So I guess we've forgotten about Benghazi and now we're on unions

We're still on Bengazi, we're doing both. It's called multi-tasking, we can do it, maybe lefties can't. It's a quality that higher organisms possess.

Yes, we multi-task. Benghazi is very much on our minds, and we WILL get the answers.

Libs are the ones who are like newborns looking at the newest shiny object, instantly forgetting about the last one.

'Balls-B' missed his noon A.A. (Assholes Anonymous) meeting today. :D
I thought we were on Christmas trees.

No, wait. I thought we were on Jamie Foxx.

If you noticed..they were getting close to the truth.

FOX even started asking if the CIA was keeping prisoners at the Consulate.



What a bunch of pussy cowards the right wing is. I mean this is my biggest problem with them. If you believe in something, fight for it. Don't just give up when your superiors tell you to. This is why most of the country tunes them out.


What they are looking for is a scandal to impeach the President.

It's not like they want to fix anything.

None of them gave 2 shits about anyone dying there.
Lets see what happened in Benghazi a coordinated Al-Qaeda attack that resulted in the murder of the Ambassador his aide and two former Navy Seals I have forgotten none of this including the B.S. story put out that it was the result of a spontaneous protest that got out of control over a youtube video. The right has forgot none of that sadly the left it seems never cared about it to start with.
Lets see what happened in Benghazi a coordinated Al-Qaeda attack that resulted in the murder of the Ambassador his aide and two former Navy Seals I have forgotten none of this including the B.S. story put out that it was the result of a spontaneous protest that got out of control over a youtube video. The right has forgot none of that sadly the left it seems never cared about it to start with.

Then why did you all drop it and run away as fast as possible? Now you're dicking around with unions. Before Benghazi you were dicking around with birth certificates. When are you people going to stop dicking around and actually do something? Besides losing elections of course.
We're still on Bengazi, we're doing both. It's called multi-tasking, we can do it, maybe lefties can't. It's a quality that higher organizms possess.

I think organisms was the word you were looking for, Bonzo.
If you noticed..they were getting close to the truth.

FOX even started asking if the CIA was keeping prisoners at the Consulate.



right and that was a thread you started on the same topic was it not? :rolleyes:


Seems they got in on it...late in the game.

But now FOX it a little weight in your world.

Benghazi is not a big deal its not like anyone died there

Do you not see how fast your ilk has 180ed on the subject? I thought you were going to get Obama impeached on it? At least that's what virtually every fucking thread for the last month was telling me. Was it just too hard to get anything done except mindless bitching and whining?

It’s not conservatives’ fault if the communist/fascist leftwing Obama-loving MSM refuse to report the truth that they know will only hurt their messiah.
Lets see what happened in Benghazi a coordinated Al-Qaeda attack that resulted in the murder of the Ambassador his aide and two former Navy Seals I have forgotten none of this including the B.S. story put out that it was the result of a spontaneous protest that got out of control over a youtube video. The right has forgot none of that sadly the left it seems never cared about it to start with.

To the left it was originally seen as a political impediment to their Overlord being re-elected.
Benghazi is not a big deal its not like anyone died there

Do you not see how fast your ilk has 180ed on the subject? I thought you were going to get Obama impeached on it? At least that's what virtually every fucking thread for the last month was telling me. Was it just too hard to get anything done except mindless bitching and whining?

It’s not conservatives’ fault if the communist/fascist leftwing Obama-loving MSM refuse to report the truth that they know will only hurt their messiah.

Is Fox News or Rush Limbaugh a communist/fascist leftwing Obama-loving MSM organization?
Benghazi is not a big deal its not like anyone died there

Just like Fast & Furious, no one died. Whoops.

Problem is that the control is absolute right now, but won't stay that way if the public ever notices. As one of the posters said, 'When will they notice most of us don't care?' The deal is to get them to care.
If you noticed..they were getting close to the truth.

FOX even started asking if the CIA was keeping prisoners at the Consulate.



What a bunch of pussy cowards the right wing is. I mean this is my biggest problem with them. If you believe in something, fight for it. Don't just give up when your superiors tell you to. This is why most of the country tunes them out.


What they are looking for is a scandal to impeach the President.

It's not like they want to fix anything.

None of them gave 2 shits about anyone dying there.

No, the WH didn't give a shit about the four dead Americans. They just wanted to deflect from the fact that al Qaeda is NOT on it's heels, as BO was claiming. They made up the story about a demonstration over the dumb video and ran with it as a political move, even when they knew from the very beginning it was a planned attack on the anniversary of 9-11-01. They told General Ham to stand down when he was ready to send aid, as former SEAL Tyrone Woods had the enemy mortar position painted with a laser. They could have been taken out by air, but BO cared more about himself than our ambassador and the others under siege.

Personally, I think BO belongs in prison, not just impeached.
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Benghazi is not a big deal its not like anyone died there

if the right were as concerned when 3,000 people died in NYC because Bush decided to ignore a PDB, then I might find your position credible.

But the right wasn't.. .in fact, i don't recall anyone on the right demanding that bush/cheney be put under oath. instead they were "questioned" together, not sworn and no record was taken.

isn't that funny?

but it's not like anyone died here, right?
Benghazi is not a big deal its not like anyone died there

It's not like this was not the first attack on one of our overseas missions in the past decade, and only now did we decide to work up some outrage and ask a million questions. That Obama is the President has nothing to do with that.

Bombing after bombing, attack after attack, all during Bush's watch, and not one moral cry of outrage from the Right the whoooooooooole time. Not one question. Not one artificial scenario invented. Not one microscopic parsing of every verb out of Bush's mouth.

Just Benghazi matters. As if that is the only attack where people died.


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A gay ambassador, his lover and a few Seals who disobeyed Obama orders to let the jihadists kill the ambassador are dead. Big whoop


Wake me up when we have a real scandal

:badgrin: Oh! Originally he was an ambassador and symbol of America. How dare the Obama Administration not give him and his team more security! Now he's just a faggot right? You are a spineless useful idiot white trash piece of garbage.

Hard to tell who's who when they're all just lumps under the rug

Makes one wonder what 2 former SEALS were doing in the area..doesn't it?

And if they were really rushing to the good ambassador's "defense".

Especially since he may have been pissed about something..

Lets see what happened in Benghazi a coordinated Al-Qaeda attack that resulted in the murder of the Ambassador his aide and two former Navy Seals I have forgotten none of this including the B.S. story put out that it was the result of a spontaneous protest that got out of control over a youtube video. The right has forgot none of that sadly the left it seems never cared about it to start with.

Then why did you all drop it and run away as fast as possible? Now you're dicking around with unions. Before Benghazi you were dicking around with birth certificates. When are you people going to stop dicking around and actually do something? Besides losing elections of course.

I have dropped nothing I never posted anything about birth certificates I live in a right to work state so I care nothing about unions outside of watching the left freak out over there continuing loss of support from the people. How about asking the President when he is going to stop dicking around on the campaign trail giving speeches and do the job he was elected to do? As you on the left love to say Obama won so how about he get's back to D.C. and does his job instead of wasting taxpayer money running around the country giving speeches.
Benghazi is not a big deal its not like anyone died there

if the right were as concerned when 3,000 people died in NYC because Bush decided to ignore a PDB, then I might find your position credible.

But the right wasn't.. .in fact, i don't recall anyone on the right demanding that bush/cheney be put under oath. instead they were "questioned" together, not sworn and no record was taken.

isn't that funny?

but it's not like anyone died here, right?

if I recall there was quite the lengthy investigation, was there not?
Benghazi is not a big deal its not like anyone died there

It's not like this was not the first attack on one of our overseas missions in the past decade, and only now did we decide to work up some outrage and ask a million questions. That Obama is the President has nothing to do with that.


IMHO they stopped digging when the "scandal" led them away from the President, to something a bit more sinister.
Interesting how the right wing trends work. Clearly they've completely given up on the whole Benghazi thing that had them all faux-raged and now they're raging about unions. It's absolutely fascinating how those people and the ones who give them their orders work. About every two weeks to a month they have a new ridiculous issue they get into a rage about before realizing the majority of us don't care and then they abandon it for their next issue in hopes of winning attention, comradeship and power in society. I truly wonder though considering how single-minded they are, from whom do they get their orders? In any case, I wonder what the next right wing trend after this whole union fracas dies down will be?

Seems to me unions are the ones raging.

I still want somebody's ass for Benghazi.
Benghazi is not a big deal its not like anyone died there

if the right were as concerned when 3,000 people died in NYC because Bush decided to ignore a PDB, then I might find your position credible.

But the right wasn't.. .in fact, i don't recall anyone on the right demanding that bush/cheney be put under oath. instead they were "questioned" together, not sworn and no record was taken.

isn't that funny?

but it's not like anyone died here, right?

if I recall there was quite the lengthy investigation, was there not?


A year and half later. Not Bushie had to testify in public or under oath.

And..the final report was heavily redacted.

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