So if Obama says he's willing to work with both parties

Why doesn't he? He's willing to shut this government down because he refuses to make a compromise with the Republicans. Little does he know, the Republicans passed two bills to keep government running. He continues claims that "Republicans want to "fight the results of an election" or that they are willing to shut down the government for their own sakes.

So the critical question here is: If Obama claims to want to work with both parties why is he allowing Reid to reject everything the other side proposes? Answer? It's all political.

The best negociaters know when to tell the other side to go fuck themselves. They know when to tell the other side to go ahead and give their best shot. They know how to tell the other side they are not bluffing. They know how to accuse and challage the other side for trying to run a bluff.

The best negotiators know that to succeed on anything, they have to make sacrifices, unlike Obama. He is plainly stubborn, he would take the government hostage to ensure the ACA is left untouched, all while the law is self destructing by itself.

To use the "speak softly and carry a big stick" analogy, Obama only wants to use the big stick. That isn't negotiating.
It must really bug you guys, that so few are buying your BS. Only the converted, and they don't matter. But hey, preach on. I'm sure that raging even more on a message board that has been raging for weeks will bring you a great victory.

I'm amazed that someone as stoopid as you can actually type a complete sentence.

View attachment $sheeple.bmp
In such instances on budgetary matters where both chambers can't agree, doesn't it go to a special committee to hammer out compromise? Haven't the Senate Democrats offered to have these very matters sent to a compromise committee since March? Why try and hold the country hostage to a continuing funding resolution.

Uh no. Harry doesn't allow a vote and refuses to meet and compromise.
In such instances on budgetary matters where both chambers can't agree, doesn't it go to a special committee to hammer out compromise?

Haven't the Senate Democrats offered to have these very matters sent to a compromise committee since March?

Why try and hold the country hostage to a continuing funding resolution?

To your first question:

It can, or it can be hashed out in committee and get sent to either house for a straight up vote.

To your second:

No. Since when have they addressed budgetary matters? They avoided passing one for over 1440 days! They haven't addressed the spending problem since they were elected to the White House.

To your third:

Why hold the country hostage over a bad law?
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Why won't Boehner and terrorists compromise?

You call anyone who refuses to compromise "terrorists" but you call someone like Nadal Hasan a "disgruntled employee."

Just where do you get off calling people terrorists anyway, Carbine?
Why doesn't he? He's willing to shut this government down because he refuses to make a compromise with the Republicans. Little does he know, the Republicans passed two bills to keep government running. He continues claims that "Republicans want to "fight the results of an election" or that they are willing to shut down the government for their own sakes.

So the critical question here is: If Obama claims to want to work with both parties why is he allowing Reid to reject everything the other side proposes? Answer? It's all political.

The best negociaters know when to tell the other side to go fuck themselves. They know when to tell the other side to go ahead and give their best shot. They know how to tell the other side they are not bluffing. They know how to accuse and challage the other side for trying to run a bluff.

The best negotiators know that to succeed on anything, they have to make sacrifices, unlike Obama. He is plainly stubborn, he would take the government hostage to ensure the ACA is left untouched, all while the law is self destructing by itself.

To use the "speak softly and carry a big stick" analogy, Obama only wants to use the big stick. That isn't negotiating.

You don't know shit about negociating. You wish you had some asshole telling you they were willing to sacrifice to make a deal. You wish you had some asshole who would speak softly. My way is the best way. Fuck the soft voice. Talk nice time over. You threaten and you get to meet the big stick. Threaten to do harm to the people under my protection and you get what Obama is giving to the assholes threatening his people. Nice talk is over. Shut up and do what you are told or fuck off. Want to fight over it. OK, lets do it. No rules. That's how to negociate.
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The liberals in this thread should get paid for carrying out community service by keeping the retards occupied.
The best negociaters know when to tell the other side to go fuck themselves. They know when to tell the other side to go ahead and give their best shot. They know how to tell the other side they are not bluffing. They know how to accuse and challage the other side for trying to run a bluff.

The best negotiators know that to succeed on anything, they have to make sacrifices, unlike Obama. He is plainly stubborn, he would take the government hostage to ensure the ACA is left untouched, all while the law is self destructing by itself.

To use the "speak softly and carry a big stick" analogy, Obama only wants to use the big stick. That isn't negotiating.

You don't know shit about negociating. You wish you had some asshole telling you they were willing to sacrifice to make a deal. You wish you had some asshole who would speak softly. My way is the best way. Fuck the soft voice. Talk nice time over. You threaten and you get to meet the big stick. Threaten to do harm to the people under my protection and you get what Obama is giving to the assholes threatening his people. Nice talk is over. Shut up and do what you are told or fuck off. Want to fight over it. OK, lets do it. No rules.

You don't even know how to spell the word, much less practice it. "My way is the best way" or is it, "My way or the highway?" Thank you for proving my point. "Fuck the soft voice"?

I will not do what I am told. I live in a free country where I am free to dissent or disagree, you will not dictate to me, you rank amateur!

I dare you to threaten me again. I'll melt you into that chair of yours, hotshot.
The best negotiators know that to succeed on anything, they have to make sacrifices, unlike Obama. He is plainly stubborn, he would take the government hostage to ensure the ACA is left untouched, all while the law is self destructing by itself.

To use the "speak softly and carry a big stick" analogy, Obama only wants to use the big stick. That isn't negotiating.

You don't know shit about negociating. You wish you had some asshole telling you they were willing to sacrifice to make a deal. You wish you had some asshole who would speak softly. My way is the best way. Fuck the soft voice. Talk nice time over. You threaten and you get to meet the big stick. Threaten to do harm to the people under my protection and you get what Obama is giving to the assholes threatening his people. Nice talk is over. Shut up and do what you are told or fuck off. Want to fight over it. OK, lets do it. No rules.

You don't even know how to spell the word, much less practice it. "My way is the best way" or is it, "My way or the highway?" Thank you for proving my point. "Fuck the soft voice"?

I will not do what I am told. I live in a free country where I am free to dissent or disagree, you will not dictate to me, you rank amateur!

I dare you to threaten me again. I'll melt you into that chair of yours, hotshot.

Oh my! He breathes fire! My hero!
Why doesn't he? He's willing to shut this government down because he refuses to make a compromise with the Republicans.

And there’s where you and others on the right have it wrong.

As the president correctly stated this afternoon, House republicans doing their job, keeping the people’s government open, is not a concession to him.

The unreasonable and reckless republican demand that the ACA, Federal law in effect for three years now, be ‘delayed’ for a year is not ‘compromise,’ it’s petulant partisan idiocy by conservatives.

The Senate sent the House a clean CR, free of democratic conditions or demands, House republicans should do the same.

Indeed, if put to a vote the clean CR would pass in the House with a mix of republican and democratic votes – even the republican House doesn’t want the government to shutdown.

The Speaker knows this, but he won’t allow a vote because he’s intimidated by the TPM. If Boehner weren’t a coward he’d do the right thing and allow the House to vote on the CR. Boehner’s refusal to allow the vote is why the government shutdown is the fault of the GOP.
Obama wants single payer. That is a non-starter with GOP and red state Dems.
Obama compromises and suggests Obamacare with public option.
No......GOP and red state Dems say no.
Obama compromises and drops public option.
Law passes.

But Obama does not compromise.

Funny retards.
The best negotiators know that to succeed on anything, they have to make sacrifices, unlike Obama. He is plainly stubborn, he would take the government hostage to ensure the ACA is left untouched, all while the law is self destructing by itself.

To use the "speak softly and carry a big stick" analogy, Obama only wants to use the big stick. That isn't negotiating.

You don't know shit about negociating. You wish you had some asshole telling you they were willing to sacrifice to make a deal. You wish you had some asshole who would speak softly. My way is the best way. Fuck the soft voice. Talk nice time over. You threaten and you get to meet the big stick. Threaten to do harm to the people under my protection and you get what Obama is giving to the assholes threatening his people. Nice talk is over. Shut up and do what you are told or fuck off. Want to fight over it. OK, lets do it. No rules.

You don't even know how to spell the word, much less practice it. "My way is the best way" or is it, "My way or the highway?" Thank you for proving my point. "Fuck the soft voice"?

I will not do what I am told. I live in a free country where I am free to dissent or disagree, you will not dictate to me, you rank amateur!

I dare you to threaten me again. I'll melt you into that chair of yours, hotshot.

I didn't threaten you asshole. I was teaching your sorry fantasy world delusional ass about how to negotiate. You ain't gonna melt anybody. The web and web games aren't real you silly bastard.
As the president correctly stated this afternoon, House republicans doing their job, keeping the people’s government open, is not a concession to him.

They did do their job. They passed two bills that would keep the government functioning. Or did you miss that part?

The unreasonable and reckless republican demand that the ACA, Federal law in effect for three years now, be ‘delayed’ for a year is not ‘compromise,’ it’s petulant partisan idiocy by conservatives.

And you're one to speak of "petulant partisan idiocy," when for 5 years the Democrats have refused to reach across the aisle to pass a budget or spending cuts. Don't you think THAT'S reckless?

The Senate sent the House a clean CR, free of democratic conditions or demands, House republicans should do the same.

Why? The ACA was passed against the will of the American people. Frankly I don't care who gets damaged by this, maybe this will send a message to the Democrats and the President that the time for games is over.

Indeed, if put to a vote the clean CR would pass in the House with a mix of republican and democratic votes – even the republican House doesn’t want the government to shutdown.

An nice contradiction to you introductory statement. If the Republicans don't want the government to shut down why are you accusing them of wanting to shut it down?

The Speaker knows this, but he won’t allow a vote because he’s intimidated by the TPM. If Boehner weren’t a coward he’d do the right thing and allow the House to vote on the CR. Boehner’s refusal to allow the vote is why the government shutdown is the fault of the GOP.

Leave it to a liberal like you to know what's in the mind of a man. You call people cowards who don't capitulate to your demands. Reid's refusal to bring up any of the bills passed by the house up for a vote is why this shutdown is the fault of the Democrats in the Senate, not Boehner's.
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The best negociaters know when to tell the other side to go fuck themselves. They know when to tell the other side to go ahead and give their best shot. They know how to tell the other side they are not bluffing. They know how to accuse and challage the other side for trying to run a bluff.

The best negotiators know that to succeed on anything, they have to make sacrifices, unlike Obama. He is plainly stubborn, he would take the government hostage to ensure the ACA is left untouched, all while the law is self destructing by itself.

To use the "speak softly and carry a big stick" analogy, Obama only wants to use the big stick. That isn't negotiating.

You don't know shit about negociating. You wish you had some asshole telling you they were willing to sacrifice to make a deal. You wish you had some asshole who would speak softly. My way is the best way. Fuck the soft voice. Talk nice time over. You threaten and you get to meet the big stick. Threaten to do harm to the people under my protection and you get what Obama is giving to the assholes threatening his people. Nice talk is over. Shut up and do what you are told or fuck off. Want to fight over it. OK, lets do it. No rules. That's how to negociate.

Shut up and do what the fuck you're told? LMFAO. Yes, that's the sort of executive we need. A straight up dictator. Fuck Congress if they don't agree with the president. Haven't they read the constitution? Don't they know that the Judicial and Legislative branches are there to rubber stamp the will of the Executive branch?

Why would we elect a king if we were gonna let these lesser beings in lesser offices object to His will?
Why doesn't he? He's willing to shut this government down because he refuses to make a compromise with the Republicans.

And there’s where you and others on the right have it wrong.

As the president correctly stated this afternoon, House republicans doing their job, keeping the people’s government open, is not a concession to him.

The unreasonable and reckless republican demand that the ACA, Federal law in effect for three years now, be ‘delayed’ for a year is not ‘compromise,’ it’s petulant partisan idiocy by conservatives.

The Senate sent the House a clean CR, free of democratic conditions or demands, House republicans should do the same.

Indeed, if put to a vote the clean CR would pass in the House with a mix of republican and democratic votes – even the republican House doesn’t want the government to shutdown.

The Speaker knows this, but he won’t allow a vote because he’s intimidated by the TPM. If Boehner weren’t a coward he’d do the right thing and allow the House to vote on the CR. Boehner’s refusal to allow the vote is why the government shutdown is the fault of the GOP.

That's an interesting opinion, but find me in the Constitution where it says that the primary job of the House is to "keep the government open".

While you're digging through there fruitlessly, take a look at where it says that Congress has the power of the purse, i.e. the power to decide where the money goes.

Your argument is that the Congress is shirking a responsibility that isn't legally a responsibility of any particular branch, and so the shut down would lie on their heads alone.

My argument is that Congress is simply attempting to exercise a power -actually- assigned to them by our nation's structural documents and the senate and the president won't approve any budgetary bill that contains anything they don't like.

Sorry, but it takes 2 to tango, little guy.
The best negotiators know that to succeed on anything, they have to make sacrifices, unlike Obama. He is plainly stubborn, he would take the government hostage to ensure the ACA is left untouched, all while the law is self destructing by itself.

To use the "speak softly and carry a big stick" analogy, Obama only wants to use the big stick. That isn't negotiating.

You don't know shit about negociating. You wish you had some asshole telling you they were willing to sacrifice to make a deal. You wish you had some asshole who would speak softly. My way is the best way. Fuck the soft voice. Talk nice time over. You threaten and you get to meet the big stick. Threaten to do harm to the people under my protection and you get what Obama is giving to the assholes threatening his people. Nice talk is over. Shut up and do what you are told or fuck off. Want to fight over it. OK, lets do it. No rules. That's how to negociate.

Shut up and do what the fuck you're told? LMFAO. Yes, that's the sort of executive we need. A straight up dictator. Fuck Congress if they don't agree with the president. Haven't they read the constitution? Don't they know that the Judicial and Legislative branches are there to rubber stamp the will of the Executive branch?

Why would we elect a king if we were gonna let these lesser beings in lesser offices object to His will?

It's what you do when you reach the conclusion that the party you are negotiating with aren't negotiating in good faith.

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