So.. how long before Donald Trump gets locked up? What would your reaction be?

I agree. The Judge wouldn't ask for all documentation unless he has serious questions.

From what I've read Flynn was pretty much railroaded.

Another moron chimes in........

Since Flynn got a complete PASS on prison time.......The judge's decision to see more evidence should actually WORRY Flynn in nullifying the prosecution's ""pardon"for prison time.......)Check out the WHY Cohen got 5 months additional prison time from the DC federal judge.)

Another lefty loon chimes in. The Judge wants all documentation which means he could very well dismiss the case.

Will he?? Only time will tell.
If he goes to jail, the most likely course is that he'll get arrested after he leaves office - and even that assumes that he doesn't resign a half hour before leaving time, putting President Pence in office just long enough to fill out the pardoning form.

As to the second question, impeachment and removal will bring me the same amount of relief I'll feel when (if) he finally leaves after having been voted out. Seeing him in an orange jumpsuit will bring me no joy, but if that happens it will be because of his own choices.

Yes pence can pardon him for federal crimes.

However the state of NY is investigating trump too. If he's prosecuted and found guilty the only person who can pardon him is the governor of the state of NY.

The investigations in NY aren't good for trump because he can't control it. He can't pardon anyone involved and he can't fire anyone involved. Those investigation will be able to happen without any interference by trump and without any pardons for anyone.

So if he's pardoned by pence, he's going to end up in state prison instead of federal prison.

I personally don't want him impeached. I want democracy to do it's job. I want to believe that the majority of the people of America are good people who will do what's best for our nation and vote him out of office.

Once out of office I want the full force of our justice system to be brought down on him.

However if it's proven that the only reason he is president is because he cheated, broke the law and conspired with a hostile foreign nation to win that election, impeachment is probably the only recourse.
If he goes to jail, the most likely course is that he'll get arrested after he leaves office - and even that assumes that he doesn't resign a half hour before leaving time, putting President Pence in office just long enough to fill out the pardoning form.

As to the second question, impeachment and removal will bring me the same amount of relief I'll feel when (if) he finally leaves after having been voted out. Seeing him in an orange jumpsuit will bring me no joy, but if that happens it will be because of his own choices.

Yes pence can pardon him for federal crimes.

However the state of NY is investigating trump too. If he's prosecuted and found guilty the only person who can pardon him is the governor of the state of NY.

The investigations in NY aren't good for trump because he can't control it. He can't pardon anyone involved and he can't fire anyone involved. Those investigation will be able to happen without any interference by trump and without any pardons for anyone.

So if he's pardoned by pence, he's going to end up in state prison instead of federal prison.

I personally don't want him impeached. I want democracy to do it's job. I want to believe that the majority of the people of America are good people who will do what's best for our nation and vote him out of office.

Once out of office I want the full force of our justice system to be brought down on him.

However if it's proven that the only reason he is president is because he cheated, broke the law and conspired with a hostile foreign nation to win that election, impeachment is probably the only recourse.

Hope you are holding your breath cupcake.
Oh you, like everyone else, is waiting for the Mueller report.

Wonder if we will get it before we all die of old age??


Is THAT the best you've got for why both campaigns shouldn't be given the same treatment?

But half-assed nonsense is all you have.

Why don't you outline why they are the same?

My point was that they WEREN'T the same! Mueller's group have been going over every single person even remotely connected with the Trump campaign trying to prove something that never existed..."collusion" between the Trump campaign and the Russian government to affect our election! For two solid years they've been investigating that and they've come up with ZERO evidence any such collusion took place.

At the same time Clinton was running her little pay for play scam at the State Department...hiding it all on those two servers she spent big money to install at her private residence...collecting millions in "contributions" from foreign governments and individuals wanting favors from the State Department...all going to the Clinton Foundation! Then monies from the Clinton Foundation were being used to supplement the salaries of dozens of the high level staff she had working on her election campaign! Clinton knew damn well that what she was doing broke Federal laws...which is EXACTLY why she hid emails regarding Benghazi from Congressional investigators and then had those two servers professionally "scrubbed" to get rid of the evidence of what she'd been doing! Comey let Clinton off the hook by claiming she wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand that what she'd done was wrong...which is farce of the highest order! Hillary Clinton is many things but unsophisticated in how government works is not one of them! How do you go from being the "most qualified candidate EVER!" to someone too green to understand clear cut regulations?

Firstly, you have no idea of what evidence Mueller has or doesn't have.

Secondly, HRC was not in a position to work with Russia to help Trump get elected, dope.

Why would Hillary Clinton work with Russia to help Trump get elected? You're making zero sense...

Exactly, dope.

Now take the next step.

Why then would Mueller be investigating her?
mcCabe told Flynn h didnt need a lawyer, it was just a casual conversation.

Then they charge him with perjury.

SO fucking dirty.

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Donald Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen sentenced to 3 years in prison
As most of you probably know by now, Michael Cohen has just been jailed for three years.


President Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen just got sentenced to 3 years in prison after pleading guilty to a number of crimes related to his work for the Prez.

Cohen spoke in court during his sentencing, and said ... "Today is one of the most meaningful days of my life. The irony is that today I get my freedom back.” He made specific references too ... “Blind loyalty to this man led me to choose a path of darkness over light.”

Cohen added, "I take full responsibility for each act that I pleaded guilty to ..." including those implicating the "President of the United States of America.”

In addition to the sentencing, Cohen was hit with forfeiture of $500,000, restitution of $1.4 million and a fine of $50,000.

Cohen was sentenced in NYC. As we reported ... Cohen pled guilty to 8 federal charges in August, including 5 counts of tax fraud and 2 campaign finance violations -- the latter of which related to his $130k hush money payment to Stormy Daniels leading up to the 2016 election.

Was Cohen sentenced for a crime related to Trump?

Yes he was. In fact he stated in court documents he broke the law in coordination and direction of trump.

Cohen says he broke campaign finance law 'at direction of candidate'

As far as the court is concerned trump is a criminal.
Donald Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen sentenced to 3 years in prison
As most of you probably know by now, Michael Cohen has just been jailed for three years.


President Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen just got sentenced to 3 years in prison after pleading guilty to a number of crimes related to his work for the Prez.

Cohen spoke in court during his sentencing, and said ... "Today is one of the most meaningful days of my life. The irony is that today I get my freedom back.” He made specific references too ... “Blind loyalty to this man led me to choose a path of darkness over light.”

Cohen added, "I take full responsibility for each act that I pleaded guilty to ..." including those implicating the "President of the United States of America.”

In addition to the sentencing, Cohen was hit with forfeiture of $500,000, restitution of $1.4 million and a fine of $50,000.

Cohen was sentenced in NYC. As we reported ... Cohen pled guilty to 8 federal charges in August, including 5 counts of tax fraud and 2 campaign finance violations -- the latter of which related to his $130k hush money payment to Stormy Daniels leading up to the 2016 election.

Was Cohen sentenced for a crime related to Trump?

Yes he was. In fact he stated in court documents he broke the law in coordination and direction of trump.

Cohen says he broke campaign finance law 'at direction of candidate'

As far as the court is concerned trump is a criminal.

How long has Mueller been investigating him?

How many times has he changed his story?

What makes you think this time he's NOT lying?
mcCabe told Flynn h didnt need a lawyer, it was just a casual conversation.

Then they charge him with perjury.

SO fucking dirty.

What *****

Makes sense but its a firm reminder always take your lawyer. You shouldn't trust anyone.
Another lefty loon chimes in. The Judge wants all documentation which means he could very well dismiss the case.

Will he?? Only time will tell.

Keep digging ...........Judge will "dismiss" what doesn't exist???

Mueller recommends no jail time for Flynn, citing his 'substantial
Dec 4, 2018 - Mueller recommends no jail time for Flynn, citing his 'substantial ...
Prosecutors recommend no prison time for Michael Flynn, Trump's ...

Well they did tell him he didn't need a lawyer because it was just a casual conversation they wanted.

Kinda sorta puts the lie to your post.

Even though they recommended no jail time the Judge could still dismiss the case or he could add jail time.

Only time will tell on that.
Donald Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen sentenced to 3 years in prison
As most of you probably know by now, Michael Cohen has just been jailed for three years.


President Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen just got sentenced to 3 years in prison after pleading guilty to a number of crimes related to his work for the Prez.

Cohen spoke in court during his sentencing, and said ... "Today is one of the most meaningful days of my life. The irony is that today I get my freedom back.” He made specific references too ... “Blind loyalty to this man led me to choose a path of darkness over light.”

Cohen added, "I take full responsibility for each act that I pleaded guilty to ..." including those implicating the "President of the United States of America.”

In addition to the sentencing, Cohen was hit with forfeiture of $500,000, restitution of $1.4 million and a fine of $50,000.

Cohen was sentenced in NYC. As we reported ... Cohen pled guilty to 8 federal charges in August, including 5 counts of tax fraud and 2 campaign finance violations -- the latter of which related to his $130k hush money payment to Stormy Daniels leading up to the 2016 election.

Was Cohen sentenced for a crime related to Trump?

Yes he was. In fact he stated in court documents he broke the law in coordination and direction of trump.

Cohen says he broke campaign finance law 'at direction of candidate'

As far as the court is concerned trump is a criminal.

Where did you come up with that? Its not a criminal act dumbass.

Hell Barry did the same thing and paid a fine.

You sure are stupid.
It would make the yellow jackets in France look like romper room....
I'm interest to know what you call the money the DNC and Hitlery paid Steele for a fake Trump dossier??

A campaign fund perhaps??

Moron.......You are comparing the spending of money on OPPOSITION RESEARCH by the spending of money by Trump to SILENCE two women to NOT mention his sordid affairs......

No one cares where and how and just how much Trump pays to grab pussies......why we DO care about is how he breaks laws to hide his misdeed.

Like in Nixon's case, its NOT casting a blame on the original "sin"....but the damn attempts at a cover up.

Hillary reported the expenditure in her campaign documents. She didn't hide it. She didn't set up shell companies to hide it. Doing the research isn't illegal.

What trump did was illegal. He didn't report the campaign contribution, he set up shell companies to hide it because the whole thing was illegal. He bribed people to win that election. Which if isn't illegal, should be.

What was illegal was the campaign contribution. It exceeded allowed limits and they set up shell businesses to hide it. Which is fraud and probably obstructing justice.

There's a long list of laws trump has broken. There is no list of laws that Hillary has broken.

Just because people don't like that dossier doesn't mean any of it was illegal or used illegally. Nor does it mean what what's in it is not true. As far as I can see, every thing that's been investigated in that dossier has proven to be true.
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Well they did tell him he didn't need a lawyer because it was just a casual conversation they wanted.

Kinda sorta puts the lie to your post.

In other words, Trump chose a complete fucking idiot to be his security adviser who.....full knowing he was being scrutinized for his trips to Russia....his char fests with Russian oligarchs.....his problems with Turkey thugs, etc.......Flynn STILL showed up without an attorney......??

Another example to the why Trump once stated that he "loved the poorly educated."
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I'm interest to know what you call the money the DNC and Hitlery paid Steele for a fake Trump dossier??

A campaign fund perhaps??

Moron.......You are comparing the spending of money on OPPOSITION RESEARCH by the spending of money by Trump to SILENCE two women to NOT mention his sordid affairs......

No one cares where and how and just how much Trump pays to grab pussies......why we DO care about is how he breaks laws to hide his misdeed.

Like in Nixon's case, its NOT casting a blame on the original "sin"....but the damn attempts at a cover up.

Hillary reported the expenditure in her campaign documents. She didn't hide it. She didn't set up shell companies to hide it. Doing the research isn't illegal.

What trump did was illegal. He didn't report the campaign contribution, he set up shell companies to hide it because the whole thing was illegal. He bribed people to win that election. Which if isn't illegal, should be.

What was illegal was the campaign contribution. It exceeded allowed limits and they set up shell businesses to hide it. Which is fraud and probably obstructing justice.

There's a long list of laws trump broken. There is no list of laws that Hillary broken.

Just because people don't like that dossier doesn't mean any of it was illegal or used illegally. Nor does it mean what what's in it is not true. As far as I can see, every thing that's been investigated in that dossier has proven to be true.

You are just plain nuts.
Well they did tell him he didn't need a lawyer because it was just a casual conversation they wanted.

Kinda sorta puts the lie to your post.

In other words, Trump chose a complete fucking idiot to be his security adviser who.....full knowing he was being scrutinized for his trips to Russia....his char fests with Russian oligarchs.....his problems with Turkey thugs, etc.......Flynn STILL showed up without an attorney......??

Another example to the why Trump once stated that he "loved the poorly educated."

He would ADORE you
Donald Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen sentenced to 3 years in prison
As most of you probably know by now, Michael Cohen has just been jailed for three years.


President Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen just got sentenced to 3 years in prison after pleading guilty to a number of crimes related to his work for the Prez.

Cohen spoke in court during his sentencing, and said ... "Today is one of the most meaningful days of my life. The irony is that today I get my freedom back.” He made specific references too ... “Blind loyalty to this man led me to choose a path of darkness over light.”

Cohen added, "I take full responsibility for each act that I pleaded guilty to ..." including those implicating the "President of the United States of America.”

In addition to the sentencing, Cohen was hit with forfeiture of $500,000, restitution of $1.4 million and a fine of $50,000.

Cohen was sentenced in NYC. As we reported ... Cohen pled guilty to 8 federal charges in August, including 5 counts of tax fraud and 2 campaign finance violations -- the latter of which related to his $130k hush money payment to Stormy Daniels leading up to the 2016 election.

Was Cohen sentenced for a crime related to Trump?

Yes he was. In fact he stated in court documents he broke the law in coordination and direction of trump.

Cohen says he broke campaign finance law 'at direction of candidate'

As far as the court is concerned trump is a criminal.

And how was it broken? And where was the high crime or misdemeanor? Far as I have read, Cohen was convicted and sentenced for other crimes and was given a lighter then light sentence to say he broke the law at subject #1’s direction. They way you say it, Trump has been implicated in a crime when this just has not happened.

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