So, did the Russians mess with the voting machines?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
How did those recounts work out?

wouldnt the President need a lot of Russian fingerprints before he starts accusing them?
You would think so, but so far we have seen absolutely no evidence of any Russian involvement in the election. The most likely explanation is that all these accusations are just Obama's petulant attempts to take revenge on Putin for treating Obama with such contempt for the last eight years, just as the abstention at the UN was no more than Obama taking revenge on Netanyahu for refusing to be bullied by Obama for eight years.
i am still waiting for any evidence that the russians were able to assist in counting the ballots
They were really smart about it too. They made sure to fix the voting machines in such a way where hillary got most of the votes.

Didn't you hear? The bitch won the popular vote. I know I read that somewhere. Man, those russians sure were smart about their hacks. Into the voting machines.

The only thing that was found was the fraud actually happened with the democrats. Which is why the MSM went away from the recounts.....FAAAST.
This thread is evidence of democrat faggots like Obama and the MSM confusing the public. The only hack was allegedy of PODESTA emails. Content some of which was several years old. The "hacks" were actually not hacks but a DNC employee with ethics who sent Wikileaks the content.
Putin: Some hackers did that. But, as the President-elect rightly noted, does anyone know who those hackers were? These days, it is very easy to designate a random country as the source of attack while being in a completely different location.

But is this important? I think the most important thing is the information that the hackers revealed to the public. Did they compile or manipulate the data? No, they did not. What is the best proof that the hackers uncovered truthful information? The proof is that after the hackers demonstrated how public opinion had been manipulated within the Democratic Party, against one candidate rather than the other, against candidate Sanders, the Democratic National Committee Chairperson resigned. This means she admitted that the hackers revealed the truth. Instead of apologising to the voters and saying, “Forgive us, our bad, we will never do this again,” they started yelling about who was behind the attacks.

Vladimir Putin’s annual news conference

Wouldn't that be just right to apologize to the voters for cheating a popular candidate instead of starting all kids of hysterical accusations?
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I predicted this when it was a hotter subject. After Trump wins the electoral college vote, watch how fast this Russia thing dies down.

The lie was created by the Democrats to try and sway the electors away from voting for Trump.
The Russians also didn't hack our accounts...and other things no one claimed happened
So the obama administration believes our voting system can be hacked. Maybe yes, maybe no. Still, now's a good time to dump the voter machines and go back to paper ballots only, since our government admits hacking is possible. And of course, let's have voter i.d. Can't get an i.d.? Can't vote, just like can't get a drivers license, can't drive, or can't get an i.d., can't get on a plane.
24/7 around the world there are professional hackers attempting to break into dozens of government computer systems.
The US does it constantly.
The fucking idiots at the DNC couldn't find people to keep the DNC computers safe. That's their problem.
wouldnt the President need a lot of Russian fingerprints before he starts accusing them?
You would think so, but so far we have seen absolutely no evidence of any Russian involvement in the election. The most likely explanation is that all these accusations are just Obama's petulant attempts to take revenge on Putin for treating Obama with such contempt for the last eight years, just as the abstention at the UN was no more than Obama taking revenge on Netanyahu for refusing to be bullied by Obama for eight years.
There is only ONE reason the democrats with their lapdogs in the media are hyping anything and everything they can. That is to make Trump's presidency seem completely and totally illegitimate. Regardless of the any facts that we say over and over again. Their sheep will follow the narrative, as we all know.

Look at how well the HYPE works on their sheep for EVERY stupid cliche. They equate Trump to the KKK. No evidence mind you. Apparently there is ALL of this evidence. Yeah, cause NBC (get this) did not want to reveal ALL of the evidence saying the N WORD over and over again.

That is what ALL of this is about and it works so well. The sheep. Do not underestimate how stupid the sheep are. The power of their stupidity is pretty powerful, cause there are so many of them.
How did those recounts work out?


All the Democrats are today, are bunch of disasters, looking for an excuse of why they are disasters, lol! They are trying very hard......even on here, to try and regain momentum by blaming everyone, and anyone, hehehehehehehe. Right now, in the heartland, they are a national joke, while they try and pretend Trump is. Does the left realize that most of the country is laughing at them? Probably not, because they are all in their safe spaces inside Chicago, where you actually have to have a safe space to survive.

They really are pathetic, and the cat is out of the bag that as long as the constitution is in force along with the electoral college, the left is in deep trouble-)
wouldnt the President need a lot of Russian fingerprints before he starts accusing them?
You would think so, but so far we have seen absolutely no evidence of any Russian involvement in the election. The most likely explanation is that all these accusations are just Obama's petulant attempts to take revenge on Putin for treating Obama with such contempt for the last eight years, just as the abstention at the UN was no more than Obama taking revenge on Netanyahu for refusing to be bullied by Obama for eight years.
There is only ONE reason the democrats with their lapdogs in the media are hyping anything and everything they can. That is to make Trump's presidency seem completely and totally illegitimate. Regardless of the any facts that we say over and over again. Their sheep will follow the narrative, as we all know.

Look at how well the HYPE works on their sheep for EVERY stupid cliche. They equate Trump to the KKK. No evidence mind you. Apparently there is ALL of this evidence. Yeah, cause NBC (get this) did not want to reveal ALL of the evidence saying the N WORD over and over again.

That is what ALL of this is about and it works so well. The sheep. Do not underestimate how stupid the sheep are. The power of their stupidity is pretty powerful, cause there are so many of them.

When the recounts showed no evidence of foul play, they continued to use the word "hacking" to describe the emails. Democrats don't read articles--Democrats read headlines. So the word hacking was deliberately used to fool the sheep.
From what I've read they hacked and that's all they did.

They didn't interfere with the election at all.

They hacked in easily and it just shows how crappy our security is in this country against hackers.

If one looks at the results after Wiki or Russian leaks....they actually helped Bill's wife:

....the proof that this 'fake news' tale of Russia changing the course of our election....

a. The day before any leaks, wikileaks or otherwise, the RealClearPolitics had Hillary at 48%

b. The election result gave Hillary 48.08% per the election.

Soooo......where is any....ANY....result due to Russia, Putin, Wiki, or Mickey Mouse????
Of course not. But apparently Obama and the Dems are about to plunge us into WW III over this ridiculous and fake narrative. That stupid fuck can't be gone soon enough.
From what I've read they hacked and that's all they did.

They didn't interfere with the election at all.

They hacked in easily and it just shows how crappy our security is in this country against hackers.

If one looks at the results after Wiki or Russian leaks....they actually helped Bill's wife:

....the proof that this 'fake news' tale of Russia changing the course of our election....

a. The day before any leaks, wikileaks or otherwise, the RealClearPolitics had Hillary at 48%

b. The election result gave Hillary 48.08% per the election.

Soooo......where is any....ANY....result due to Russia, Putin, Wiki, or Mickey Mouse????

There is none... it's all about placating pissed off donors who paid a gazillion $$ for access as they were assured HRC was a shoe in.

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