So, here is where the Comrade will start his first war

The ME is on fire because of an independent Israel and the CIA's overthrow of a democratically elected government in Iran.

You Alt Right emotionally-challenged snowballs want a fight with Iran, which is allied to Russia.

You morons, Trump is Putin's rump boy. Donnie will do what Putin wants. No war with Iran.

Is that why Obama did nothing to Iran even after they kidnapped US sailors and held them for randsom? Because he was Putin's rump boy?
So you want Trump to be like Obama. OK.

Obama ain't president, and those most unqualified dork in history is sitting in the WH. :lol:

Translation: I can't answer that because I would look like a total hypocrite.
Translation: The answer was clear. It's the idiot hawk that want Trump to be like Obama.
Iran dismisses 'ranting' Trump and vows more missile tests -

Yup, Flynn has set the scene for the first of many wars that he and the Comrade will start. Since Russia is an ally of Iran, it will be interesting to see what happens with the Putin-Trump marriage.

So which is it? Is Trump a warmonger for Iran, or his he Putin's puppet?

If you're going to spew bullshit, at least stick to one version of it.
My, you really like to demonstrate how stupid you are. The clown is demonstrating that he is very much Putin's butt boy. By rattling sabers at Iran without reason, the clown is driving Iran even closer to Russia. Same with the nations he put the ban on. That you cannot see that demonstrates the limits of your intellect. And in the meantime, the clown is alienating people with whom we have been allies with for many decades. Yes, the clown is Putin's puppet.
I wonder that the world would of been like, if Jimmy(the peanut brain) Carter, had not called off the bombing attack that my base was set up for. But then again, spineless liberals will be spineless liberals, and people will die because of that.

ignorant rube
Articles: Death to America: The Ghost of Jimmy Carter Haunts the White House
The shah was no Thomas Jefferson, but in the Middle East, non-authoritarian leaders are torn to shreds. And yet the shah was our ally.

The radicals, for their part, were not won over by Carter's actions; rather, they despised our stupidity in helping their rise to power. On February 14, 1979, the American ambassador in neighboring Afghanistan was killed by Islamic radicals. On September 4, 1979, the American embassy in Tehran was invaded and our diplomats taken hostage by a mob shouting "Death to America." The hostages were released on January 20, 1981, the date of Reagan's inauguration.
You mother fuckers, who cant remember shit, are the reason why the middle east is on fire after you bi racial boy and his vagina candidate inflamed it with radical muslims who were supposed to be on the run. Stupid fucking liberals = Redundant statement.

The hell it is. The middle east is on fire because Obama the Muslim got involved. He and his Muslim Spring/Brotherhood thugs are responsible for this mess and it is going to end in war. Carter hasn't been involved in the Middle East in years and years. There was a tenuous peace in that region until Bush and Obomb decided to do things their way. Obama making Iran a power player will end badly for the world. Especially when Obama has been sneaking planeloads of laundered money to them and gave them a drone of their very own.

We all know what caused the imbalance in the middle east. When Junior Bush lied his way into his Iraq war, the mold was set.
Not that it was a few Radical Muslims who caused two towers to come crashing down, killing women, children, men and gays? If Jimmy Carter allowed US to bomb Iran into a glass parking lot, radical Islam would never got a foot hold. But alas, you would think that some people would learn from the past, but I have found that when some people have their head up Uranus, then they will never learn.

View attachment 110275
You fucking stupid ass. The people that did 9-11 were Saudi's, not Iranian's. In fact, at least one hundred thousand Iranian's held a candlelight vigil for the people murdered on 9-11 that night. You little cretins cannot see that Putin is pulling the clowns strings, and using him to drive the ME ever more into Russia's orbit.
If it were up to me I'd nuke Iran from orbit.

End of problem.
And you think the radio active fall out stays just in Iran?

You really are truly stupid

Didn't create a problem when they bombed Japan. Twice.

You really are stupid.
Do you think the nukes now are the same that was dropped on japan?

if so, you are a total moron

A nuke is a nuke. They all produce fallout.

Your are a more that total moron.
If it were up to me I'd nuke Iran from orbit.

End of problem.
And you think the radio active fall out stays just in Iran?

You really are truly stupid

Didn't create a problem when they bombed Japan. Twice.

You really are stupid.
Do you think the nukes now are the same that was dropped on japan?

if so, you are a total moron

A nuke is a nuke. They all produce fallout.

Your are a more that total moron.
what an illiterate
Ever wonder how things might be with Iran if the US had not toppled a duly democratically elected leader in Iran to further US corporate hegemony in the region?

Lol Mossadeq was appointed by the Shah and ratified by the Iranian parliament, the Shah was the Constitutional head of state and Mossadeq was not removed until after he dissolved parliament through a fraudulent national referendum in which he garnered a laughable 99% yes vote then proceeded to grant himself indefinite dictatorial "emergency" powers and FYI the Shah was backed by the Mullahs, learn real history you Chomskyite dipshit.
What about pre shah?

The Shah's father was overthrown by the Soviets and British after trying to align Iran with Nazi Germany.
If it were up to me I'd nuke Iran from orbit.

End of problem.
And you think the radio active fall out stays just in Iran?

You really are truly stupid

Didn't create a problem when they bombed Japan. Twice.

You really are stupid.
The nuclear bombing of Japan was to end WW2 as quickly as possible. A war started by two nations, Japan and Germany. And the bombs used were by today's standards, small tactical weapons. What was suggested would have involved thermonukes, and the murder of tens of millions of people. We would have committed a war crime had we done that.
This thread is priceless.

"Trump is a warmonger and is going to start a war with Iran!"
"Trump won't do anything because he is Putin's puppet"
"Trump is a buffoon and doesn't know what he is doing"

Yet not one of you can say what you think is the best action to take against Iran and Russia. All you can do is protest any move he makes.
You guys are only capable of cheerleading against Trump. Hope you guys have some pom-poms, you got four years of cheering for our enemies to come.
The clown is alienating our allies. The clown is rattling sabers and creating a situation that drives those nations closer to Russia. That is exactly what Putin wants him to do. Isolate the US and create a situation where we have no influence with our prior allies, and the rest of the world regards us as an enemy, and rogue nation.

And if the clown succeeds in starting a trade war, and creating the Second Great Republican Depression, the rest of the world will know who caused the chaos. As will the people of this nation.
Of course the liberal and RINO approach would be to wait until Iran nukes New Yawk before even scolding them.

Think about that.....maybe the kind of urban renewal that would bring about is worthy of some sort of save-the-planet prize?
Of course the liberal and RINO approach would be to wait until Iran nukes New Yawk before even scolding them.

Think about that.....maybe the kind of urban renewal that would bring about is worthy of some sort of save-the-planet prize?
Dumb fuck. We would be far more likely to have an Paki nuke used here than one that Iran has. I think that we should oppose nuclear proliferation, but there are other nations that already have nukes that pose a far greater danger to us than does Iran.
If it were up to me I'd nuke Iran from orbit.

End of problem.
And you think the radio active fall out stays just in Iran?

You really are truly stupid

Didn't create a problem when they bombed Japan. Twice.

You really are stupid.
Do you think the nukes now are the same that was dropped on japan?

if so, you are a total moron

A nuke is a nuke. They all produce fallout.

Your are a more that total moron.
what an illiterate

What a dumbass.
If it were up to me I'd nuke Iran from orbit.

End of problem.
And you think the radio active fall out stays just in Iran?

You really are truly stupid

Didn't create a problem when they bombed Japan. Twice.

You really are stupid.
The nuclear bombing of Japan was to end WW2 as quickly as possible. A war started by two nations, Japan and Germany. And the bombs used were by today's standards, small tactical weapons. What was suggested would have involved thermonukes, and the murder of tens of millions of people. We would have committed a war crime had we done that.

Cry me a river. If they get a nuke and lob it at the US how many people do you think they will kill??

Carry on dumbass.
I hear Australia is forming an alliance with Russia after the trump phone call. Russia will be building bases there starting in May. Omg! What has the orange clown done we are all doomed!

Or.......everyone can pull their panties out of their butt crack now and not worry about it. Trump did what has to be done. It's the right call
Putin is laughing uncontrollably as the Comrade he helped elect tears 70 of diplomacy into tiny pieces of confetti.

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