So MSNBC Host Town Hall on Racism


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
and they have Al Sharpton as a host. Are you kidding me? Dude is a king racist himself.

The absurdity of the left wing media is mind boggling


FLASHBACK: This is the Al Sharpton who hosted MSNBC’s Racism Town Hall
Carmel Kookogey · May 30, 2018

Gilbert Carrasquillo | Getty Images
Last night’s MSNBC Racism Town Hall had an interesting selection of hosts, including, alongside Chris Hayes and Joy Ann Reid, Al Sharpton. Since the network was presumably aiming to condemn racism, perhaps it should have examined its own hosts first.

Sharpton’s history of incendiary language is certainly worth recalling.

—In 1987, Sharpton helped push the racially-charged Tawana Brawley rape hoax, in which the 15-year-old black girl fabricated claims that she was raped repeatedly by six white men. Sharpton had to pay $65,000 in damages to prosecutor Steven Pagones, one of the men accused of rape, for defamation.

—In his eulogy for Gavin Cato, a seven-year-old boy killed during the Crown Heights riots of 1991, Sharpton referred to the surrounding Jewish community as “diamond merchants” with the “blood of innocent babies” on their hands — a bigoted attack he refused to apologize for.

—Sharpton contributed rhetoric that incited the fire-bombing at Freddie’s Fashion Mart in Harlem in 1995, which destroyed the Jewish-owned store and killed eight. Sharpton, who had called owner of the business Fred Harari a “white interloper,” denied responsibility for the incident.

FLASHBACK: This is the Al Sharpton who hosted MSNBC’s Racism Town Hall
Wow. Talk about bullshit.

Al Sharpton as an MC?? Good Lord. What a fiasco that would be.

He's nothing but a race baiter.
Wow. Talk about bullshit.

Al Sharpton as an MC?? Good Lord. What a fiasco that would be.

He's nothing but a race baiter.

Well they did it. There are no bounds when it comes to the left wing media. And Joy Reid? My goodness. Another queen racist


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