So How Did Repubs Lose A House Race In A District They Gerrymandered To Be Democrat-Proof???

How did they lose? This country hates them for the shit they are doing to average American's.

What shit is he doing to average Americans? I'm an average American, and I think he's doing a fantastic job. I have more bring home pay every other week, my tax preparer told me I'm in for a windfall next tax season thanks to those tax breaks, and our company has never been busier. In fact we expanded operations six months ago.

You are not a average American. You are a partisan. The average American disapproves of Trump and his handling of issues.
/----/ The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.

We know that Rasmussen is a fake poll.
/----/ Only in your bitter, angry, twisted world. Now that Gallup has quit the field, Rasmussen Reports is the only nationally recognized public opinion firm that still tracks President Trump's job approval ratings on a daily basis.

Rasmussen Reports is a nonpartisan electronic media company specializing in the collection, publication and distribution of public opinion polling information.

Rasmussen Reports' work is followed by millions on a wide variety of media platforms. We regularly release our results at, America's most visited public opinion website, and through a daily email newsletter, Twitter and Facebook.

Rasmussen also has a strong social media presence with more than 64,000 Facebook friends and more than 258,500 Twitter followers. During 2009, passed Gallup to become the most searched-for source of public opinion information on Google.

Rasmussen Reports generates original public opinion data that is relevant, timely and accurate (review our track record). The company conducts national tracking surveys every night on political, economic and lifestyle issues. Additional polls on state elections and other topics are routinely added to the mix. “If it’s in the news, it’s in our polls” is more than our slogan. It’s how we do business.

The trouble is that Rasmussen changed its likely voter sample to favor Trump based on the 2016 elections. It is too pro-Trump. Daily tracking polls are very volatile. The fact is that Fox News cannot get him those numbers and Fox is Trump Central on tv.
/----/ Sometimes the nuances can get lost in a thread.

Wow. Nothing like picking a truly partial source, me boy. The heritage foundation is a nut case crazy con web site, and never looks at things with a nonpartial view. So, I did not read it. I would not post a piece from MoveOn, because I have integrity. Asking anyone to read slanted con drivel is bad form, me boy, and proves you to be trivial. Thanks for that.

Attacking the source is a logical fallacy. In many States, the only way that they validate voters are citizens is they ask them. Thousands of citizens still admit they are not citizens. That is the ONLY way it's known that illegal aliens voted. It's pretty reasonable to project to that means millions of illegals are voting.

You can't attack the source your way out of that. You're entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts. It's clear that millions of illegal aliens vote and we need to stop it by either reforming State IDs or creating a federal ID you can't get without PROVING you are a citizen.

That my vote can be cancelled out by an illegal alien is an affront to freedom

It is not clear. There is no evidence that large numbers of illegals voted. We do not need either. States have rights too and a federal id smacks of Nazi Germany and the papers you had to have.

Your baseless accusations are a affront to freedom.

What percentage of illegal aliens who register to vote and then vote do you suppose answer truthfully to the question of whether they are an illegal alien or not?
/——/ Less than zero percent

It's not like someone who would enter a country illegally then register to vote illegally would tell a lie, is it?

That thousands of illegal aliens voting ADMIT they are illegal aliens really does show there are millions voting
You don't recognize someone doing to Joe what he does to everyone else? Seriously?
/----/ Sometimes the nuances can get lost in a thread.

Wow. Nothing like picking a truly partial source, me boy. The heritage foundation is a nut case crazy con web site, and never looks at things with a nonpartial view. So, I did not read it. I would not post a piece from MoveOn, because I have integrity. Asking anyone to read slanted con drivel is bad form, me boy, and proves you to be trivial. Thanks for that.

Attacking the source is a logical fallacy. In many States, the only way that they validate voters are citizens is they ask them. Thousands of citizens still admit they are not citizens. That is the ONLY way it's known that illegal aliens voted. It's pretty reasonable to project to that means millions of illegals are voting.

You can't attack the source your way out of that. You're entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts. It's clear that millions of illegal aliens vote and we need to stop it by either reforming State IDs or creating a federal ID you can't get without PROVING you are a citizen.

That my vote can be cancelled out by an illegal alien is an affront to freedom

It is not clear. There is no evidence that large numbers of illegals voted. We do not need either. States have rights too and a federal id smacks of Nazi Germany and the papers you had to have.

Your baseless accusations are a affront to freedom.

What percentage of illegal aliens who register to vote and then vote do you suppose answer truthfully to the question of whether they are an illegal alien or not?

That is a convenient way of looking at it. It relieves you of providing any proof. You are the one making the charge so the burden of proof is on you. How many prosecutions have there been? Very few.
/----/ Sometimes the nuances can get lost in a thread.

Wow. Nothing like picking a truly partial source, me boy. The heritage foundation is a nut case crazy con web site, and never looks at things with a nonpartial view. So, I did not read it. I would not post a piece from MoveOn, because I have integrity. Asking anyone to read slanted con drivel is bad form, me boy, and proves you to be trivial. Thanks for that.

Attacking the source is a logical fallacy. In many States, the only way that they validate voters are citizens is they ask them. Thousands of citizens still admit they are not citizens. That is the ONLY way it's known that illegal aliens voted. It's pretty reasonable to project to that means millions of illegals are voting.

You can't attack the source your way out of that. You're entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts. It's clear that millions of illegal aliens vote and we need to stop it by either reforming State IDs or creating a federal ID you can't get without PROVING you are a citizen.

That my vote can be cancelled out by an illegal alien is an affront to freedom

It is not clear. There is no evidence that large numbers of illegals voted. We do not need either. States have rights too and a federal id smacks of Nazi Germany and the papers you had to have.

Your baseless accusations are a affront to freedom.

What percentage of illegal aliens who register to vote and then vote do you suppose answer truthfully to the question of whether they are an illegal alien or not?

That is a convenient way of looking at it. It relieves you of providing any proof. You are the one making the charge so the burden of proof is on you. How many prosecutions have there been? Very few.

Leftists: {block investigating illegal aliens voting}

Leftists: So where's the proof illegals are voting!

And you talk about convenient?

Wow. Nothing like picking a truly partial source, me boy. The heritage foundation is a nut case crazy con web site, and never looks at things with a nonpartial view. So, I did not read it. I would not post a piece from MoveOn, because I have integrity. Asking anyone to read slanted con drivel is bad form, me boy, and proves you to be trivial. Thanks for that.

Attacking the source is a logical fallacy. In many States, the only way that they validate voters are citizens is they ask them. Thousands of citizens still admit they are not citizens. That is the ONLY way it's known that illegal aliens voted. It's pretty reasonable to project to that means millions of illegals are voting.

You can't attack the source your way out of that. You're entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts. It's clear that millions of illegal aliens vote and we need to stop it by either reforming State IDs or creating a federal ID you can't get without PROVING you are a citizen.

That my vote can be cancelled out by an illegal alien is an affront to freedom

It is not clear. There is no evidence that large numbers of illegals voted. We do not need either. States have rights too and a federal id smacks of Nazi Germany and the papers you had to have.

Your baseless accusations are a affront to freedom.

What percentage of illegal aliens who register to vote and then vote do you suppose answer truthfully to the question of whether they are an illegal alien or not?

That is a convenient way of looking at it. It relieves you of providing any proof. You are the one making the charge so the burden of proof is on you. How many prosecutions have there been? Very few.

Leftists: {block investigating illegal aliens voting}

Leftists: So where's the proof illegals are voting!

And you talk about convenient?


You are the one making the charges. Prove it. Where are all of the convictions?
You're the one who voted for Trump and defense his policies all day long. Orange is your favorite color, isn't it?

Okay, clearly you have nothing constructive to add to th is conversation. I'll take my winnings and stop embarrassing you.
You can't attack the source your way out of that. You're entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts. It's clear that millions of illegal aliens vote and we need to stop it by either reforming State IDs or creating a federal ID you can't get without PROVING you are a citizen.

Except you guys make this claim every time you lose a national popular vote (which is every presidential election since 1988 except for one) and you have yet to prove it.

Or even suggesting a national ID. IN fact, it is the crazy Libertarian Right that usually opposed national ID's.

You're an idiot. As shown when this is the result of your prediction of a Blamery landslide 16 months ago. Remember how that turned out?

Yeah, our system failed miserably and put a Russian Puppet in charge.

Even though the people CLEARLY said "No!"

"but, but, but... the founding fathers said that we can have a racist system that puts more weight on white people voting!"
/----/ The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.
They sure showed up in Pennsylvania?
/——/ Maybe someone on the board can dumb down the difference between Likely Voters and those who actually vote so you can understand. In the polling business there are Random Adults, then Registered Voters followed by the most accurate Likely Voters. In the end it’s the Actual Voters who call the shots.
How did they lose?


Trump, the known quantity, that is, as opposed to Trump the unknown quantity in 2016.
Attacking the source is a logical fallacy. In many States, the only way that they validate voters are citizens is they ask them. Thousands of citizens still admit they are not citizens. That is the ONLY way it's known that illegal aliens voted. It's pretty reasonable to project to that means millions of illegals are voting.

You can't attack the source your way out of that. You're entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts. It's clear that millions of illegal aliens vote and we need to stop it by either reforming State IDs or creating a federal ID you can't get without PROVING you are a citizen.

That my vote can be cancelled out by an illegal alien is an affront to freedom

It is not clear. There is no evidence that large numbers of illegals voted. We do not need either. States have rights too and a federal id smacks of Nazi Germany and the papers you had to have.

Your baseless accusations are a affront to freedom.

What percentage of illegal aliens who register to vote and then vote do you suppose answer truthfully to the question of whether they are an illegal alien or not?

That is a convenient way of looking at it. It relieves you of providing any proof. You are the one making the charge so the burden of proof is on you. How many prosecutions have there been? Very few.

Leftists: {block investigating illegal aliens voting}

Leftists: So where's the proof illegals are voting!

And you talk about convenient?


You are the one making the charges. Prove it. Where are all of the convictions?

Leftists are the ones blocking finding out. You hate poor people and want to keep them unemployed so you can keep them enslaved to the Democrat party while you import more Democrats. You call it win-win.

Let's investigate and find out
You're the one who voted for Trump and defense his policies all day long. Orange is your favorite color, isn't it?

Okay, clearly you have nothing constructive to add to th is conversation. I'll take my winnings and stop embarrassing you.

I see your point. Calling someone a Trump supporter who doesn't support most of his policies is pretty inane, isn't it? So why are you doing that? Is it because you hate brown people?

This is your shtick, guy. You're a Trump supporter, you're a racist. That's all you say, and you just keep saying it
You can't attack the source your way out of that. You're entitled to your own opinion, you are not entitled to your own facts. It's clear that millions of illegal aliens vote and we need to stop it by either reforming State IDs or creating a federal ID you can't get without PROVING you are a citizen.

Except you guys make this claim every time you lose a national popular vote (which is every presidential election since 1988 except for one) and you have yet to prove it.

Or even suggesting a national ID. IN fact, it is the crazy Libertarian Right that usually opposed national ID's.

You're an idiot. As shown when this is the result of your prediction of a Blamery landslide 16 months ago. Remember how that turned out?

Yeah, our system failed miserably and put a Russian Puppet in charge.

Even though the people CLEARLY said "No!"

"but, but, but... the founding fathers said that we can have a racist system that puts more weight on white people voting!"

I know, I know. You wanted a wall, so you voted for Trump. But now you regret that vote and keep saying it made sense at the time. I'm glad you came to your senses eventually, but wow, how did it ever make sense? I keep asking that and you don't have an answer. How did it make sense to vote for the orange clown before?

I don't think it did actually, I think it was just because you hate black people. That's what made sense to you at the time. But now you have to live with him as President. Nice job on that, and thanks a lot
/——/ Maybe someone on the board can dumb down the difference between Likely Voters and those who actually vote so you can understand. In the polling business there are Random Adults, then Registered Voters followed by the most accurate Likely Voters. In the end it’s the Actual Voters who call the shots.
So you agree your poll means dog shit, because they're not the ones who show up to vote?
Oh really? Then I would guess partisan left-wing shills are not average Americans either.
The left is not partisan.

Luaghing animated .gif
/——/ Maybe someone on the board can dumb down the difference between Likely Voters and those who actually vote so you can understand. In the polling business there are Random Adults, then Registered Voters followed by the most accurate Likely Voters. In the end it’s the Actual Voters who call the shots.
So you agree your poll means dog shit, because they're not the ones who show up to vote?
/----/ I can't tell if you're acting stupid just to be annoying or are actually real stupid. Polls are just snapshots in time that can vary widely based on demographics, methodology and how the questions are worded. The only poll that counts is the one on election day.
are you a moron.gif
I see your point. Calling someone a Trump supporter who doesn't support most of his policies is pretty inane, isn't it? So why are you doing that? Is it because you hate brown people?

I'm sorry, are you still talking?

Because frankly, it seems you lost your shit days ago. You need to step back from the monitor, take a few deep breathes, and try again.

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