So Debbi Dingle has a sad?


Gold Member
Oct 9, 2015
BFE Texas.
I guess the Donald made an implication that Mr. Dingle may be looking up from hell at one of his rally's. So from then on FOX and the other alphabet networks have to drag this dumb twat out to say how sad she is? Does Mrs. Dingle know that woman's husbands die every day? Does she not get that people like her husband were the ones who made the country suck like it does now? This bitch needs to get her husband being dead only matters to her. I shit on Mr. Dingles legacy. I HOPE the piece of trash is getting ass raped with a steak knife in hell right next to John McTumor and Elija Cummings.
I guess the Donald made an implication that Mr. Dingle may be looking up from hell at one of his rally's. So from then on FOX and the other alphabet networks have to drag this dumb twat out to say how sad she is? Does Mrs. Dingle know that woman's husbands die every day?

Yeah, and I'll bet you go to their funerals and say, "Your Husband is burning in Hell right now", because that's so classy.
Only matters to her.
What a bizarre comment. So, since it doesnt matter to you, it matters to nobody.

That is a fine demonstration of modern conservatism. Well done.
Your faux outrage is noted. Democrats only care about morals and manners when they can be used against anyone who has any.
Only matters to her.
What a bizarre comment. So, since it doesnt matter to you, it matters to nobody.

That is a fine demonstration of modern conservatism. Well done.

Conservative-shaming and reverse psychology? Like that's going to work? Do you think you're dealing with children or something?

You have no idea what "modern conservatism" is, and how Trump has changed the rules of the game. I agree with Crixus: Fuck her and fuck him. I'm glad he's dead, that's one less liberal cuck wasting my air.
Only matters to her.
What a bizarre comment. So, since it doesnt matter to you, it matters to nobody.

That is a fine demonstration of modern conservatism. Well done.
Your faux outrage is noted. Democrats only care about morals and manners when they can be used against anyone who has any.
Exactly. There is always a political calculation before a Liberal expresses their "outrage".
I guess the Donald made an implication that Mr. Dingle may be looking up from hell at one of his rally's. So from then on FOX and the other alphabet networks have to drag this dumb twat out to say how sad she is? Does Mrs. Dingle know that woman's husbands die every day?

Yeah, and I'll bet you go to their funerals and say, "Your Husband is burning in Hell right now", because that's so classy.
Do you go to funerals and lecture them that there is no God, or do you pretend you agree with the afterlife? Either way, you're a hypocrite
I guess the Donald made an implication that Mr. Dingle may be looking up from hell at one of his rally's. So from then on FOX and the other alphabet networks have to drag this dumb twat out to say how sad she is? Does Mrs. Dingle know that woman's husbands die every day? Does she not get that people like her husband were the ones who made the country suck like it does now? This bitch needs to get her husband being dead only matters to her. I shit on Mr. Dingles legacy. I HOPE the piece of trash is getting ass raped with a steak knife in hell right next to John McTumor and Elija Cummings.

McShitstain is definitely looking up!
Harry Reid be joining him soon.
I guess the Donald made an implication that Mr. Dingle may be looking up from hell at one of his rally's. So from then on FOX and the other alphabet networks have to drag this dumb twat out to say how sad she is? Does Mrs. Dingle know that woman's husbands die every day?

Yeah, and I'll bet you go to their funerals and say, "Your Husband is burning in Hell right now", because that's so classy.

Don't do funerals. They are dumb.
It was a really bad and inappropriate joke.
It was really funny and an appropriate dig to someone who assassinated HIS character on a daily basis. WE are sick of the lib double standard.

What makes any of that trash worthy of such admiration? Other then scam his district for the longest period in congressional history, then gift his seat to his dumb wife what makes him so worthy and above it all? The worms don't know. They just know he taste really good.
It is Sad to have such an insensitive man as President

An embarrassment to himself and our nation

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