So I take it the Bidens shake down emerging nations...

I've read your posts. I don't really care if you believe the bullshit you spout. It's still bullshit.
I understand that to most of you Democrats do not hold facts and truth in very high regard. Personally, I don't refer to the facts and truth as "bullshit". I revere truth, facts and logic. They are my holy trinity.

There’s not much in the way of facts behind the accusations against Biden.
Bullshit. Biden was caught on a live stream confessing that he threatened president Poroshenko and prime minister Yatsenyuk. He threatened to hold back the $1 billion US treasury backed loan guarantee unless they fired PG Shokin and replaced him with a corrupt PG.

Shokin was corrupt. You want us to subsidize a country with a corrupt PG?
Why is it that none of you moonbats who keep insisting that Shokin was corrupt can ever cite a law that he violated? He's never been charged with a crime, let alone convicted of a crime.

You have no evidence that PG Shokin was corrupt. You just believe he was corrupt because, like all LWNJ moonbats, your feeble mind is easily brainwashed via repeated messaging.

Biden had him replaced with PG Lutsenko, somebody who he knew was corrupt because he just got out of prison for corruption. And BTW, Lutsenko is currently facing more corruption charges and has fled the country.

So Biden got the honest PG, who was investigating Burisma, replaced with a corrupt puppet who had served prison time for corruption, never practiced law, and never even went to law school. He no qualifications whatsoever.

The State Dept felt like they could work with Lutsenko after meeting with him a few times. The US did not choose him. The “corruption” charges against Lutsenko were pretty bogus. Did you ever look them up? He was accused of spending government money to have a celebration for the police department on a Ukrainian holiday that celebrates police. The PG office has been corrupt for a long time. You should be skeptical of what comes out of their jurisdiction.

Anyway, Shokin was blocking any reforms basically from the get go. There were no prosecutions of any corruption. No visible attempts to do anything to reform the country’s famously corrupt government. Then the diamond prosecutor case happened and that really crystallized opposition to Poroshenko and Shokin. Public approval tanked. There were protests at his house. The writing was on the wall.
I understand that to most of you Democrats do not hold facts and truth in very high regard. Personally, I don't refer to the facts and truth as "bullshit". I revere truth, facts and logic. They are my holy trinity.

There’s not much in the way of facts behind the accusations against Biden.
Bullshit. Biden was caught on a live stream confessing that he threatened president Poroshenko and prime minister Yatsenyuk. He threatened to hold back the $1 billion US treasury backed loan guarantee unless they fired PG Shokin and replaced him with a corrupt PG.

Shokin was corrupt. You want us to subsidize a country with a corrupt PG?
Why is it that none of you moonbats who keep insisting that Shokin was corrupt can ever cite a law that he violated? He's never been charged with a crime, let alone convicted of a crime.

You have no evidence that PG Shokin was corrupt. You just believe he was corrupt because, like all LWNJ moonbats, your feeble mind is easily brainwashed via repeated messaging.

Biden had him replaced with PG Lutsenko, somebody who he knew was corrupt because he just got out of prison for corruption. And BTW, Lutsenko is currently facing more corruption charges and has fled the country.

So Biden got the honest PG, who was investigating Burisma, replaced with a corrupt puppet who had served prison time for corruption, never practiced law, and never even went to law school. He no qualifications whatsoever.

Dude, I am sure that you have never heard about so called diamond prosecutors, never heard about his attempts to thwart reforms of PG's office, that members of the parliament began signing a petition for Shokin's removal from the office before Biden's claims, that Shokin's disapproval rating was more than 70% among the Ukrainians and so on.
Actually yes, I've heard about all of that shit and researched thoroughly.

None of that shit is relevant because none of it indicates that Shokin was corrupt.

The fact of the matter is that if Biden was concerned about Ukraine having a corrupt prosecutor, he would not have installed a corrupt prosecutor into the PGO. Period.

The argument that Biden was concerned about the PG being corrupt is a non-starter because Biden installed a PG who had already been convicted of corruption. And is now facing more corruption charges.
Ya know the ones that want America's help. Of course if you want America's help then some of that taxpayer money has to be reinvested back to the Bidens'
Quite a racket they've got going there.
There might be a lot more Dems on the Ukraine payroll
Hillary needs re-investigated from day one as SOS. She probably made Biden look like play money.
Ya know the ones that want America's help. Of course if you want America's help then some of that taxpayer money has to be reinvested back to the Bidens'
Quite a racket they've got going there.
We have to thank Quid Pro Joe for exposing the DC Money Laundering Operation. That's why democrats go to DC and never leave even after their families become multimillionaires
Chelsea made tens of millions for doing nothing
There’s not much in the way of facts behind the accusations against Biden.
Bullshit. Biden was caught on a live stream confessing that he threatened president Poroshenko and prime minister Yatsenyuk. He threatened to hold back the $1 billion US treasury backed loan guarantee unless they fired PG Shokin and replaced him with a corrupt PG.

Shokin was corrupt. You want us to subsidize a country with a corrupt PG?
Why is it that none of you moonbats who keep insisting that Shokin was corrupt can ever cite a law that he violated? He's never been charged with a crime, let alone convicted of a crime.

You have no evidence that PG Shokin was corrupt. You just believe he was corrupt because, like all LWNJ moonbats, your feeble mind is easily brainwashed via repeated messaging.

Biden had him replaced with PG Lutsenko, somebody who he knew was corrupt because he just got out of prison for corruption. And BTW, Lutsenko is currently facing more corruption charges and has fled the country.

So Biden got the honest PG, who was investigating Burisma, replaced with a corrupt puppet who had served prison time for corruption, never practiced law, and never even went to law school. He no qualifications whatsoever.

Dude, I am sure that you have never heard about so called diamond prosecutors, never heard about his attempts to thwart reforms of PG's office, that members of the parliament began signing a petition for Shokin's removal from the office before Biden's claims, that Shokin's disapproval rating was more than 70% among the Ukrainians and so on.
Actually yes, I've heard about all of that shit and researched thoroughly.

None of that shit is relevant because none of it indicates that Shokin was corrupt.

The fact of the matter is that if Biden was concerned about Ukraine having a corrupt prosecutor, he would not have installed a corrupt prosecutor into the PGO. Period.

The argument that Biden was concerned about the PG being corrupt is a non-starter because Biden installed a PG who had already been convicted of corruption. And is now facing more corruption charges.

If you know about the diamond prosecutors, then you must also know that Shokin was the one shutting down anyone who was attempting to investigate them. How does that look favorably for him?
Bullshit. Biden was caught on a live stream confessing that he threatened president Poroshenko and prime minister Yatsenyuk. He threatened to hold back the $1 billion US treasury backed loan guarantee unless they fired PG Shokin and replaced him with a corrupt PG.

Shokin was corrupt. You want us to subsidize a country with a corrupt PG?
Why is it that none of you moonbats who keep insisting that Shokin was corrupt can ever cite a law that he violated? He's never been charged with a crime, let alone convicted of a crime.

You have no evidence that PG Shokin was corrupt. You just believe he was corrupt because, like all LWNJ moonbats, your feeble mind is easily brainwashed via repeated messaging.

Biden had him replaced with PG Lutsenko, somebody who he knew was corrupt because he just got out of prison for corruption. And BTW, Lutsenko is currently facing more corruption charges and has fled the country.

So Biden got the honest PG, who was investigating Burisma, replaced with a corrupt puppet who had served prison time for corruption, never practiced law, and never even went to law school. He no qualifications whatsoever.

Dude, I am sure that you have never heard about so called diamond prosecutors, never heard about his attempts to thwart reforms of PG's office, that members of the parliament began signing a petition for Shokin's removal from the office before Biden's claims, that Shokin's disapproval rating was more than 70% among the Ukrainians and so on.
Actually yes, I've heard about all of that shit and researched thoroughly.

None of that shit is relevant because none of it indicates that Shokin was corrupt.

The fact of the matter is that if Biden was concerned about Ukraine having a corrupt prosecutor, he would not have installed a corrupt prosecutor into the PGO. Period.

The argument that Biden was concerned about the PG being corrupt is a non-starter because Biden installed a PG who had already been convicted of corruption. And is now facing more corruption charges.

If you know about the diamond prosecutors, then you must also know that Shokin was the one shutting down anyone who was attempting to investigate them. How does that look favorably for him?
The "diamond prosecutors" excuse is a non-starter. Turned out the documents connecting it to Shokin were fakes. It's a nothingburger.
Shokin was corrupt. You want us to subsidize a country with a corrupt PG?
Why is it that none of you moonbats who keep insisting that Shokin was corrupt can ever cite a law that he violated? He's never been charged with a crime, let alone convicted of a crime.

You have no evidence that PG Shokin was corrupt. You just believe he was corrupt because, like all LWNJ moonbats, your feeble mind is easily brainwashed via repeated messaging.

Biden had him replaced with PG Lutsenko, somebody who he knew was corrupt because he just got out of prison for corruption. And BTW, Lutsenko is currently facing more corruption charges and has fled the country.

So Biden got the honest PG, who was investigating Burisma, replaced with a corrupt puppet who had served prison time for corruption, never practiced law, and never even went to law school. He no qualifications whatsoever.

Dude, I am sure that you have never heard about so called diamond prosecutors, never heard about his attempts to thwart reforms of PG's office, that members of the parliament began signing a petition for Shokin's removal from the office before Biden's claims, that Shokin's disapproval rating was more than 70% among the Ukrainians and so on.
Actually yes, I've heard about all of that shit and researched thoroughly.

None of that shit is relevant because none of it indicates that Shokin was corrupt.

The fact of the matter is that if Biden was concerned about Ukraine having a corrupt prosecutor, he would not have installed a corrupt prosecutor into the PGO. Period.

The argument that Biden was concerned about the PG being corrupt is a non-starter because Biden installed a PG who had already been convicted of corruption. And is now facing more corruption charges.

If you know about the diamond prosecutors, then you must also know that Shokin was the one shutting down anyone who was attempting to investigate them. How does that look favorably for him?
The "diamond prosecutors" excuse is a non-starter. Turned out the documents connecting it to Shokin were fakes. It's a nothingburger.

If I’m not mistaken, one of them was Shokin’s driver that he brought with him through the ranks.

Shokin shut down all attempts to investigate these prosecutors. I’m sure they had a good reason for the diamonds.
The Biden's couldn't care less about emerging nations. They only shake down economically viable countries.
The Bidens do it all, especially Hunter. First he got kicked out of the Navy for being an addict. That's a hard thing to do when your daddy is VP. Then he snaked his dead brothers wife then blew it by running off with a crack ho. Then he knocked the crack ho up but denied it until the DNA test. And this is the lowlife daddy was able to get a million dollar no show job. Of course Joes extortion is pretty well documented, especially by his own stupid ass, going on tape and bragging about the shakedown. And now things are starting to filter in about Joes brothers living like kings on the government tit too. I'm not saying the Bidens are as dirty as the Clintons but they're really bad and they make our country look like a bunch of pirates.
Yes. And he did it with the full support of American foreign policy, the congress and the EU who had also been urging the removal of Shokin. In 2016, Rob Portman, the co-chair The Ukraine caucus, and others sent a letter to Ukraine urging them to reform the Prosecutor General's office as well as other agencies. Shokin was the head of that Prosecutor General's office. The EU, who was also involved in helping Ukraine, had also expressed concern about Shokin. They even released a statement expressing their satisfaction at Shokin's firing.
So what, that doesn't make it any less of a crime.

That's like saying to the police, "Yeah, I robbed the bank, but Vinnie and Guido said it's OK". It does not absolve you from the crime.

It's nothing like that, and you know it. Ukraine had a reputation for corruption, but the new leadership was trying to move past that, and needed help from the US and the EU to do it. The prosecutor was corrupt and had to go before they could get the aid. It wasn't a surprise. It wasn't the first time that corrupt prosecutor had been discussed.
Where is your evidence that Shokin was corrupt? When you say he was corrupt, that necessarily implies that he committed a crime. Can you at least cite the law that you believe he violated? Shokin has never even been charged with a crime, let alone convicted.

However, Biden knew with 100% certainty that Lutsenko was corrupt because he had recently done prison time for a corruption conviction.

If Biden was concerned that there was a corrupt prosecutor general, then why the fuck did hold back the $1 billion loan guarantee until the day after a corrupt PG was installed?

How the fuck do you explain that?

The facts are 100% at odds with the narrative that your feeble mind has been so easily brainwashed into believing.

Not my job to inform you. Look it up if you are interested. The information is easy to find.
Your concession that you cannot back up your ridiculous claim is accepted.

I didn't say I couldn't. I said it's not worth the effort to back them up to you.
Why is it that none of you moonbats who keep insisting that Shokin was corrupt can ever cite a law that he violated? He's never been charged with a crime, let alone convicted of a crime.

You have no evidence that PG Shokin was corrupt. You just believe he was corrupt because, like all LWNJ moonbats, your feeble mind is easily brainwashed via repeated messaging.

Biden had him replaced with PG Lutsenko, somebody who he knew was corrupt because he just got out of prison for corruption. And BTW, Lutsenko is currently facing more corruption charges and has fled the country.

So Biden got the honest PG, who was investigating Burisma, replaced with a corrupt puppet who had served prison time for corruption, never practiced law, and never even went to law school. He no qualifications whatsoever.

Dude, I am sure that you have never heard about so called diamond prosecutors, never heard about his attempts to thwart reforms of PG's office, that members of the parliament began signing a petition for Shokin's removal from the office before Biden's claims, that Shokin's disapproval rating was more than 70% among the Ukrainians and so on.
Actually yes, I've heard about all of that shit and researched thoroughly.

None of that shit is relevant because none of it indicates that Shokin was corrupt.

The fact of the matter is that if Biden was concerned about Ukraine having a corrupt prosecutor, he would not have installed a corrupt prosecutor into the PGO. Period.

The argument that Biden was concerned about the PG being corrupt is a non-starter because Biden installed a PG who had already been convicted of corruption. And is now facing more corruption charges.

If you know about the diamond prosecutors, then you must also know that Shokin was the one shutting down anyone who was attempting to investigate them. How does that look favorably for him?
The "diamond prosecutors" excuse is a non-starter. Turned out the documents connecting it to Shokin were fakes. It's a nothingburger.

If I’m not mistaken, one of them was Shokin’s driver that he brought with him through the ranks.

Shokin shut down all attempts to investigate these prosecutors. I’m sure they had a good reason for the diamonds.
You can't just bust into an apartment without a warrant and plant evidence, and expect the charges to stick. They have a constitution. It's not surprising that the Obama administration forgot about that pesky constitution thingy when their puppets pulled that stunt.

And they even brought poorly forged copies of Shokin's passport and gun license to show the cameras to try to make it look like Shokin lived there. That is how fucking silly the whole thing was.

It's certainly not evidence of corruption on Shokin's part.

Try again, silly Democrat.
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Dude, I am sure that you have never heard about so called diamond prosecutors, never heard about his attempts to thwart reforms of PG's office, that members of the parliament began signing a petition for Shokin's removal from the office before Biden's claims, that Shokin's disapproval rating was more than 70% among the Ukrainians and so on.
Actually yes, I've heard about all of that shit and researched thoroughly.

None of that shit is relevant because none of it indicates that Shokin was corrupt.

The fact of the matter is that if Biden was concerned about Ukraine having a corrupt prosecutor, he would not have installed a corrupt prosecutor into the PGO. Period.

The argument that Biden was concerned about the PG being corrupt is a non-starter because Biden installed a PG who had already been convicted of corruption. And is now facing more corruption charges.

If you know about the diamond prosecutors, then you must also know that Shokin was the one shutting down anyone who was attempting to investigate them. How does that look favorably for him?
The "diamond prosecutors" excuse is a non-starter. Turned out the documents connecting it to Shokin were fakes. It's a nothingburger.

If I’m not mistaken, one of them was Shokin’s driver that he brought with him through the ranks.

Shokin shut down all attempts to investigate these prosecutors. I’m sure they had a good reason for the diamonds.
You can't just bust into an apartment without a warrant and plant evidence, and expect the charges to stick. They have a constitution. It's not surprising that the Obama administration forgot about that pesky constitution thingy when their puppets pulled that stunt.

And they even brought poorly forged copies of Shokin's passport and gun license to show the cameras to try to make it look like Shokin lived there. That is how fucking silly the whole thing was.

It's certainly not evidence of corruption on Shokin's part.

Try again, silly Democrat.

I would love to see where you found this information. Care to share your sources?

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