So If The Economy Is So Strong, Then Why Did The Stock Market Plunge Over 300 Points? Oops.

Personally, I don't have a clue where the stock market is headed, but I do believe it will be making a large move. The way I see it , the market is at a precipice, it could go way up (sentiment is extremely negative the DSI is only 5.8% bulls- in a crash momentum outruns sentiment- so this is a very bullish indicator) ....or it could collapse way down.

I'm betting that if the DOW breaks 15,000 - it will be going a LOT lower......
Upon closer review....

The numbers are bullshit. Here's an example....

It claims the debt was $9T when Obama became president in January, 2009.

It wasn't . It was $10.6T

It WAS about $9T in January, 2008

Here's another example....

It claims there were 138 million total jobs when Obama became president in January, 2009.

There weren't. There were 134 million.

There WERE 133 million in January, 2008

Here's another example....

It claims the labor force participation rate was 66.2% when Obama became president in January, 2009.

It wasn't. It was 65.7%

It WAS 66.2% in January, 2008

.... do you see the bullshit you posted here?? The numbers in that chart claim to portray the economy as it was in January, 2009, when Obama became president, but in reality, it's based on the economy a full year before Obama became president when we were just coming off the peak of the economy and entering into one of the worst recessions in this country.

You're a fucking imbecile as are the morons who patted you on your head for posting that:

Sassy posted a picture whose title reads: "This is not what a successful presidency looks like:" and I agreed with the statement.

You seem to attach great importance to the dates associated with the statistics presented but show little concern for the state of the economy today.

The numbers under Obama's watch are in most cases poor. To help your understanding of the state of the US economy, I will let President Clinton's former Secretary of Labor enlighten you. Posted on Monday, January 4, 2016:

"American consumers account for almost 70 percent of economic activity, but they won’t have enough purchasing power in 2016 to keep the economy going on more than two cylinders."


"At the same time, the labor participation rate—the percentage of Americans of working age who have jobs—remains near a 40-year low."


"Business investment won’t save the day, either. Without enough customers, businesses won’t step up investment."


"Chances are, therefore, the next president will inherit an economy teetering on the edge of recession."

The Economy in 2016: On the Edge of Recession

Your insults sound like a desperate attempt to try and defend the present state of the economy. Why don't you give it some thought and try again?

All one need do is look at the most prized commodity in the world, oil. With the sanctions coming off Iran and the glut of oil they will put on the market count on the dow going to 1400.
All one need do is look at the most prized commodity in the world, oil. With the sanctions coming off Iran and the glut of oil they will put on the market count on the dow going to 1400.

Hold on

If no one is buying a commodity, then the commodity will drop in price. However, the demand in oil is somewhat stable.

A drop in the price of oil will benefit industries that rely on oil. It help increase their profit and expansion potential, hence the lower price should cause several markets to grow.

The problem is in the energy sector--companies that utilizes fracking or other more expensive methods to produce oil are facing bankruptcy.

Too bad Obama is a green thumb liberal and not a corporatist. A true corporatist will encourage moth balling the fracking equipment and moving the high end oil companies into other ventures until a barrel return to the nosebleed prices.
Now as long as ICE dropped ......DEBT in 2015 below. Now it $18.9T with 8 months to go. Say what?
"deficit" cut?

09/30/2015 18,150,604,277,750.63
09/30/2014 17,824,071,380,733.82
09/30/2013 16,738,183,526,697.32
09/30/2012 16,066,241,407,385.89
09/30/2011 14,790,340,328,557.15
09/30/2010 13,561,623,030,891.79
09/30/2009 11,909,829,003,511.75
09/30/2008 10,024,724,896,912.49
09/30/2007 9,007,653,372,262.48
09/30/2006 8,506,973,899,215.23
09/30/2005 7,932,709,661,723.50
09/30/2004 7,379,052,696,330.32
09/30/2003 6,783,231,062,743.62
09/30/2002 6,228,235,965,597.16
09/30/2001 5,807,463,412,200.06
09/30/2000 5,674,178,209,886.86


How many times we gotta go over this....

You are looking at debt, not deficit....
Upon closer review....

The numbers are bullshit. Here's an example....

It claims the debt was $9T when Obama became president in January, 2009.

It wasn't . It was $10.6T

It WAS about $9T in January, 2008

Here's another example....

It claims there were 138 million total jobs when Obama became president in January, 2009.

There weren't. There were 134 million.

There WERE 133 million in January, 2008

Here's another example....

It claims the labor force participation rate was 66.2% when Obama became president in January, 2009.

It wasn't. It was 65.7%

It WAS 66.2% in January, 2008

.... do you see the bullshit you posted here?? The numbers in that chart claim to portray the economy as it was in January, 2009, when Obama became president, but in reality, it's based on the economy a full year before Obama became president when we were just coming off the peak of the economy and entering into one of the worst recessions in this country.

You're a fucking imbecile as are the morons who patted you on your head for posting that:

Sassy posted a picture whose title reads: "This is not what a successful presidency looks like:" and I agreed with the statement.

You seem to attach great importance to the dates associated with the statistics presented but show little concern for the state of the economy today.

The numbers under Obama's watch are in most cases poor. To help your understanding of the state of the US economy, I will let President Clinton's former Secretary of Labor enlighten you. Posted on Monday, January 4, 2016:

"American consumers account for almost 70 percent of economic activity, but they won’t have enough purchasing power in 2016 to keep the economy going on more than two cylinders."


"At the same time, the labor participation rate—the percentage of Americans of working age who have jobs—remains near a 40-year low."


"Business investment won’t save the day, either. Without enough customers, businesses won’t step up investment."


"Chances are, therefore, the next president will inherit an economy teetering on the edge of recession."

The Economy in 2016: On the Edge of Recession

Your insults sound like a desperate attempt to try and defend the present state of the economy. Why don't you give it some thought and try again?


If Gassy numbers are bullshit, they are bullshit.......

and given that we are dealing with objective data it can be demonstrated...

the next question is why Gassy lies........perhaps she is just an unwitting dupe...
All one need do is look at the most prized commodity in the world, oil. With the sanctions coming off Iran and the glut of oil they will put on the market count on the dow going to 1400.

Hold on

If no one is buying a commodity, then the commodity will drop in price. However, the demand in oil is somewhat stable.

A drop in the price of oil will benefit industries that rely on oil. It help increase their profit and expansion potential, hence the lower price should cause several markets to grow.

The problem is in the energy sector--companies that utilizes fracking or other more expensive methods to produce oil are facing bankruptcy.

Too bad Obama is a green thumb liberal and not a corporatist. A true corporatist will encourage moth balling the fracking equipment and moving the high end oil companies into other ventures until a barrel return to the nosebleed prices.
A true corporatist will encourage moth balling the fracking equipment and moving the high end oil companies into other ventures

When Bush and the GOP left it to Obama, it was only around 7,000. We have a ways to go.

How many times we gotta go over this....

You are looking at debt, not deficit....

Whoa Nellie, I know.
Numbers show they have already added $0.8T since 09-30-2015 t total DEBT (now at $18.9T)

They have ~8 more months to end of fiscal year.
At $200bil/mo it will be > $2T deficit for current year. WTH? I rest my case.
Hold on

If no one is buying a commodity, then the commodity will drop in price. However, the demand in oil is somewhat stable.

A drop in the price of oil will benefit industries that rely on oil. It help increase their profit and expansion potential, hence the lower price should cause several markets to grow.

I agree. Cheap OIL is great for many parts of business. This Stock Market "correction" can't be all OIL.
I heard that the low oil prices has something to do with Iran coming off sanctions.

Wat a shame--all the time our presidents(Bush and Obama) asked for more production from the Saudi's, one little agreement with Iran got the Saudis producing like mad.

The Sauds were squeezing us, and Iran squeezed out of its little prison. Saud's must be kicking themselves now.
I heard that the low oil prices has something to do with Iran coming off sanctions.

Wat a shame--all the time our presidents(Bush and Obama) asked for more production from the Saudi's, one little agreement with Iran got the Saudis producing like mad.

The Sauds were squeezing us, and Iran squeezed out of its little prison. Saud's must be kicking themselves now.

Someone with long commute could use 100 gal/mo. $4/gal was $400/mo. Now same pay $250? nice for us.
Upon closer review....

The numbers are bullshit. Here's an example....

It claims the debt was $9T when Obama became president in January, 2009.

It wasn't . It was $10.6T

It WAS about $9T in January, 2008

Here's another example....

It claims there were 138 million total jobs when Obama became president in January, 2009.

There weren't. There were 134 million.

There WERE 133 million in January, 2008

Here's another example....

It claims the labor force participation rate was 66.2% when Obama became president in January, 2009.

It wasn't. It was 65.7%

It WAS 66.2% in January, 2008

.... do you see the bullshit you posted here?? The numbers in that chart claim to portray the economy as it was in January, 2009, when Obama became president, but in reality, it's based on the economy a full year before Obama became president when we were just coming off the peak of the economy and entering into one of the worst recessions in this country.

You're a fucking imbecile as are the morons who patted you on your head for posting that:

Sassy posted a picture whose title reads: "This is not what a successful presidency looks like:" and I agreed with the statement.

You seem to attach great importance to the dates associated with the statistics presented but show little concern for the state of the economy today.

The numbers under Obama's watch are in most cases poor. To help your understanding of the state of the US economy, I will let President Clinton's former Secretary of Labor enlighten you. Posted on Monday, January 4, 2016:

"American consumers account for almost 70 percent of economic activity, but they won’t have enough purchasing power in 2016 to keep the economy going on more than two cylinders."


"At the same time, the labor participation rate—the percentage of Americans of working age who have jobs—remains near a 40-year low."


"Business investment won’t save the day, either. Without enough customers, businesses won’t step up investment."


"Chances are, therefore, the next president will inherit an economy teetering on the edge of recession."

The Economy in 2016: On the Edge of Recession

Your insults sound like a desperate attempt to try and defend the present state of the economy. Why don't you give it some thought and try again?


If Gassy numbers are bullshit, they are bullshit.......

and given that we are dealing with objective data it can be demonstrated...

the next question is why Gassy lies........perhaps she is just an unwitting dupe...

Sassy is correct in that the economy under Obama is doing poorly. Central to this is the quote I posted from President Clinton's former Secretary of Labor:

"American consumers account for almost 70 percent of economic activity, but they won’t have enough purchasing power in 2016 to keep the economy going on more than two cylinders."

The Economy in 2016: On the Edge of Recession

Today the news includes:

""While this growth slowdown should prove temporary, the deceleration in consumer spending could be a worrying sign of possible contagion to the domestic side of the economy from the global headwinds," said Millan Mulraine, deputy chief economist at TD Securities in New York."

Weak U.S. data deluge points to sharply slower growth

"Growth has been lackluster in part because American consumers still seem reluctant to spend. The drop in oil prices was supposed to be a big boost to the U.S. economy. Lower gas prices would put more money in consumers’ pockets that they could run out and spend. That has happened, but not as much as economists expected."

What the Market Drop Says About the State of the Obama Economy

Seems there is more than a little truth to Sassy's assertion.

My position is that stock prices have nothing to do with China,oil, PE ratios, earnings, or any other "fundamental" reason. Those are all "rationalizations" used to explain what has already happened and have essentially no predictive value. Ask yourself, . If you bought stocks whenever the price of oil went down and sold when they went up would you buy low and sell high? Or would it be random? If you go through that exercise you'll see that the price of Oil has no reliable correlation with the price of stocks. Sometimes the price of oil goes down and the stock market rises, and sometimes the stock market goes down. Oddly the same holds true of interest rates, earnings, unemployment rates, job creation, GDP growth, etc...

Stock markets fluctuate based upon social mood. Social mood is now very negative. When it turns positive again, stock prices will rise.
Upon closer review....

The numbers are bullshit. Here's an example....

It claims the debt was $9T when Obama became president in January, 2009.

It wasn't . It was $10.6T

It WAS about $9T in January, 2008

Here's another example....

It claims there were 138 million total jobs when Obama became president in January, 2009.

There weren't. There were 134 million.

There WERE 133 million in January, 2008

Here's another example....

It claims the labor force participation rate was 66.2% when Obama became president in January, 2009.

It wasn't. It was 65.7%

It WAS 66.2% in January, 2008

.... do you see the bullshit you posted here?? The numbers in that chart claim to portray the economy as it was in January, 2009, when Obama became president, but in reality, it's based on the economy a full year before Obama became president when we were just coming off the peak of the economy and entering into one of the worst recessions in this country.

You're a fucking imbecile as are the morons who patted you on your head for posting that:

Sassy posted a picture whose title reads: "This is not what a successful presidency looks like:" and I agreed with the statement.

You seem to attach great importance to the dates associated with the statistics presented but show little concern for the state of the economy today.

The numbers under Obama's watch are in most cases poor. To help your understanding of the state of the US economy, I will let President Clinton's former Secretary of Labor enlighten you. Posted on Monday, January 4, 2016:

"American consumers account for almost 70 percent of economic activity, but they won’t have enough purchasing power in 2016 to keep the economy going on more than two cylinders."


"At the same time, the labor participation rate—the percentage of Americans of working age who have jobs—remains near a 40-year low."


"Business investment won’t save the day, either. Without enough customers, businesses won’t step up investment."


"Chances are, therefore, the next president will inherit an economy teetering on the edge of recession."

The Economy in 2016: On the Edge of Recession

Your insults sound like a desperate attempt to try and defend the present state of the economy. Why don't you give it some thought and try again?


If Gassy numbers are bullshit, they are bullshit.......

and given that we are dealing with objective data it can be demonstrated...

the next question is why Gassy lies........perhaps she is just an unwitting dupe...

Sassy is correct in that the economy under Obama is doing poorly. Central to this is the quote I posted from President Clinton's former Secretary of Labor:

"American consumers account for almost 70 percent of economic activity, but they won’t have enough purchasing power in 2016 to keep the economy going on more than two cylinders."

The Economy in 2016: On the Edge of Recession

Today the news includes:

""While this growth slowdown should prove temporary, the deceleration in consumer spending could be a worrying sign of possible contagion to the domestic side of the economy from the global headwinds," said Millan Mulraine, deputy chief economist at TD Securities in New York."

Weak U.S. data deluge points to sharply slower growth

"Growth has been lackluster in part because American consumers still seem reluctant to spend. The drop in oil prices was supposed to be a big boost to the U.S. economy. Lower gas prices would put more money in consumers’ pockets that they could run out and spend. That has happened, but not as much as economists expected."

What the Market Drop Says About the State of the Obama Economy

Seems there is more than a little truth to Sassy's assertion.

Sassy is correct in that the economy under Obama is doing poorly.

The evidence of which is forecasts about what MAY happen in 2016?
oh,,and when Obama claimed that the economy is strong, he never gave us any statistics,,,,like maybe how many millions of jobs were created in the last two months and the GDP,,,hmm? still 2.2 per cent?

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