I really don't care if it is legal or not.

Have you ever studied law and ethics Iceberg..? He took the oath of office ... probably signed the Ethics agreement.

can we go back up to your post were you defined hypocrite? i've not seen you attack hillary and she did a lot more than use a private e-mail address. she bought the domain and hardware for her own server for *total* control. i've yet to see you call her out and say you don't care if it's legal or not. to be 100% fair, there are no rules against this so technically it's legal. this is why they *SHOULD* clarify this BY LAW so there is no ambiguity to hide behind for either side.

now, you're basing your hate on a "probably" at this point.
what he is doing is NOT illegal and he's hardly the ONLY one using a private address (NOT a server - what he is doing is not comparable to hillary unless you just want it to be for your own peace of mind)

now - let's look at the bigger issue and stop pretending this is only around these limited people:

5 other examples of politicians toying with the email rules

and then:
Hillary Clinton said 'my predecessors did the same thing' with email
Many politicians use private addresses, but private servers like the one Clinton used are rarely seen, said John Wonderlich, a policy director at the Sunlight Foundation, a nonpartisan group focused on government transparency, for a prior PolitiFact story.

so - is your rage at all politicians who are doing this? and do you understand why what hillary did is a HUGE step beyond a simple private e-mail address?

so it would seem you're mad at trumps people for doing this but don't seem to care about all that have done it before. THIS is why i say put laws around it and lose the ambiguity. otherwise it's nothing more than a constant whining where we only pick and choose who we get mad at for the same things others we're ok with.

please, define hypocrisy again for us.

It is not up to us to care if it is legal you old double standard fart

I spent years teaching my boys morals..Is this Morally ok for you ?

i don't have kids. but i have taught my nieces and nephews, when they'd listen to apply the standards they set evenly and not change it according to personal preference.

is that morality ok for you?

Why does he even have to turn a thing over, especially when he opened this account while his father was slamming Hillary for it.
I believe this is called 'taking a side street', deviating from the conversation we were just having, your asking me if I was minimizing what Kushner did while I was asking you not to minimize the fact that Hillary's actions were criminal. Just sayin'....

But I will go there with you, though. IMO Mueller is DESPERATE to find anything on anyone close to Trump. He will not stop until he has his own 'Scooter Libby' to justify his witch hunt when he comes up empty in his 'Don Quixote' routine charging the Russian Collusion windmill.


You saw me yesterday say what she did was shady...

Guess what folks I do not like her, I did not support her nor her actions..

I did end up voting for my party , like most Americans did..We had very little choice.

Now...hummm can you say the same Easy, Iceberg, or OldTree?

I doubt it..

any particular reason you keep changing the topic? i'm not flinging insults back at you and if that's where this si going, i'm out.

Answer the question Iceberg....

what question? who did i vote for? trump. why? likely same reasons you voted for hillary, if you did.

now what does ANY of this have to do with defining what kushner did as different than hillary? nothing.

so i ask again, why do we sidetrack these things? if you don't care (as you said, don't care about legalities, you don't like the guy) then what is the point of discussion?

so - back to you.
do you understand the HUGE difference between a private account vs. private server?
do you feel what hillary did is more "scorn worthy" than what kushner did?

Kushner used a non stop server not just a private email... that make it look so innocent lol..

NonStop is a series of server computers introduced to market in 1976 by Tandem Computers Inc., beginning with the NonStop product line, which was followed by the Hewlett-Packard Integrity NonStop product line extension. Because NonStop systems are based on an integrated hardware/software stack, HP also developed a special operating system for them: NonStop OS.

NonStop systems are, to an extent, self-healing. To circumvent single points of failure, they are equipped with some redundant components. When a mainline component fails, the system automatically falls back to the backup.

Clinton used a private server (ALONG WITH HALF OF CONGRESS) - RW do-gooders go batshit crazy, then morph into apeshit crazy traitor mode for several YEARS..
The FBI does not have in their possession 15,000+ pieces of criminal evidence of anyone other than Hillary proving they illegally failed to comply with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act. In that distinction, Hillary stands alone in her criminal acts.

So are we going to go through 100 witch hunt email trials that go no where with Kushner? The FBI said that what she did was wrong, but found nothing illegal ..

Just stop with the illegal bullshit..

Enough attorneys have been over every inch of it to nail her..

Ironic how the corrupt ones seem free to continue their crimes and intimidation gestapo tactics while the other side just seems to take it and take it and take it......
If half THE GOP wasn't corrupt as well, The President would be on The Offensive instead of daily being made to be completely transparent and daily being vindicated when the previous administration was completely obscure and criminal.

Did you mean "wasn't" or "was".....?
Just for clarification.

No doubt there are corrupt people everywhere. The GOP is no exception. I just think it's MUCH MUCH more prevalent on the Left side of the aisle.

Honestly, if the level of apparent corruption of the two parties was reversed, I would become a Democrat. Not sure how all these Lefties live with it. Brainwashed heavily (and stupid)
I agree that there is more corruption on The Left.....it's actually become Virulent. I just also know that if The GOP did not have Corruption within it's Ranks, The Left would get squashed under the own weight of their lies, but The GOP just plays right along with the whole sham, pretending to want to carry out The President's agenda, but always falling just short of actually doing it....

It makes for nice theater, but poor politics.

Gosh you need to wake up from your Fantasy Dreams.. The republicans are corrupt as hell, just as much as you claim the dems are..

can we go back up to your post were you defined hypocrite? i've not seen you attack hillary and she did a lot more than use a private e-mail address. she bought the domain and hardware for her own server for *total* control. i've yet to see you call her out and say you don't care if it's legal or not. to be 100% fair, there are no rules against this so technically it's legal. this is why they *SHOULD* clarify this BY LAW so there is no ambiguity to hide behind for either side.

now, you're basing your hate on a "probably" at this point.
what he is doing is NOT illegal and he's hardly the ONLY one using a private address (NOT a server - what he is doing is not comparable to hillary unless you just want it to be for your own peace of mind)

now - let's look at the bigger issue and stop pretending this is only around these limited people:

5 other examples of politicians toying with the email rules

and then:
Hillary Clinton said 'my predecessors did the same thing' with email
Many politicians use private addresses, but private servers like the one Clinton used are rarely seen, said John Wonderlich, a policy director at the Sunlight Foundation, a nonpartisan group focused on government transparency, for a prior PolitiFact story.

so - is your rage at all politicians who are doing this? and do you understand why what hillary did is a HUGE step beyond a simple private e-mail address?

so it would seem you're mad at trumps people for doing this but don't seem to care about all that have done it before. THIS is why i say put laws around it and lose the ambiguity. otherwise it's nothing more than a constant whining where we only pick and choose who we get mad at for the same things others we're ok with.

please, define hypocrisy again for us.

i don't have kids. but i have taught my nieces and nephews, when they'd listen to apply the standards they set evenly and not change it according to personal preference.

is that morality ok for you?

I believe this is called 'taking a side street', deviating from the conversation we were just having, your asking me if I was minimizing what Kushner did while I was asking you not to minimize the fact that Hillary's actions were criminal. Just sayin'....

But I will go there with you, though. IMO Mueller is DESPERATE to find anything on anyone close to Trump. He will not stop until he has his own 'Scooter Libby' to justify his witch hunt when he comes up empty in his 'Don Quixote' routine charging the Russian Collusion windmill.


You saw me yesterday say what she did was shady...

Guess what folks I do not like her, I did not support her nor her actions..

I did end up voting for my party , like most Americans did..We had very little choice.

Now...hummm can you say the same Easy, Iceberg, or OldTree?

I doubt it..

any particular reason you keep changing the topic? i'm not flinging insults back at you and if that's where this si going, i'm out.

Answer the question Iceberg....

what question? who did i vote for? trump. why? likely same reasons you voted for hillary, if you did.

now what does ANY of this have to do with defining what kushner did as different than hillary? nothing.

so i ask again, why do we sidetrack these things? if you don't care (as you said, don't care about legalities, you don't like the guy) then what is the point of discussion?

so - back to you.
do you understand the HUGE difference between a private account vs. private server?
do you feel what hillary did is more "scorn worthy" than what kushner did?

Kushner used a non stop server not just a private email... that make it look so innocent lol..

NonStop is a series of server computers introduced to market in 1976 by Tandem Computers Inc., beginning with the NonStop product line, which was followed by the Hewlett-Packard Integrity NonStop product line extension. Because NonStop systems are based on an integrated hardware/software stack, HP also developed a special operating system for them: NonStop OS.

NonStop systems are, to an extent, self-healing. To circumvent single points of failure, they are equipped with some redundant components. When a mainline component fails, the system automatically falls back to the backup.

Are you seriously brain damaged?

WTF does this have to do with anything when Kushner turned over 100% of his emails and Skank did everything she could to destroy evidence, devices, violate court orders, perjure herself and have James Comey and Loretta Lynch cover her crimes. Hell the festering **** even stole debate questions and had The DNC primary rigged, and even had Pakistani Hackers stealing data and digging dirt on all of her rivals.
So are we going to go through 100 witch hunt email trials that go no where with Kushner? The FBI said that what she did was wrong, but found nothing illegal ..
Just stop with the illegal bullshit..
Enough attorneys have been over every inch of it to nail her..

The evidence was hidden and Obama and Hillary still have operatives in the Intelligence and Justice community so their "secrets" are still safe.

If you can't CLEARLY see how much effort went into hiding this evidence, you are willfully ignorant. There IS no excuse.
Clinton used a private server (ALONG WITH HALF OF CONGRESS) - RW do-gooders go batshit crazy, then morph into apeshit crazy traitor mode for several YEARS..
The FBI does not have in their possession 15,000+ pieces of criminal evidence of anyone other than Hillary proving they illegally failed to comply with the FOIA and the Federal Records Act. In that distinction, Hillary stands alone in her criminal acts.

So are we going to go through 100 witch hunt email trials that go no where with Kushner? The FBI said that what she did was wrong, but found nothing illegal ..

Just stop with the illegal bullshit..

Enough attorneys have been over every inch of it to nail her..

Everything she did was ILLEGAL. Comey just said she was too fucking stupid for a lawyer like her to know what was legal and illegal.
Gosh you need to wake up from your Fantasy Dreams.. The republicans are corrupt as hell, just as much as you claim the dems are..

Listen F-tard.....

The right wing CAN'T POSSIBLY be as corrupt.....the Left has the media to cover for it and has used Political Correctness such as race shaming and words like 'Bigot" to shame anyone opposed to the Left's obvious corruption. God forbid a rightwinger attempted to call out a black politician!!!


If a rightwinger picked his nose wrong he'd get slammed by the media and investigated endlessly.

You must be fucking nuts
Can you REALLY not understand the difference between people in government using private emails occasionally and Hillary Clinton running the State Department through private servers located in her home...hiding the existence of those servers from Congress...and then destroying files on those servers when she was found out?

Kushner (unlike Hillary!) has turned over ALL of his private emails because quite obviously...HE HAS NOTHING TO HIDE!
Did your arguments include occasional private email usage when you were waging your attack on Hillary Clinton with it?

I have no problem with people in government having private email accounts, Marc. The problem I have is when one of them sets up multiple private servers that they use to conduct ALL of their official business through in an attempt to hide what they're doing from Congressional oversight which is EXACTLY what Hillary Clinton DID! Then when she was found out...because she was hiding emails from Congressional investigators looking into Benghazi...she had her people scrub her servers in an attempt to destroy the evidence against her.
Kushner continued using this private service he opened in December and used it to August , months after he was sworn in.

Do you have a link showing the DOJ refusing to allow any interviews?

do you have a link that says using a private *ACCOUNT* is illegal? far as i know it's fine as long as he includes or turns over mail as requested.

I really don't care if it is legal or not.

Have you ever studied law and ethics Iceberg..? He took the oath of office ... probably signed the Ethics agreement.

can we go back up to your post were you defined hypocrite? i've not seen you attack hillary and she did a lot more than use a private e-mail address. she bought the domain and hardware for her own server for *total* control. i've yet to see you call her out and say you don't care if it's legal or not. to be 100% fair, there are no rules against this so technically it's legal. this is why they *SHOULD* clarify this BY LAW so there is no ambiguity to hide behind for either side.

now, you're basing your hate on a "probably" at this point.
what he is doing is NOT illegal and he's hardly the ONLY one using a private address (NOT a server - what he is doing is not comparable to hillary unless you just want it to be for your own peace of mind)

now - let's look at the bigger issue and stop pretending this is only around these limited people:

5 other examples of politicians toying with the email rules

and then:
Hillary Clinton said 'my predecessors did the same thing' with email
Many politicians use private addresses, but private servers like the one Clinton used are rarely seen, said John Wonderlich, a policy director at the Sunlight Foundation, a nonpartisan group focused on government transparency, for a prior PolitiFact story.

so - is your rage at all politicians who are doing this? and do you understand why what hillary did is a HUGE step beyond a simple private e-mail address?

so it would seem you're mad at trumps people for doing this but don't seem to care about all that have done it before. THIS is why i say put laws around it and lose the ambiguity. otherwise it's nothing more than a constant whining where we only pick and choose who we get mad at for the same things others we're ok with.

please, define hypocrisy again for us.
The whole reason she setup a private server is specifically so she could make sure she could delete any emails she didn't want the public to know about. If she used a google or Yahoo account, then there would still be backups of her emails. Her criminal intent is quite obvious.

Kushner was so honest with his gmail account...lol...WTF
So are we going to go through 100 witch hunt email trials that go no where with Kushner? The FBI said that what she did was wrong, but found nothing illegal ..
Just stop with the illegal bullshit..
Enough attorneys have been over every inch of it to nail her..

The evidence was hidden and Obama and Hillary still have operatives in the Intelligence and Justice community so their "secrets" are still safe.

If you can't CLEARLY see how much effort went into hiding this evidence, you are willfully ignorant. There IS no excuse.

So can you provide a link to show me they still have hidden evidence besides the righty sites that are brain washing you.

So are we going to go through 100 witch hunt email trials that go no where with Kushner? The FBI said that what she did was wrong, but found nothing illegal ..
Just stop with the illegal bullshit..
Enough attorneys have been over every inch of it to nail her..

The evidence was hidden and Obama and Hillary still have operatives in the Intelligence and Justice community so their "secrets" are still safe.

If you can't CLEARLY see how much effort went into hiding this evidence, you are willfully ignorant. There IS no excuse.
Mueller is effectively running the FBI and DOJ and Obama Appointees Rosenstein (DOJ) and McCabe (FBI) are still in power, as is Koskinen running the IRS.
IMO, this was a strategy employed by Obama & Clinton to maintain control of The Federal Government by maintaining control of the three most powerful agencies.

So long as Mueller can keep the Fake Russia investigation going, and refusing to investigate any real crimes, The President cannot remove Obama sycophants, and Trump's People have their hands tied.

This is why MUELLER refuses to Interview Assange or look at THE DNC server, because the moment he does, The Fake Russia Investigation is OVER. Same reason Comey refused to do either, and also refused to investigate all of the "Leakers"

You want to talk about DEEP STATE? That's how it's done.
Gosh you need to wake up from your Fantasy Dreams.. The republicans are corrupt as hell, just as much as you claim the dems are..

Listen F-tard.....

The right wing CAN'T POSSIBLY be as corrupt.....the Left has the media to cover for it and has used Political Correctness such as race shaming and words like 'Bigot" to shame anyone opposed to the Left's obvious corruption. God forbid a rightwinger attempted to call out a black politician!!!


If a rightwinger picked his nose wrong he'd get slammed by the media and investigated endlessly.

You must be fucking nuts

For anyone to claim that their party is less corrupt is F-nuts ... The whole system is broken..

Kushner continued using this private service he opened in December and used it to August , months after he was sworn in.

Do you have a link showing the DOJ refusing to allow any interviews?

do you have a link that says using a private *ACCOUNT* is illegal? far as i know it's fine as long as he includes or turns over mail as requested.

I really don't care if it is legal or not.

Have you ever studied law and ethics Iceberg..? He took the oath of office ... probably signed the Ethics agreement.

can we go back up to your post were you defined hypocrite? i've not seen you attack hillary and she did a lot more than use a private e-mail address. she bought the domain and hardware for her own server for *total* control. i've yet to see you call her out and say you don't care if it's legal or not. to be 100% fair, there are no rules against this so technically it's legal. this is why they *SHOULD* clarify this BY LAW so there is no ambiguity to hide behind for either side.

now, you're basing your hate on a "probably" at this point.
what he is doing is NOT illegal and he's hardly the ONLY one using a private address (NOT a server - what he is doing is not comparable to hillary unless you just want it to be for your own peace of mind)

now - let's look at the bigger issue and stop pretending this is only around these limited people:

5 other examples of politicians toying with the email rules

and then:
Hillary Clinton said 'my predecessors did the same thing' with email
Many politicians use private addresses, but private servers like the one Clinton used are rarely seen, said John Wonderlich, a policy director at the Sunlight Foundation, a nonpartisan group focused on government transparency, for a prior PolitiFact story.

so - is your rage at all politicians who are doing this? and do you understand why what hillary did is a HUGE step beyond a simple private e-mail address?

so it would seem you're mad at trumps people for doing this but don't seem to care about all that have done it before. THIS is why i say put laws around it and lose the ambiguity. otherwise it's nothing more than a constant whining where we only pick and choose who we get mad at for the same things others we're ok with.

please, define hypocrisy again for us.
The whole reason she setup a private server is specifically so she could make sure she could delete any emails she didn't want the public to know about. If she used a google or Yahoo account, then there would still be backups of her emails. Her criminal intent is quite obvious.

Kushner was so honest with his gmail account...lol...WTF
So are we going to go through 100 witch hunt email trials that go no where with Kushner? The FBI said that what she did was wrong, but found nothing illegal ..
Just stop with the illegal bullshit..
Enough attorneys have been over every inch of it to nail her..

The evidence was hidden and Obama and Hillary still have operatives in the Intelligence and Justice community so their "secrets" are still safe.

If you can't CLEARLY see how much effort went into hiding this evidence, you are willfully ignorant. There IS no excuse.

So can you provide a link to show me they still have hidden evidence besides the righty sites that are brain washing you.

Look on Anthony Weiner's Laptop. That's how they found out, Rice, Lynch, and Obama lied about knowing about Clinton's server, and also found emails Clinton lied about and did not turn over to the Government. It's also why The State Department has been Obstructing Justice by intentionally doing a negligent job of forking over subpoenaed emails.

Same reason Clinton Bleach Bitted 33,000 emails, and destroyed 17 devices she lied about having.
So are we going to go through 100 witch hunt email trials that go no where with Kushner? The FBI said that what she did was wrong, but found nothing illegal ..
Just stop with the illegal bullshit..
Enough attorneys have been over every inch of it to nail her..

The evidence was hidden and Obama and Hillary still have operatives in the Intelligence and Justice community so their "secrets" are still safe.

If you can't CLEARLY see how much effort went into hiding this evidence, you are willfully ignorant. There IS no excuse.
Mueller is effectively running the FBI and DOJ and Obama Appointees Rosenstein (DOJ) and McCabe (FBI) are still in power, as is Koskinen running the IRS.
IMO, this was a strategy employed by Obama & Clinton to maintain control of The Federal Government by maintaining control of the three most powerful agencies.

So long as Mueller can keep the Fake Russia investigation going, and refusing to investigate any real crimes, The President cannot remove Obama sycophants, and Trump's People have their hands tied.

This is why MUELLER refuses to Interview Assange or look at THE DNC server, because the moment he does, The Fake Russia Investigation is OVER. Same reason Comey refused to do either, and also refused to investigate all of the "Leakers"

You want to talk about DEEP STATE? That's how it's done.

How do you live in that narrow mind of yours? Russia crap is Fake, Clinton , Mueller , Obama , all corrupt..

You have yet backed yourself up with any links but just keep writing in bold , so that must mean it is factual..

I really don't care if it is legal or not.

Have you ever studied law and ethics Iceberg..? He took the oath of office ... probably signed the Ethics agreement.

can we go back up to your post were you defined hypocrite? i've not seen you attack hillary and she did a lot more than use a private e-mail address. she bought the domain and hardware for her own server for *total* control. i've yet to see you call her out and say you don't care if it's legal or not. to be 100% fair, there are no rules against this so technically it's legal. this is why they *SHOULD* clarify this BY LAW so there is no ambiguity to hide behind for either side.

now, you're basing your hate on a "probably" at this point.
what he is doing is NOT illegal and he's hardly the ONLY one using a private address (NOT a server - what he is doing is not comparable to hillary unless you just want it to be for your own peace of mind)

now - let's look at the bigger issue and stop pretending this is only around these limited people:

5 other examples of politicians toying with the email rules

and then:
Hillary Clinton said 'my predecessors did the same thing' with email
Many politicians use private addresses, but private servers like the one Clinton used are rarely seen, said John Wonderlich, a policy director at the Sunlight Foundation, a nonpartisan group focused on government transparency, for a prior PolitiFact story.

so - is your rage at all politicians who are doing this? and do you understand why what hillary did is a HUGE step beyond a simple private e-mail address?

so it would seem you're mad at trumps people for doing this but don't seem to care about all that have done it before. THIS is why i say put laws around it and lose the ambiguity. otherwise it's nothing more than a constant whining where we only pick and choose who we get mad at for the same things others we're ok with.

please, define hypocrisy again for us.

It is not up to us to care if it is legal you old double standard fart

I spent years teaching my boys morals..Is this Morally ok for you ?

i don't have kids. but i have taught my nieces and nephews, when they'd listen to apply the standards they set evenly and not change it according to personal preference.

is that morality ok for you?

Why does he even have to turn a thing over, especially when he opened this account while his father was slamming Hillary for it.
I believe this is called 'taking a side street', deviating from the conversation we were just having, your asking me if I was minimizing what Kushner did while I was asking you not to minimize the fact that Hillary's actions were criminal. Just sayin'....

But I will go there with you, though. IMO Mueller is DESPERATE to find anything on anyone close to Trump. He will not stop until he has his own 'Scooter Libby' to justify his witch hunt when he comes up empty in his 'Don Quixote' routine charging the Russian Collusion windmill.


You saw me yesterday say what she did was shady...

Guess what folks I do not like her, I did not support her nor her actions..

I did end up voting for my party , like most Americans did..We had very little choice.

Now...hummm can you say the same Easy, Iceberg, or OldTree?

I doubt it..

any particular reason you keep changing the topic? i'm not flinging insults back at you and if that's where this si going, i'm out.

Answer the question Iceberg....

what question? who did i vote for? trump. why? likely same reasons you voted for hillary, if you did.

now what does ANY of this have to do with defining what kushner did as different than hillary? nothing.

so i ask again, why do we sidetrack these things? if you don't care (as you said, don't care about legalities, you don't like the guy) then what is the point of discussion?

so - back to you.
do you understand the HUGE difference between a private account vs. private server?
do you feel what hillary did is more "scorn worthy" than what kushner did?
You're forgetting the fact that Hillary used her private server to store, receive and transmit highly classified government documents.
So are we going to go through 100 witch hunt email trials that go no where with Kushner? The FBI said that what she did was wrong, but found nothing illegal ..
Just stop with the illegal bullshit..
Enough attorneys have been over every inch of it to nail her..

The evidence was hidden and Obama and Hillary still have operatives in the Intelligence and Justice community so their "secrets" are still safe.

If you can't CLEARLY see how much effort went into hiding this evidence, you are willfully ignorant. There IS no excuse.
Mueller is effectively running the FBI and DOJ and Obama Appointees Rosenstein (DOJ) and McCabe (FBI) are still in power, as is Koskinen running the IRS.
IMO, this was a strategy employed by Obama & Clinton to maintain control of The Federal Government by maintaining control of the three most powerful agencies.

So long as Mueller can keep the Fake Russia investigation going, and refusing to investigate any real crimes, The President cannot remove Obama sycophants, and Trump's People have their hands tied.

This is why MUELLER refuses to Interview Assange or look at THE DNC server, because the moment he does, The Fake Russia Investigation is OVER. Same reason Comey refused to do either, and also refused to investigate all of the "Leakers"

You want to talk about DEEP STATE? That's how it's done.

How do you live in that narrow mind of yours? Russia crap is Fake, Clinton , Mueller , Obama , all corrupt..

You have yet backed yourself up with any links but just keep writing in bold , so that must mean it is factual..

Because NUMB NUTS, I can and HAVE CITED MULTIPLE US CODE VIOLATIONS for Criminal ACTS that Clinton and The Obama Regime Committed.

When you rig The Government and populate it with Criminals, you just aren't going to get prosecuted for it. See Comey-Lynch etc.

Whereas You cannot CITE one Criminal Code Violation Committed by THE PRESIDENT.

So exactly what are Herr Mueller and his 17 partisan Democract SS Clinton Stormtroopers Investigating?

Mean Tweets, and Forwarded News Articles?

Fucking Morons are as Thick as Flies on Freshly Laid Shit!
So can you provide a link to show me they still have hidden evidence besides the righty sites that are brain washing you.

The evidence IS IN PLAIN SIGHT for anyone who isn't a complete moron.

What part of she had tens of thousands of emails deleted and servers professionally "scrubbed" to delete data can you not comprehend?

All of that is readily available and proven. So what the hell are you so confused over?
A Brand New Email Screw-Up For Abbe Lowell

Now CNN is reporting that Jared Kushner’s personal attorney, Abbe Lowell — who so recentlyaced the email etiquette pop quiz thrown at him by an internet prankster — has been felled by email address auto-fill. D’oh.

The Senate Judiciary Committee sent to Kushner — via his attorney, Lowell — a request seeking relevant documents from any “personal” email accounts. (Apparently they were a little perturbed they discovered Kushner discussed White House business through personal email accounts via media reports.) Lowell, as is his duty, forwarded the formal request to Kushner. Only one problem — he still had the email prankster’s fake Kushner email address. Wouldn’t you know it, that was the address that auto-filled when he tried to forward the request to Kushner.
For anyone to claim that their party is less corrupt is F-nuts ... The whole system is broken..

wow. Something you said I can actually agree to.....

Yes, the entire system IS corrupt....we are all pawns.
BUT....Democrats are on the leading edge of the corruption frontier.

I know why. EXACTLY why....but explaining it to some people is a total waste of time.
can we go back up to your post were you defined hypocrite? i've not seen you attack hillary and she did a lot more than use a private e-mail address. she bought the domain and hardware for her own server for *total* control. i've yet to see you call her out and say you don't care if it's legal or not. to be 100% fair, there are no rules against this so technically it's legal. this is why they *SHOULD* clarify this BY LAW so there is no ambiguity to hide behind for either side.

now, you're basing your hate on a "probably" at this point.
what he is doing is NOT illegal and he's hardly the ONLY one using a private address (NOT a server - what he is doing is not comparable to hillary unless you just want it to be for your own peace of mind)

now - let's look at the bigger issue and stop pretending this is only around these limited people:

5 other examples of politicians toying with the email rules

and then:
Hillary Clinton said 'my predecessors did the same thing' with email
Many politicians use private addresses, but private servers like the one Clinton used are rarely seen, said John Wonderlich, a policy director at the Sunlight Foundation, a nonpartisan group focused on government transparency, for a prior PolitiFact story.

so - is your rage at all politicians who are doing this? and do you understand why what hillary did is a HUGE step beyond a simple private e-mail address?

so it would seem you're mad at trumps people for doing this but don't seem to care about all that have done it before. THIS is why i say put laws around it and lose the ambiguity. otherwise it's nothing more than a constant whining where we only pick and choose who we get mad at for the same things others we're ok with.

please, define hypocrisy again for us.

i don't have kids. but i have taught my nieces and nephews, when they'd listen to apply the standards they set evenly and not change it according to personal preference.

is that morality ok for you?

I believe this is called 'taking a side street', deviating from the conversation we were just having, your asking me if I was minimizing what Kushner did while I was asking you not to minimize the fact that Hillary's actions were criminal. Just sayin'....

But I will go there with you, though. IMO Mueller is DESPERATE to find anything on anyone close to Trump. He will not stop until he has his own 'Scooter Libby' to justify his witch hunt when he comes up empty in his 'Don Quixote' routine charging the Russian Collusion windmill.


You saw me yesterday say what she did was shady...

Guess what folks I do not like her, I did not support her nor her actions..

I did end up voting for my party , like most Americans did..We had very little choice.

Now...hummm can you say the same Easy, Iceberg, or OldTree?

I doubt it..

any particular reason you keep changing the topic? i'm not flinging insults back at you and if that's where this si going, i'm out.

Answer the question Iceberg....

what question? who did i vote for? trump. why? likely same reasons you voted for hillary, if you did.

now what does ANY of this have to do with defining what kushner did as different than hillary? nothing.

so i ask again, why do we sidetrack these things? if you don't care (as you said, don't care about legalities, you don't like the guy) then what is the point of discussion?

so - back to you.
do you understand the HUGE difference between a private account vs. private server?
do you feel what hillary did is more "scorn worthy" than what kushner did?
You're forgetting the fact that Hillary used her private server to store, receive and transmit highly classified government documents.

youre forgetting thats conjecture, you dont have any proof.

oh wait --

youre not forgetting, youre lying.


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