Please post a link saying that Kushner had such a server setup.

Kushner used the private account in tandem with his official White House email account to correspond with current and former senior White House officials, outside advisers and others, about subjects ranging from media coverage to event planning.

Tandem servers are non stop , fault tolerant servers which are used for applications which need heavy transaction processing.(OLTP).
Report: Jared Kushner used a private email server for White House work

Kushner used private email to conduct White House business

it says:

"Kushner used the private account in tandem with his official White House email account to correspond with current and former senior White House officials"

It doesn't say anything about a "Tandem server," dumbass.

Furthermore, it says "he used a private email server" one time, and then never discusses the matter again. No details whatsoever. I don't buy that as credible. It sounds like the reporter doesn't know what he's talking about.
in tandem just means he used them together. there is no foul here. and if hillary had turned over the server/messages likely no foul there either. but she didn't.

he has.

enough for me to know who's hiding shit and who isn't.

Dude, he used 2 different emails ..One a secret one used corresponding with others in the WH. The other one was run on a government server...We don't even know the facts

yet - he's guilty to you.


Never said that, but he is obvious sneakier than shit.

Kushner used the private account in tandem with his official White House email account to correspond with current and former senior White House officials, outside advisers and others, about subjects ranging from media coverage to event planning.

Tandem servers are non stop , fault tolerant servers which are used for applications which need heavy transaction processing.(OLTP).
Report: Jared Kushner used a private email server for White House work

Kushner used private email to conduct White House business

it says:

"Kushner used the private account in tandem with his official White House email account to correspond with current and former senior White House officials"

It doesn't say anything about a "Tandem server," dumbass.

Furthermore, it says "he used a private email server" one time, and then never discusses the matter again. No details whatsoever. I don't buy that as credible. It sounds like the reporter doesn't know what he's talking about.
in tandem just means he used them together. there is no foul here. and if hillary had turned over the server/messages likely no foul there either. but she didn't.

he has.

enough for me to know who's hiding shit and who isn't.

Dude, he used 2 different emails ..One a secret one used corresponding with others in the WH. The other one was run on a government server...We don't even know the facts

A "secret email?" Does that mean every email account that the Dims and Mueller don't know about is "secret?" Apparently my email address is "secret." I must be some kind of criminal!

Yes, it is secret email when you conduct business in the WH with it as he did.


Everyone in Washington has a "secret email," in that case, douche bag.

No citation that kushner actually turned over any private emails?

you do that.

i'm still waiting for signs of unbiased intelligence.

ok, i'm done. you wait all you want. i've tried to answer questions as they come up but you and others just refuse to answer them in return. i've never found honest value in these conversations much less honest people, do i just avoid them when we get to this point.

I never heard of that certain server that the guy mentioned yesterday ( looked it up and 0 in search, my son who is Hi-Tech had a server running on our table, he was going to charge people but never finished it..I also had a Website and paid for a server Iceberg so I know what one is.

Do a search where Clinton started with a server of her own and then did use a service..

Show me where a Tandum Server has a major back up service if they get deleted such as what Kushner was using
you know what it is?

1u or 2? 4? what processor was in it? what OS was it running? how much memory did it have and was it SCSI or SATA based?

back to google, huh?

I had a Vbulletin, I paid for a server . I had a person doing the programming and I built it myself while he did the coding.. It is the same program this site uses. I know the difference .

I have no idea what my son had going but he was building a server to host others.


apparently not because vbulletin doesn't have SHIT to do with an e-mail server.

again you jump around and can't stay on a topic. when pushed, you rush off to forum software i'm so glad we're not using here.
Kushner used the private account in tandem with his official White House email account to correspond with current and former senior White House officials, outside advisers and others, about subjects ranging from media coverage to event planning.

Tandem servers are non stop , fault tolerant servers which are used for applications which need heavy transaction processing.(OLTP).
Report: Jared Kushner used a private email server for White House work

Kushner used private email to conduct White House business

it says:

"Kushner used the private account in tandem with his official White House email account to correspond with current and former senior White House officials"

It doesn't say anything about a "Tandem server," dumbass.

Furthermore, it says "he used a private email server" one time, and then never discusses the matter again. No details whatsoever. I don't buy that as credible. It sounds like the reporter doesn't know what he's talking about.
in tandem just means he used them together. there is no foul here. and if hillary had turned over the server/messages likely no foul there either. but she didn't.

he has.

enough for me to know who's hiding shit and who isn't.

Dude, he used 2 different emails ..One a secret one used corresponding with others in the WH. The other one was run on a government server...We don't even know the facts

A "secret email?" Does that mean every email account that the Dims and Mueller don't know about is "secret?" Apparently my email address is "secret." I must be some kind of criminal!

Yes, it is secret email when you conduct business in the WH with it as he did.

then it would really be bad for oh, a secretary of state to have done this. and deleted the mail. off her own server. she had in her basement. with a professional hired to run it while she decorated it. with confidential information. but not really it was yoga weddings and spandex.

maybe deleting was a good idea after all.

but funny how having 2 e-mails throws you into a hurricane tizzy but deleting 33k mails you dont' sweat.
it says:

"Kushner used the private account in tandem with his official White House email account to correspond with current and former senior White House officials"

It doesn't say anything about a "Tandem server," dumbass.

Furthermore, it says "he used a private email server" one time, and then never discusses the matter again. No details whatsoever. I don't buy that as credible. It sounds like the reporter doesn't know what he's talking about.
in tandem just means he used them together. there is no foul here. and if hillary had turned over the server/messages likely no foul there either. but she didn't.

he has.

enough for me to know who's hiding shit and who isn't.

Dude, he used 2 different emails ..One a secret one used corresponding with others in the WH. The other one was run on a government server...We don't even know the facts

A "secret email?" Does that mean every email account that the Dims and Mueller don't know about is "secret?" Apparently my email address is "secret." I must be some kind of criminal!

Yes, it is secret email when you conduct business in the WH with it as he did.


Everyone in Washington has a "secret email," in that case, douche bag.

Everything is accountable and filed in the government server..You use your personal email to talk with your family and friends while you are working in the WH... That is why we have it Penis Head..:biggrin:
Kushner used the private account in tandem with his official White House email account to correspond with current and former senior White House officials, outside advisers and others, about subjects ranging from media coverage to event planning.

Tandem servers are non stop , fault tolerant servers which are used for applications which need heavy transaction processing.(OLTP).
Report: Jared Kushner used a private email server for White House work

Kushner used private email to conduct White House business

it says:

"Kushner used the private account in tandem with his official White House email account to correspond with current and former senior White House officials"

It doesn't say anything about a "Tandem server," dumbass.

Furthermore, it says "he used a private email server" one time, and then never discusses the matter again. No details whatsoever. I don't buy that as credible. It sounds like the reporter doesn't know what he's talking about.
in tandem just means he used them together. there is no foul here. and if hillary had turned over the server/messages likely no foul there either. but she didn't.

he has.

enough for me to know who's hiding shit and who isn't.

Dude, he used 2 different emails ..One a secret one used corresponding with others in the WH. The other one was run on a government server...We don't even know the facts

yet - he's guilty to you.


Never said that, but he is obvious sneakier than shit.

of course he is.

(time to move into "humor them" mode)

kinda gotta give up on the convo. you're hellbent on demonizing trumps son and defending hillary to the death with your sons magic vbulletin server he built on your kitchen table that somehow mailed out stuff.
in tandem just means he used them together. there is no foul here. and if hillary had turned over the server/messages likely no foul there either. but she didn't.

he has.

enough for me to know who's hiding shit and who isn't.

Dude, he used 2 different emails ..One a secret one used corresponding with others in the WH. The other one was run on a government server...We don't even know the facts

A "secret email?" Does that mean every email account that the Dims and Mueller don't know about is "secret?" Apparently my email address is "secret." I must be some kind of criminal!

Yes, it is secret email when you conduct business in the WH with it as he did.


Everyone in Washington has a "secret email," in that case, douche bag.

Everything is accountable and filed in the government server..You use your personal email to talk with your family and friends while you are working in the WH... That is why we have it Penis Head..:biggrin:
then what would you use a personal MAIL SERVER for?
If these were indeed crimes, why wasn't she arrested and brought to justice for them?


You must have forgotten the clandestine meeting between former President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch.
You don't care if Russia was involved in our election? Not much of a patriot, are you?

What would you suggest we do about Russia's interest in our elections.

Do you think we don't do the same around the world?
in tandem just means he used them together. there is no foul here. and if hillary had turned over the server/messages likely no foul there either. but she didn't.

he has.

enough for me to know who's hiding shit and who isn't.

Dude, he used 2 different emails ..One a secret one used corresponding with others in the WH. The other one was run on a government server...We don't even know the facts

A "secret email?" Does that mean every email account that the Dims and Mueller don't know about is "secret?" Apparently my email address is "secret." I must be some kind of criminal!

Yes, it is secret email when you conduct business in the WH with it as he did.


Everyone in Washington has a "secret email," in that case, douche bag.

Everything is accountable and filed in the government server..You use your personal email to talk with your family and friends while you are working in the WH... That is why we have it Penis Head..:biggrin:
In other words, just what I said. And, no, not everything is "accountable," whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean. Gina McCarthy was caught conducting official business using an alias and a private email account.
whitehouse staff, are required to turn over both their personal and government emails to the National archives....ALL OTHER administration agencies and departments are ONLY REQUIRED to turn over their gvt emails and not their personal emails made at work.
The Gestapo & Her Mueller find Absolutely NOTHING. Let's note also that Kushner was still a PRIVATE CITIZEN at the time, and the emails HERR Mueller was interested in were generated during THE CAMPAIGN and During The Transition in to The White House.

Besides that, why do you need emails when the Entire Trump Campaign team was under Illegal Surveillance for 18 Months by Obama Bin Spying?

Contrast Kushner's and Trump Jr.'s Complete Cooperation and Transparency with THE DNC's Refusal to let anyone look at their server, and Hillary Clinton Bleach Bitting 33,000 emails in violation of two Federal Preservation Orders and with The FBI's permission under James Comey..... Even Trump Tower allowed a complete inspection of Trump Tower Servers by our intelligence community....

Yah, something stinks here. And what stinks is a Nothing Burger Investigation in to No Crimes Committed, while actual Crimes are being Ignored by The FBI & DOJ, committed by Comey, Lynch, Rice, Powers and Obama as well as Clinton, and all of them are being swept under the rug.

Hell, Mueller refuses to look at THE DNC Server and Refuses to interview Seth Rich? And why isn't he talking to DW Schultz and The Pakistani Hacker she and Hillary Clinton and The DNC had working for them? WTF is up with that?

And why is The DOJ and FBI refusing to allow any of it's people be interviewed by The Senate of Congress now? And why is The DOJ, FBI, and IRS effectively still being run by THE OBAMA Administration appointees?

Something tells me it wouldn't be too hard to dismiss the idea of interviewing Seth Rich. :dunno:
Dude, he used 2 different emails ..One a secret one used corresponding with others in the WH. The other one was run on a government server...We don't even know the facts

A "secret email?" Does that mean every email account that the Dims and Mueller don't know about is "secret?" Apparently my email address is "secret." I must be some kind of criminal!

Yes, it is secret email when you conduct business in the WH with it as he did.


Everyone in Washington has a "secret email," in that case, douche bag.

Everything is accountable and filed in the government server..You use your personal email to talk with your family and friends while you are working in the WH... That is why we have it Penis Head..:biggrin:
then what would you use a personal MAIL SERVER for?

Lets see if anything is found first...He may just been playing the important guy when he opened this email..and thinks that rules don't apply to him. Or he did it to hide something.

If Trump didn't use Hillary's email to slam her all last summer, we wouldn't even be talking about this right now...He knew 100% about people getting into trouble for private emails doing WH business.

again… most all employees have a private address
you are only mad at him

i dont care hillary had her own account OR server.
i care she deleted then destroyed evidence w bleach bit.
i care she didnt follow protocol on how such mail is sent.

then i care people who dont understand these differences, think they do somehow because they picked a vbulletin theme.
again… most all employees have a private address
you are only mad at him

i dont care hillary had her own account OR server.
i care she deleted then destroyed evidence w bleach bit.
i care she didnt follow protocol on how such mail is sent.

then i care people who dont understand these differences, think they do somehow because they picked a vbulletin theme.

is this how you win arguments Iceberg..? I was going to let it slide yesterday but you continue to use insult in every reply. That really doesn't work for me.

I do not give a Rooten Tootin if every employee has a private account in the WH, But you use the Government one conducting WH business.

again… most all employees have a private address
you are only mad at him

i dont care hillary had her own account OR server.
i care she deleted then destroyed evidence w bleach bit.
i care she didnt follow protocol on how such mail is sent.

then i care people who dont understand these differences, think they do somehow because they picked a vbulletin theme.

is this how you win arguments Iceberg..? I was going to let it slide yesterday but you continue to use insult in every reply. That really doesn't work for me.

I do not give a Rooten Tootin if every employee has a private account in the WH, But you use the Government one conducting WH business.

fine. tell hillary that.

and yes i can get a bit short with people who call ke out to answer their questions, and i do, but my own questions just make you change topics. frustrating to be sure.

you are holding kushner to a MUCH higher standard than hillary. look at your last sentence then tell me why you are mad at one like this, but not the other.

then please, define hypocrisy again for us.

and you are the one who brought you vbull skills into this to illustrate your tech knowledge. not me. it was a diversion of yours that was getting frustrating.
again… most all employees have a private address
you are only mad at him

i dont care hillary had her own account OR server.
i care she deleted then destroyed evidence w bleach bit.
i care she didnt follow protocol on how such mail is sent.

then i care people who dont understand these differences, think they do somehow because they picked a vbulletin theme.

is this how you win arguments Iceberg..? I was going to let it slide yesterday but you continue to use insult in every reply. That really doesn't work for me.

I do not give a Rooten Tootin if every employee has a private account in the WH, But you use the Government one conducting WH business.

fine. tell hillary that.

and yes i can get a bit short with people who call ke out to answer their questions, and i do, but my own questions just make you change topics. frustrating to be sure.

you are holding kushner to a MUCH higher standard than hillary. look at your last sentence then tell me why you are mad at one like this, but not the other.

then please, define hypocrisy again for us.

and you are the one who brought you vbull skills into this to illustrate your tech knowledge. not me. it was a diversion of yours that was getting frustrating.

You are the one skating around the questions by ignoring my answers...This will be the last time I tell you. I did not support Hillary because of her shadiness .. but I voted for my party like many did..

You are the one making excuses and trying to excuse Kushner. open you eyes.

again… most all employees have a private address
you are only mad at him

i dont care hillary had her own account OR server.
i care she deleted then destroyed evidence w bleach bit.
i care she didnt follow protocol on how such mail is sent.

then i care people who dont understand these differences, think they do somehow because they picked a vbulletin theme.

is this how you win arguments Iceberg..? I was going to let it slide yesterday but you continue to use insult in every reply. That really doesn't work for me.

I do not give a Rooten Tootin if every employee has a private account in the WH, But you use the Government one conducting WH business.

fine. tell hillary that.

and yes i can get a bit short with people who call ke out to answer their questions, and i do, but my own questions just make you change topics. frustrating to be sure.

you are holding kushner to a MUCH higher standard than hillary. look at your last sentence then tell me why you are mad at one like this, but not the other.

then please, define hypocrisy again for us.

and you are the one who brought you vbull skills into this to illustrate your tech knowledge. not me. it was a diversion of yours that was getting frustrating.

You are the one skating around the questions by ignoring my answers...This will be the last time I tell you. I did not support Hillary because of her shadiness .. but I voted for my party like many did..

You are the one making excuses and trying to excuse Kushner. open you eyes.

show me where i have excused a thing.

i said what he has done is,jaywalking compared to hillarys grand theft auto. ive tried to explain the differenc3s to you n you keep going sideways with kitchen table servers n vbulletin.

trying to compare the two the way you have is so technically incorrect yes, it gets frustrating.

esp for someone defining hypocrisy for us.

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