so everyone should have guns?

End prisons, courts, lawyers and cops. Issue everyone with a gun.

Then we'll sort it out. Haha!

That was our policy in Iraq for the first few months. Didn't go so well...
We toppled the regime in 2 weeks. I'd say we did a spectacular job.

And yet, could not win the war...
What are you talking about? We won, the war is over and its been over for a long time. Is shit fucked up over there? Hell yeah it is...thats what happens when you lose a war. Keep up dummy.

That administration couldn't maintain the peace there during the balance of their time in power.
End prisons, courts, lawyers and cops. Issue everyone with a gun.

Then we'll sort it out. Haha!

That was our policy in Iraq for the first few months. Didn't go so well...
We toppled the regime in 2 weeks. I'd say we did a spectacular job.

And yet, could not win the war...
What are you talking about? We won, the war is over and its been over for a long time. Is shit fucked up over there? Hell yeah it is...thats what happens when you lose a war. Keep up dummy.

That administration couldn't maintain the peace there during the balance of their time in power.
Since when are the winners of wars responsible for maintaining peace in the losers nation? Who cares what happens to them?

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