So Lets Talk About Republicans And Sex Crimes

You misspelled "massive numbers, including Trump himself".

What a disgusting human being you are for lying like that.

Every habitual pedo accuser I've encountered is fascist filth. This one is no exception to the rule.

The old Nazis did it to the jews.

The new Nazis are doing to liberals.

Bob here is running right out of the fascist playbook. And why? Because like the old Nazis, he's trying to justify even more fascist brownshirt violence. He especially wants gay and trans people to get assaulted, which is why he works so hard to demonize them.
Another Nazi reference by someone that has accused Trump of pedophilia while never showing any conviction by a court…
Fuck it, call us what you will, it's the results that count. I'm just glad we are making real legislative headway against the dem groomers in my state.

BTW, your ilk's lame "everyone that is not liberal is a Nazi" spiel is wearing thin. It's as played out as your ilk's tossing around of the "race" card is.
Oh, she told me the other day it only started when Trump became President and when I pointed out her usage of the word Nazis since 2013, well ya know she lies a lot!
During the Supreme Court confirmation hearings of judge Ketanji Brown Jackson in March, Republican Senators Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz attempted to smear the nominee by inaccurately claiming that she had a record of handing out unusually light sentences in cases where defendants were accused of viewing child pornography. The issue descended deeper into absurdity after three moderate Republicans voted to confirm Jackson this week and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene—the walking id of MAGA-America—tweeted about them, saying “Murkowski, Collins, and Romney are pro-pedophile.”

This is all galling. But it’s especially rich considering that, of the two major parties, the GOP has many more notable and recent scandals involving the sexual abuse of minors and young students—as well as a recent track record of reacting to them with a shrug.

Let’s review some of that history. .

If you are a parent that go to any events with Republicans, please watch your children closely.
"Oh Please Just Quit" finds those facts to be funny. Amazing
Show where Trump or Gaetz have been found guilty of Pedophilia :

You make a bunch of false charges against people as usual because you are a liar as usual!

Gaetz is or was being investigated for transporting someone that was seventeen across international waters and the accusation against Trump was filed in California and New York State and both cases were dismissed because the witness refused to cooperate with authorities!

So as everyone can see you are lying and offering no actual evidence of pedophilia at all!
Show us where Biden has been found guilty of pedophilia.
Fuck it, call us what you will, it's the results that count. I'm just glad we are making real legislative headway against the dem groomers in my state.

BTW, your ilk's lame "everyone that is not liberal is a Nazi" spiel is wearing thin. It's as played out as your ilk's tossing around of the "race" card is.
I noticed the laws and bills do not have a political party associated with the act of grooming
During the Supreme Court confirmation hearings of judge Ketanji Brown Jackson in March, Republican Senators Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz attempted to smear the nominee by inaccurately claiming that she had a record of handing out unusually light sentences in cases where defendants were accused of viewing child pornography. The issue descended deeper into absurdity after three moderate Republicans voted to confirm Jackson this week and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene—the walking id of MAGA-America—tweeted about them, saying “Murkowski, Collins, and Romney are pro-pedophile.”

This is all galling. But it’s especially rich considering that, of the two major parties, the GOP has many more notable and recent scandals involving the sexual abuse of minors and young students—as well as a recent track record of reacting to them with a shrug.

Let’s review some of that history. .

If you are a parent that go to any events with Republicans, please watch your children closely.
Let's talk about Dems and pedophiles.
Basically, a massive, clumsy attempt at a tu quoque — the premise being that since a few scattered Republicans have been caught engaging in sex crimes against children that it is somehow OK for Democraps to openly engage in and promote sex crimes against children.
I await your repudiation of Trump and Gaetz.

No? Then you are clearly a shit-streaked liar and hypocrite.

Expected, though. TheParty orders you to defend all of the very numerous Republipedos, and your post was how you tried to do that.
Zero evidence they ever messed with minors, none.

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