So here's 2 teasers on Drudge

Bill Clinton authorized the shipment of nuclear technology to N. Korea in a futile effort to civilize the regime and maybe get a Nobel Prize in the bargain but it backfired. Clinton also authorized ICBM technology shipped to China which they probably shared with N.Korea. Meanwhile the increasingly incoherent left worries about Trump's "outreach" to Russia.
Bill Clinton authorized the shipment of nuclear technology to N. Korea in a futile effort to civilize the regime and maybe get a Nobel Prize in the bargain but it backfired. Clinton also authorized ICBM technology shipped to China which they probably shared with N.Korea. Meanwhile the increasingly incoherent left worries about Trump's "outreach" to Russia.
Good call.
Actually Trumps strategy is quite brilliant when you back off and look at it.
Only leverage we'll have with a nuclear Iran, and N Korea is Russia.
But Obama and McCain can't get enough icbm's pointed in our direction.

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