So Heath Ledger's Dad is the Tool the Left will Use?...

Tighter gun laws for everyone else. Hollywood has always been above the law. Actor Dennis Farina was arrested at LAX with an unregistered concealed handgun in his briefcase. Friendly judges dismissed the charges and cleared his record.
"The reality of gun ownership may be different for hunters in rural Ohio than they are for those plagued by gang violence in Cleveland, but don't tell me we can't uphold the Second Amendment while keeping AK-47s out of the hands of criminals," - Our Abjectly Dishonest President...

He Knows there are already Countless Laws aimed at keeping Criminals from getting Guns...

He and Liberals like him are Liars and Bastard Sons-of-Bitches. :thup:


Did Sherman Helmsley have an opinion before passing?

Yeah... He left this note for you:

Could you please die in a fire? Like a fire infested with AIDS so you get Fire-AIDS? I'm asking you to contract Fire-AIDS and die. If you can.™ - George Jefferon... Bitch. :thup:


An Aussie who's actor son died of a drug overdose offers an opinion about US gun laws? Surely you jest. He might be an expert in throwing down Foster beahs but who gives a fuk about his opinion about the 2nd Amendment?
An Aussie who's actor son died of a drug overdose offers an opinion about US gun laws? Surely you jest. He might be an expert in throwing down Foster beahs but who gives a fuk about his opinion about the 2nd Amendment?

You do...that's why you're in here...typing

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