So if Obama says he's willing to work with both parties

If your bluff is called, you need to have the better hand. The GOP bluff was called, and they're showing a pair of 3's. Republicans can rage, but they've still lost. The Democrats have the better hand, hence they win.

The story now turns to damage control by the GOP. That is, how badly will they hurt themselves before this ends?

The Democrats never played. They were afraid of the ball. They shut the government down thru inaction.
Uh no. Harry doesn't allow a vote and refuses to meet and compromise.

Nope. The Senate passed a budget in March and the GOP have blocked forming a compromise committee about 17 times.

Reid rejects House Republicans' offer to appoint funding conferees (Video) - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |

Senate Democratic leaders shortly before midnight rejected a House Republican request to appoint conferees to negotiate a short-term government-funding bill.

The move made it all but certain there would be a government shutdown after midnight.

“We will not go to conference with a gun to our head,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said on the Senate floor.

“The first thing that the House has to do is pass a clean six-week [continuing resolution]. They have that before them,” Reid said. “If they do that then we’ll agree to work with Republicans on funding for the government for the remainder of the fiscal year.”

Less then two hours later, the House voted to go to conference and House Republicans named conferees......

........Reid said if House Republicans agree to extend government funding until Nov. 15, Senate Democrats will negotiate about funding for the rest of fiscal year 2014.

Reid called the proposal to negotiate an hour before the midnight deadline when government funding expires a “subterfuge to satisfy the Tea Party-driven Republicans.”

He argued there was no reason for Senate Democrats to begin negotiations only an hour before funding expired because there would be little prospect of reaching a deal in time.

He said the better course is for Republicans to accept the Senate-passed stopgap, which lasts until Nov. 15.

So, who exactly is making demands with a my way or the highway attitude? Who actually refused to negotiate a compromise and let the government shut down? Harry Reid.
That is the really amazing part about this as well. The dems outright refused to work with anything at all today and are still trying to claim the high road. Reid literally said that the republicans need to do exactly what the democrats want and THEN they will deal with the spending. They have been using that ‘do this and then we will address spending line‘ for the past 6 years now and still have failed to address anything. They are not interested in addressing spending – just putting it off indefinitely.

Does anyone really think that the dems are going to deal after a ‘clean’ CR is passed? Why would they, they just received EXACTLY what they wanted. The real shame for the Republican Party here is that they are allowing the dems to control the discourse and that ultimately leads to their down fall. I don’t know how they can fuck that up continually like they do but they have managed to lose control of that for ALL of Obama’s presidency and no matter what they do as long as the dems control the discourse the republicans are going to lose. It is no different here.
Why doesn't he? He's willing to shut this government down because he refuses to make a compromise with the Republicans. Little does he know, the Republicans passed two bills to keep government running. He continues claims that "Republicans want to "fight the results of an election" or that they are willing to shut down the government for their own sakes.

So the critical question here is: If Obama claims to want to work with both parties why is he allowing Reid to reject everything the other side proposes? Answer? It's all political.

Wrong, he was fucking lying his ass off. He is only interested in people working with him, meaning doing exactly what he says.

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