So I am In The Gun Shop Today -

I'm panicking that one of the lefty loons who called for the death of all NRA members may target my kids' school.

If they do, they will die quickly.
Lanza's dead.

The people who have the behavior that I'm concerned about now are the loons who are racing around calling for the deaths of all NRA members..the very same people who, coinidentally, insist we continue to leave our children unguarded.

In other words, fuck off. You people think you can say anything you like, and sneer about the safety of children, and threaten US when we say we want to protect our children...and use OUR dead children to further your sick agenda....then chide us when we respond by saying "I will be on the schoolgrounds within 5 minutes, hunting, if a crazy motherfucker comes onto the campus and starts shooting."

Either stop threatening our rights and stop telling us not to protect our children, or face the consequences. When you threaten people by calling for their deaths, when you threaten to take away their rights, when you deny them the ability to protect their children, yet insist that they put their children at risk...then you've got a problem.
Buying some rounds for target shooting (usual stuff).
They are SOLD OUT of assault rifles.
They have such a demand, they're not accepting down payments. It's first come, first served next shipment.

Freaking gun business is booming - thanks to the media and the current regime. Their stupid ass threats for tighter restrictions (ALA Feinstein's) - arming every dope (pecker head) in the nation.

Well done Libberhoids.

promoting the economy, unlike the GOP.
Lanza's dead.

The people who have the behavior that I'm concerned about now are the loons who are racing around calling for the deaths of all NRA members..the very same people who, coinidentally, insist we continue to leave our children unguarded.

In other words, fuck off. You people think you can say anything you like, and sneer about the safety of children, and threaten US when we say we want to protect our children...and use OUR dead children to further your sick agenda....then chide us when we respond by saying "I will be on the schoolgrounds within 5 minutes, hunting, if a crazy motherfucker comes onto the campus and starts shooting."

Either stop threatening our rights and stop telling us not to protect our children, or face the consequences. When you threaten people by calling for their deaths, when you threaten to take away their rights, when you deny them the ability to protect their children, yet insist that they put their children at risk...then you've got a problem.

Lanza's dead, yes that's pretty obvious to everyone not living under a rock.

Perhaps you shouldn't get so worked up by the words of a handful of idiots.
I'm not panicking.

The gun shop has plenty of guns.

In fact, you libtards have inspired me to make a purchase :D

Something tells me you didn't read the OP.

If you did, try it again.

Blocked Colon,

The gun shop I went to last night has plenty of guns.

That's freaking fantastic.

When you make a thread and put that in the op, I'll address my comments to that.

For now, I'll stick to the op in this thread, since that's where I'm posting.

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