So Donald Sterling's A Republican After All???

NBA changed decision to LIFETIME SUSPENSION and $2.5 million fine.... Apparently there is nothing in their bylaws to cover this situation, and I would expect Sterling to take them to court over this.
NBA changed decision to LIFETIME SUSPENSION and $2.5 million fine.... Apparently there is nothing in their bylaws to cover this situation, and I would expect Sterling to take them to court over this.

I don't have a clue what the deal is with the NBA, but they can not FORCE Sterling to relinquish the team. It is private property. They can revoke the team's charter and ban the team from competing in the NBA as long as he owns the team - but that would just screw the NBA in the process.

If I were Sterling, I would go back to the early 90s and let it rot. Hell, he might as well, he won't be able to sign any players, keep any players or advertisers or vendors.

Geez. The guy is worth nearly 2 billion dollars - this little piss ant team (whatever it's worth - not much I figure) won't hurt him in the least.
NBA changed decision to LIFETIME SUSPENSION and $2.5 million fine.... Apparently there is nothing in their bylaws to cover this situation, and I would expect Sterling to take them to court over this.

I don't have a clue what the deal is with the NBA, but they can not FORCE Sterling to relinquish the team. It is private property. They can revoke the team's charter and ban the team from competing in the NBA as long as he owns the team - but that would just screw the NBA in the process.

If I were Sterling, I would go back to the early 90s and let it rot. Hell, he might as well, he won't be able to sign any players, keep any players or advertisers or vendors.

Geez. The guy is worth nearly 2 billion dollars - this little piss ant team (whatever it's worth - not much I figure) won't hurt him in the least.


If I was 80+ years old and worth that much I'd just laugh at the stupid fascist!:badgrin:
NBA changed decision to LIFETIME SUSPENSION and $2.5 million fine.... Apparently there is nothing in their bylaws to cover this situation, and I would expect Sterling to take them to court over this.

2.5 million for speaking your mind in private?:eek:

Unfortunately today - yes. Look, this all on this old fart. He kept this skank that he was banging. Only a fool (Sterling) would believe that the slut WOULDN'T screw him over in the long run.

Moral of the story? If you are a white billionaire, make damned sure who the broad you are screwing around with is trustworthy. Or have the bitch "disappear" when you're done with her. But for God's sake - don't trust her farther than you can throw her.
NAACP Willing to 'Forgive' Clippers' Donald Sterling After Yanking Award

The NAACP said today they are still willing to work with Los Angeles Clippers' owner Donald Sterling despite yanking an offer of a lifetime achievement award over an audio tape containing racist comments that Sterling allegedly made. At a news conference today, NAACP Los Angeles president Leon Jenkins said that an audio recording that surfaced this weekend on TMZ, which purportedly had Sterling's voice recorded making racist comments, was "devastating." But the organization would be open to talking to Sterling, with whom they've worked for nearly 20 years. "God teaches us to forgive, and the way I look at it,...

NAACP Willing to 'Forgive' Clippers' Donald Sterling After Yanking Award - ABC News

Yeah....they don't want his fat checks to stop rolling in..... :lol:
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I don't have a clue what the deal is with the NBA, but they can not FORCE Sterling to relinquish the team. It is private property.

They can kick him out of the NBA though. I guess the Clippers could become a D league team, or maybe a rec league ....
I don't have a clue what the deal is with the NBA, but they can not FORCE Sterling to relinquish the team. It is private property.

They can kick him out of the NBA though. I guess the Clippers could become a D league team, or maybe a rec league ....

And when they do, they have to find another team out of thin air or realign the divisions and kick ANOTHER team out.

What will be the next team? Des Moines? Bozeman? North Dakota? The NBA is stretched as thin as it can get. The Clippers will NOT be kicked out and Sterling will continue to profit from the team.
Want proof? Google it... I did!

God... is this country great, or what? :lol:

Donald Sterling is a Republican, not a Democrat -- but does it matter? -
The LA Times? Another liberal rag. Sorry that isn't proof. It's been proven that the liberal media lie. If Sterling is a Republican there should be ample evidence of it. So far you don't have any.

So he can only be proven to be a Republican if we find it reported in some conservative media outlet dedicated to covering the Republican ass, and happy to lie to do it?

lol, heads you win...etc.
I'm just playing the game using the Democrat rules on us. After all you're the ones who pretend like you didn't start the KKK or held slaves and created Jim Crow laws to keep blacks down after the War.

Btw. Sterling got removed from NBL and fined $2.5 million. I don't gave a damn. It doesn't affect me one bit. Take away all his money and his Viagra for all I care. But, the next time a basketball player says "******" on the court or "cracker" then ban them from the game too.
The woman is a skeezer beotch. The man treated her very well. And she repaid him by recording private personal conversations. So no one should think this woman is a good person. She's actually a very bad person. She's got some bad Karma. Things probably won't turn out well for her in life. But that being said, Sterling should apologize and then immediately sell the team. It won't be enough for many, but it would be a good start. He can make amends. But he'll have to put the effort in.
There was a left wing pundit who was suggesting that Sterling should be forced to work in minority communities helping the needy. My question is why? He did nothing illegal. Sure, what he said was abysmal and racist but that is not illegal. Saying disgusting things should not be illegal to begin with. Why is the left's knee jerk reaction always to fall back to an authoritarian fascistic remedy? There is only one thing worse than what Sterling said and that's the far left's reaction to free speech. Even when that speech is repugnant the principles of free speech should still be sacrosanct or we'll all be victimized by a self-righteous, corrupt and hypocritical government who decides which speech is acceptable and which speech isn't. We've already had a "film" maker jailed for his mockery of Islam while being accused of causing the death of four Americans in Benghazi. I don't like this road where heading down.
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