So.. how long before Donald Trump gets locked up? What would your reaction be?

Comey and bunch screwed Flynn over, did not record nor write down the interview, made written statements that he was truthful , then7 months later the agent FINALLY submitted Altered reports which accused him of lying .
It won’t be Trump getting the boot nor jailed.
So Trump DOES get a Special Counsel to investigate him...even though the evidence that a Special Counsel was needed was in large part based on the smear campaign that Clinton and the DNC used against Trump...but you're saying Hillary wouldn't get one appointed even though it's quite obvious that her campaign WAS doing things that were totally against the law? No double standard there...right, Nat! (eye roll)

You're wither an idiot...or still asleep......

A special counsel was appointed by the DOJ simply because your orange clown was stupid enough to fire Comey who refused to "let Flynn off the hook".......and then bragging to the Russian that he did it to ease the pressure off his administration.

Secondly, you have NO proof (except what Hannity tells you) of what Clinton did about "things hat were totally against the law"...........

Do idiots like you really "think" that with republicans in charge of EVERY facet of government that Hillary would be off the hook even when she lost????

Now the judge set to sentence Flynn has demanded all documentation on Flynn's case, it's entirely possible since Flynn wasn't advised of his rights and possible jeopardy, the case may be dismissed. My oh my.


I agree. The Judge wouldn't ask for all documentation unless he has serious questions.

From what I've read Flynn was pretty much railroaded.

Entrapment I think is more accurate. He was told it was going to be a simple conversation, not an evidentiary interview.

I'm not going to argue, read the damn law, it doesn't support your BS. John Edwards was prosecuted and exonerated for the same thing, because it was a dual benefit expenditure.

NO, nitwit......Edwards was acquitted by a JURY.....but the JUDGE set the precedent and underscored that what Edward's did was indeed a CRIME.

Really, did the judge set aside the jury verdict? BTW there were already 16 bimbos telling lies about Trump, do you seriously think the public would have cared if it were 18? Your commie BS ain't adding up.

Now the judge set to sentence Flynn has demanded all documentation on Flynn's case, it's entirely possible since Flynn wasn't advised of his rights and possible jeopardy, the case may be dismissed. My oh my.

Well, there's also the distinct possibility that Stormy Daniels is still a virgin.

I doubt the judge asked for thousands of documents out of curiosity.

Donald Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen sentenced to 3 years in prison
As most of you probably know by now, Michael Cohen has just been jailed for three years.


President Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen just got sentenced to 3 years in prison after pleading guilty to a number of crimes related to his work for the Prez.

Cohen spoke in court during his sentencing, and said ... "Today is one of the most meaningful days of my life. The irony is that today I get my freedom back.” He made specific references too ... “Blind loyalty to this man led me to choose a path of darkness over light.”

Cohen added, "I take full responsibility for each act that I pleaded guilty to ..." including those implicating the "President of the United States of America.”

In addition to the sentencing, Cohen was hit with forfeiture of $500,000, restitution of $1.4 million and a fine of $50,000.

Cohen was sentenced in NYC. As we reported ... Cohen pled guilty to 8 federal charges in August, including 5 counts of tax fraud and 2 campaign finance violations -- the latter of which related to his $130k hush money payment to Stormy Daniels leading up to the 2016 election.

You tards are such dumb shits...….

Trump is a two termer....

Nothing you can do about....

All your bull shit is like a fart in the wind....
BTW, Pence will not pardon Trump. I can guarantee you that. Too risky. He might make statements about what an injustice it was but that he must respect due process if Trump is found guilty. But pardon him? No. Not unless the GOP is dumber than dirt. I wonder who Pence has picked out for Veep?

Actually, he probably will, because any chance he has to get re-elected would be severely diminished by a drawn out post-resignation/impeachment trial.This is exactly the calculation that Jerry Ford made in 1974, and he came very close to prevailing over Jimmy Carter in 1976.
The payments to the women he fucked are not illegal.

Even if they were, he would pay a fine, just like Obama did when he violated campaign finance laws.

Obama paid $375,000in fines. He didn’t go to prison.

You left wing loons are so ridiculous.

Nobody claimed that Obama personally directed the accounting mistakes that lead to a repayment to the FEC.

Trump clearly directed these payments, which were criminal. His co-conspirators - Pecker and Cohen - have copped plea deals.
The payments to the women he fucked are not illegal.

Even if they were, he would pay a fine, just like Obama did when he violated campaign finance laws.

Obama paid $375,000in fines. He didn’t go to prison.

You left wing loons are so ridiculous.

Nobody claimed that Obama personally directed the accounting mistakes that lead to a repayment to the FEC.

Trump clearly directed these payments, which were criminal. His co-conspirators - Pecker and Cohen - have copped plea deals.

Criminal, how? Specifically?
Criminal, how? Specifically?

He conspired to pay people off and didn't report it as a campaign expenditure.

That's a violation of federal election law.

But probably just the tip of the iceberg. With the Russian Spy babe breaking bad on the NRA, people investigating misappropriation of innagural funds, and Mueller tightening the noose, there will be no doubt of Trump's widespread criminality.
Criminal, how? Specifically?

He conspired to pay people off and didn't report it as a campaign expenditure.

That's a violation of federal election law.

But probably just the tip of the iceberg. With the Russian Spy babe breaking bad on the NRA, people investigating misappropriation of innagural funds, and Mueller tightening the noose, there will be no doubt of Trump's widespread criminality.

How do you know he used campaign donations and what specific laws were violated?

Just list the USC codes. I’ll even supply a link to a list of our laws:

U.S. Code: Table of Contents

How’s that Russian collusion to steal the 2016POTUS election from HIllary investigation coming along?
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First I would celebrate that we managed to save the country.

Second I would feel terrible pity for right wingers who is so desperate that they would believe someone they know is a ConMan.

Blue states are doing well because of the Democrats. Red states are disasters because of the Republicans.

And yet Republicans feel their disaster isn’t big enough so they want to make the whole country Republican.

It’s very strange. Don’t they have kids?
Criminal, how? Specifically?

He conspired to pay people off and didn't report it as a campaign expenditure.

That's a violation of federal election law.

But probably just the tip of the iceberg. With the Russian Spy babe breaking bad on the NRA, people investigating misappropriation of innagural funds, and Mueller tightening the noose, there will be no doubt of Trump's widespread criminality.

How do you know he used campaign donations and what specific laws were violated?

Just list the USC codes. I’ll even supply a link to a list of our laws:

U.S. Code: Table of Contents

How’s that Russian collusion to steal the 2016POTUS election from HIllary investigation coming along?
Thanks for asking. It’s going along really well.

So far they’ve identified a dozen close members of the Trump administration who have Russian contacts.

Some of them have been indicted. Some are waiting sentencing. Some are going to jail. And they have just barely begun.
Criminal, how? Specifically?

He conspired to pay people off and didn't report it as a campaign expenditure.

That's a violation of federal election law.

But probably just the tip of the iceberg. With the Russian Spy babe breaking bad on the NRA, people investigating misappropriation of innagural funds, and Mueller tightening the noose, there will be no doubt of Trump's widespread criminality.

How do you know he used campaign donations and what specific laws were violated?

Just list the USC codes. I’ll even supply a link to a list of our laws:

U.S. Code: Table of Contents

How’s that Russian collusion to steal the 2016POTUS election from HIllary investigation coming along?
Thanks for asking. It’s going along really well.

So far they’ve identified a dozen close members of the Trump administration who have Russian contacts.

Some of them have been indicted. Some are waiting sentencing. Some are going to jail. And they have just barely begun.

No one has been indicted for colluding with Putin to steal th 2016 election from HIllary Clinton.

Who are you referring to, specifically, and what, specificallu, were they indicted for?

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