So if Obama says he's willing to work with both parties

This will end like the IRS, Benghazi, and Syria...

...the rightwing nuts will end up looking like fools, and yet not one of them will be an IQ point wiser for the experience.

You're lookin real dumb right now.

IQ points aren't gained and lost by lessons learned. Intelligence Quotients are measures of Intelligence, not wisdom and stored facts.

When you're gonna call someone stupid, try not to look ignorant while doing it.
There is no compromise, Democrats hate the working class and the poor, that is why they want to force Obamacare on the working class, while exempting the business owners and the unions for another year.

The GOP refuses to offer any amendments to ObamaCare.

They simply want to kill it.

They are asking for it's implementation to be delayed for one year. Big business and unions have been exempted for a year, why not let the American people enjoy the same deal? Why do the democrats want to burden the public down with added money going out of their pocket?
As the president correctly stated this afternoon, House republicans doing their job, keeping the people’s government open, is not a concession to him.

They did do their job. They passed two bills that would keep the government functioning. Or did you miss that part?
The House passed two bills with a "Poison Pill" in each. Or did you miss that part?
They are asking for it's implementation to be delayed for one year. Big business and unions have been exempted for a year, why not let the American people enjoy the same deal? Why do the democrats want to burden the public down with added money going out of their pocket?

what is the intelligent and detailed reason why it should be delayed for a year?
As the president correctly stated this afternoon, House republicans doing their job, keeping the people’s government open, is not a concession to him.

They did do their job. They passed two bills that would keep the government functioning. Or did you miss that part?
The House passed two bills with a "Poison Pill" in each. Or did you miss that part?

I'll say this again, you're a little slow or just don't read- this is not the first shutdown and it won't be the last....a Democratic congress shutdown the gov. 5 or 6 times during Carters term .....they knew he would not sign either a) Medicaid abortion language, b) nuclear power provisions....and more...yet? they did it all themselves, 18 days once I Where you crying then? Raling against Tip O'Niell and Mondale? :rolleyes:
So basically what you're saying here is that they asked for too much? In negotiating terms, "controversial" means something that one party really doesn't wanna give. Essentially, asking for too much.

I'm not sure if you've ever negotiated for anything before, but that's pretty much a standard negotiation. One side establishes that they want A, the other side establishes that they want Z. One side then tells the other side what they're willing to concede for what they expect the other side to concede. If the other side doesn't like the offer, it doesn't mean that the offer was tantamount to not negotiating in good faith. It means its their turn to make a counter-offer.

In this case, the Democrats counter-offer was, "Fuck you! Give us what we want!"

How is it that it's okay for the Democrats to stone wall the issue, but if the Republicans pass a budget asking for too much, that shows a lack of good faith?

No, I think it's simpler than that for you. I'm pretty sure that the reason you believe the Republicans aren't acting in good faith is because you want what the Democrats want. Doesn't matter who's doing what, the side with which you disagree is the side at fault.

I agree with much of what you are saying, but we may be talking about two different things. Certainly you are correct about open and ongoing negotiations. I was discussing what was going on today, hours from reaching a point of no return so to speak. The House is giving solutions that they should surely know are poison.

And what solutions, aside from ,"Fuck you! Give us what we want!", are the Democrats suggesting?

. . . any. . . ? I'll wait. . . .

. . . still waiting.

I've yet to have anybody give me a valid reason why the Democrats are blameless in the event of a shutdown. What have they done to compromise?

Or am I missing some obscure definition of compromise that reads do what you're told?
The House passed two bills with a "Poison Pill" in each. Or did you miss that part?

The House not only won't pass the Senate bill, they won't even vote on it.

GOP scum.

Nomination for post of the day.......

You don't want "rational" Republicans, you want liberal Republicans like George W. Bush and John Boehner. You liberals are throwing temper-tantrums because you're used to having your way thanks to marxist Dumbocrats and liberal Republicans.

You're party has gotten more and more radical and now rational seems "radical" to you because of it. All the Tea Party has done is obey the highest law in the land (Constitution). How sad that you consider obeying the law to be "irrational" and "radical".

Barack Obama and the Dumbocrats have spent us into collapse. You have nobody to blame but yourselves.
You can attack Obama from now till doomsday but the majority of American people will still lay the responsibility for the government shutdown on the party that has been bitching about government for the last 40 years.

The American people watched Congress in action over the last four years...they know who the obstructionists are.

Your Tea Bagger wing has taken control of your GOP, citizens.

the GOP's (false) hatred for government has come back to bite it in the ass.

SOME of the government hating morons you attracted to your party are now in the drivers' seats in Congress.

Translation: We liked the Republican Party better when it's just RINOs who do what the Democrats want.
You don't know shit about negociating. You wish you had some asshole telling you they were willing to sacrifice to make a deal. You wish you had some asshole who would speak softly. My way is the best way. Fuck the soft voice. Talk nice time over. You threaten and you get to meet the big stick. Threaten to do harm to the people under my protection and you get what Obama is giving to the assholes threatening his people. Nice talk is over. Shut up and do what you are told or fuck off. Want to fight over it. OK, lets do it. No rules.

You don't even know how to spell the word, much less practice it. "My way is the best way" or is it, "My way or the highway?" Thank you for proving my point. "Fuck the soft voice"?

I will not do what I am told. I live in a free country where I am free to dissent or disagree, you will not dictate to me, you rank amateur!

I dare you to threaten me again. I'll melt you into that chair of yours, hotshot.

Oh my! He breathes fire! My hero!

Out his ass, as well! Methinks Taco Bell is to blame.
In such instances on budgetary matters where both chambers can't agree, doesn't it go to a special committee to hammer out compromise? Haven't the Senate Democrats offered to have these very matters sent to a compromise committee since March? Why try and hold the country hostage to a continuing funding resolution.

Uh no. Harry doesn't allow a vote and refuses to meet and compromise.

Nope. The Senate passed a budget in March and the GOP have blocked forming a compromise committee about 17 times.

Reid rejects House Republicans' offer to appoint funding conferees (Video) - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |

Senate Democratic leaders shortly before midnight rejected a House Republican request to appoint conferees to negotiate a short-term government-funding bill.

The move made it all but certain there would be a government shutdown after midnight.

“We will not go to conference with a gun to our head,” Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said on the Senate floor.

“The first thing that the House has to do is pass a clean six-week [continuing resolution]. They have that before them,” Reid said. “If they do that then we’ll agree to work with Republicans on funding for the government for the remainder of the fiscal year.”

Less then two hours later, the House voted to go to conference and House Republicans named conferees......

........Reid said if House Republicans agree to extend government funding until Nov. 15, Senate Democrats will negotiate about funding for the rest of fiscal year 2014.

Reid called the proposal to negotiate an hour before the midnight deadline when government funding expires a “subterfuge to satisfy the Tea Party-driven Republicans.”

He argued there was no reason for Senate Democrats to begin negotiations only an hour before funding expired because there would be little prospect of reaching a deal in time.

He said the better course is for Republicans to accept the Senate-passed stopgap, which lasts until Nov. 15.

So, who exactly is making demands with a my way or the highway attitude? Who actually refused to negotiate a compromise and let the government shut down? Harry Reid.
Obama wants single payer. That is a non-starter with GOP and red state Dems.
Obama compromises and suggests Obamacare with public option.
No......GOP and red state Dems say no.
Obama compromises and drops public option.
Law passes.

But Obama does not compromise.

Funny retards.

Obama On The GOP: 'I Shouldn't Have To Offer Anything' : The Two-Way : NPR

Obama stood with his party members in the Senate. Steve asked if that opportunity to avoid a shutdown exists, what was he willing to offer.

"Steve when you say what can I offer? I shouldn't have to offer anything," Obama said.
You can attack Obama from now till doomsday but the majority of American people will still lay the responsibility for the government shutdown on the party that has been bitching about government for the last 40 years.

The American people watched Congress in action over the last four years...they know who the obstructionists are.

Your Tea Bagger wing has taken control of your GOP, citizens.

the GOP's (false) hatred for government has come back to bite it in the ass.

SOME of the government hating morons you attracted to your party are now in the drivers' seats in Congress.

If your bluff is called, you need to have the better hand. The GOP bluff was called, and they're showing a pair of 3's. Republicans can rage, but they've still lost. The Democrats have the better hand, hence they win.

The story now turns to damage control by the GOP. That is, how badly will they hurt themselves before this ends?
You can attack Obama from now till doomsday but the majority of American people will still lay the responsibility for the government shutdown on the party that has been bitching about government for the last 40 years.

The American people watched Congress in action over the last four years...they know who the obstructionists are.

Your Tea Bagger wing has taken control of your GOP, citizens.

the GOP's (false) hatred for government has come back to bite it in the ass.

SOME of the government hating morons you attracted to your party are now in the drivers' seats in Congress.


Harry Reid

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