Personally and politically, individually and collectively, trans people are under constant attack (Politically by Republicans)

You can blow that sanctimonious drivel about concern for children right out of your ass. I heard it all from Jesus huffing dreck. Fuck off bigot

Well, who can argue with such well-formed and thoughtfully presented arguments as yours?
If you have a pro bigotry argument - bring it

No one is suggesting bigotry except you. You're placing an argument that trans people lack the rights granted to others. But, you decline to specify what rights those might be.

Start there, and we can have an argument.
People are simple, outside forces who influence and manipulate, makes them complicated.
No one is suggesting bigotry except you. You're placing an argument that trans people lack the rights granted to others. But, you decline to specify what rights those might be.

Start there, and we can have an argument.
Subjugation cloaked in the guise of equality seems the debate

Add in the cancel culture history revisionists , especially those that focus blame on any given faction of society ...and...and....oh wait:oops:....that's 1937 Germany!

my bad......
No one is suggesting bigotry except you. You're placing an argument that trans people lack the rights granted to others. But, you decline to specify what rights those might be.

Start there, and we can have an argument.
Read the OP. Let's start there

The most recent Republican presidential debate featured an almost comical rush to deny rights to trans individuals on a national level:


It would be funny, that is, if people's lives and rights weren't at stake; Pence and Ramaswamy seek to deny adults what most conservatives seek to deny children.

And it isn't just happening at the national level, as if this weren't bad enough.

In Kentucky, GOP candidate for governor Andy Beshear pushes on the issue as well:


While the vast majority of Americans support LGBTQ+ rights, Republicans just can't stop attacking the trans community.

Randall Balmer, now teaching at Dartmouth, but brought up in an evangelical household, presents his thoughts:

Why is the GOP escalating attacks on trans rights? Experts say the goal is to make sure evangelicals vote

“They [Republicans] have an interest in keeping the base riled up about one thing or another, and when one issue fades, as with same-sex relationships and same-sex marriage, they’ve got to find something else,” Balmer said. “It’s almost frantic.”

Is this just a political game with trans folk as the football?

With trans children being bulled at SIX TIMES the rate of their gender-conforming peers, and 32 trans individuals murdered last year, the stakes couldn't be higher:

Report says at least 32 transgender people were killed in the U.S. in 2022

The Human Rights Campaign notes that the number of fatalities is likely an undercount because the deaths of trans people often go unreported or the victims are misgendered in news or police reports.

The data does not encompass those who died by suicide, which has also been documented at significantly higher rates among LGBTQ people than in the general population.

Again, why?

And what can be done to stop the attacks, personal and political?

Personally and politically, individually and collectively, trans people are under constant attack (Politically by Republicans)​


Mostly because….like faggots, chicks with dicks are leftist manufactured weirdos….Democrat leftists love people with a mental illness…they know they will always be single issue voters, they will always vote on social issues…Remember, Democrats can’t win at REAL politics.
A. Trans should not be allowed to compete with genders they're pretending to be.
B. Trans should not be allowed to adopt or foster children.
C. We should not waste tax dollars to build bathrooms to entertain those with gender confusion.
D. We should not be educating children about trans in public schools.
Clearly someone on the GOP side of the ledger called a play. Its coordinated.

They called out the LGBT because it gives red meat to the right without further alienating ethnic minorities. They already alienated them.
You can blow that sanctimonious drivel about concern for children right out of your ass. I heard it all from Jesus huffing dreck. Fuck off bigot.

For sickos like you, it's ALL ABOUT YOU, and the children of our society can go to hell. Our future as a society can "fuck it" because sickos like you want to do whatever you want, even at the expense of children, who are our future as a community and country. If being concerned about our children's health and safety makes me a "bigot" or a "fascist", then I proudly take the label of bigot and fascist. Any day. You are the one who needs to fuck off, and if you continue down this route eventually you will be forced to fuck off. People like you are going to be dealt with, and problem solved. Our children will be safe from people like you, and if dialogue like this doesn't change your course, there will eventually be a violent backlash from society. That's just a common sense fact. Society will eventually deal with people like you, violently.







gay pride NY 2015.jpg



You people are a bunch of sickos.
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For sickos like you, it's ALL ABOUT YOU, and the children of our society can go to hell. Our future as a society can "fuck it" because sickos like you want to do whatever you want, even at the expense of children, who are our future as a community and country. If being concerned about our children's health and safety makes me a "bigot" or a "fascist", then I proudly take the label of bigot and fascist. Any day. You are the one who needs to fuck off, and if you continue down this route eventually you will be forced to fuck off. People like you are going to be dealt with, and problem solved. Our children will be safe from people like you, and if dialogue like this doesn't change your course, there will eventually be a violent backlash from society. That's just a common sense fact. Society will eventually deal with people like you, violently.

I am your children. And we are done with your shit. You left us nothing but endless wars, a destroyed planet, poverty and the bill due for your ignorance. I don't owe the likes of you shit
DIVIDE and CONQUER is the strategy being used by the Deep State to keep people DISTRACTED and fighting each other so that the masses never coalesce and challenge the ruling class.

"Trans" and LGBTQ? are two of the newest faux "OPPRESSED GROUPS" to be created. What happened to "Safe Spaces" "Being Triggered" "Crying closets" ???? GONE,,,,they served their purpose of derailing Trumps second term as did the George Floyd spectacle and now its on to other tricks.

A survey at Brown University found nearly 40% of these idiot students identify as LGBTQ !!! Next year, these idiots will identify by whatever new MEME the FBI pushes on them. 38% of Brown University students identify as LGBTQ+

I saw in McDonalds a young guy that must have weighed 400 lbs and he had so much facial hair and beard that he looked like a werewolf; HE WAS WEARING A BALLERINA DRESS. I felt sorry for him as he is a victim of the mind washing present today.

In a year or two, the LGBTQ fad will die off after they install another Demented puppet into the whitehouse.

Expect another Racial False Flag ( Floyd) event to rally the leftist voters if the Feds cannot stop Trump. They will blame Trump on it.

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