So far, no evidence of Russia tampering with the election -- and yet the media repeats the lie

This Russia lie has now gotten as big as the Global Warming lie, and in much less time!

Next thing they will tell us is that Muslim women enjoy getting beaten by their husbands!
Where's the fucking evidence?

You Democrats think you're fooling people, but the majority of Americans do not believe Russia tampered with the elections.

Poll: Only 29% of Americans Believe Russian Hacking Impacted 2016 Election - Breitbart

Enough already with the bullshit. Lying has consequences, and you will see yours in 2018.
Yet ANOTHER thread based on a lie.
Damn that's deplorable!
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
No they didn't. James Clapper said Russia was behind the "hacking." How would he know when no intelligence agency examined the servers?
LOL...Iwas wondering if there were still people not convinced that the Russians didn't interfere with our democracy after yesterday.. And well there are...Haaaaa Haaaa..

Wow, are there really retarded idiots who are so clueless they do not realize the "Russian interference" was a democrat/msm hoax. Dayem. :p

Right and everyone on that Congress panel along with the FBI is wrong... seriously ?
When did they say what you claim?
LOL...Iwas wondering if there were still people not convinced that the Russians didn't interfere with our democracy after yesterday.. And well there are...Haaaaa Haaaa..

Wow, are there really retarded idiots who are so clueless they do not realize the "Russian interference" was a democrat/msm hoax. Dayem. :p
And all our intelligence agencies and all of congress in on the classified stuff. Not covered on Fox Rush etc...Idiot dupes and scum RW media...

All of Congress agrees with your view on this? I must of missed that. I keep seeing Democrat Senators get on TV saying there's no evidence.
LOL...Iwas wondering if there were still people not convinced that the Russians didn't interfere with our democracy after yesterday.. And well there are...Haaaaa Haaaa..

Wow, are there really retarded idiots who are so clueless they do not realize the "Russian interference" was a democrat/msm hoax. Dayem. :p

Right and everyone on that Congress panel along with the FBI is wrong... seriously ?
When did they say what you claim?
Revelations about Russian hackers continued to surface through the months leading up to and following the November election. That includes the top-secret NSA report leaked on Monday, detailing how nation-state actors launched cyberattacks against an election software company, whose technology was used in eight states, and tried spear-phishing election officials.

During Thursday's testimony, Comey said he first became aware of Russia-connected meddling in the late summer of 2015, around the time Trump announced he was running for president.

"There was a massive effort to target government and nongovernmental agencies, like nonprofits," Comey said. He noted that there could be hundreds, and possibly more than 1,000 officials who were targeted in the cyberattacks from Russia.

Comey talks Trump and 'massive' Russian hacking effort
When we know 17 agencies say the Russian hacking happened yet people deny it, those people have no cred.
LOL...Iwas wondering if there were still people not convinced that the Russians didn't interfere with our democracy after yesterday.. And well there are...Haaaaa Haaaa..

Wow, are there really retarded idiots who are so clueless they do not realize the "Russian interference" was a democrat/msm hoax. Dayem. :p

Right and everyone on that Congress panel along with the FBI is wrong... seriously ?
When did they say what you claim?

Top Republican trio urges Trump to act on Russia
Oh, they are moving on from that and you can see how they are all getting their narrative in order. They have been weening their little lambs off of the "collusion" narrative. Highlighted by Christ Matthews admitting there is no collusion.

They are ALL united in OBSTRUCTION. After that is gone, they will then attack his broken promises. After that....then after that....then after that......

For right now, it is OBSTRUCTION.

They need to keep up the notion that Trump is illegitimate and/or a failed presidency. Period.

A successful (or a PERCEIVED successful) presidency and it is RIP democrats and the left wing media. Therefore, they need to push the PERCEPTION that Trump is a failed presidency, and the notion of an outsider is a fools errand.
Where's the fucking evidence?

You Democrats think you're fooling people, but the majority of Americans do not believe Russia tampered with the elections.

Poll: Only 29% of Americans Believe Russian Hacking Impacted 2016 Election - Breitbart

Enough already with the bullshit. Lying has consequences, and you will see yours in 2018.
Yet ANOTHER thread based on a lie.
Damn that's deplorable!
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

And comey testified they didn't change one vote....

Please....since none of you lefties will tell us .....

What do you mean when you use the word "Hacking?"

What exactly did the Russians do?

Did they change one vote?

Please...try to be brave......answer these questions.
Romney, Graham, and McCain are calling for the investigations to continue and offering to help.

More GOP leaders will be chiming in.
Oh, they are moving on from that and you can see how they are all getting their narrative in order. They have been weening their little lambs off of the "collusion" narrative. Highlighted by Christ Matthews admitting there is no collusion.

They are ALL united in OBSTRUCTION. After that is gone, they will then attack his broken promises. After that....then after that....then after that......

For right now, it is OBSTRUCTION.

They need to keep up the notion that Trump is illegitimate and/or a failed presidency. Period.

A successful (or a PERCEIVED successful) presidency and it is RIP democrats and the left wing media. Therefore, they need to push the PERCEPTION that Trump is a failed presidency, and the notion of an outsider is a fools errand.

Why don't you watch some news other than a station that parrots this crap...I don't want to see the president fail, I just want your type of talk to stop and move on to find out the facts... But then again, they want you to keep parroting this crap so the GOP congress can keep passing their bills without us paying attention...
Where's the fucking evidence?

You Democrats think you're fooling people, but the majority of Americans do not believe Russia tampered with the elections.

Poll: Only 29% of Americans Believe Russian Hacking Impacted 2016 Election - Breitbart

Enough already with the bullshit. Lying has consequences, and you will see yours in 2018.
Yet ANOTHER thread based on a lie.
Damn that's deplorable!
Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

And comey testified they didn't change one vote....

Please....since none of you lefties will tell us .....

What do you mean when you use the word "Hacking?"

What exactly did the Russians do?

Did they change one vote?

Please...try to be brave......answer these questions.

The Russian news bots ( sent out via extreme right news stations where the links were then across social media )and other ways they influenced the election like they tried to do in many countries before..

Russia targeted key states with anti-Clinton fake news, Trump-Russia hearings chairman reveals
LOL...Iwas wondering if there were still people not convinced that the Russians didn't interfere with our democracy after yesterday.. And well there are...Haaaaa Haaaa..

Wow, are there really retarded idiots who are so clueless they do not realize the "Russian interference" was a democrat/msm hoax. Dayem. :p

Right and everyone on that Congress panel along with the FBI is wrong... seriously ?
When did they say what you claim?
Revelations about Russian hackers continued to surface through the months leading up to and following the November election. That includes the top-secret NSA report leaked on Monday, detailing how nation-state actors launched cyberattacks against an election software company, whose technology was used in eight states, and tried spear-phishing election officials.

During Thursday's testimony, Comey said he first became aware of Russia-connected meddling in the late summer of 2015, around the time Trump announced he was running for president.

"There was a massive effort to target government and nongovernmental agencies, like nonprofits," Comey said. He noted that there could be hundreds, and possibly more than 1,000 officials who were targeted in the cyberattacks from Russia.

Comey talks Trump and 'massive' Russian hacking effort

Funny how Comey "became aware" the minute Trump got into the race. Why would that NSA report prompt the FBI to investigate Trump and not the Hillary campaign?

Has anyone seen this report other than Comey?
Where's the fucking evidence?

You Democrats think you're fooling people, but the majority of Americans do not believe Russia tampered with the elections.

Poll: Only 29% of Americans Believe Russian Hacking Impacted 2016 Election - Breitbart

Enough already with the bullshit. Lying has consequences, and you will see yours in 2018.
Your headline is false.

There is a big difference between "no evidence of tampering" and whether or not people believe it impacted the election.

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