Do Americans do history at school?

Serious question, do Americans do history at school? Is it on your curriculum? Knowledge from Americans on world history is just so poor on forums, or do forums just attract the user that has little to no history knowledge?

If you do do history at school, what did you cover?
Liberals and Progressives do.

maga felony fuckups wait for the convict to tell them.
/-----/ "do do history"
Not sure what your native language is, but if you mean do we STUDY history in school, then yes, back in the 1960s when I went. Basically, it was memorizing dates, generals, and wars. I found it boring.
It wasn't until I discovered Stephen E Ambrose, the historian, that I devoured everything he wrote.
On a sad note, a friend's best buddy in High School, who graduated with decent grades, went to a Lincoln Museum in Illinois. The kid had no idea who Abe Lincoln was, or anything about the Civil War. He began soaking up information like a sponge. He was angry it wasn't taught in school anymore.
Thank the Teacher's Union.
Sorry, I'm English. "Do" is an irregular verb and it can be used as a double do as a matter of emphasis.
Serious question, do Americans do history at school?

It is covered. But generally a very limited form, only covering around 500 years. And almost entirely talking only about North America.

And in general, almost nobody makes any effort to learn anything about History after that. They generally act as if that is all they ever had to learn or need to know, not even realizing they are only given the bare basics of what happened, and should take it upon themselves to learn more afterwards.
But that was a long time ago. Admittedly there is a lot more history now to learn than when I was in college, but I have been appalled and saddened that so few students are being immersed in the founding documents and the basic history and concepts of not only U.S. history but they know almost nothing about the best and worst of world history. I don't think it is being taught comprehensibly at all for the most part now.

I am constantly shocked at when a topic is say the Constitution, and somebody pulls some nonsense out of their arse about what the founders intended. And I will contradict them by using either the Federalist or the Anti-Federalist Papers. And they then scream I do not know what I am talking about, and asking what in the hell those had to do with the Constitution. Or those that try to talk about secession, and have never read or apparently even heard of the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union.

I think most simply do not want to bother actually reading the source documents. They just want to be told what to believe and never actually research for themselves.

Maybe all those "S" written down like an "F" confuses them.
History like ( We goaded Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor because we were denying them Oil & Natural Resources in the Pacific Regions )

Wow, what an epic fail.

How exactly did we "goad" them into attacking us?

And we denied them nothing from the Pacific Regions, we simply made the choice that we were not going to sell our own oil and steel to them. Of course, they were condemned by a great many nations for their actions in China and Mongolia. And killed an estimated 5 million people in China. In events that have been remembered as things like the "Rape of Nanking", where between 200-300,000 civilians were slaughtered by the Japanese Army in a month and a half long bloodbath.

And that was in 1937. It was events like that and others that caused the US to start sanctions against Japan.

You are not giving "History". You are not even giving bad propaganda.
I am constantly shocked at when a topic is say the Constitution, and somebody pulls some nonsense out of their arse about what the founders intended. And I will contradict them by using either the Federalist or the Anti-Federalist Papers. And they then scream I do not know what I am talking about, and asking what in the hell those had to do with the Constitution. Or those that try to talk about secession, and have never read or apparently even heard of the Articles of Confederation and Perpetual Union.

I think most simply do not want to bother actually reading the source documents. They just want to be told what to believe and never actually research for themselves.

Maybe all those "S" written down like an "F" confuses them.
Yes. I don't think the founding documents are being taught at all anymore and even for those hardcore leftists who lived back in the times in which they were, I think they must have either cut those classes or slept through them.

So many don't have the foggiest idea what the Founders intended with the first amendment or actually they couldn't give a reasoned argument for any of first ten amendments or appreciate what a mockery so many leftists actions have made of them over the years and recently.
Speaking of the Constitution, I agree with this meme

Wow, what an epic fail.

How exactly did we "goad" them into attacking us?

And we denied them nothing from the Pacific Regions, we simply made the choice that we were not going to sell our own oil and steel to them. Of course, they were condemned by a great many nations for their actions in China and Mongolia. And killed an estimated 5 million people in China. In events that have been remembered as things like the "Rape of Nanking", where between 200-300,000 civilians were slaughtered by the Japanese Army in a month and a half long bloodbath.

And that was in 1937. It was events like that and others that caused the US to start sanctions against Japan.

You are not giving "History". You are not even giving bad propaganda.
I know , I was exposing the Marxist Anti Colonialist Revisionist version
Jesse Watters used to be skilled in random interviews of mostly spring break college kids on the beach. Their answers to simple questions about American history might be a clue to the lack of education in America.
Yes. I don't think the founding documents are being taught at all anymore and even for those hardcore leftists who lived back in the times in which they were, I think they must have either cut those classes or slept through them.

So many don't have the foggiest idea what the Founders intended with the first amendment or actually they couldn't give a reasoned argument for any of first ten amendments or appreciate what a mockery so many leftists actions have made of them over the years and recently.

Elementary Catechism Of The Constitution used to be a standard issued textbook for elementary school children.

Screen Shot 28.jpg

But gone are the days...
Jesse Watters used to be skilled in random interviews of mostly spring break college kids on the beach. Their answers to simple questions about American history might be a clue to the lack of education in America.

Jay Leno used to have a similar bit called "Jaywalking" that was very much the same thing. And it often shocked me how little so many knew about things they should have learned in grade school.

This segment always made me shake my head in despair at how ignorant people are. Especially as so many of the questions are so freaking simple, and many of those trying and failing to answer are college students, teachers, and even journalists. And it always makes me sad when I realize these are people that can vote.

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