So much for 'Nothing To It': EVIDENCE

Here's Napoleon's army of 680,000 which invaded Russia:


Here's Trump's imaginary army of 5,000,000 illegal voters in California he can't seem to find:

"Of course I can't find them. They all look the same, you know. Care for a taco bowl?"
oh Lordy. Those two black panthers bullshit story again from 2008.
Black Panther members showing up at the election site brandishing clubs intimidated voters.

The Black Panthers holding the clubs don't get to say there was no intimidation. The Black Panthers don't get to say there was no intimidation. YOU don't get to say no intimidation occurred. That is a call for anyone who feels intimidated to make. If someone feels intimidated, the intimidation needs to be removed.

I always apply the 'what if the other guys did it' test. For example, if KKK members showed up at a polling location holding clubs, what would have blacks said about it? Would they have tolerated it? Hell no, and for good reason.

You can call it a 'BS story' if it is YOUR opinion, but everyone just needs to realize it is your OPNION.
It means if 3-5 million people illegally voted for Hillary, then you also had 3-5 million people who illegally voted for Trump/
How do you get that?

If half the illegal voters from the Heritage study voted in the republican primary, then it would carry half the illegal votes were for Trump. Since 3-5 million illegals voted for hillary, then 3-5 million illegals voted for trump.
We must keep this task force alive until we have verified Trump's hallucination is real! Otherwise, our taxpayer dollars are just sitting around doing nothing.
I love Mexicans. Sure, they are bringing drugs, bringing crime, raping our women, taking our jobs, voting for Hillary, but GODDAM they make a great taco bowl!

If half the illegal voters from the Heritage study voted in the republican primary, then it would carry half the illegal votes were for Trump. Since 3-5 million illegals voted for hillary, then 3-5 million illegals voted for trump.
Did the Heritage Foundation's Records show that the half of Republicans who fraudulently voted in Primaries did so for Trump or just voted in general? My guess is some of those were for Jeb Bush and other Trump-Hating Washington Establishment GOP candidates.
If half the illegal voters from the Heritage study voted in the republican primary, then it would carry half the illegal votes were for Trump. Since 3-5 million illegals voted for hillary, then 3-5 million illegals voted for trump.
Did the Heritage Foundation's Records show that the half of Republicans who fraudulently voted in Primaries did so for Trump or just voted in general? My guess is some of those were for Jeb Bush and other Trump-Hating Washington Establishment GOP candidates.
Who Is Registered to Vote in Two States? Some in Trump’s Inner Circle

I love Mexicans. Sure, they are bringing drugs, bringing crime, raping our women, taking our jobs, voting for Hillary, but GODDAM they make a great taco bowl!


I wonder where he found that salad. I haven't seen a taco shell salad in years. I loved the iceberg lettuce and chedder cheese.
Did you read them?

Pretty lame. Most of the 1000 involve improper registration which does not mean an illegal vote
You actually point to only two votes that were illegitimate

And that's pretty significant considering you said there were none. Or lets put it in a different perspective, in months of digging there has been no evidence of collusion presented by investigators on trump. In days there have been over 1000 cases of voter fraud uncovered, and that is the tip of the iceberg.
Alex Jones, he is the man. And if he cannot report it, then nobody can.
It was Alex Jones who broke the story that the Clintons have abducted children for their sex ring and put them on Mars.

What a guy. He's just the best. Yeah...if he cannot report it, nobody can.
In days there have been over 1000 cases of voter fraud uncovered, and that is the tip of the iceberg.

In days?. It took heritage foundation years just to find that many. Looking at 47 states for the last decade.
Voter Fraud Database Tops 1,000 Proven Cases

"One of the left’s main arguments against reform is that voter fraud simply does not occur. How liberals arrive at this conclusion, we cannot say."

(It's called 'DENIAL')

"Time and again, studies and analyses point to one incontrovertible conclusion: that voter fraud is a real and pressing issue that deserves serious solutions, and The Heritage Foundation has the evidence to prove it.

On Thursday, The Heritage Foundation is releasing a new edition of its voter fraud database. Featuring well over 100 new cases, the database documents 1,071 instances of voter fraud spanning 47 states, including 938 criminal convictions."

Over the last several years and most not even presidential elections. Did they just look at Dems, because I can't see where its just Dems.

Now lets look at a voter suppression list in 2016 election. Oh that's right, they have no list of names as these people did could not vote.
New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case - Wikipedia

that type of intimidation? i want to be clear what kind we're talking about so we can compare apples to apples.

That is not the voter suppression I'm talking about, I'm talking about making voter registrations more difficult, decreasing polling site, and closing polls while people are in line, or in Georgia not having paper back ups.
That is not the voter suppression I'm talking about, I'm talking about making voter registrations more difficult, decreasing polling site, and closing polls while people are in line, or in Georgia not having paper back ups.
Don't forget about purging voter registrations, where they illegally removed thousands of voters based on partial name matches with felon records.
Alex Jones, he is the man. And if he cannot report it, then nobody can.
It was Alex Jones who broke the story that the Clintons have abducted children for their sex ring and put them on Mars.

What a guy. He's just the best. Yeah...if he cannot report it, nobody can.

I'm totally am shock, that you will post lies about Alex Jones.


Voter Fraud Database Tops 1,000 Proven Cases

"One of the left’s main arguments against reform is that voter fraud simply does not occur. How liberals arrive at this conclusion, we cannot say."

(It's called 'DENIAL')

"Time and again, studies and analyses point to one incontrovertible conclusion: that voter fraud is a real and pressing issue that deserves serious solutions, and The Heritage Foundation has the evidence to prove it.

On Thursday, The Heritage Foundation is releasing a new edition of its voter fraud database. Featuring well over 100 new cases, the database documents 1,071 instances of voter fraud spanning 47 states, including 938 criminal convictions."

Over the last several years and most not even presidential elections. Did they just look at Dems, because I can't see where its just Dems.

Now lets look at a voter suppression list in 2016 election. Oh that's right, they have no list of names as these people did could not vote.
New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case - Wikipedia

that type of intimidation? i want to be clear what kind we're talking about so we can compare apples to apples.
oh Lordy. Those two black panthers bullshit story again from 2008. You idiots have talked incessantly about it for 9 years.
That happened in my back yard and the Philly news ran an interview with a few people who lived in that neighborhood.
This is what they said," we pay those knuckleheads no mind. We know them well. They didn't intimidate a single person."

End of the right's bullshit panther intimidation story.
and how do you know no one was?

oh, cause you say so. how...convenient.
In days there have been over 1000 cases of voter fraud uncovered, and that is the tip of the iceberg.

In days?. It took heritage foundation years just to find that many. Looking at 47 states for the last decade.

Nobody can do the research because it is illegal dummy. They have these things called "privacy laws", which i know you don't agree with, but they exist none the less and limit outside investigations. Which makes your statement a LIE.

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