So, here is where the Comrade will start his first war

Yes, that is "fake history" by you, Chaos. Thank you for revealing the moronic mentality of you and your ilk.

The US helped the Shah to create a police state.
Ever wonder how things might be with Iran if the US had not toppled a duly democratically elected leader in Iran to further US corporate hegemony in the region?
I wonder that the world would of been like, if Jimmy(the peanut brain) Carter, had not called off the bombing attack that my base was set up for. But then again, spineless liberals will be spineless liberals, and people will die because of that.

ignorant rube
Articles: Death to America: The Ghost of Jimmy Carter Haunts the White House
The shah was no Thomas Jefferson, but in the Middle East, non-authoritarian leaders are torn to shreds. And yet the shah was our ally.

The radicals, for their part, were not won over by Carter's actions; rather, they despised our stupidity in helping their rise to power. On February 14, 1979, the American ambassador in neighboring Afghanistan was killed by Islamic radicals. On September 4, 1979, the American embassy in Tehran was invaded and our diplomats taken hostage by a mob shouting "Death to America." The hostages were released on January 20, 1981, the date of Reagan's inauguration.
You mother fuckers, who cant remember shit, are the reason why the middle east is on fire after you bi racial boy and his vagina candidate inflamed it with radical muslims who were supposed to be on the run. Stupid fucking liberals = Redundant statement.

The hell it is. The middle east is on fire because Obama the Muslim got involved. He and his Muslim Spring/Brotherhood thugs are responsible for this mess and it is going to end in war. Carter hasn't been involved in the Middle East in years and years. There was a tenuous peace in that region until Bush and Obomb decided to do things their way. Obama making Iran a power player will end badly for the world. Especially when Obama has been sneaking planeloads of laundered money to them and gave them a drone of their very own.

We all know what caused the imbalance in the middle east. When Junior Bush lied his way into his Iraq war, the mold was set.
Yes, that is "fake history" by you, Chaos. Thank you for revealing the moronic mentality of you and your ilk.

The US helped the Shah to create a police state.

I never said the Shah was a beacon of democracy, but neither was Mossadeq once again Mossadeq dissolved parliament through a fraudulent national referendum in which he garnered a laughable 99.9% yes vote and then proceeded to grant himself indefinite dictatorial powers. That is historical fact you chomskyite idiot.
Yes, that is "fake history" by you, Chaos. Thank you for revealing the moronic mentality of you and your ilk.

The US helped the Shah to create a police state.

I never said the Shah was a beacon of democracy, but neither was Mossadeq once again Mossadeq dissolved parliament through a fraudulent national referendum in which he garnered a laughable 99.9% yes vote and then proceeded to grant himself indefinite dictatorial powers. That is historical fact you chomskyite idiot.
Once again, the CIA got involved where it did not belong, and, yes, you love police states, clearly.

You are pulling the Limbaugh-Alinsky mirror tactic of accusing me of what you are, but you are just very poor at it.
Yes, that is "fake history" by you, Chaos. Thank you for revealing the moronic mentality of you and your ilk.

The US helped the Shah to create a police state.

I never said the Shah was a beacon of democracy, but neither was Mossadeq once again Mossadeq dissolved parliament through a fraudulent national referendum in which he garnered a laughable 99.9% yes vote and then proceeded to grant himself indefinite dictatorial powers. That is historical fact you chomskyite idiot.
Once again, the CIA got involved where it did not belong, and, yes, you love police states, clearly.

You are pulling the Limbaugh-Alinsky mirror tactic of accusing me of what you are, but you are just very poor at it.

Once again it wasn't a coup it was a counter coup we were defending the legitimate head of state of a strong regional ally from an unconstitutional undemocratic coup de'ta.
Yes, that is "fake history" by you, Chaos. Thank you for revealing the moronic mentality of you and your ilk.

The US helped the Shah to create a police state.

I never said the Shah was a beacon of democracy, but neither was Mossadeq once again Mossadeq dissolved parliament through a fraudulent national referendum in which he garnered a laughable 99.9% yes vote and then proceeded to grant himself indefinite dictatorial powers. That is historical fact you chomskyite idiot.
Once again, the CIA got involved where it did not belong, and, yes, you love police states, clearly.

You are pulling the Limbaugh-Alinsky mirror tactic of accusing me of what you are, but you are just very poor at it.

Once again it wasn't a coup it was a counter coup we were defending the legitimate head of state of a strong regional ally from an unconstitutional undemocratic coup de'ta.
Horseshit, we were advancing US corporate interests.
Iran dismisses 'ranting' Trump and vows more missile tests -

Yup, Flynn has set the scene for the first of many wars that he and the Comrade will start. Since Russia is an ally of Iran, it will be interesting to see what happens with the Putin-Trump marriage.

So which is it? Is Trump a warmonger for Iran, or his he Putin's puppet?

If you're going to spew bullshit, at least stick to one version of it.
The two conditions are not mutually exclusive.
Ever wonder how things might be with Iran if the US had not toppled a duly democratically elected leader in Iran to further US corporate hegemony in the region?
I wonder that the world would of been like, if Jimmy(the peanut brain) Carter, had not called off the bombing attack that my base was set up for. But then again, spineless liberals will be spineless liberals, and people will die because of that.

ignorant rube
Articles: Death to America: The Ghost of Jimmy Carter Haunts the White House
The shah was no Thomas Jefferson, but in the Middle East, non-authoritarian leaders are torn to shreds. And yet the shah was our ally.

The radicals, for their part, were not won over by Carter's actions; rather, they despised our stupidity in helping their rise to power. On February 14, 1979, the American ambassador in neighboring Afghanistan was killed by Islamic radicals. On September 4, 1979, the American embassy in Tehran was invaded and our diplomats taken hostage by a mob shouting "Death to America." The hostages were released on January 20, 1981, the date of Reagan's inauguration.
You mother fuckers, who cant remember shit, are the reason why the middle east is on fire after you bi racial boy and his vagina candidate inflamed it with radical muslims who were supposed to be on the run. Stupid fucking liberals = Redundant statement.

The hell it is. The middle east is on fire because Obama the Muslim got involved. He and his Muslim Spring/Brotherhood thugs are responsible for this mess and it is going to end in war. Carter hasn't been involved in the Middle East in years and years. There was a tenuous peace in that region until Bush and Obomb decided to do things their way. Obama making Iran a power player will end badly for the world. Especially when Obama has been sneaking planeloads of laundered money to them and gave them a drone of their very own.

We all know what caused the imbalance in the middle east. When Junior Bush lied his way into his Iraq war, the mold was set.

Overthrowing our ally in Egypt for the Muslim Brotherhood, then moving on to Libya and then Syria and treating Iran like a long lost brother has created this mess. For us and for Israel.
The righties seem to hate Iran but support Russia that is with Iran. Its all very confusing.
Ever wonder how things might be with Iran if the US had not toppled a duly democratically elected leader in Iran to further US corporate hegemony in the region?
I wonder that the world would of been like, if Jimmy(the peanut brain) Carter, had not called off the bombing attack that my base was set up for. But then again, spineless liberals will be spineless liberals, and people will die because of that.

Right, partisanshit is the answer.
I wonder that the world would of been like, if Jimmy(the peanut brain) Carter, had not called off the bombing attack that my base was set up for. But then again, spineless liberals will be spineless liberals, and people will die because of that.

ignorant rube
Articles: Death to America: The Ghost of Jimmy Carter Haunts the White House
The shah was no Thomas Jefferson, but in the Middle East, non-authoritarian leaders are torn to shreds. And yet the shah was our ally.

The radicals, for their part, were not won over by Carter's actions; rather, they despised our stupidity in helping their rise to power. On February 14, 1979, the American ambassador in neighboring Afghanistan was killed by Islamic radicals. On September 4, 1979, the American embassy in Tehran was invaded and our diplomats taken hostage by a mob shouting "Death to America." The hostages were released on January 20, 1981, the date of Reagan's inauguration.
You mother fuckers, who cant remember shit, are the reason why the middle east is on fire after you bi racial boy and his vagina candidate inflamed it with radical muslims who were supposed to be on the run. Stupid fucking liberals = Redundant statement.

The hell it is. The middle east is on fire because Obama the Muslim got involved. He and his Muslim Spring/Brotherhood thugs are responsible for this mess and it is going to end in war. Carter hasn't been involved in the Middle East in years and years. There was a tenuous peace in that region until Bush and Obomb decided to do things their way. Obama making Iran a power player will end badly for the world. Especially when Obama has been sneaking planeloads of laundered money to them and gave them a drone of their very own.

We all know what caused the imbalance in the middle east. When Junior Bush lied his way into his Iraq war, the mold was set.

Overthrowing our ally in Egypt for the Muslim Brotherhood, then moving on to Libya and then Syria and treating Iran like a long lost brother has created this mess. For us and for Israel.
Fuck Israel. All our trouble in the middle east is self inflicted. And there will be more.
Ever wonder how things might be with Iran if the US had not toppled a duly democratically elected leader in Iran to further US corporate hegemony in the region?
I wonder that the world would of been like, if Jimmy(the peanut brain) Carter, had not called off the bombing attack that my base was set up for. But then again, spineless liberals will be spineless liberals, and people will die because of that.

ignorant rube
Articles: Death to America: The Ghost of Jimmy Carter Haunts the White House
The shah was no Thomas Jefferson, but in the Middle East, non-authoritarian leaders are torn to shreds. And yet the shah was our ally.

The radicals, for their part, were not won over by Carter's actions; rather, they despised our stupidity in helping their rise to power. On February 14, 1979, the American ambassador in neighboring Afghanistan was killed by Islamic radicals. On September 4, 1979, the American embassy in Tehran was invaded and our diplomats taken hostage by a mob shouting "Death to America." The hostages were released on January 20, 1981, the date of Reagan's inauguration.
You mother fuckers, who cant remember shit, are the reason why the middle east is on fire after you bi racial boy and his vagina candidate inflamed it with radical muslims who were supposed to be on the run. Stupid fucking liberals = Redundant statement.

The hell it is. The middle east is on fire because Obama the Muslim got involved. He and his Muslim Spring/Brotherhood thugs are responsible for this mess and it is going to end in war. Carter hasn't been involved in the Middle East in years and years. There was a tenuous peace in that region until Bush and Obomb decided to do things their way. Obama making Iran a power player will end badly for the world. Especially when Obama has been sneaking planeloads of laundered money to them and gave them a drone of their very own.

We all know what caused the imbalance in the middle east. When Junior Bush lied his way into his Iraq war, the mold was set.
Not that it was a few Radical Muslims who caused two towers to come crashing down, killing women, children, men and gays? If Jimmy Carter allowed US to bomb Iran into a glass parking lot, radical Islam would never got a foot hold. But alas, you would think that some people would learn from the past, but I have found that when some people have their head up Uranus, then they will never learn.

Yes, that is "fake history" by you, Chaos. Thank you for revealing the moronic mentality of you and your ilk.

The US helped the Shah to create a police state.

I never said the Shah was a beacon of democracy, but neither was Mossadeq once again Mossadeq dissolved parliament through a fraudulent national referendum in which he garnered a laughable 99.9% yes vote and then proceeded to grant himself indefinite dictatorial powers. That is historical fact you chomskyite idiot.
Once again, the CIA got involved where it did not belong, and, yes, you love police states, clearly.

You are pulling the Limbaugh-Alinsky mirror tactic of accusing me of what you are, but you are just very poor at it.

Once again it wasn't a coup it was a counter coup we were defending the legitimate head of state of a strong regional ally from an unconstitutional undemocratic coup de'ta.
Horseshit, we were advancing US corporate interests.

Horseshit the UK and BP had oil interests in Iran not the US.
I wonder that the world would of been like, if Jimmy(the peanut brain) Carter, had not called off the bombing attack that my base was set up for. But then again, spineless liberals will be spineless liberals, and people will die because of that.

ignorant rube
Articles: Death to America: The Ghost of Jimmy Carter Haunts the White House
The shah was no Thomas Jefferson, but in the Middle East, non-authoritarian leaders are torn to shreds. And yet the shah was our ally.

The radicals, for their part, were not won over by Carter's actions; rather, they despised our stupidity in helping their rise to power. On February 14, 1979, the American ambassador in neighboring Afghanistan was killed by Islamic radicals. On September 4, 1979, the American embassy in Tehran was invaded and our diplomats taken hostage by a mob shouting "Death to America." The hostages were released on January 20, 1981, the date of Reagan's inauguration.
You mother fuckers, who cant remember shit, are the reason why the middle east is on fire after you bi racial boy and his vagina candidate inflamed it with radical muslims who were supposed to be on the run. Stupid fucking liberals = Redundant statement.

The hell it is. The middle east is on fire because Obama the Muslim got involved. He and his Muslim Spring/Brotherhood thugs are responsible for this mess and it is going to end in war. Carter hasn't been involved in the Middle East in years and years. There was a tenuous peace in that region until Bush and Obomb decided to do things their way. Obama making Iran a power player will end badly for the world. Especially when Obama has been sneaking planeloads of laundered money to them and gave them a drone of their very own.

We all know what caused the imbalance in the middle east. When Junior Bush lied his way into his Iraq war, the mold was set.
Not that it was a few Radical Muslims who caused two towers to come crashing down, killing women, children, men and gays? If Jimmy Carter allowed US to bomb Iran into a glass parking lot, radical Islam would never got a foot hold. But alas, you would think that some people would learn from the past, but I have found that when some people have their head up Uranus, then they will never learn.

View attachment 110275

We have partnered with Islamic radicals for decades, and yes, as it turns out, foolishly and utterly bipartisanly.
Yes, that is "fake history" by you, Chaos. Thank you for revealing the moronic mentality of you and your ilk.

The US helped the Shah to create a police state.

I never said the Shah was a beacon of democracy, but neither was Mossadeq once again Mossadeq dissolved parliament through a fraudulent national referendum in which he garnered a laughable 99.9% yes vote and then proceeded to grant himself indefinite dictatorial powers. That is historical fact you chomskyite idiot.
Once again, the CIA got involved where it did not belong, and, yes, you love police states, clearly.

You are pulling the Limbaugh-Alinsky mirror tactic of accusing me of what you are, but you are just very poor at it.

Once again it wasn't a coup it was a counter coup we were defending the legitimate head of state of a strong regional ally from an unconstitutional undemocratic coup de'ta.
Horseshit, we were advancing US corporate interests.

Horseshit the UK and BP had oil interests in Iran not the US.
Does not matter, The CIA overthrew the government.
All of our trouble in the middle east is self inflicted. I am pretty sure that is what I said.
Thing is, we don't live in the middle east. Obama building up Iran, like he did ISIS impacts the Middle East much more than it does us. It is a pretty sick son of a bitch that steals millions from us, money launders it and sends it on to Iran in cargo planes to help Iran in their goal of wiping another country of people off the face of the earth. We owe Israel an apology.
Yes, that is "fake history" by you, Chaos. Thank you for revealing the moronic mentality of you and your ilk.

The US helped the Shah to create a police state.

I never said the Shah was a beacon of democracy, but neither was Mossadeq once again Mossadeq dissolved parliament through a fraudulent national referendum in which he garnered a laughable 99.9% yes vote and then proceeded to grant himself indefinite dictatorial powers. That is historical fact you chomskyite idiot.
Once again, the CIA got involved where it did not belong, and, yes, you love police states, clearly.

You are pulling the Limbaugh-Alinsky mirror tactic of accusing me of what you are, but you are just very poor at it.

Once again it wasn't a coup it was a counter coup we were defending the legitimate head of state of a strong regional ally from an unconstitutional undemocratic coup de'ta.
Horseshit, we were advancing US corporate interests.

Horseshit the UK and BP had oil interests in Iran not the US.

Those are not mutually exclusive, the US supplied the militarism and in essence annexed the region..
All of our trouble in the middle east is self inflicted. I am pretty sure that is what I said.
Thing is, we don't live in the middle east. Obama building up Iran, like he did ISIS impacts the Middle East much more than it does us. It is a pretty sick son of a bitch that steals millions from us, money launders it and sends it on to Iran in cargo planes to help Iran in their goal of wiping another country of people off the face of the earth. We owe Israel an apology.

"Thing is, we don't live in the middle east."

We "live" everywhere. How many military bases/installations across the globe? In how many foreign nations?

The United States Probably Has More Foreign Military Bases Than Any Other People, Nation, or Empire in History
And it’s doing us more harm than good.
The United States Probably Has More Foreign Military Bases Than Any Other People, Nation, or Empire in History

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