I have a problem with Clinton setting the whole thing up the way she did right from the start, Marc! It's obvious that she was trying to avoid Congressional scrutiny on how they were doing the whole pay for play thing with the Clinton Foundation and the State Department! The fact that she blatantly lied to Congressional investigators looking into Benghazi when she claimed to have turned over ALL relevant emails is what led to the discovery of her two private servers hidden away at her home!

Are you suggesting that Clinton DID use her official government email address to conduct the vast majority of her State Department business? One of the reasons her private servers were discovered, Marc was that Congressional investigators were mystified that they weren't finding more emails on Clinton's official State Department account. You see someone using their Blackberry device constantly...yet there don't seem to be a lot of emails? Obviously...something's not right with that! Clinton got caught because she was running the State Department primarily through her private servers.
If these were indeed crimes, why wasn't she arrested and brought to justice for them?
Already answered. Corrupt Obama and Lying Lynch ran the Justice Dept.
She is a Clinton!
Cross a Clinton and you end up dead.
Already answered: Corrupt Obama and Lying Lynch ran the Justice Dept.
OK, if you say so.

I have a problem with Clinton setting the whole thing up the way she did right from the start, Marc! It's obvious that she was trying to avoid Congressional scrutiny on how they were doing the whole pay for play thing with the Clinton Foundation and the State Department! The fact that she blatantly lied to Congressional investigators looking into Benghazi when she claimed to have turned over ALL relevant emails is what led to the discovery of her two private servers hidden away at her home!

Are you suggesting that Clinton DID use her official government email address to conduct the vast majority of her State Department business? One of the reasons her private servers were discovered, Marc was that Congressional investigators were mystified that they weren't finding more emails on Clinton's official State Department account. You see someone using their Blackberry device constantly...yet there don't seem to be a lot of emails? Obviously...something's not right with that! Clinton got caught because she was running the State Department primarily through her private servers.
If these were indeed crimes, why wasn't she arrested and brought to justice for them?

Because the Obama Justice Department declined to press charges? Gee...wonder what was discussed on the tarmac that day between Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch, Marc? Oh, let me guess...you BOUGHT the story that they had that secret meeting to talk about their grandchildren?
BTW there is another huge document dump from State......more stuff from Hilly .......funny how much they keep finding .....
The Gestapo & Her Mueller find Absolutely NOTHING. Let's note also that Kushner was still a PRIVATE CITIZEN at the time, and the emails HERR Mueller was interested in were generated during THE CAMPAIGN and During The Transition in to The White House.

Besides that, why do you need emails when the Entire Trump Campaign team was under Illegal Surveillance for 18 Months by Obama Bin Spying?

Contrast Kushner's and Trump Jr.'s Complete Cooperation and Transparency with THE DNC's Refusal to let anyone look at their server, and Hillary Clinton Bleach Bitting 33,000 emails in violation of two Federal Preservation Orders and with The FBI's permission under James Comey..... Even Trump Tower allowed a complete inspection of Trump Tower Servers by our intelligence community....

Yah, something stinks here. And what stinks is a Nothing Burger Investigation in to No Crimes Committed, while actual Crimes are being Ignored by The FBI & DOJ, committed by Comey, Lynch, Rice, Powers and Obama as well as Clinton, and all of them are being swept under the rug.

Hell, Mueller refuses to look at THE DNC Server and Refuses to interview Seth Rich? And why isn't he talking to DW Schultz and The Pakistani Hacker she and Hillary Clinton and The DNC had working for them? WTF is up with that?

And why is The DOJ and FBI refusing to allow any of it's people be interviewed by The Senate of Congress now? And why is The DOJ, FBI, and IRS effectively still being run by THE OBAMA Administration appointees?

Wait, he didn't delete 33,000 emails and destroy all equipment with a hammer?
Kushner continued using this private service he opened in December and used it to August , months after he was sworn in.

Do you have a link showing the DOJ refusing to allow any interviews?

Blind Fucking Liberal Partisan Fanatical Morons!

Justice declines Senate request to interview FBI officials - CNNPolitics

Justice blocks FBI officials from Senate interviews on Clinton, Comey

This is a full blown coverup by Obama Holdovers who should be drug in to the streets and tarred and feathered.

DOJ refusing to let FBI staffers speak to Senate investigators, amid Comey questions


"We want to get to the bottom of this."

Fuck off Leftist Fuck Tards.

Fuckin LIARS and Deceivers each one of you.
Eat Shit!
Last edited:

You saw me yesterday say what she did was shady...

Guess what folks I do not like her, I did not support her nor her actions..

I did end up voting for my party , like most Americans did..We had very little choice.

Now...hummm can you say the same Easy, Iceberg, or OldTree?

I doubt it..

any particular reason you keep changing the topic? i'm not flinging insults back at you and if that's where this si going, i'm out.

Answer the question Iceberg....

what question? who did i vote for? trump. why? likely same reasons you voted for hillary, if you did.

now what does ANY of this have to do with defining what kushner did as different than hillary? nothing.

so i ask again, why do we sidetrack these things? if you don't care (as you said, don't care about legalities, you don't like the guy) then what is the point of discussion?

so - back to you.
do you understand the HUGE difference between a private account vs. private server?
do you feel what hillary did is more "scorn worthy" than what kushner did?

Kushner used a non stop server not just a private email... that make it look so innocent lol..

NonStop is a series of server computers introduced to market in 1976 by Tandem Computers Inc., beginning with the NonStop product line, which was followed by the Hewlett-Packard Integrity NonStop product line extension. Because NonStop systems are based on an integrated hardware/software stack, HP also developed a special operating system for them: NonStop OS.

NonStop systems are, to an extent, self-healing. To circumvent single points of failure, they are equipped with some redundant components. When a mainline component fails, the system automatically falls back to the backup.


Please post a link saying that Kushner had such a server setup.

Kushner used the private account in tandem with his official White House email account to correspond with current and former senior White House officials, outside advisers and others, about subjects ranging from media coverage to event planning.

Tandem servers are non stop , fault tolerant servers which are used for applications which need heavy transaction processing.(OLTP).
Report: Jared Kushner used a private email server for White House work

Kushner used private email to conduct White House business
The IGNORE BUTTON IS MY FAVORITE FEATURE FOR TROLLS WHO REFUSE TO Hear the Truth and repeat the same stupid shit no matter what you tell them.
any particular reason you keep changing the topic? i'm not flinging insults back at you and if that's where this si going, i'm out.

Answer the question Iceberg....

what question? who did i vote for? trump. why? likely same reasons you voted for hillary, if you did.

now what does ANY of this have to do with defining what kushner did as different than hillary? nothing.

so i ask again, why do we sidetrack these things? if you don't care (as you said, don't care about legalities, you don't like the guy) then what is the point of discussion?

so - back to you.
do you understand the HUGE difference between a private account vs. private server?
do you feel what hillary did is more "scorn worthy" than what kushner did?

Kushner used a non stop server not just a private email... that make it look so innocent lol..

NonStop is a series of server computers introduced to market in 1976 by Tandem Computers Inc., beginning with the NonStop product line, which was followed by the Hewlett-Packard Integrity NonStop product line extension. Because NonStop systems are based on an integrated hardware/software stack, HP also developed a special operating system for them: NonStop OS.

NonStop systems are, to an extent, self-healing. To circumvent single points of failure, they are equipped with some redundant components. When a mainline component fails, the system automatically falls back to the backup.


Please post a link saying that Kushner had such a server setup.

Kushner used the private account in tandem with his official White House email account to correspond with current and former senior White House officials, outside advisers and others, about subjects ranging from media coverage to event planning.

Tandem servers are non stop , fault tolerant servers which are used for applications which need heavy transaction processing.(OLTP).
Report: Jared Kushner used a private email server for White House work

Kushner used private email to conduct White House business

it says:

"Kushner used the private account in tandem with his official White House email account to correspond with current and former senior White House officials"

It doesn't say anything about a "Tandem server," dumbass.

Furthermore, it says "he used a private email server" one time, and then never discusses the matter again. No details whatsoever. I don't buy that as credible. It sounds like the reporter doesn't know what he's talking about.
The IGNORE BUTTON IS MY FAVORITE FEATURE FOR TROLLS WHO REFUSE TO Hear the Truth and repeat the same stupid shit no matter what you tell them.
I've got to admit, if there was ever a good reason to put someone on ignore, that's it. Most of these nitwits are too stupid to argue with. They are like the black knight who wants to keep on fighting after both arms and both legs have been hacked off.
Go to the other link I gave you...Tantum is a private email server..He and his wife both used this private address..Look it up...

NonStop is a series of server computers introduced to market in 1976 by Tandem Computers Inc., beginning with the NonStop product line, which was followed by the Hewlett-Packard Integrity NonStop product line extension. Because NonStop systems are based on an integrated hardware/software stack, HP also developed a special operating system for them: NonStop OS.


Oh and btw boy Kushner did not turn over all his emails. LOL
Answer MY QUESTIONs.... or are you too busy sucking Kim Jung Un's tiny pee pee?
what question? who did i vote for? trump. why? likely same reasons you voted for hillary, if you did.

now what does ANY of this have to do with defining what kushner did as different than hillary? nothing.

so i ask again, why do we sidetrack these things? if you don't care (as you said, don't care about legalities, you don't like the guy) then what is the point of discussion?

so - back to you.
do you understand the HUGE difference between a private account vs. private server?
do you feel what hillary did is more "scorn worthy" than what kushner did?

Kushner used a non stop server not just a private email... that make it look so innocent lol..

NonStop is a series of server computers introduced to market in 1976 by Tandem Computers Inc., beginning with the NonStop product line, which was followed by the Hewlett-Packard Integrity NonStop product line extension. Because NonStop systems are based on an integrated hardware/software stack, HP also developed a special operating system for them: NonStop OS.

NonStop systems are, to an extent, self-healing. To circumvent single points of failure, they are equipped with some redundant components. When a mainline component fails, the system automatically falls back to the backup.


Please post a link saying that Kushner had such a server setup.

Kushner used the private account in tandem with his official White House email account to correspond with current and former senior White House officials, outside advisers and others, about subjects ranging from media coverage to event planning.

Tandem servers are non stop , fault tolerant servers which are used for applications which need heavy transaction processing.(OLTP).
Report: Jared Kushner used a private email server for White House work

Kushner used private email to conduct White House business

it says:

"Kushner used the private account in tandem with his official White House email account to correspond with current and former senior White House officials"

It doesn't say anything about a "Tandem" server, dumbass.

Furthermore, it says "he used a private email server," one time, and then never discusses the matter again. No details whatsoever. I don't buy that as credible. It sounds like the reporter doesn't know what he's talking about.

Go to the other link I gave you...Tantum is a private email server..He and his wife both used this private address..Look it up...



The article doesn't say he used a "Tantum server." It doesn't mention "Tantum." What am I supposed to lookup? Do you have his private email address?

I've got news for you: everyone in Washington has a private email address.
Go to the other link I gave you...Tantum is a private email server..He and his wife both used this private address..Look it up...

NonStop is a series of server computers introduced to market in 1976 by Tandem Computers Inc., beginning with the NonStop product line, which was followed by the Hewlett-Packard Integrity NonStop product line extension. Because NonStop systems are based on an integrated hardware/software stack, HP also developed a special operating system for them: NonStop OS.


Neither link mentions "Tantum" or "Tandem."
Go to the other link I gave you...Tantum is a private email server..He and his wife both used this private address..Look it up...

NonStop is a series of server computers introduced to market in 1976 by Tandem Computers Inc., beginning with the NonStop product line, which was followed by the Hewlett-Packard Integrity NonStop product line extension. Because NonStop systems are based on an integrated hardware/software stack, HP also developed a special operating system for them: NonStop OS.


Neither link mentions "Tantum" or "Tandem."

Do you see where it says, Kushner used a Tandem account Along with his official Government Email account..? It is actually a grammar error so I can see why it looks confusing ..

Kushner used the private account in tandem with his official White House email account to correspond with current and former senior White House officials"

To be fair, he didn't arrange Chelsea's wedding and doesn't take yoga lessons.

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