So it turns out GOD is a LIBERAL... :)


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2012
You can tell from the way he/she did smack down all these right winger white supremacist lunatics…

How he/she entertained a whole nation with their perfectly fine tuned melt down for days… :)

The only thing left in this story for the new chapter of the new book is the closing scene where the orange orangutan escorted out the WH with his gold digger wife and spoiled children... :D

If God were a liberal Trump would get a sharp stabbing pain in his scrotum every time he reached for his twittering gadget. God is actually a libertarian.
Yes, God is very interested in American politics. He also makes sure that athletes make the catch that wins the big game.
Two weeks ago the Christians were claiming that God was intervening in the death of Justice Ginsburg to let Trump do the Court nomination.
You can tell from the way he/she did smack down all these right winger white supremacist lunatics…

How he/she entertained a whole nation with their perfectly fine tuned melt down for days… :)

The only thing left in this story for the new chapter of the new book is the closing scene where the orange orangutan escorted out the WH with his gold digger wife and spoiled children... :D


You are a stupid human chose biden and rejected God....

The Israelites demand that Samuel appoint a king for them so that Israel will be like other nations. Samuel is displeased, but God grants him permission to elect a king.

God notes that by asking for a king, the people have not rejected Samuel; they have rejected God. Samuel warns the people that a monarchy brings certain drawbacks such as taxation, the conscription of armed forces, and the potential for tyranny, but the people are resolute.

God tells Samuel who should be king, and the following day, a man named Saul appears before Samuel, inquiring about some lost donkeys. Samuel pours oil over Saul’s head to anoint him as king, and God provides a series of mystical signs to assure Saul that he should be king. Saul, who is a head taller than the average man, pleases the Israelites as king and leads them in rescuing an Israelite outpost from invasion. Stepping down as Israel’s leader, Samuel encourages the people that, so long as they are obedient to God’s laws, God will not punish them for requesting a king.

Yes, God is very interested in American politics. He also makes sure that athletes make the catch that wins the big game.

so you are saying how all this played out was just random...

just look at the way how she lifted them to the sky with the early count, then smacking them down to the ground and slowly melting them all for days and tell me this was not an artistic work of a supreme being... :D

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