So Female Circumcision is evil, but Removing the entirety of Female Pubic Mound and Breasts is OK?

FGM is performed involuntarily on people way before they reach adulthood, based on a misguided idea that this will help them find husbands (as if that is the end-all/be-all of a girl's life). Sex-reassignment surgery is voluntary and is performed only on adults, to the best of my knowledge. It apparently is also rare. I don't find these situations to be comparable. FGM is the greater concern by far.
Political correctness makes people fucking retarded
The entire trans movement is the modern day equivalent ritual of sacrificing self for religious fanaticism. Before the Enlightenment and the French Revolution, mankind had begun to get away from that kind of primordial soup paganism. Lucky for us, the radical American Left was around to bring back the anti-civilizational fun of Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah. Way to go, radical American Left.

I think it's natural selection trying to catch up where we as a society have thwarted it.

These "people" would not exist if it wasn't for excessive safety standards. These retards should have died generations ago with a gut full of Drano under a kitchen sink.

Social Marxism is the Darwinian equivalent of the jackals that once haunted the edges of the human camp?
It is big money into reassignment surgery. And Big Pharma makes more money from off the drugs that those that has this surgery. And Big Chemical has merged with Big Ag and Big Pharma. And so these chemicals are confusing these guys. They don't know what they want. They just need a good enema.

Big Pharma-Big Agra Mergers: Furthering the Synthetic Agenda

Mergers of “Big 6” Seed and Ag Chem Companies – Who Owns What Now

Very concerning, but...."IMPEACH 45!" will never let us form a bipartisan consensus to stop this crap
I am totally opposed to clitorectomies as a legal medical procedure, even if some young teen female wants it done. It is a mutilation of the person and that they want it is sign of mental disorder.

But if some confused young girl becomes convinced that she is really a boy, and then gets her breasts and genitalia entirely removed and reconstructed to look male, that is OK?

Our civilization is wiped out.

'Hundreds' of young trans people seeking help to return to original sex

They won't believe a gawd dam thing until they do it! That's why Walt H . is trying to turn this pure bs surgery chit around and doing it to kids should be the fkn death penalty for these morons who do this surgery on kids. You can bet they do too.

Hormones, surgery, regret:
I was a transgender woman for 8 years

My name is Walt Heyer and in April of 1983 I had gender reassignment surgery. At first I was giddy for the fresh start. But hormones and sex change genital surgery couldn’t solve the underlying issues driving my gender dysphoria.

I detransitioned more than 25 years ago. I learned the truth: Hormones and surgery may alter appearances, but nothing changes the immutable fact of your sex.

I met a wonderful woman who didn’t care about the changes to my body, and we’ve been married for over 20 years. Now we help others whose lives have been derailed by sex change.
I believe in indivual freedom and liberty and because I do I don't give two darns what someone chooses to do with their body.

They can feed themselves to a snake as far as I am concerned.

Right-wingers seem to be obsessed with what other people do with their bodies. All I ask is that these people be adults who are capable of informed consent and that all actions be voluntary and not imposed, whether by force or mental/emotional manipulation.

By manipulation does that mean by activist parents and the media indoctrination?
Right-wingers seem to be obsessed with what other people do with their bodies. All I ask is that these people be adults who are capable of informed consent and that all actions be voluntary and not imposed, whether by force or mental/emotional manipulation.

You're so dull that you don't realize while you bleat around these boards about how obsessed WE are about sex, YOU are the one posting almost all the time about sex. Of course you are totally unaware of how hilarious it is

YOU morons are always posting about sex, ms. "keep your knees together" "abstinence" woman. It''s time that you morons explained your obsession with what other people do and why you want to stamp out heterosexuality. If you want to be abstinent, that's your choice, but you want to inflict it on others. Explain.

do you have medicine to help you with the voices in your head?

Ms. Abstinence: You should seek help, especially because you are around children. Forget the graham-cracker.

Please provide any kind of proof that I promote abstinence-only education or am a fan of the Grahams.

I mean proof OTHER THAN the voices in your head, crazy lady

Your the one who said that you followed the graham-cracker.
I believe in indivual freedom and liberty and because I do I don't give two darns what someone chooses to do with their body.

They can feed themselves to a snake as far as I am concerned.

Right-wingers seem to be obsessed with what other people do with their bodies. All I ask is that these people be adults who are capable of informed consent and that all actions be voluntary and not imposed, whether by force or mental/emotional manipulation.

By manipulation does that mean by activist parents and the media indoctrination?

No. I don't know what you mean by "activist parents" or "media indoctrination." Examples would help, particularly those that would exhibit mental or emotional manipulation. I mean people like religious cults that groom girls and indoctrinate them heavily into a program of "virginity" followed by very early sex and "marriage" and pregnancy before the kid is allowed to become an educated and independent adult.
Sex changes have become the new fad. Scary how these kids think. The future of America is over

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Like tattoos, self mutilation and self hate is the in thing. Hate your sex, hate your race, hate your looks, hate your skin. No thank you very fucking much. If anything they should be hating their feeble brains.
You're so dull that you don't realize while you bleat around these boards about how obsessed WE are about sex, YOU are the one posting almost all the time about sex. Of course you are totally unaware of how hilarious it is

YOU morons are always posting about sex, ms. "keep your knees together" "abstinence" woman. It''s time that you morons explained your obsession with what other people do and why you want to stamp out heterosexuality. If you want to be abstinent, that's your choice, but you want to inflict it on others. Explain.

do you have medicine to help you with the voices in your head?

Ms. Abstinence: You should seek help, especially because you are around children. Forget the graham-cracker.

Please provide any kind of proof that I promote abstinence-only education or am a fan of the Grahams.

I mean proof OTHER THAN the voices in your head, crazy lady

Your the one who said that you followed the graham-cracker.
I believe in indivual freedom and liberty and because I do I don't give two darns what someone chooses to do with their body.

They can feed themselves to a snake as far as I am concerned.

Right-wingers seem to be obsessed with what other people do with their bodies. All I ask is that these people be adults who are capable of informed consent and that all actions be voluntary and not imposed, whether by force or mental/emotional manipulation.

By manipulation does that mean by activist parents and the media indoctrination?

No. I don't know what you mean by "activist parents" or "media indoctrination." Examples would help, particularly those that would exhibit mental or emotional manipulation. I mean people like religious cults that groom girls and indoctrinate them heavily into a program of "virginity" followed by very early sex and "marriage" and pregnancy before the kid is allowed to become an educated and independent adult.

I never said I follow any of the Grahams. Because I don't. You have made that up in your sickened imagination
I am totally opposed to clitorectomies as a legal medical procedure, even if some young teen female wants it done. It is a mutilation of the person and that they want it is sign of mental disorder.

But if some confused young girl becomes convinced that she is really a boy, and then gets her breasts and genitalia entirely removed and reconstructed to look male, that is OK?

Our civilization is wiped out.

'Hundreds' of young trans people seeking help to return to original sex

They won't believe a gawd dam thing until they do it! That's why Walt H . is trying to turn this pure bs surgery chit around and doing it to kids should be the fkn death penalty for these morons who do this surgery on kids. You can bet they do too.

Hormones, surgery, regret:
I was a transgender woman for 8 years

My name is Walt Heyer and in April of 1983 I had gender reassignment surgery. At first I was giddy for the fresh start. But hormones and sex change genital surgery couldn’t solve the underlying issues driving my gender dysphoria.

I detransitioned more than 25 years ago. I learned the truth: Hormones and surgery may alter appearances, but nothing changes the immutable fact of your sex.

I met a wonderful woman who didn’t care about the changes to my body, and we’ve been married for over 20 years. Now we help others whose lives have been derailed by sex change.

Sex Change Regret | For those who want to return back

And what about those who suffer their entire lives because they didn't take that step.
I am totally opposed to clitorectomies as a legal medical procedure, even if some young teen female wants it done. It is a mutilation of the person and that they want it is sign of mental disorder.

But if some confused young girl becomes convinced that she is really a boy, and then gets her breasts and genitalia entirely removed and reconstructed to look male, that is OK?

Our civilization is wiped out.

'Hundreds' of young trans people seeking help to return to original sex
--------------------------------- I figure that 'fgm' is mostly still a foreign issue and mostly a female issue practiced in the third world . Course , keep importing more third worlders into the USA and its likely to become an issues in USA and the Western world . As far as the transgender issue I already gave my opinion . The transgenders should not be allowed into USA Military and I take the info as a win when I read that hundreds that went for transgender surgery are unhappy with their decision eh .
I am totally opposed to clitorectomies as a legal medical procedure, even if some young teen female wants it done. It is a mutilation of the person and that they want it is sign of mental disorder.

But if some confused young girl becomes convinced that she is really a boy, and then gets her breasts and genitalia entirely removed and reconstructed to look male, that is OK?

Our civilization is wiped out.

'Hundreds' of young trans people seeking help to return to original sex

They won't believe a gawd dam thing until they do it! That's why Walt H . is trying to turn this pure bs surgery chit around and doing it to kids should be the fkn death penalty for these morons who do this surgery on kids. You can bet they do too.

Hormones, surgery, regret:
I was a transgender woman for 8 years

My name is Walt Heyer and in April of 1983 I had gender reassignment surgery. At first I was giddy for the fresh start. But hormones and sex change genital surgery couldn’t solve the underlying issues driving my gender dysphoria.

I detransitioned more than 25 years ago. I learned the truth: Hormones and surgery may alter appearances, but nothing changes the immutable fact of your sex.

I met a wonderful woman who didn’t care about the changes to my body, and we’ve been married for over 20 years. Now we help others whose lives have been derailed by sex change.

Sex Change Regret | For those who want to return back

And what about those who suffer their entire lives because they didn't take that step.
-------------------------------------- SUFFER as a Normal person or kick yourself in the azz as you and hundreds of others try to fix their mistake of transgender surgery that post number 'one' mentions RDave .
These people need help. Legit, straight up, psychological help. If I went into a doctor and said "I feel like I need my arms chopped off. I was REALLY born with phocomelia " they'd recognize I was fucked in the head. Yet if I make the same request of my dick... that's totally normal?
They wont get the help they need in this dying culture. When "they" used to ask, "how does my "gay marriage" affect you?", well, this is how. It was the beginning of the destruction of Western Christian culture. It wont end well. I just hope the end comes after my time.
I am totally opposed to clitorectomies as a legal medical procedure, even if some young teen female wants it done. It is a mutilation of the person and that they want it is sign of mental disorder.

But if some confused young girl becomes convinced that she is really a boy, and then gets her breasts and genitalia entirely removed and reconstructed to look male, that is OK?

Our civilization is wiped out.

'Hundreds' of young trans people seeking help to return to original sex

They won't believe a gawd dam thing until they do it! That's why Walt H . is trying to turn this pure bs surgery chit around and doing it to kids should be the fkn death penalty for these morons who do this surgery on kids. You can bet they do too.

Hormones, surgery, regret:
I was a transgender woman for 8 years

My name is Walt Heyer and in April of 1983 I had gender reassignment surgery. At first I was giddy for the fresh start. But hormones and sex change genital surgery couldn’t solve the underlying issues driving my gender dysphoria.

I detransitioned more than 25 years ago. I learned the truth: Hormones and surgery may alter appearances, but nothing changes the immutable fact of your sex.

I met a wonderful woman who didn’t care about the changes to my body, and we’ve been married for over 20 years. Now we help others whose lives have been derailed by sex change.

Sex Change Regret | For those who want to return back

And what about those who suffer their entire lives because they didn't take that step.
-------------------------------------- SUFFER as a Normal person or kick yourself in the azz as you and hundreds of others try to fix their mistake of transgender surgery that post number 'one' mentions RDave .
People undergoing sex change procedure undergo extensive therapy to make sure that is what they want.
both you and the money making 'therapists ' are 'fos' and I am happy to say that . As far as the money making therapists doing any good , why is it that they have hundreds of UNHAPPY transgenders . See the opening post about unhappy transgenders that are trying to get themselves fixed back to being Normal RDave ??
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I am totally opposed to clitorectomies as a legal medical procedure, even if some young teen female wants it done. It is a mutilation of the person and that they want it is sign of mental disorder.

But if some confused young girl becomes convinced that she is really a boy, and then gets her breasts and genitalia entirely removed and reconstructed to look male, that is OK?

Our civilization is wiped out.

'Hundreds' of young trans people seeking help to return to original sex
Your idiotic fetishes aside... clearly there is a difference between voluntary and involuntary mutilation.
who are these Grahams that are being referred to and what did they do eh ???

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