Clinton had classified material on her servers. That's not something that's even debatable at this point.

It's like the blood on OJ's sock. The question wasn't the existance, but the source. Were any of the classified messages marked classified? NOPE.

The existence is all that matters. It doesn't even matter if the documents were not marked. Clinton was the SOS. She is supposed to know when a document is classified. Not knowing means she is incompetent.
Still waiting for the Dems who corresponded with the Russian Lawyer to hand over their emails like Trump's son did on his correspondence. They Probably think it's not important to this Russian case (but it is, because it shows it's a ruse and set up wasting our tax dollars, resources, man power, and politicians time away from important matters.)
They should at least require the emails during the other side of the investigation, into the surveillance and use of foreign agents to abuse power to gain an edge on an opponent during an election, and disruption and obstruction of justice. They need to bring up charges of using false charges and system to smear and demonize opponents for political tactic including getting people fired ruining their lives in defamation of character.

Then they can ask for all DNC correspondences with any an all Pakistani employees like the IT staffers, Wasserman's, even Abedin's emails etc.

Read your own citation, they weren't marked classified.

“A very small number of the emails containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of classified information,” Comey said.

It's a litmus paper test for classified material, nothing actually contained a classification heading.
Gosh you need to wake up from your Fantasy Dreams.. The republicans are corrupt as hell, just as much as you claim the dems are..

Listen F-tard.....

The right wing CAN'T POSSIBLY be as corrupt.....the Left has the media to cover for it and has used Political Correctness such as race shaming and words like 'Bigot" to shame anyone opposed to the Left's obvious corruption. God forbid a rightwinger attempted to call out a black politician!!!


If a rightwinger picked his nose wrong he'd get slammed by the media and investigated endlessly.

You must be fucking nuts

For anyone to claim that their party is less corrupt is F-nuts ... The whole system is broken..


What's nuts about it? Democrats are scumbags. They prove it everyday in this forum.

Read your own citation, they weren't marked classified.

“A very small number of the emails containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of classified information,” Comey said.

It's a litmus paper test for classified material, nothing actually contained a classification heading.

now how many of kushners mail were marked classified?

god the personal jihad some assholes get into is amazing.
The existence is all that matters. It doesn't even matter if the documents were not marked. .

I'm glad you admit they were not marked, but from a legal point, it makes a difference if they were marked or not.

And they weren't marked.
Why won't Mueller Subpoena all the Fusion GPS emails, and emails between The Fusion GPS Russian Lawyer, Clinton Campaign Numerous Democrats, and DNC and Ukranian Embassy?

These do in fact exist, and if Mueller is investigating Russia, then there is no better place to start with then John Podesta, Hillary Clinton, Debbie Wash Her Shorts, And Fusion GPS.
Don't you think it's awesome he turned over EVERY SINGLE EMAIL from his PRIVATE ACCOUNT, and they FOUND ZERO, ZIP, NADA, about RUSSIAN COLLUSION?


Isn't that cool that Kushner had that much faith in himself, and his Father In Law (The President) that he could commit to FULL DISCLOSURE?

He didn't have to smash 17 Electronic Devices with a hammer, remove their SIM cards and destroy them, & did not have to build a SECRET SERVER, and he did disclose that he had a private account which he used initially during the transition, and Did not have to BLEACH BIT 33,000 emails before deciding to cooperate with Herr Mueller.

He also did not have a President Lie about the fact that he KNEW NOTHING about a Secret Server, while secretly emailing Hillary Clinton as did Lynch using an Alias. How Sneaky...?

How Awesome is that?
I am not saying what she did was right... but...I find it funny how your using every excuse in the book.

If Clinton wanted to hide things with bleaching she would have used a professional service .

BleachBit may not be quite as sinister as Gowdy makes it out to be. It's one of many services you can download online to free up space on your computer by removing old unused files and clearing out internet history and cookies.

What is BleachBit? Little-known tool at center of Clinton email controversy

You're not saying what she did was right...but...then you try to excuse it? So which is it, Eagle?

Be honest. You know as well as I do that Clinton set up a private server system at her home...paid for it out of pocket...hid it's existence from Congressional investigators...and then had thousands of emails "scrubbed" when it became apparent that what she'd been doing had been uncovered.

That's not "sinister"...but man does it REEK of corruption!

The Left has a very difficult time admitting what Clinton did was wrong. Further, they try and equate running an entire unmanaged, unsecured email server with government information coupled with series of destruction of emails and files with a lower level advisor using a private email account.

You saw me yesterday say what she did was shady...

Guess what folks I do not like her, I did not support her nor her actions..

I did end up voting for my party , like most Americans did..We had very little choice.

Now...hummm can you say the same Easy, Iceberg, or OldTree?

I doubt it..

any particular reason you keep changing the topic? i'm not flinging insults back at you and if that's where this si going, i'm out.

Answer the question Iceberg....

what question? who did i vote for? trump. why? likely same reasons you voted for hillary, if you did.

now what does ANY of this have to do with defining what kushner did as different than hillary? nothing.

so i ask again, why do we sidetrack these things? if you don't care (as you said, don't care about legalities, you don't like the guy) then what is the point of discussion?

so - back to you.
do you understand the HUGE difference between a private account vs. private server?
do you feel what hillary did is more "scorn worthy" than what kushner did?
You're forgetting the fact that Hillary used her private server to store, receive and transmit highly classified government documents.

youre forgetting thats conjecture, you dont have any proof.

oh wait --

youre not forgetting, youre lying.

No, it's not conjecture, you witless cockroach. Comey testified to the fact, and Clinton admitted it.

Do you douche bag snowflakes ever stop lying?
Still waiting for the Dems who corresponded with the Russian Lawyer to hand over their emails like Trump's son did on his correspondence.

The intelligence committed only asked for them yesterday. And I haven't seen a citation of Kushner turning anything over.
youre forgetting thats conjecture, you dont have any proof.

oh wait --

youre not forgetting, youre lying.


Except you're forgetting she confessed to such and apologized during a Congressional Inquiry



classified ?

oooops ...

prove it.
She confessed to it, dipshit, and Comey testified to it.

so its clintons fault republicans were too incompetent to find anything criminal and convict her.

who the hell is the dipshits again?

Read your own citation, they weren't marked classified.

“A very small number of the emails containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of classified information,” Comey said.

It's a litmus paper test for classified material, nothing actually contained a classification heading.
You claimed his cite admitted they weren't marked, then you quoted the part that says they were marked.

You are dumber than a brain damaged cockroach.
youre forgetting thats conjecture, you dont have any proof.

oh wait --

youre not forgetting, youre lying.


Except you're forgetting she confessed to such and apologized during a Congressional Inquiry



classified ?

oooops ...

prove it.
She confessed to it, dipshit, and Comey testified to it.

so its clintons fault republicans were too incompetent to find anything criminal and convict her.

who the hell is the dipshits again?

Republicans weren't running the Justice Dept, moron.
So are we going to go through 100 witch hunt email trials that go no where with Kushner? The FBI said that what she did was wrong, but found nothing illegal ..
Just stop with the illegal bullshit..
Enough attorneys have been over every inch of it to nail her..

The evidence was hidden and Obama and Hillary still have operatives in the Intelligence and Justice community so their "secrets" are still safe.

If you can't CLEARLY see how much effort went into hiding this evidence, you are willfully ignorant. There IS no excuse.
Mueller is effectively running the FBI and DOJ and Obama Appointees Rosenstein (DOJ) and McCabe (FBI) are still in power, as is Koskinen running the IRS.
IMO, this was a strategy employed by Obama & Clinton to maintain control of The Federal Government by maintaining control of the three most powerful agencies.

So long as Mueller can keep the Fake Russia investigation going, and refusing to investigate any real crimes, The President cannot remove Obama sycophants, and Trump's People have their hands tied.

This is why MUELLER refuses to Interview Assange or look at THE DNC server, because the moment he does, The Fake Russia Investigation is OVER. Same reason Comey refused to do either, and also refused to investigate all of the "Leakers"

You want to talk about DEEP STATE? That's how it's done.

How do you live in that narrow mind of yours? Russia crap is Fake, Clinton , Mueller , Obama , all corrupt..

You have yet backed yourself up with any links but just keep writing in bold , so that must mean it is factual..

didn't you call out hypocrisy in this thread? even define it?

you're after kushner for far less "crimes" than you're excusing the democrats for committing. you're saying HE MUST BE HIDING SOMETHING when he turned everything over yet, you don't care hillary deleted 33k mails as "private yoga/wedding stuff".

amazing to me.

The things these snowflakes will say is utterly amazing to me.
You claimed his cite admitted they weren't market, then you quoted the part that says they were marked.

You are dumber than a brain damaged cockroach.

HIs own citation said they bore marks "indicating" the presence of classified (c) material.

Just like this post bore marks "indicating" the presence of classified material.

But it's not marked classified.
Don't you think it's awesome he turned over EVERY SINGLE EMAIL from his PRIVATE ACCOUNT, and they FOUND ZERO, ZIP, NADA, about RUSSIAN COLLUSION?


Isn't that cool that Kushner had that much faith in himself, and his Father In Law (The President) that he could commit to FULL DISCLOSURE?

He didn't have to smash 17 Electronic Devices with a hammer, remove their SIM cards and destroy them, & did not have to build a SECRET SERVER, and he did disclose that he had a private account which he used initially during the transition, and Did not have to BLEACH BIT 33,000 emails before deciding to cooperate with Herr Mueller.

He also did not have a President Lie about the fact that he KNEW NOTHING about a Secret Server, while secretly emailing Hillary Clinton as did Lynch using an Alias. How Sneaky...?

How Awesome is that?
I am not saying what she did was right... but...I find it funny how your using every excuse in the book.

If Clinton wanted to hide things with bleaching she would have used a professional service .

BleachBit may not be quite as sinister as Gowdy makes it out to be. It's one of many services you can download online to free up space on your computer by removing old unused files and clearing out internet history and cookies.

What is BleachBit? Little-known tool at center of Clinton email controversy

Ummm, it seems to me that it is the shrilary supporters who are using every excuse in the book to try and justify her criminal actions. Remember, she deleted those emails WHILE they were under subpoena. Just sayin...
youre forgetting thats conjecture, you dont have any proof.

oh wait --

youre not forgetting, youre lying.


Except you're forgetting she confessed to such and apologized during a Congressional Inquiry



classified ?

oooops ...

prove it.
She confessed to it, dipshit, and Comey testified to it.

so its clintons fault republicans were too incompetent to find anything criminal and convict her.

who the hell is the dipshits again?

Republicans weren't running the Justice Dept, moron.

then they were too incompetent to see justice done ... THE LAW KNOWS NO POLITICAL PARTY.


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