So, McCabe backs Comey's assertion that Trump wants "loyalty pledge"

And that's not all - Trump KNEW that Flynn was guilty way back in January - then shortly after he asked Comey to go easy on Crooked Mike.

Confidential documents turned over to Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team by the White House indicate that White House Counsel Don McGahn researched both the Logan Act and federal law dealing with lying to federal investigators and warned President Trump about then-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn possibly violating both, Foreign Policyreports.

FP's Murray Waas spoke with three people with knowledge of the records and was read portions of the documents, which show that McGahn conducted his research shortly after he was told in late January by then-Acting Attorney General Sally Yates that during the transition, Flynn told Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak not to worry about sanctions imposed by outgoing President Barack Obama. Despite Yates' warning and apparently McGahn's as well, Trump kept Flynn for two more weeks, firing him in mid-February and saying it was because Flynn lied to Vice President Mike Pence about his Kislyak conversations.
Mueller now has a slam dunk obstruction case.

White House counsel reportedly knew about possible Flynn violations in January
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Indications are that the FBI leadership might have plotted a genuine political coup and committed treason and the incoherent left is worried that President Trump might have asked them to pledge a "loyalty oath" after they attempted to derail his candidacy and undermined his administration? What the hell is the crazy left talking about?

Too much Hannity ^ ^ ^ :rolleyes-41:
Coup Coup Ka-CHOO!
Coney is a little bitch

He fell for TRUMP'bluff about taping their conversations and was thus handcuffed from what he had planned to do

Uhhh - NO he wasn't "handcuffed" - Trump got himself Mueller ,, which was "exquisite" (word o da week) payback for Comey - He should have STFU about Hillary 11 days before the election, but guess who people are gonna believe between an honest career pro and a serial liar?
There will several other people from the FBI to back up Comey's account that Trump asked him for "a pledge of allegiance" to Trump and to lay off Flynn......

Comey stated a while back that he told about the creepy request by Trump to SEVERAL others.......Let's see if they get called in to testify.

The smartest thing that Comey did, was to write down in his notes how Trump tried to interfere in the investigation of Flynn....AND, made sure that those notes were published SOON after he met the orange buffoon.
There will several other people from the FBI to back up Comey's account that Trump asked him for "a pledge of allegiance" to Trump and to lay off Flynn......

Comey stated a while back that he told about the creepy request by Trump to SEVERAL others.......Let's see if they get called in to testify.

The smartest thing that Comey did, was to write down in his notes how Trump tried to interfere in the investigation of Flynn....AND, made sure that those notes were published SOON after he met the orange buffoon.

Yep - and Trump's Republican pals huddled (probably with Devin "Recused" Nunes) prior to the questioning to decide on attack strategies and were an hour late for the questioning. There's your "coup".

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