too busy bamboozling and rigging. The fact that you're willing to take anything less than your vote counting for something speaks to who you are and what you'll settle for. It's not about me growing up. I am grown up; so much so, that I know not to be a part of a party that doesn't respect my voice.

Well, if you want respect say things that deserve respect. Simply because you lose doesn't mean your vote is stolen. No matter how you want to pretend otherwise. You can't possibly care about the will of the people while trying to force on us a candidate that cannot get the majority and in fact tries to pretend anyone who doesn't bend over and let his small hands have their way with us didn't vote. Why does your vote count and the people who showed up to vote in Colorado, Wyoming, and Nebraska not count? What makes you so special that you get to force your choice on the rest of us?

I could care less about your respect. You advocate cheating and disenfranchising people. I have made it known that I thought you were better than that; but that's clearly not the case.

When did votes become about getting the majority? Did Clinton get the majority? He won a three man race; and that was fair at least in that vacuum. And we're not talking about a re vote wherein Cruz would win a majority in the second place. We're talking about insider delegates disregarding the will of the people are we not?

I have no idea what you're talking about with my vote counting and not Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska. Those people did not get a vote, genius. Only the very few people who were rubber stamped by elitists were counted. The common Republican was completely disenfranchised, and you know this.
Welcome to a competition where there's no participation trophies given. Just because you boy is too stupid to play all facets of the game, doesn't mean he's being cheated, he's being out played.

I don't want my nomination process to be more "game" than actual election. You may not like having your vote counted; but my ancestors weren't taking bullets for anything less.

Just because your guy loses doesn't mean your vote didn't count.

And my fathers fought to protect the constitution of the united states from enemies foreign and domestic. I'd be betraying them to support someone who will tear it apart.

Well, the people in Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska would've had to have had a vote before it could be counted.

Nobody says you have to support Trump. But supporting a process that disenfranchises its members and counts the will of political insiders as being what matters is not in your interest; that is ultimately what you're defending.

So you're an anti-federalist, where the states have no say in the way they do things?

He does support Trump. So of course he is a big government progessive

I'm not a big govt. progressive at all. I don't pretend that Cruz (a Bush reincarnation) isn't big govt. either, though.
When are you going to grow up and figure out that it's not a direct election, just like the general election for president. It's a party selection process, the party makes the rules, just like the NFL makes their own rules. Your vote is for delegates to the convention, state party rules determine how those delegates are allocated. To win the nomination you need 50% + 1 of delegate votes at the convention, nothing else matters. You don't like the party system, get involved on the party level and change it. All this whining and crying does noting but make you look small.

It's not direct elections because politicians are too busy bamboozling and rigging. The fact that you're willing to take anything less than your vote counting for something speaks to who you are and what you'll settle for. It's not about me growing up. I am grown up; so much so, that I know not to be a part of a party that doesn't respect my voice.

My vote counts just as much as yours, my candidate garnered delegates as a result of it, but he doesn't win anything until he gets the 50% + 1 at the convention, just like yours. You argument is to alienate the 60+% that didn't vote for your candidate, you have no problem with their vote (the majority) not counting. Hypocrite much?

That's not my argument. I'd argue that voting is a straight forward procedure in which everyone's vote should be counted equally. That is not at all the case in either party. I don't pretend that it should be a matter of fine print, nor do I accept the corruption as you do.

Sure you do you dumb ass, so long as it advantages your candidate. Why should there ever be a winner takes all state, or non-winner takes all state for that matter. If you really want every vote to count delegates should be allocated by who wins the precinct or congressional district. Why should a candidate who fails to take a majority get the most like your candidate has?

Dude, I never said I was for or against winner take all vs. proportional. What I said is that people's votes should count equally. That is not happening in these primaries. In many cases, people are being denied the right to vote. I don't have to mention Trump to make these fundamental arguments. You're the one showing that you have a sliding moral compass.

Once again, if you don't like the system, get involved and change it. Don't sit on the sidelines and just bitch.
Just because your guy loses doesn't mean your vote didn't count.

And my fathers fought to protect the constitution of the united states from enemies foreign and domestic. I'd be betraying them to support someone who will tear it apart.

Well, the people in Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska would've had to have had a vote before it could be counted.

Nobody says you have to support Trump. But supporting a process that disenfranchises its members and counts the will of political insiders as being what matters is not in your interest; that is ultimately what you're defending.

So you're an anti-federalist, where the states have no say in the way they do things?

I'm very much for states rights. That's not the issue, though. We live in a world in which everyone's vote can be counted. This isn't a horse and carriage farm land. The delegate system serves no practical purpose; rather, it is used to disenfranchise people.

The delegate system prevents the majority form being disenfranchised, that's sooooooo bad. Give me a break. This isn't a Tball game where the game stops if the other team gets 6 runs ahead, this one goes the full 9 innings, and the ninth is at the convention.

That doesn't even make sense. The delegate system is outdated nonsense. A person making a vote (that I don't have) based on who pays him off (among other blatant nonsense) is not a proper system. Colorado was a sham. Everyone knows it.

Do you live in CO?
It's not direct elections because politicians are too busy bamboozling and rigging. The fact that you're willing to take anything less than your vote counting for something speaks to who you are and what you'll settle for. It's not about me growing up. I am grown up; so much so, that I know not to be a part of a party that doesn't respect my voice.

My vote counts just as much as yours, my candidate garnered delegates as a result of it, but he doesn't win anything until he gets the 50% + 1 at the convention, just like yours. You argument is to alienate the 60+% that didn't vote for your candidate, you have no problem with their vote (the majority) not counting. Hypocrite much?

That's not my argument. I'd argue that voting is a straight forward procedure in which everyone's vote should be counted equally. That is not at all the case in either party. I don't pretend that it should be a matter of fine print, nor do I accept the corruption as you do.

Sure you do you dumb ass, so long as it advantages your candidate. Why should there ever be a winner takes all state, or non-winner takes all state for that matter. If you really want every vote to count delegates should be allocated by who wins the precinct or congressional district. Why should a candidate who fails to take a majority get the most like your candidate has?

Dude, I never said I was for or against winner take all vs. proportional. What I said is that people's votes should count equally. That is not happening in these primaries. In many cases, people are being denied the right to vote. I don't have to mention Trump to make these fundamental arguments. You're the one showing that you have a sliding moral compass.

Once again, if you don't like the system, get involved and change it. Don't sit on the sidelines and just bitch.

:lmao: Thanks for that motivational speaker clique; you changed my life, bro.
Well, the people in Colorado, Wyoming, Nebraska would've had to have had a vote before it could be counted.

Nobody says you have to support Trump. But supporting a process that disenfranchises its members and counts the will of political insiders as being what matters is not in your interest; that is ultimately what you're defending.

So you're an anti-federalist, where the states have no say in the way they do things?

I'm very much for states rights. That's not the issue, though. We live in a world in which everyone's vote can be counted. This isn't a horse and carriage farm land. The delegate system serves no practical purpose; rather, it is used to disenfranchise people.

The delegate system prevents the majority form being disenfranchised, that's sooooooo bad. Give me a break. This isn't a Tball game where the game stops if the other team gets 6 runs ahead, this one goes the full 9 innings, and the ninth is at the convention.

That doesn't even make sense. The delegate system is outdated nonsense. A person making a vote (that I don't have) based on who pays him off (among other blatant nonsense) is not a proper system. Colorado was a sham. Everyone knows it.

Do you live in CO?

Are you Republican?
My vote counts just as much as yours, my candidate garnered delegates as a result of it, but he doesn't win anything until he gets the 50% + 1 at the convention, just like yours. You argument is to alienate the 60+% that didn't vote for your candidate, you have no problem with their vote (the majority) not counting. Hypocrite much?

That's not my argument. I'd argue that voting is a straight forward procedure in which everyone's vote should be counted equally. That is not at all the case in either party. I don't pretend that it should be a matter of fine print, nor do I accept the corruption as you do.

Sure you do you dumb ass, so long as it advantages your candidate. Why should there ever be a winner takes all state, or non-winner takes all state for that matter. If you really want every vote to count delegates should be allocated by who wins the precinct or congressional district. Why should a candidate who fails to take a majority get the most like your candidate has?

Dude, I never said I was for or against winner take all vs. proportional. What I said is that people's votes should count equally. That is not happening in these primaries. In many cases, people are being denied the right to vote. I don't have to mention Trump to make these fundamental arguments. You're the one showing that you have a sliding moral compass.

Once again, if you don't like the system, get involved and change it. Don't sit on the sidelines and just bitch.

:lmao: Thanks for that motivational speaker clique; you changed my life, bro.

No that'll happen when you grow up.
So you're an anti-federalist, where the states have no say in the way they do things?

I'm very much for states rights. That's not the issue, though. We live in a world in which everyone's vote can be counted. This isn't a horse and carriage farm land. The delegate system serves no practical purpose; rather, it is used to disenfranchise people.

The delegate system prevents the majority form being disenfranchised, that's sooooooo bad. Give me a break. This isn't a Tball game where the game stops if the other team gets 6 runs ahead, this one goes the full 9 innings, and the ninth is at the convention.

That doesn't even make sense. The delegate system is outdated nonsense. A person making a vote (that I don't have) based on who pays him off (among other blatant nonsense) is not a proper system. Colorado was a sham. Everyone knows it.

Do you live in CO?

Are you Republican?

Answer mine, then I'll answer yours.
So Cruz isn't going to show his organizational skills because another candidate isn't campaigning there?

So you are conceding that without kasich, Trump has no chance of winning the race?
Ah, no, its seems C&K are choosing who gets what state. Screw the voter because they want to decide.

How exactly do you think choosing which states you campaign in is screwing the voters?

It makes perfect sense for Cruz to focus on Indiana rather than proportional States like Oregon and new Mexico. Especially when he is already projected to win them. Focusing more funding there when he gets the same amount of delegates regardless when we have a vital state like Indiana makes zero sense.

Likrwise it makes sense for kasich to work on proportional States where he might pick up a few more than winner take all states he can't win, especially when it pushes that state to Trump.

Thinking about it it just seems logical for both campaigns to focus in these states. They aren't even really conceding anything

Latest poll from NM has trump at 44% up +20. He will top 50% there. He will win Indiana as well.
I'm very much for states rights. That's not the issue, though. We live in a world in which everyone's vote can be counted. This isn't a horse and carriage farm land. The delegate system serves no practical purpose; rather, it is used to disenfranchise people.

The delegate system prevents the majority form being disenfranchised, that's sooooooo bad. Give me a break. This isn't a Tball game where the game stops if the other team gets 6 runs ahead, this one goes the full 9 innings, and the ninth is at the convention.

That doesn't even make sense. The delegate system is outdated nonsense. A person making a vote (that I don't have) based on who pays him off (among other blatant nonsense) is not a proper system. Colorado was a sham. Everyone knows it.

Do you live in CO?

Are you Republican?

Answer mine, then I'll answer yours.

If you have to ask a veiled question, then you have no point to make. That's fine.
That's not my argument. I'd argue that voting is a straight forward procedure in which everyone's vote should be counted equally. That is not at all the case in either party. I don't pretend that it should be a matter of fine print, nor do I accept the corruption as you do.

Sure you do you dumb ass, so long as it advantages your candidate. Why should there ever be a winner takes all state, or non-winner takes all state for that matter. If you really want every vote to count delegates should be allocated by who wins the precinct or congressional district. Why should a candidate who fails to take a majority get the most like your candidate has?

Dude, I never said I was for or against winner take all vs. proportional. What I said is that people's votes should count equally. That is not happening in these primaries. In many cases, people are being denied the right to vote. I don't have to mention Trump to make these fundamental arguments. You're the one showing that you have a sliding moral compass.

Once again, if you don't like the system, get involved and change it. Don't sit on the sidelines and just bitch.

:lmao: Thanks for that motivational speaker clique; you changed my life, bro.

No that'll happen when you grow up.

Dude, you're the one coming off as an entitled brat; and thus the person who needs to grow up. I'm advocating equity. You're advocating disenfranchisement. Does it come with hollow promises of forty acres and a mule?
Sure you do you dumb ass, so long as it advantages your candidate. Why should there ever be a winner takes all state, or non-winner takes all state for that matter. If you really want every vote to count delegates should be allocated by who wins the precinct or congressional district. Why should a candidate who fails to take a majority get the most like your candidate has?

Dude, I never said I was for or against winner take all vs. proportional. What I said is that people's votes should count equally. That is not happening in these primaries. In many cases, people are being denied the right to vote. I don't have to mention Trump to make these fundamental arguments. You're the one showing that you have a sliding moral compass.

Once again, if you don't like the system, get involved and change it. Don't sit on the sidelines and just bitch.

:lmao: Thanks for that motivational speaker clique; you changed my life, bro.

No that'll happen when you grow up.

Dude, you're the one coming off as an entitled brat; and thus the person who needs to grow up. I'm advocating equity. You're advocating disenfranchisement. Does it come with hollow promises of forty acres and a mule?

No you're advocating in meddling in the elections process in States you don't even fucking live in. If you ever grow up you'll figure out it's none of your fucking business. You'll also figure out that donnie dump offers less in the way of real leadership and constitutional values than the current dear leader. The boy would shit his pants if anyone with just a little knowledge asked him specific questions concerning the Constitution, he's clueless.
Dude, I never said I was for or against winner take all vs. proportional. What I said is that people's votes should count equally. That is not happening in these primaries. In many cases, people are being denied the right to vote. I don't have to mention Trump to make these fundamental arguments. You're the one showing that you have a sliding moral compass.

Once again, if you don't like the system, get involved and change it. Don't sit on the sidelines and just bitch.

:lmao: Thanks for that motivational speaker clique; you changed my life, bro.

No that'll happen when you grow up.

Dude, you're the one coming off as an entitled brat; and thus the person who needs to grow up. I'm advocating equity. You're advocating disenfranchisement. Does it come with hollow promises of forty acres and a mule?

No you're advocating in meddling in the elections process in States you don't even fucking live in. If you ever grow up you'll figure out it's none of your fucking business. You'll also figure out that donnie dump offers less in the way of real leadership and constitutional values than the current dear leader. The boy would shit his pants if anyone with just a little knowledge asked him specific questions concerning the Constitution, he's clueless.

This is a NATIONAL ELECTION. Republicans (and the entire electorate) have a vested interest in a fair process. And what if I wanted to move to Colorado? So, I should have to move to a state where I'd be disenfranchised? Your argument is rubbish. This isn't about state rights. This is about not having a voting process manipulated by elitists who think they should be empowered to decide for the populous; people who are often using this power they've bestowed upon themselves in gamy ways. You're the one willing to accept corruption. And for that, I say FUCK YOU. Don't tell me to grow up, child. I'LL SMACK A BITCH UP BEFORE I PUT UP WITH YOUR DISRESPECTFUL SNIPES.
Once again, if you don't like the system, get involved and change it. Don't sit on the sidelines and just bitch.

:lmao: Thanks for that motivational speaker clique; you changed my life, bro.

No that'll happen when you grow up.

Dude, you're the one coming off as an entitled brat; and thus the person who needs to grow up. I'm advocating equity. You're advocating disenfranchisement. Does it come with hollow promises of forty acres and a mule?

No you're advocating in meddling in the elections process in States you don't even fucking live in. If you ever grow up you'll figure out it's none of your fucking business. You'll also figure out that donnie dump offers less in the way of real leadership and constitutional values than the current dear leader. The boy would shit his pants if anyone with just a little knowledge asked him specific questions concerning the Constitution, he's clueless.

This is a NATIONAL ELECTION. Republicans (and the entire electorate) have a vested interest in a fair process. And what if I wanted to move to Colorado? So, I should have to move to a state where I'd be disenfranchised? Your argument is rubbish. This isn't about state rights. This is about not having a voting process manipulated by elitists who think they should be empowered to decide for the populous; people who are often using this power they've bestowed upon themselves in gamy ways. You're the one willing to accept corruption. And for that, I say FUCK YOU. Don't tell me to grow up, child. I'LL SMACK A BITCH UP BEFORE I PUT UP WITH YOUR DISRESPECTFUL SNIPES.

Thanks for the belly laugh you ignorant prepubescent pile of shit. When you grow up you'll figure out there are NO NATIONAL ELECTIONS. What's going on right now are individual STATE primaries, conventions and caucuses. And when you go to the polls in the general election, you will be voting for STATE electors to the electoral college for president. Grown ups know States set their own rules for the primary process and all your whining and that of donnie dump won't change reality.

BTW you tried you own little disrespectful snipes:

Does it come with hollow promises of forty acres and a mule?

You're just not mature enough to be very good at it.
:lmao: Thanks for that motivational speaker clique; you changed my life, bro.

No that'll happen when you grow up.

Dude, you're the one coming off as an entitled brat; and thus the person who needs to grow up. I'm advocating equity. You're advocating disenfranchisement. Does it come with hollow promises of forty acres and a mule?

No you're advocating in meddling in the elections process in States you don't even fucking live in. If you ever grow up you'll figure out it's none of your fucking business. You'll also figure out that donnie dump offers less in the way of real leadership and constitutional values than the current dear leader. The boy would shit his pants if anyone with just a little knowledge asked him specific questions concerning the Constitution, he's clueless.

This is a NATIONAL ELECTION. Republicans (and the entire electorate) have a vested interest in a fair process. And what if I wanted to move to Colorado? So, I should have to move to a state where I'd be disenfranchised? Your argument is rubbish. This isn't about state rights. This is about not having a voting process manipulated by elitists who think they should be empowered to decide for the populous; people who are often using this power they've bestowed upon themselves in gamy ways. You're the one willing to accept corruption. And for that, I say FUCK YOU. Don't tell me to grow up, child. I'LL SMACK A BITCH UP BEFORE I PUT UP WITH YOUR DISRESPECTFUL SNIPES.

Thanks for the belly laugh you ignorant prepubescent pile of shit. When you grow up you'll figure out there are NO NATIONAL ELECTIONS. What's going on right now are individual STATE primaries, conventions and caucuses. And when you go to the polls in the general election, you will be voting for STATE electors to the electoral college for president. Grown ups know States set their own rules for the primary process and all your whining and that of donnie dump won't change reality.

BTW you tried you own little disrespectful snipes:

Does it come with hollow promises of forty acres and a mule?

You're just not mature enough to be very good at it.

This is a national party conducting a national nomination process. I have no problem with deciding the nominee by state, as states have their own interests. At no point have I said otherwise; yet, you have repeatedly tried to spin it that way like the little bitch you are.

However, the populous (WE THE PEOPLE as my boy TJ would've called us) should not be disenfranchised by a bunch of country club deuche bags. The GOP can think that's a way to run a party all they want. But what they'll get is defectors and lose the base that they need to compete.
Cruz and Kasich are acting like two crooks dividing what they steal.
"You get that and I get this". The only thing dumber than that idea is the timing. Its the very thing that has the American voter pissed off.

Deal Making
Americans are tired of deal making by BOTH the RNC and the DNC.
C&K may have just ended their political careers.

Hey Darkfury- they don't see it. The reason Cruz and Kasich are losing is because that true conservatives are sick of the slimy deal making, so making yet another slimy deal is self defeating.
No that'll happen when you grow up.

Dude, you're the one coming off as an entitled brat; and thus the person who needs to grow up. I'm advocating equity. You're advocating disenfranchisement. Does it come with hollow promises of forty acres and a mule?

No you're advocating in meddling in the elections process in States you don't even fucking live in. If you ever grow up you'll figure out it's none of your fucking business. You'll also figure out that donnie dump offers less in the way of real leadership and constitutional values than the current dear leader. The boy would shit his pants if anyone with just a little knowledge asked him specific questions concerning the Constitution, he's clueless.

This is a NATIONAL ELECTION. Republicans (and the entire electorate) have a vested interest in a fair process. And what if I wanted to move to Colorado? So, I should have to move to a state where I'd be disenfranchised? Your argument is rubbish. This isn't about state rights. This is about not having a voting process manipulated by elitists who think they should be empowered to decide for the populous; people who are often using this power they've bestowed upon themselves in gamy ways. You're the one willing to accept corruption. And for that, I say FUCK YOU. Don't tell me to grow up, child. I'LL SMACK A BITCH UP BEFORE I PUT UP WITH YOUR DISRESPECTFUL SNIPES.

Thanks for the belly laugh you ignorant prepubescent pile of shit. When you grow up you'll figure out there are NO NATIONAL ELECTIONS. What's going on right now are individual STATE primaries, conventions and caucuses. And when you go to the polls in the general election, you will be voting for STATE electors to the electoral college for president. Grown ups know States set their own rules for the primary process and all your whining and that of donnie dump won't change reality.

BTW you tried you own little disrespectful snipes:

Does it come with hollow promises of forty acres and a mule?

You're just not mature enough to be very good at it.

This is a national party conducting a national nomination process. I have no problem with deciding the nominee by state, as states have their own interests. At no point have I said otherwise; yet, you have repeatedly tried to spin it that way like the little bitch you are.

However, the populous (WE THE PEOPLE as my boy TJ would've called us) should not be disenfranchised by a bunch of country club deuche bags. The GOP can think that's a way to run a party all they want. But what they'll get is defectors and lose the base that they need to compete.

Sure, there's no reason for the people who work year in and year out to keep the party functioning to have any say in the process, is there? Do you really think the National, State and local parties just shut their doors between elections?

And you just called yourself a liar, you do have a problem with the way the States do things as you say "in their own interest". That's all you and all the 40%ers have been bitching about for months.
Once again, if you don't like the system, get involved and change it. Don't sit on the sidelines and just bitch.

:lmao: Thanks for that motivational speaker clique; you changed my life, bro.

No that'll happen when you grow up.

Dude, you're the one coming off as an entitled brat; and thus the person who needs to grow up. I'm advocating equity. You're advocating disenfranchisement. Does it come with hollow promises of forty acres and a mule?

No you're advocating in meddling in the elections process in States you don't even fucking live in. If you ever grow up you'll figure out it's none of your fucking business. You'll also figure out that donnie dump offers less in the way of real leadership and constitutional values than the current dear leader. The boy would shit his pants if anyone with just a little knowledge asked him specific questions concerning the Constitution, he's clueless.

This is a NATIONAL ELECTION. Republicans (and the entire electorate) have a vested interest in a fair process. And what if I wanted to move to Colorado? So, I should have to move to a state where I'd be disenfranchised? Your argument is rubbish. This isn't about state rights. This is about not having a voting process manipulated by elitists who think they should be empowered to decide for the populous; people who are often using this power they've bestowed upon themselves in gamy ways. You're the one willing to accept corruption. And for that, I say FUCK YOU. Don't tell me to grow up, child. I'LL SMACK A BITCH UP BEFORE I PUT UP WITH YOUR DISRESPECTFUL SNIPES.

How do you SMACK A BITCH UP over the Internet? Is their an app for that?

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