So Far Germany Seeing Coldest April In 104 Years, Second Coldest Since 1881, Snowiest Since 1986

Pollution is bad. We need less of it. Whether having more or less of it affects the temperature doesn't change that pollution is bad.
CO2 is not pollution, moron. Plants need it to live.

I didn't say a word about carbon. I would insult you right back, but God already took care of that making you British.
If you're talking about AGW, and that controlling it has something to do with "pollution," then you are talking about CO2.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Pollution is bad. Pretending it isn't is willful ignorance.
Pollution is Bad and evil---------so is the Gorebull warming Carbon credit scams.
Pollution is bad. We need less of it. Whether having more or less of it affects the temperature doesn't change that pollution is bad.
CO2 is not pollution, moron. Plants need it to live.

I didn't say a word about carbon. I would insult you right back, but God already took care of that making you British.
If you're talking about AGW, and that controlling it has something to do with "pollution," then you are talking about CO2.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Pollution is bad. Pretending it isn't is willful ignorance.
Pollution is Bad and evil---------so is the Gorebull warming Carbon credit scams.

Ironically, there are some in the GOP that support carbon credits who are not global warming nutters. They like the idea of mo' money
Every prediction the AGW Chicken Littles have made has fallen flat on its face.

As I know the actual science, therefore I know with 100% certainbty that you're lying there. You can only gaslight your fellow cultists. It just doesn't work on normal people.

So, why do you all lie?

You lie for the glory of fascism.

You lie because all the other cultists are lying, and sheep always bleat along with the herd.

And you lie because it gives you a sick pervy thrill.

And what's with the Hitler-love in your sig? Do you even understand that most people _don't_ like Nazis? You deniers all need to to understand that your cult's open embrace of fascism is _not_ normal.
You know it isn't lying, NAZI.

There's no "Hitler-love" in my signature. You're too stupid to understand it.
Pollution is bad. We need less of it. Whether having more or less of it affects the temperature doesn't change that pollution is bad.
CO2 is not pollution, moron. Plants need it to live.

I didn't say a word about carbon. I would insult you right back, but God already took care of that making you British.
If you're talking about AGW, and that controlling it has something to do with "pollution," then you are talking about CO2.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Pollution is bad. Pretending it isn't is willful ignorance.
Pollution is Bad and evil---------so is the Gorebull warming Carbon credit scams.

Ironically, there are some in the GOP that support carbon credits who are not global warming nutters. They like the idea of mo' money
"mo money" from who?
Only 10 more years until AGW doomsday.

It’s been a really frosty April this year across Central Europe. Germany so far has seen it’s second coldest April since records began in 1881...
Coldest since 1917..
April across much of Europe has been unusually cold, frosty and even snowy, and the media have been awfully quiet about it. The following chart shows the mean temperature anomalies with respect to the 1991-2020 reference period so far (up through April 17):..
With a mean temperature of 4.5°C for Germany, April so far continues to be the second coldest since 1881, according to German DWD national weather service records. Only 1917 was colder at a mean of 4.3°C...
Another cold blast forecast for next weekend..
And it likely isn’t going to change too much, as the ECMWF model is forecasting yet another unusual April cold wave with snow and frost for next week. A warm up is forecast near the end of the month, but that is still some 10 days out..
Most snowy April in 35 years..
One thing is already certain: For Germans, it will be the most snowy April since 1986..
The WO/GFS forecasts (left and right) see a continuation of the April winter with widespread ground frost from April 23. Extremely cold air with up to -12°C deviations from the old WMO climate mean 1981-2010 over Germany is projected on April 26 at 850 hPa. Sources: WO/GFS forecasts Tmin ground Germany and WZ/GEM forecasts TA850 Europe..
Northern hemisphere cooling continues...

Lets be clear...

There are more scientists who say that the earth is flat than say it is not warming....

There is clear evidence that the Earth is warming, even the Man-made Climate Change deniers agree the earth is warming...

Picking a cold month in Germany won't change that... First we have to explain the difference between weather and climate...

This is a lie.

Both at 3% among general scientists....

This is not man made global warming but "Is the Global warming?"

This is a reported by NASA every year...

View attachment 482645

This is to call numerous agencies liars without any evidence... This conspiracy theory is so unplausable that flat earth seems about the same likelihood..
They have already been shown to be liars. HADLY CRU was the agency knee deep in the Climategate scandal. Each of these agencies have had their own scandals. In fact, the data from the other three is all based on the HADLY CU data.
Only 10 more years until AGW doomsday.

It’s been a really frosty April this year across Central Europe. Germany so far has seen it’s second coldest April since records began in 1881...
Coldest since 1917..
April across much of Europe has been unusually cold, frosty and even snowy, and the media have been awfully quiet about it. The following chart shows the mean temperature anomalies with respect to the 1991-2020 reference period so far (up through April 17):..
With a mean temperature of 4.5°C for Germany, April so far continues to be the second coldest since 1881, according to German DWD national weather service records. Only 1917 was colder at a mean of 4.3°C...
Another cold blast forecast for next weekend..
And it likely isn’t going to change too much, as the ECMWF model is forecasting yet another unusual April cold wave with snow and frost for next week. A warm up is forecast near the end of the month, but that is still some 10 days out..
Most snowy April in 35 years..
One thing is already certain: For Germans, it will be the most snowy April since 1986..
The WO/GFS forecasts (left and right) see a continuation of the April winter with widespread ground frost from April 23. Extremely cold air with up to -12°C deviations from the old WMO climate mean 1981-2010 over Germany is projected on April 26 at 850 hPa. Sources: WO/GFS forecasts Tmin ground Germany and WZ/GEM forecasts TA850 Europe..
Northern hemisphere cooling continues...

Excuse me, it's not called "global warming" anymore. It's called "climate change" now. We use catch-all terms when the facts end up contradicting our prior narratives. Get with the program.
Nope, it's only 'climate change' when its cold. It's always 'global warming' when it's hot. If you haven't caught on to the farce by now, well you probably never will.

And if you didn't detect my blatant sarcasm, you probably never will.
Dude. I've been waiting 50 yrs since a kid. When is the New Ice Age coming?

Ask your denier pals. They're the ones who have been predicting "ICE AGE ANY DAY NOW" non-stop for 50 years running. Meanwhile, the climate scientists were correctly predicting warming over that same era.

That's why climate scientists have such credibility, that stunning record of success spanning decades. And it's why deniers are considered jokes -- they've been faceplanting with every prediction for 50 years now.
Wanna talk about predictions "faceplanting"?

Every prediction the AGW Chicken Littles have made has fallen flat on its face.

Look at my last post... It was predicted and it did happen...

I am going to have to disagree with mamooth... I don't know if you are lying... You could be just a useful fool for other to manipulate...

You see you are easily led by any confirmation bias. All I have to say Democrats are evil and the next thing out of my mouth you have a very high chance of believing..

This is makes you weak. If you were more independent in your thought you could gain respect from both sides.

What I am saying to you is to have some self respect...
Only 10 more years until AGW doomsday.

It’s been a really frosty April this year across Central Europe. Germany so far has seen it’s second coldest April since records began in 1881...
Coldest since 1917..
April across much of Europe has been unusually cold, frosty and even snowy, and the media have been awfully quiet about it. The following chart shows the mean temperature anomalies with respect to the 1991-2020 reference period so far (up through April 17):..
With a mean temperature of 4.5°C for Germany, April so far continues to be the second coldest since 1881, according to German DWD national weather service records. Only 1917 was colder at a mean of 4.3°C...
Another cold blast forecast for next weekend..
And it likely isn’t going to change too much, as the ECMWF model is forecasting yet another unusual April cold wave with snow and frost for next week. A warm up is forecast near the end of the month, but that is still some 10 days out..
Most snowy April in 35 years..
One thing is already certain: For Germans, it will be the most snowy April since 1986..
The WO/GFS forecasts (left and right) see a continuation of the April winter with widespread ground frost from April 23. Extremely cold air with up to -12°C deviations from the old WMO climate mean 1981-2010 over Germany is projected on April 26 at 850 hPa. Sources: WO/GFS forecasts Tmin ground Germany and WZ/GEM forecasts TA850 Europe..
Northern hemisphere cooling continues...

Merkel Germany destroyed all nuclear plants and is closing now the last coal ones.
Idiots believe someone will sell energy if Germans need.
The upcoming winter will beat all records, the temperatures below - 58 °F are possible in Berlin

Dude. I've been waiting 50 yrs since a kid. When is the New Ice Age coming?

Ask your denier pals. They're the ones who have been predicting "ICE AGE ANY DAY NOW" non-stop for 50 years running. Meanwhile, the climate scientists were correctly predicting warming over that same era.

That's why climate scientists have such credibility, that stunning record of success spanning decades. And it's why deniers are considered jokes -- they've been faceplanting with every prediction for 50 years now.
Wanna talk about predictions "faceplanting"?

Every prediction the AGW Chicken Littles have made has fallen flat on its face.

Look at my last post... It was predicted and it did happen...

I am going to have to disagree with mamooth... I don't know if you are lying... You could be just a useful fool for other to manipulate...

You see you are easily led by any confirmation bias. All I have to say Democrats are evil and the next thing out of my mouth you have a very high chance of believing..

This is makes you weak. If you were more independent in your thought you could gain respect from both sides.

What I am saying to you is to have some self respect...

What was predicted?
It doesn't matter if temperatures get hotter or colder, it doesn't matter if there are more hurricanes or fewer, the global warming fanatics will say it's global warming.

July, 2022 somewhere in Germany

Only 10 more years until AGW doomsday.

It’s been a really frosty April this year across Central Europe. Germany so far has seen it’s second coldest April since records began in 1881...
Coldest since 1917..
April across much of Europe has been unusually cold, frosty and even snowy, and the media have been awfully quiet about it. The following chart shows the mean temperature anomalies with respect to the 1991-2020 reference period so far (up through April 17):..
With a mean temperature of 4.5°C for Germany, April so far continues to be the second coldest since 1881, according to German DWD national weather service records. Only 1917 was colder at a mean of 4.3°C...
Another cold blast forecast for next weekend..
And it likely isn’t going to change too much, as the ECMWF model is forecasting yet another unusual April cold wave with snow and frost for next week. A warm up is forecast near the end of the month, but that is still some 10 days out..
Most snowy April in 35 years..
One thing is already certain: For Germans, it will be the most snowy April since 1986..
The WO/GFS forecasts (left and right) see a continuation of the April winter with widespread ground frost from April 23. Extremely cold air with up to -12°C deviations from the old WMO climate mean 1981-2010 over Germany is projected on April 26 at 850 hPa. Sources: WO/GFS forecasts Tmin ground Germany and WZ/GEM forecasts TA850 Europe..
Northern hemisphere cooling continues...

Lets be clear...

There are more scientists who say that the earth is flat than say it is not warming....

There is clear evidence that the Earth is warming, even the Man-made Climate Change deniers agree the earth is warming...

Picking a cold month in Germany won't change that... First we have to explain the difference between weather and climate...

This is a lie.

Both at 3% among general scientists....

This is not man made global warming but "Is the Global warming?"

This is a reported by NASA every year...

View attachment 482645

This is to call numerous agencies liars without any evidence... This conspiracy theory is so unplausable that flat earth seems about the same likelihood..
They have already been shown to be liars. HADLY CRU was the agency knee deep in the Climategate scandal. Each of these agencies have had their own scandals. In fact, the data from the other three is all based on the HADLY CU data.

Climate gate was pretty much a load of crap... 'Climategate' -
It was 10 years ago...

Even what was leaked didn't prove nothing...

And again 10 years ago and there is plenty of evidence since...
Only 10 more years until AGW doomsday.

It’s been a really frosty April this year across Central Europe. Germany so far has seen it’s second coldest April since records began in 1881...
Coldest since 1917..
April across much of Europe has been unusually cold, frosty and even snowy, and the media have been awfully quiet about it. The following chart shows the mean temperature anomalies with respect to the 1991-2020 reference period so far (up through April 17):..
With a mean temperature of 4.5°C for Germany, April so far continues to be the second coldest since 1881, according to German DWD national weather service records. Only 1917 was colder at a mean of 4.3°C...
Another cold blast forecast for next weekend..
And it likely isn’t going to change too much, as the ECMWF model is forecasting yet another unusual April cold wave with snow and frost for next week. A warm up is forecast near the end of the month, but that is still some 10 days out..
Most snowy April in 35 years..
One thing is already certain: For Germans, it will be the most snowy April since 1986..
The WO/GFS forecasts (left and right) see a continuation of the April winter with widespread ground frost from April 23. Extremely cold air with up to -12°C deviations from the old WMO climate mean 1981-2010 over Germany is projected on April 26 at 850 hPa. Sources: WO/GFS forecasts Tmin ground Germany and WZ/GEM forecasts TA850 Europe..
Northern hemisphere cooling continues...

Lets be clear...

There are more scientists who say that the earth is flat than say it is not warming....

There is clear evidence that the Earth is warming, even the Man-made Climate Change deniers agree the earth is warming...

Picking a cold month in Germany won't change that... First we have to explain the difference between weather and climate...

This is a lie.

Both at 3% among general scientists....

This is not man made global warming but "Is the Global warming?"

This is a reported by NASA every year...

View attachment 482645

This is to call numerous agencies liars without any evidence... This conspiracy theory is so unplausable that flat earth seems about the same likelihood..
They have already been shown to be liars. HADLY CRU was the agency knee deep in the Climategate scandal. Each of these agencies have had their own scandals. In fact, the data from the other three is all based on the HADLY CU data.

Climate gate was pretty much a load of crap... 'Climategate' -
It was 10 years ago...

Even what was leaked didn't prove nothing...

And again 10 years ago and there is plenty of evidence since...

CLIMATEGATE exposed the climate fraud for what it is. Only ignorant twats, like you, think otherwise.
Pollution is bad. We need less of it. Whether having more or less of it affects the temperature doesn't change that pollution is bad.
CO2 is not pollution, moron. Plants need it to live.

I didn't say a word about carbon. I would insult you right back, but God already took care of that making you British.
If you're talking about AGW, and that controlling it has something to do with "pollution," then you are talking about CO2.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Pollution is bad. Pretending it isn't is willful ignorance.
Pollution is Bad and evil---------so is the Gorebull warming Carbon credit scams.

Ironically, there are some in the GOP that support carbon credits who are not global warming nutters. They like the idea of mo' money
Cap and Trade was very successful at eliminating Acid Rain before.

That is why it seems the way to go for Climate Change... Yes there was costs but industry got space to figure it out and they invested in technology to retrofit or they considered it in there future buillds...
Pollution is bad. We need less of it. Whether having more or less of it affects the temperature doesn't change that pollution is bad.
CO2 is not pollution, moron. Plants need it to live.

I didn't say a word about carbon. I would insult you right back, but God already took care of that making you British.
If you're talking about AGW, and that controlling it has something to do with "pollution," then you are talking about CO2.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Pollution is bad. Pretending it isn't is willful ignorance.
Pollution is Bad and evil---------so is the Gorebull warming Carbon credit scams.

Ironically, there are some in the GOP that support carbon credits who are not global warming nutters. They like the idea of mo' money
Cap and Trade was very successful at eliminating Acid Rain before.

That is why it seems the way to go for Climate Change... Yes there was costs but industry got space to figure it out and they invested in technology to retrofit or they considered it in there future buillds...

In theory, but then we have things like Tesla making all their black ink off reselling all these credits they amassed as opposed to actually operating in the black. I am skeptical doing the carbon credits wouldn't result in a similar largess for big corporations (polluters) at the expense of a great many smaller players.
Pollution is bad. We need less of it. Whether having more or less of it affects the temperature doesn't change that pollution is bad.
CO2 is not pollution, moron. Plants need it to live.

I didn't say a word about carbon. I would insult you right back, but God already took care of that making you British.
If you're talking about AGW, and that controlling it has something to do with "pollution," then you are talking about CO2.

Who do you think you're fooling?

Pollution is bad. Pretending it isn't is willful ignorance.
Pollution is Bad and evil---------so is the Gorebull warming Carbon credit scams.

Ironically, there are some in the GOP that support carbon credits who are not global warming nutters. They like the idea of mo' money
Cap and Trade was very successful at eliminating Acid Rain before.

That is why it seems the way to go for Climate Change... Yes there was costs but industry got space to figure it out and they invested in technology to retrofit or they considered it in there future buillds...

In theory, but then we have things like Tesla making all their black ink off reselling all these credits they amassed as opposed to actually operating in the black. I am skeptical doing the carbon credits wouldn't result in a similar largess for big corporations (polluters) at the expense of a great many smaller players.
Dumb turds like you just voted in the people who want more of those credits. If you don't want them, then don't vote Democrat.

Tesla would be in the black even without the credits, dumbass.
Only 10 more years until AGW doomsday.

It’s been a really frosty April this year across Central Europe. Germany so far has seen it’s second coldest April since records began in 1881...
Coldest since 1917..
April across much of Europe has been unusually cold, frosty and even snowy, and the media have been awfully quiet about it. The following chart shows the mean temperature anomalies with respect to the 1991-2020 reference period so far (up through April 17):..
With a mean temperature of 4.5°C for Germany, April so far continues to be the second coldest since 1881, according to German DWD national weather service records. Only 1917 was colder at a mean of 4.3°C...
Another cold blast forecast for next weekend..
And it likely isn’t going to change too much, as the ECMWF model is forecasting yet another unusual April cold wave with snow and frost for next week. A warm up is forecast near the end of the month, but that is still some 10 days out..
Most snowy April in 35 years..
One thing is already certain: For Germans, it will be the most snowy April since 1986..
The WO/GFS forecasts (left and right) see a continuation of the April winter with widespread ground frost from April 23. Extremely cold air with up to -12°C deviations from the old WMO climate mean 1981-2010 over Germany is projected on April 26 at 850 hPa. Sources: WO/GFS forecasts Tmin ground Germany and WZ/GEM forecasts TA850 Europe..
Northern hemisphere cooling continues...

Lets be clear...

There are more scientists who say that the earth is flat than say it is not warming....

There is clear evidence that the Earth is warming, even the Man-made Climate Change deniers agree the earth is warming...

Picking a cold month in Germany won't change that... First we have to explain the difference between weather and climate...

This is a lie.

Both at 3% among general scientists....

This is not man made global warming but "Is the Global warming?"

This is a reported by NASA every year...

View attachment 482645

This is to call numerous agencies liars without any evidence... This conspiracy theory is so unplausable that flat earth seems about the same likelihood..
They have already been shown to be liars. HADLY CRU was the agency knee deep in the Climategate scandal. Each of these agencies have had their own scandals. In fact, the data from the other three is all based on the HADLY CU data.

Climate gate was pretty much a load of crap... 'Climategate' -
It was 10 years ago...

Even what was leaked didn't prove nothing...

And again 10 years ago and there is plenty of evidence since...

CLIMATEGATE exposed the climate fraud for what it is. Only ignorant twats, like you, think otherwise.

Please read this : 'Climategate' -

Only 10 more years until AGW doomsday.

It’s been a really frosty April this year across Central Europe. Germany so far has seen it’s second coldest April since records began in 1881...
Coldest since 1917..
April across much of Europe has been unusually cold, frosty and even snowy, and the media have been awfully quiet about it. The following chart shows the mean temperature anomalies with respect to the 1991-2020 reference period so far (up through April 17):..
With a mean temperature of 4.5°C for Germany, April so far continues to be the second coldest since 1881, according to German DWD national weather service records. Only 1917 was colder at a mean of 4.3°C...
Another cold blast forecast for next weekend..
And it likely isn’t going to change too much, as the ECMWF model is forecasting yet another unusual April cold wave with snow and frost for next week. A warm up is forecast near the end of the month, but that is still some 10 days out..
Most snowy April in 35 years..
One thing is already certain: For Germans, it will be the most snowy April since 1986..
The WO/GFS forecasts (left and right) see a continuation of the April winter with widespread ground frost from April 23. Extremely cold air with up to -12°C deviations from the old WMO climate mean 1981-2010 over Germany is projected on April 26 at 850 hPa. Sources: WO/GFS forecasts Tmin ground Germany and WZ/GEM forecasts TA850 Europe..
Northern hemisphere cooling continues...

Lets be clear...

There are more scientists who say that the earth is flat than say it is not warming....

There is clear evidence that the Earth is warming, even the Man-made Climate Change deniers agree the earth is warming...

Picking a cold month in Germany won't change that... First we have to explain the difference between weather and climate...

This is a lie.

Both at 3% among general scientists....

This is not man made global warming but "Is the Global warming?"

This is a reported by NASA every year...

View attachment 482645

This is to call numerous agencies liars without any evidence... This conspiracy theory is so unplausable that flat earth seems about the same likelihood..
They have already been shown to be liars. HADLY CRU was the agency knee deep in the Climategate scandal. Each of these agencies have had their own scandals. In fact, the data from the other three is all based on the HADLY CU data.

Climate gate was pretty much a load of crap... 'Climategate' -
It was 10 years ago...

Even what was leaked didn't prove nothing...

And again 10 years ago and there is plenty of evidence since...

CLIMATEGATE exposed the climate fraud for what it is. Only ignorant twats, like you, think otherwise.

Please read this : 'Climategate' -

Factcheck is lying. You're too stupid to understand.
Every prediction the AGW Chicken Littles have made has fallen flat on its face.

As I know the actual science, therefore I know with 100% certainbty that you're lying there. You can only gaslight your fellow cultists. It just doesn't work on normal people.

So, why do you all lie?

You lie for the glory of fascism.

You lie because all the other cultists are lying, and sheep always bleat along with the herd.

And you lie because it gives you a sick pervy thrill.

And what's with the Hitler-love in your sig? Do you even understand that most people _don't_ like Nazis? You deniers all need to to understand that your cult's open embrace of fascism is _not_ normal.
You know it isn't lying, NAZI.

There's no "Hitler-love" in my signature. You're too stupid to understand it.

I'm also too stupid to understand it - and with me nearly all other Germans, I guess.

Last edited:
I'm old enough to remember when the hysterical climate screechers called it "global cooling" for a while....Like that broken clock, they would have been right this year....Never forget to point and laugh at those dumb fucking animals.
Ditto, we were heading for an ice age, solution tax increases. Then the ozone was vanishing and we were all going to be irradiated and suffer mutations, solution tax increases. Now its global warming, solution tax increases.
The problem of the hole in the ozone layer was countered by drastically decreasing the use of CFCs, not taxes. As for the "Global Cooling" predicted in the past, what made scientists change their minds so fast? Couldn't be money, there's a lot more to be made shilling for the energy companies.
... There are more scientists who say that the earth is flat than say it is not warming....

Never anyone thought the Earth is flat. This prejudice comes in your culture from the author Washington Irving, who tried to find a wrong heroic explanation for the drastical mistakes Christopher Columbus made in locating India.

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