So I wonder...


Oct 24, 2011
what would happen, if the "real people" of the US, just took all the time & energy spent bemoaning the gov't... looking for someone to blame... turned off the "sky is falling" TV... and just applied that reserve time/energy to raising their kids, working and living the best they know how? Nowhere did the founding fathers promise that government was going to provide "happiness", you know? Nor that everyone would be blessed with identical resources or lives (because THAT seriously interferes with freedom, OK?)

I mean, it would appear that us "real people" know how to have lives, balance our budgets and keep on, keepin' on... and we can - and do - take care of our neighbors too (in exchange for help when we need it...). I mean to say, that government is beginning to make itself irrelevant to the majority of us out here in the USA. If not a downright obstacle most of the time, as long as they're trying to change all the laws of nature, life, how things work, and are desperately seeking an affirmation that they're important to the process. There is no "news" anymore - it's all propaganda for one party or another. Horror stories that blow simple events all out of proportion into potential catastrophes. Like the weather channel's dire warnings about a typical summer thunderstorm. It's rediculous.

It's pretty clear that the concept of "parties" no longer represents the complex beliefs - both right/left - of most "normal" people. We're ALL "us" and we're also ALL "them" on different issues.

Being "right" about what to do, or what was done in the past, is a hell of lot less important these days, than just doing what one person can, to have a life and be a decent human being right now and not be expecting "someone" to take care you when you screw up (no matter who you are.)

What would happen if we just did what we know how to do, do it well, and do it in spite of the meddlers and muddlers who think they know better than we do "what's supposed to be"? Don't each one of us get to decide what that is for ourselves - and work for it, take responsibility for mistakes & successes - ourselves?

This seemed to work just fine, until the gov't showed up and said they were here to "help".
they are bought is the only reason they dont do the peoples bidding.

what would happen, if the "real people" of the US, just took all the time & energy spent bemoaning the gov't... looking for someone to blame... turned off the "sky is falling" TV... and just applied that reserve time/energy to raising their kids, working and living the best they know how? Nowhere did the founding fathers promise that government was going to provide "happiness", you know? Nor that everyone would be blessed with identical resources or lives (because THAT seriously interferes with freedom, OK?)

I mean, it would appear that us "real people" know how to have lives, balance our budgets and keep on, keepin' on... and we can - and do - take care of our neighbors too (in exchange for help when we need it...). I mean to say, that government is beginning to make itself irrelevant to the majority of us out here in the USA. If not a downright obstacle most of the time, as long as they're trying to change all the laws of nature, life, how things work, and are desperately seeking an affirmation that they're important to the process. There is no "news" anymore - it's all propaganda for one party or another. Horror stories that blow simple events all out of proportion into potential catastrophes. Like the weather channel's dire warnings about a typical summer thunderstorm. It's rediculous.

It's pretty clear that the concept of "parties" no longer represents the complex beliefs - both right/left - of most "normal" people. We're ALL "us" and we're also ALL "them" on different issues.

Being "right" about what to do, or what was done in the past, is a hell of lot less important these days, than just doing what one person can, to have a life and be a decent human being right now and not be expecting "someone" to take care you when you screw up (no matter who you are.)

What would happen if we just did what we know how to do, do it well, and do it in spite of the meddlers and muddlers who think they know better than we do "what's supposed to be"? Don't each one of us get to decide what that is for ourselves - and work for it, take responsibility for mistakes & successes - ourselves?

This seemed to work just fine, until the gov't showed up and said they were here to "help".

Nowhere did the founding fathers promise that government was going to provide "happiness", you know?

The Framers aren’t alone, I know of no one who advocates the government was to ‘provide happiness’; the notion is a political contrivance of the right.

What would happen if we just did what we know how to do, do it well, and do it in spite of the meddlers and muddlers who think they know better than we do "what's supposed to be"? Don't each one of us get to decide what that is for ourselves - and work for it, take responsibility for mistakes & successes - ourselves?

That’s fine.

The snag is we have those who do want to meddle, to interfere. They want to deny some Americans their equal protection rights because they perceive their ‘life-styles’ as ‘wrong’; they want to deny Americans’ their due process rights because they’re afraid of crime or ‘terrorism’; and there are those who want to violate Americans’ privacy and First Amendment rights on subjective ‘moral’ or ‘religious’ grounds.

I would enjoy nothing more than to quietly live my life, tending only to family and business.

But I can’t.

I daily read of the arrogant and ignorant who want to foist their beliefs and bigotry on the Nation as a whole, and I’m compelled to act using the existing system, however flawed.
...have lives, balance our budgets and keep on, keepin' on... and we can - and do - take care of our neighbors too

I suspect that that is what most people were doing until the bottom fell out of their economies.

And the vast majority of them would dearly love to go back to that state of affairs, too.
...have lives, balance our budgets and keep on, keepin' on... and we can - and do - take care of our neighbors too

I suspect that that is what most people were doing until the bottom fell out of their economies.

And the vast majority of them would dearly love to go back to that state of affairs, too.

But don't you think that it should be obvious to everybody but the numbnuts and dingbats now that the way to do that is for the government to go back to its Constitutionally mandated functions and otherwise leave us alone to do our thing the best we can?

Of course those the government has coerced, bribed, or fooled into being dependent worship at the feet of government and don't CARE what damage is being done so long as they get theirs or think they're going to get theirs.

The Founders never intended for the federal government to take care of anybody. They gave us the first freedom from Monarchy or other authoritarian government the world had ever known. And now we're doing our damndest to put ourselves under a monarchy.

We need to wake up.

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