So If The Economy Is So Strong, Then Why Did The Stock Market Plunge Over 300 Points? Oops.

There's noise coming from industry insiders that oil may go into the mid-$20 zone. This is not good. As much as I liked the $1.61/gal today, that kind of drop in crude will ripple out into other sectors.

Who Loses From Falling Oil Prices

GREG MCBRIDE: There has been a lot of discussion about how lower oil prices create an economic boost, primarily via cash-strapped consumers having some additional spending power with the money not being poured into the gas tank now available for discretionary spending elsewhere. This is particularly true at a time when wages have yet to experience the liftoff typically seen in economic recoveries.
However, it isn’t all sunshine and daffodils from an economic, or investment, perspective.
Yes, there is the obvious beating being taken by energy firms, and their stock prices. But consider the effects beyond the energy sector. Companies in the energy sector have been doing the heavy lifting of capital investment at a time when other sectors have been much less willing to invest for the future if it means parting with their cash. This capital investment–which faces a significant scaling back in the face of less cash coming in the door and fewer projects that make economic sense with oil prices under $60 per barrel–has boosted more than just GDP, but specifically the fortunes of companies in other sectors. One man’s spending is another man’s income, so plenty of firms in related industries will experience less robust business given the current circumstances faced in the energy sector.
This isn’t limited to large industrial-equipment suppliers. Think about the hotbeds of energy activity, such as Texas and North Dakota. Less money sloshing around will impact housing markets–fewer new homes to be built, fewer real-estate transactions that are the livelihood of real-estate agents, lenders and appraisers, and less discretionary spending at area restaurants, shopping malls and theme parks. While the impact on the bottom lines of publicly traded companies, particularly those with a national footprint, may be hard to discern, the investors in and owners of regionally focused and smaller privately owned businesses will be more susceptible.
While lower oil prices are seen as a broad economic gain, there will be pockets that experience pain.

The Effects of Lower Oil Prices – At A Glance
come on explain why the mark is going back up moron we need your words of wisdom here
▲ 227.64 (1.41%)

I already answered you, jack ass
you ask DF what will it be tomorrow ... can you tell us jack ass what it will be tomorrow ??? didn't think so ... you're just another repub-lie-tard speaking out their ass

LOL You're the one sitting there trying to tell me it's all about China and the markets are's not and the markets are volatile, dumbass
I never said the china market was strong , ever !!! I said their government was artificially propping up their market ... I used the word shoring it up ... you failed to see that part your a real bright one to listen too the markets a volatile because of the people pulling out their money in fear of losing it... like they did under bush ... thats why the market is volatile its idiots like you that have their head so far up their ass just amazes me stop make a fool of yourself
Billy the Dimbulb thinks people know what the markets will do tomorrow....LMAO What a phucking loon
point out where is said I know what it will do tomorrow ... stop making a fool of your self you Dumb Puck dimwit you sakew me to tell us what it will do I said nobody can do that then I asked you
and we're still waiting with your words of wisdom why it will fall tomorrow ... seems you failed that too moron
Upon closer review....

The numbers are bullshit. Here's an example....

It claims the debt was $9T when Obama became president in January, 2009.

It wasn't . It was $10.6T

It WAS about $9T in January, 2008

Here's another example....

It claims there were 138 million total jobs when Obama became president in January, 2009.

There weren't. There were 134 million.

There WERE 133 million in January, 2008

Here's another example....

It claims the labor force participation rate was 66.2% when Obama became president in January, 2009.

It wasn't. It was 65.7%

It WAS 66.2% in January, 2008

.... do you see the bullshit you posted here?? The numbers in that chart claim to portray the economy as it was in January, 2009, when Obama became president, but in reality, it's based on the economy a full year before Obama became president when we were just coming off the peak of the economy and entering into one of the worst recessions in this country.

You're a fucking imbecile as are the morons who patted you on your head for posting that:
The stock market is not the economy.
The stock market is not the economy.
The stock market is not the economy.
Yes but when Obamabots crow about Obama's accomplishments, the Dow is one they always cite. So it must represent not only the economy but also be under the personal command of the president.
still have said why it came up to day ... thats right because the market is Volatile ... or is it

E N E R G Y rebounded,I already said that....dumb phuck
Yah! Great Jobs Report Today!! Im buying stock in Cardboard and Used Condoms!!

The markets react to all sorts of events,news, reports etc....then Billy expects someone to tell him what they will do tomorrow? For all I know Iran could attack Israel tonight, in that case they will drop....drastically LOL
:eusa_think::oops-28: Now wait! didn't Obama tell us last night that the state of the union is strong? The Economy is roaring, etc.? Then maybe Obama needs to explain why the DOW took another big hit today as Crude went under $30.00 a barrel. Maybe he just assumes that over 60 per-cent of us are just as dumb as turkeys and guinea pigs?

The dows high in 2008 was 13,0000. As of today it's 16,000.
The stock market is not the economy.
The stock market is not the economy.
The stock market is not the economy.
Yes but when Obamabots crow about Obama's accomplishments, the Dow is one they always cite. So it must represent not only the economy but also be under the personal command of the president.
Aww, poor, baby.

The Dow is now up only 98% under Obama; NASDAQ, up only 204%; S&P500, up only 126%.

I know how much that sucks for you 2 time Bush voters who saw the Dow drop 22% under Bush; NASDAQ, dropped 45%; S&P500, dropped 37% <cough><cough> ..... leadership.
The stock market is not the economy.
The stock market is not the economy.
The stock market is not the economy.
Yes but when Obamabots crow about Obama's accomplishments, the Dow is one they always cite. So it must represent not only the economy but also be under the personal command of the president.

You're right, it's ONE thing liberals cite, along with the monthly jobs reports from the last year, the unemployment level and the price of gas, because he didn't keebosh fracking, which is the main reason for the oil glut happening on this continent. He's now signed off this:

U.S. Reverses Decades of Oil-Export Limits With Obama's Backing
U.S. Reverses Decades of Oil-Export Limits With Obama's Backing

We also cite that Obama didn't take the bait to jump into another ground war, didn't invade other countries because of a sole, crazy dictator who had nothing to do with 9/11 which brings me to the last point: no major terrorists attacks on his watch, either.

So put that in your soap bubble pipe and smoke it.
The stock market is not the economy.
The stock market is not the economy.
The stock market is not the economy.
Yes but when Obamabots crow about Obama's accomplishments, the Dow is one they always cite. So it must represent not only the economy but also be under the personal command of the president.
Aww, poor, baby.

The Dow is now up only 98% under Obama; NASDAQ, up only 204%; S&P500, up only 126%.

I know how much that sucks for you 2 time Bush voters who saw the Dow drop 22% under Bush; NASDAQ, dropped 45%; S&P500, dropped 37% <cough><cough> ..... leadership.
$4 trillion in goosing from the Fed may have played a teeny, tiny role in that.
The stock market is not the economy.
The stock market is not the economy.
The stock market is not the economy.
:eusa_think::oops-28: Now wait! didn't Obama tell us last night that the state of the union is strong? The Economy is roaring, etc.? Then maybe Obama needs to explain why the DOW took another big hit today as Crude went under $30.00 a barrel. Maybe he just assumes that over 60 per-cent of us are just as dumb as turkeys and guinea pigs?

The dows high in 2008 was 13,0000. As of today it's 16,000.

It was struggling at 7,000 when Dubya the Douchebag left office.
what does Bush got to do with what happened with the stock market over the last two weeks? are we going to blame Bush for Hillarys decline next?
what does Bush got to do with what happened with the stock market over the last two weeks? are we going to blame Bush for Hillarys decline next?
it was bad enough when all Democrats and cable show guests were saying "Well When Bush Was President" all thru 2009,,,,,,why wont they STOP Already !!!!
what does Bush got to do with what happened with the stock market over the last two weeks? are we going to blame Bush for Hillarys decline next?
it was bad enough when all Democrats and cable show guests were saying "Well When Bush Was President" all thru 2009,,,,,,why wont they STOP Already !!!!

what does Bush got to do with what happened with the stock market over the last two weeks? are we going to blame Bush for Hillarys decline next?
it was bad enough when all Democrats and cable show guests were saying "Well When Bush Was President" all thru 2009,,,,,,why wont they STOP Already !!!!

well ahh dahh,,,well, When Bush was President he went to Hawaiii all the time!
You've been shown those numbers in the red column are based off of January, 2008 figures; not January, 2009, as it claims.

Whassamatter? You don't possess enough character to admit you're a fucking imbecile who got duped by a fellow rightard?

Of course not, that's why you're a conservative. :thup:

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