So if Obama says he's willing to work with both parties


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
Why doesn't he? He's willing to shut this government down because he refuses to make a compromise with the Republicans. Little does he know, the Republicans passed two bills to keep government running. He continues claims that "Republicans want to "fight the results of an election" or that they are willing to shut down the government for their own sakes.

So the critical question here is: If Obama claims to want to work with both parties why is he allowing Reid to reject everything the other side proposes? Answer? It's all political.
what he meant was, he is willing to work with the GOP so long as they are wearing muzzles during the meetings.
It must really bug you guys, that so few are buying your BS. Only the converted, and they don't matter. But hey, preach on. I'm sure that raging even more on a message board that has been raging for weeks will bring you a great victory.
I seem to remember the first time Obama met with Congressional leaders in January 2009 and when the Republicans wanted to negotiate on something, the words out of Obama's mouth were "I won."

Too little, too late.
Why would he comprimise? In a month the republicans would ask fo an abortion ban or they will shut it down. Where does it end?
It must really bug you guys, that so few are buying your BS. Only the converted, and they don't matter. But hey, preach on. I'm sure that raging even more on a message board that has been raging for weeks will bring you a great victory.

"I refuse to compromise"

-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
Why would he comprimise? In a month the republicans would ask for an abortion ban or they will shut it down. Where does it end?

So, are the Republicans required to compromise, or capitulate? When will the political brinksmanship on Capitol Hill end?
If Obama's mouth is moving, you automatically have to assume he's lying.

"If you like your current healthcare plan, you can keep it"

"I didn't draw a red line, the world did"

"Let it be known that today was the day the oceans stopped rising and the planet began to heal"

"We don't intend to tax every business out of business"

Obama intends to deliberately provoke a civil war with the Right, so you need to be ready. All those remarks of "I'm not a dictator...." "What oft is said in jest, is really meant in earnest"
Pelosi and the rest of the tyrants need to provide photo's of GOP members dressed with bombs attatched to themselves and some holding sticks of dynamite/M-80's during their negotiations. in other words, put up or shut up.
Why doesn't he? He's willing to shut this government down because he refuses to make a compromise with the Republicans. Little does he know, the Republicans passed two bills to keep government running. He continues claims that "Republicans want to "fight the results of an election" or that they are willing to shut down the government for their own sakes.

So the critical question here is: If Obama claims to want to work with both parties why is he allowing Reid to reject everything the other side proposes? Answer? It's all political.

The best negociaters know when to tell the other side to go fuck themselves. They know when to tell the other side to go ahead and give their best shot. They know how to tell the other side they are not bluffing. They know how to accuse and challage the other side for trying to run a bluff.
Why would he comprimise? In a month the republicans would ask for an abortion ban or they will shut it down. Where does it end?

So, are the Republicans required to compromise, or capitulate? When will the political brinksmanship on Capitol Hill end?

This battle was fought in 2012. Romney ran on repealing the ACA and he lost. If the ACA supposedly is going to be so bad you guys will cruise in 2014 and 2016. Fight it out at the voting box.
Boehner is shutting down the govt., not Obama.

Obama has nothing to do with this actually. Its the Senate and the House making the choices.

The Senate has voted twice on the House CR bill.

when will the House vote on the Senate's bill?
so 55% of Americans really believe that the speaker of the house has the power to shut down the government? most probably live in those dying blue states.
In such instances on budgetary matters where both chambers can't agree, doesn't it go to a special committee to hammer out compromise? Haven't the Senate Democrats offered to have these very matters sent to a compromise committee since March? Why try and hold the country hostage to a continuing funding resolution.
Why would he comprimise? In a month the republicans would ask for an abortion ban or they will shut it down. Where does it end?

So, are the Republicans required to compromise, or capitulate? When will the political brinksmanship on Capitol Hill end?

This battle was fought in 2012. Romney ran on repealing the ACA and he lost. If the ACA supposedly is going to be so bad you guys will cruise in 2014 and 2016. Fight it out at the voting box.

So, is this all you do? Reference the election? Since when did that have anything to do with bipartisanship?
Boehner is shutting down the govt., not Obama.

Obama has nothing to do with this actually. Its the Senate and the House making the choices.

The Senate has voted twice on the House CR bill.

when will the House vote on the Senate's bill?


Boehner passed two bills that would fund the government. So this claim that he wants to shut down the government is a lie. Each time they sent it to the Senate they chose Obamacare over funding the government. Gee, tell me how that's supposed to work out?
Why doesn't he? He's willing to shut this government down because he refuses to make a compromise with the Republicans. Little does he know, the Republicans passed two bills to keep government running. He continues claims that "Republicans want to "fight the results of an election" or that they are willing to shut down the government for their own sakes.

So the critical question here is: If Obama claims to want to work with both parties why is he allowing Reid to reject everything the other side proposes? Answer? It's all political.

Answer. He's a incompetent ass who doesn't have a clue what the hell he is doing.

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