So how many forumites here have been called putin lovers....

only to watch their fuhrer have an american fighter plane shot down by the russians and does nothing? Oh it's so unprofessional and hurts the environment. LOL

It's only a drone, you know. It wasn't a manned fighter plane at all.
At some point it is just going to make more sense for us, the USA, to go into Ukraine and fight the Russians. This is, of course, the logical end to this game. Nobody wants this to happen. But we just keep creeping in that direction.
Nice post. But I don't think "nobody wants this to happen," for us to fight the Russkies for Ukraine. Biden surely does want it because it will ensure his re-election, now very much in doubt. Americans basically ALWAYS re-elect a president in wartime, and that's what he wants. Also he could start conscription again, which the Army desperately needs now that no one wants to join up anymore.

What is going on right now is the exact pattern we followed before both WWI and WWII: send arms, send arms, send arms ------------- whoops, now we send troops! Watch for it. It'll happen.
only to watch their fuhrer have an american fighter plane shot down by the russians and does nothing? Oh it's so unprofessional and hurts the environment. LOL


I have repeatedly called for Putin to be assassinated. I have tried to lead a prayer for God to snuff Putin out. And yet, when I acknowledge anything kind of unseemly about Zelensky or Ukraine (or just address any of their own obvious propaganda), I have been accused of being a Putin lover.

To the dolts who spew that nonsense, clearly there is no connection between honesty and their gibberish.

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