So enough of the left and right stuff. How do the Independents and Libertarians feel

I'm a hardcore fiscal conservative, and a live and let live social liberal.

The best thing this prez can do is not run 2012 and give his blessing to Ron Paul.

Here's the decision making process of the american bureacrat;

"Do I do what's best for the middle class that I can manipulate on the campaign trail, or do I do what the oil/healthcare/bank/drug industries want me to do and they'll line my pockets?"

It's pretty easy to see the choice the they make.

Yep, I'd vote for Ron Paul, but I have a hard time believing he can win the GOP nomination.

Hence why I'll probably not waste my time voting, either don't vote for vote for a monster who's going to continue to spend this country into bankrupcy.

We have about as much choice as mother Russia had.
I'm a hardcore fiscal conservative, and a live and let live social liberal.

The best thing this prez can do is not run 2012 and give his blessing to Ron Paul.

Here's the decision making process of the american bureacrat;

"Do I do what's best for the middle class that I can manipulate on the campaign trail, or do I do what the oil/healthcare/bank/drug industries want me to do and they'll line my pockets?"

It's pretty easy to see the choice the they make.

Yep, I'd vote for Ron Paul, but I have a hard time believing he can win the GOP nomination.

I liked Paul at one time but over the years he seems to have developed some inconsistent behavior I don't trust the direction he would go. And you are correct I strongly doubt he could gain a nomination
I'm a hardcore fiscal conservative, and a live and let live social liberal.

The best thing this prez can do is not run 2012 and give his blessing to Ron Paul.

Here's the decision making process of the american bureacrat;

"Do I do what's best for the middle class that I can manipulate on the campaign trail, or do I do what the oil/healthcare/bank/drug industries want me to do and they'll line my pockets?"

It's pretty easy to see the choice the they make.

Yep, I'd vote for Ron Paul, but I have a hard time believing he can win the GOP nomination.

I liked Paul at one time but over the years he seems to have developed some inconsistent behavior I don't trust the direction he would go. And you are correct I strongly doubt he could gain a nomination

I don't mind people disagreeing with him, but inconsistent? How so?
Now why should we care what the fringe thinks

I guess that's why most people here blow you off.

So why doesnt this huge block of people take over the metally ill republican party?

I was told by a con today that these nutters are but a fringe of the R party yet they can distroy any candidate who disses them.

If this group was anywhere near the numbers to gain power than this "fringe" republican group of birther death panel people would be crushed huh?

They rule the right and that is why you and your opinions dont matter to the R party.
Porblem is that most of the Independents and libertarians lean heavially right.

Well that's just it. My ideal candidate would be somebody who is economically right, fiscally conservative, an advocate of a lesser role of government in people's lives, a lesser military role worldwide, and socially liberal. However, what you tend to get is that they are either all right or all left on all issues and that is because the primary voters expect all or nothing.

This would basically be my ideal candidate as well. And we have NO ONE running, nor have we had one running since I have been voting.
Porblem is that most of the Independents and libertarians lean heavially right.

I think that's a good thing.
So much for the liberal view of America being a center/left nation.

Reality is the majority of American's are fiscally conservative and socially middle of road to liberal.
When the economy and the Federal defeicit as it is, it will be a while before votes for legalizing dope and gay marriage win elections.

Very true and Well said
Porblem is that most of the Independents and libertarians lean heavially right.

Well that's just it. My ideal candidate would be somebody who is economically right, fiscally conservative, an advocate of a lesser role of government in people's lives, a lesser military role worldwide, and socially liberal. However, what you tend to get is that they are either all right or all left on all issues and that is because the primary voters expect all or nothing.

This would basically be my ideal candidate as well. And we have NO ONE running, nor have we had one running since I have been voting.

I don't get why its so damn hard for a thrid party to run a candidate I understand the two current parties have something of a lock but given how people are feeling I would think some alternative would be preferable to what we have today.
about this Administration who is your candidate and what do you feel needs to be done to advance that candidate.

Myself I’m pretty much an Independent and this administration perhaps not surprising is IMO the most incompetent our nation has seen in a very long time the previous administration wasn’t much better. In fact this administration frankly scares the hell out me simply because it has an agenda that has nothing at all to do with our Nations wellbeing.

As far as a candidate goes there isn’t one whom I am ready to give a blessing. I would like a straight up Moderate Constitutionalists but they seem to be in extremely short supply.

What say you?
Nobody cares. Why? Because independents and so -called moderates are the least likely to vote in the first place.
The news media in it's desire to see the Left maintain control of government worries about the political center only when democrats are not in the majority.
It doesn't take much for a ten second sound bite or two to convince a "middle of the road guy/gal" to move to one candidate or the other. After all moderates who do vote do so to try and pick the winner. They will vote not based on issues but who they think will most likely win an election.The fact is that independents rarely vote for an independent candidate. Most given reason why they do this; they didn't want to "waste" their vote.
Obama won his election based on anti-GOP backlash. he also won a significant percentage of white suburban voters who were angry with the establishment. This is typical. When there is economic hardship , the party in power has little chance of staying in power.
Those white suburban voters turned their anger on the democrats because they saw their home values dropping. However, it was not these people who turned over the US House. It was conservative voters who were motivated by the economy. The so-called independents wither voted for the status quo or did not bother to show up to vote.
This is not my opinion. These are facts.....
Just one link for this post .
Vote 2010 Elections: Non-Voters Outnumber Voters in Midterms: Younger, Single, Low Paid, Democrats Not Voting - ABC News
Porblem is that most of the Independents and libertarians lean heavially right.

Holy macaroni....Where did you hear that nonsense. A link or two might help.
Libertarians are not "right"...They believe in limited government and low taxes, but their similarities to conservatives end right there.
Porblem is that most of the Independents and libertarians lean heavially right.

I think that's a good thing.
So much for the liberal view of America being a center/left nation.

Reality is the majority of American's are fiscally conservative and socially middle of road to liberal.
When the economy and the Federal defeicit as it is, it will be a while before votes for legalizing dope and gay marriage win elections.

Ohh the majority of americans claim to be fiscally conservative, but their mega house mortagges, auto and credit card dept says otherwise.
And just start talking about budget cuts that will impact them and hear them whine.
about this Administration who is your candidate and what do you feel needs to be done to advance that candidate.

Myself I’m pretty much an Independent and this administration perhaps not surprising is IMO the most incompetent our nation has seen in a very long time the previous administration wasn’t much better. In fact this administration frankly scares the hell out me simply because it has an agenda that has nothing at all to do with our Nations wellbeing.

As far as a candidate goes there isn’t one whom I am ready to give a blessing. I would like a straight up Moderate Constitutionalists but they seem to be in extremely short supply.

What say you?
Nobody cares. Why? Because independents and so -called moderates are the least likely to vote in the first place.
The news media in it's desire to see the Left maintain control of government worries about the political center only when democrats are not in the majority.
It doesn't take much for a ten second sound bite or two to convince a "middle of the road guy/gal" to move to one candidate or the other. After all moderates who do vote do so to try and pick the winner. They will vote not based on issues but who they think will most likely win an election.The fact is that independents rarely vote for an independent candidate. Most given reason why they do this; they didn't want to "waste" their vote.
Obama won his election based on anti-GOP backlash. he also won a significant percentage of white suburban voters who were angry with the establishment. This is typical. When there is economic hardship , the party in power has little chance of staying in power.
Those white suburban voters turned their anger on the democrats because they saw their home values dropping. However, it was not these people who turned over the US House. It was conservative voters who were motivated by the economy. The so-called independents wither voted for the status quo or did not bother to show up to vote.
This is not my opinion. These are facts.....
Just one link for this post .
Vote 2010 Elections: Non-Voters Outnumber Voters in Midterms: Younger, Single, Low Paid, Democrats Not Voting - ABC News

Well you make very valid points and it would be a little hard to dispute them. Well see these points put to the test come the next cycle I don't see things getting better in time to make any difference irregardless how its talked up.
Now why should we care what the fringe thinks
Fringe voters, hardcore left and right show up to the polls at a much higher percentage than do those less fervent in the their ideology and those in the middle 40% don't show up at all unless there is a problem crawling across their front lawn.
Porblem is that most of the Independents and libertarians lean heavially right.

I think that's a good thing.
So much for the liberal view of America being a center/left nation.

Reality is the majority of American's are fiscally conservative and socially middle of road to liberal.
When the economy and the Federal defeicit as it is, it will be a while before votes for legalizing dope and gay marriage win elections.

Ohh the majority of americans claim to be fiscally conservative, but their mega house mortagges, auto and credit card dept says otherwise.
And just start talking about budget cuts that will impact them and hear them whine.

Exactly but it all goes back to government. Who runs education? Government.

In high school I took speed-reading, were there any courses on finance or money management? Nope, the last thing gov't wants is a fiscally responsible and financially educated population.
Now why should we care what the fringe thinks

I didn't know anyone did care what you think.

I'm at that point where I might have to move my ignor list to 2 people, Shaman and TM... But it's funny as hell watching you get your shit handed back to you while you freak out.
I think that's a good thing.
So much for the liberal view of America being a center/left nation.

Reality is the majority of American's are fiscally conservative and socially middle of road to liberal.
When the economy and the Federal defeicit as it is, it will be a while before votes for legalizing dope and gay marriage win elections.

Ohh the majority of americans claim to be fiscally conservative, but their mega house mortagges, auto and credit card dept says otherwise.
And just start talking about budget cuts that will impact them and hear them whine.

Exactly but it all goes back to government. Who runs education? Government.

In high school I took speed-reading, were there any courses on finance or money management? Nope, the last thing gov't wants is a fiscally responsible and financially educated population.

Great point!
I did a write in for Ron Paul so I think that means I’m indy...

How do I feel? I feel like Ron Paul is going to run and that makes me happy. What makes me happier is he to not be the only 1 on the stage that I might end up agreeing with during the primaries. For the first time I have something to look forward to in the elections that might move the country forward.

Can Ron Paul win? Sure he can, I doubt he will but I'm looking forward to the populous being educated as to what the problems are and why they are that way rather than idiots like Obama catering to the people with the lowest level of political understanding. “Feel good” politics is coming to an end because we simply can’t afford it. Bush/McCain and Obama are relics.
Now why should we care what the fringe thinks

I didn't know anyone did care what you think.

I'm at that point where I might have to move my ignor list to 2 people, Shaman and TM... But it's funny as hell watching you get your shit handed back to you while you freak out.

I'm not a birther nor is the right "run by birthers."

Like I said, why would someone put someone as shit silly dumb as you on ignore... On the other hand it's not like many people engage in any kind of real debate with you, it's more just links (to facts ha! FACTS!) proving you wrong.

Shrug, I might add you to ignore as I’m sure many others have. As we get closer to elections and you’re cock lust for Obama overwhelms any and everything you post, when the sound of you sucking off Obama with every post dominates any and all possible debate I’ll probably have no choice.

How are all four wars doing TM, I figure you might know....
Porblem is that most of the Independents and libertarians lean heavially right.

What does left and right mean anymore? Who is left and who is right? What issues are left and what are right?

End the Fed.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Cancel NAFTA, etc.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Leave the WTO.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Completely withdraw from Iraq.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Close all military bases around the world and bring all troops home.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Stop all foreign aid.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

End the Patriot Act, etc.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Enforce Posse Comitatus.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Restore habeas Corpus.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Against the bailout.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Protect gun rights.
Obama - no
McCain - yes ?
Barr - yes
Baldwin - yes
McKinney - yes

Single payer universal health care.
Obama - no
McCain - no
Barr - no
Baldwin - no
McKinney - yes

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