So, Cruz isn't going to show Indianans his "great organization" and "hard work" skills

Dude, you're the one coming off as an entitled brat; and thus the person who needs to grow up. I'm advocating equity. You're advocating disenfranchisement. Does it come with hollow promises of forty acres and a mule?

No you're advocating in meddling in the elections process in States you don't even fucking live in. If you ever grow up you'll figure out it's none of your fucking business. You'll also figure out that donnie dump offers less in the way of real leadership and constitutional values than the current dear leader. The boy would shit his pants if anyone with just a little knowledge asked him specific questions concerning the Constitution, he's clueless.

This is a NATIONAL ELECTION. Republicans (and the entire electorate) have a vested interest in a fair process. And what if I wanted to move to Colorado? So, I should have to move to a state where I'd be disenfranchised? Your argument is rubbish. This isn't about state rights. This is about not having a voting process manipulated by elitists who think they should be empowered to decide for the populous; people who are often using this power they've bestowed upon themselves in gamy ways. You're the one willing to accept corruption. And for that, I say FUCK YOU. Don't tell me to grow up, child. I'LL SMACK A BITCH UP BEFORE I PUT UP WITH YOUR DISRESPECTFUL SNIPES.

Thanks for the belly laugh you ignorant prepubescent pile of shit. When you grow up you'll figure out there are NO NATIONAL ELECTIONS. What's going on right now are individual STATE primaries, conventions and caucuses. And when you go to the polls in the general election, you will be voting for STATE electors to the electoral college for president. Grown ups know States set their own rules for the primary process and all your whining and that of donnie dump won't change reality.

BTW you tried you own little disrespectful snipes:

Does it come with hollow promises of forty acres and a mule?

You're just not mature enough to be very good at it.

This is a national party conducting a national nomination process. I have no problem with deciding the nominee by state, as states have their own interests. At no point have I said otherwise; yet, you have repeatedly tried to spin it that way like the little bitch you are.

However, the populous (WE THE PEOPLE as my boy TJ would've called us) should not be disenfranchised by a bunch of country club deuche bags. The GOP can think that's a way to run a party all they want. But what they'll get is defectors and lose the base that they need to compete.

Sure, there's no reason for the people who work year in and year out to keep the party functioning to have any say in the process, is there? Do you really think the National, State and local parties just shut their doors between elections?

And you just called yourself a liar, you do have a problem with the way the States do things as you say "in their own interest". That's all you and all the 40%ers have been bitching about for months.

Your first paragraph is so nonsensical that I can't reply except to say that it rebuts nothing I've put forth. And of course, I've told no lies either. Is this all you have? Jibberish and cheap insults because you can't put forth something substantive? That's fine.
:lmao: Thanks for that motivational speaker clique; you changed my life, bro.

No that'll happen when you grow up.

Dude, you're the one coming off as an entitled brat; and thus the person who needs to grow up. I'm advocating equity. You're advocating disenfranchisement. Does it come with hollow promises of forty acres and a mule?

No you're advocating in meddling in the elections process in States you don't even fucking live in. If you ever grow up you'll figure out it's none of your fucking business. You'll also figure out that donnie dump offers less in the way of real leadership and constitutional values than the current dear leader. The boy would shit his pants if anyone with just a little knowledge asked him specific questions concerning the Constitution, he's clueless.

This is a NATIONAL ELECTION. Republicans (and the entire electorate) have a vested interest in a fair process. And what if I wanted to move to Colorado? So, I should have to move to a state where I'd be disenfranchised? Your argument is rubbish. This isn't about state rights. This is about not having a voting process manipulated by elitists who think they should be empowered to decide for the populous; people who are often using this power they've bestowed upon themselves in gamy ways. You're the one willing to accept corruption. And for that, I say FUCK YOU. Don't tell me to grow up, child. I'LL SMACK A BITCH UP BEFORE I PUT UP WITH YOUR DISRESPECTFUL SNIPES.

How do you SMACK A BITCH UP over the Internet? Is their an app for that?

I lay the smack down. No worries there.
No you're advocating in meddling in the elections process in States you don't even fucking live in. If you ever grow up you'll figure out it's none of your fucking business. You'll also figure out that donnie dump offers less in the way of real leadership and constitutional values than the current dear leader. The boy would shit his pants if anyone with just a little knowledge asked him specific questions concerning the Constitution, he's clueless.

This is a NATIONAL ELECTION. Republicans (and the entire electorate) have a vested interest in a fair process. And what if I wanted to move to Colorado? So, I should have to move to a state where I'd be disenfranchised? Your argument is rubbish. This isn't about state rights. This is about not having a voting process manipulated by elitists who think they should be empowered to decide for the populous; people who are often using this power they've bestowed upon themselves in gamy ways. You're the one willing to accept corruption. And for that, I say FUCK YOU. Don't tell me to grow up, child. I'LL SMACK A BITCH UP BEFORE I PUT UP WITH YOUR DISRESPECTFUL SNIPES.

Thanks for the belly laugh you ignorant prepubescent pile of shit. When you grow up you'll figure out there are NO NATIONAL ELECTIONS. What's going on right now are individual STATE primaries, conventions and caucuses. And when you go to the polls in the general election, you will be voting for STATE electors to the electoral college for president. Grown ups know States set their own rules for the primary process and all your whining and that of donnie dump won't change reality.

BTW you tried you own little disrespectful snipes:

Does it come with hollow promises of forty acres and a mule?

You're just not mature enough to be very good at it.

This is a national party conducting a national nomination process. I have no problem with deciding the nominee by state, as states have their own interests. At no point have I said otherwise; yet, you have repeatedly tried to spin it that way like the little bitch you are.

However, the populous (WE THE PEOPLE as my boy TJ would've called us) should not be disenfranchised by a bunch of country club deuche bags. The GOP can think that's a way to run a party all they want. But what they'll get is defectors and lose the base that they need to compete.

Sure, there's no reason for the people who work year in and year out to keep the party functioning to have any say in the process, is there? Do you really think the National, State and local parties just shut their doors between elections?

And you just called yourself a liar, you do have a problem with the way the States do things as you say "in their own interest". That's all you and all the 40%ers have been bitching about for months.

Your first paragraph is so nonsensical that I can't reply except to say that it rebuts nothing I've put forth. And of course, I've told no lies either. Is this all you have? Jibberish and cheap insults because you can't put forth something substantive? That's fine.

I'm sorry, did I use too big of words, maybe your mommy can explain it to ya.
No that'll happen when you grow up.

Dude, you're the one coming off as an entitled brat; and thus the person who needs to grow up. I'm advocating equity. You're advocating disenfranchisement. Does it come with hollow promises of forty acres and a mule?

No you're advocating in meddling in the elections process in States you don't even fucking live in. If you ever grow up you'll figure out it's none of your fucking business. You'll also figure out that donnie dump offers less in the way of real leadership and constitutional values than the current dear leader. The boy would shit his pants if anyone with just a little knowledge asked him specific questions concerning the Constitution, he's clueless.

This is a NATIONAL ELECTION. Republicans (and the entire electorate) have a vested interest in a fair process. And what if I wanted to move to Colorado? So, I should have to move to a state where I'd be disenfranchised? Your argument is rubbish. This isn't about state rights. This is about not having a voting process manipulated by elitists who think they should be empowered to decide for the populous; people who are often using this power they've bestowed upon themselves in gamy ways. You're the one willing to accept corruption. And for that, I say FUCK YOU. Don't tell me to grow up, child. I'LL SMACK A BITCH UP BEFORE I PUT UP WITH YOUR DISRESPECTFUL SNIPES.

How do you SMACK A BITCH UP over the Internet? Is their an app for that?

I lay the smack down. No worries there.

Right you and the WWE, BFFs, like most 11 year olds.

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