So much for 'Nothing To It': EVIDENCE

Voter Fraud Database Tops 1,000 Proven Cases

"One of the left’s main arguments against reform is that voter fraud simply does not occur. How liberals arrive at this conclusion, we cannot say."

(It's called 'DENIAL')

"Time and again, studies and analyses point to one incontrovertible conclusion: that voter fraud is a real and pressing issue that deserves serious solutions, and The Heritage Foundation has the evidence to prove it.

On Thursday, The Heritage Foundation is releasing a new edition of its voter fraud database. Featuring well over 100 new cases, the database documents 1,071 instances of voter fraud spanning 47 states, including 938 criminal convictions."

Over the last several years and most not even presidential elections. Did they just look at Dems, because I can't see where its just Dems.

Now lets look at a voter suppression list in 2016 election. Oh that's right, they have no list of names as these people did could not vote.
New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case - Wikipedia

that type of intimidation? i want to be clear what kind we're talking about so we can compare apples to apples.

That is not the voter suppression I'm talking about, I'm talking about making voter registrations more difficult, decreasing polling site, and closing polls while people are in line, or in Georgia not having paper back ups.
ah - so we micro-define voter suppression so you can dismiss one side and go full steam ahead on yours.

got it. never gonna be a balanced convo w/you is there?
Nobody can do the research because it is illegal dummy. They have these things called "privacy laws", which i know you don't agree with, but they exist none the less and limit outside investigations. Which makes your statement a LIE.

Kobachs voting commission claimed the information they asked the states for was publically available, which is where heritage foundation got their data from.

Now you're arguing the commission is seeking information illegally., so you should be defending the states refusing to turn it over.
On Thursday, The Heritage Foundation is releasing a new edition of its voter fraud database. Featuring well over 100 new cases, the database documents 1,071 instances of voter fraud spanning 47 states, including 938 criminal convictions."

That comes to 4 votes per state per year.

Out of millions of votes cast.
then why does one vote count so much in a libturd mind?
Voter Fraud Database Tops 1,000 Proven Cases

"One of the left’s main arguments against reform is that voter fraud simply does not occur. How liberals arrive at this conclusion, we cannot say."

When has the 'left' said that no voter fraud has occurred?

What this report shows is there is no significant level of fraud

1,000 cases?
Over more than 25 years?
That is 20 cases a year.
In a population of around 207,000,000 registered voters.

Certainly not the 3 to 5 million cases in 2016 that your Dear Leader claimed.
That comes to 4 votes per state per year.

Out of millions of votes cast.
then why does one vote count so much in a libturd mind?

We've complained in priority. Such as in florida in 2000, they did a felony purge of the voter registration, illegally removing thousands of voters from the roles. Thousands was enough to change the result of an election.

Illegal votes are less than 1% of illegal purges.
The left wing keeps telling us it isn't happening. It is happening, I wonder why the left does not see it? .

Here is the 'left' telling you that there is very little voter fraud- just as the OP document shows- 1,000 cases over 25 years? 20 cases per year

All This Talk of Voter Fraud? Across U.S., Officials Found Next to None

All This Talk of Voter Fraud? Across U.S., Officials Found Next to None
In an election in which more than 137.7 million Americans cast ballots, election and law enforcement officials in 26 states and the District of Columbia — Democratic-leaning, Republican-leaning and in-between — said that so far they knew of no credible allegations of fraudulent voting. Officials in another eight states said they knew of only one allegation.

A few states reported somewhat larger numbers of fraud claims that were under review. Tennessee counted 40 credible allegations out of some 4.3 million primary and general election votes. In Georgia, where more than 4.1 million ballots were cast, officials said they had opened 25 inquiries into “suspicious voting or election-related activity.”

But inquiries to all 50 states (every one but Kansas responded) found no states that reported indications of widespread fraud. And while additional allegations could surface as states wind up postelection reviews, their conclusions are unlikely to change significantly.

On Thursday, The Heritage Foundation is releasing a new edition of its voter fraud database. Featuring well over 100 new cases, the database documents 1,071 instances of voter fraud spanning 47 states, including 938 criminal convictions."

That comes to 4 votes per state per year.

Out of millions of votes cast.
then why does one vote count so much in a libturd mind?

Interesting question

Contards think that preventing even one fraudulent vote is more important than ensuring that legal voters can vote.

Liberals think that preventing even one legal voter from voting is more worse than preventing the one fraudulent vote.
Florida Net Too Wide in Purge of Voter Rolls

The felon lists were compiled by Database Technologies Inc. (DBT), now part of ChoicePoint Inc., an Atlanta-based company. In 1998, DBT won a $4-million contract from the Florida secretary of state's office to cross-check the 8.6 million names registered to vote in the state with law enforcement and other records.

Over the next two years, DBT built a database that was used to identify--and all too often misidentify--about 100,000 felons and dead people still registered to vote.

DBT officials blame state officials for casting too wide a net in their search for illegal voters. "It defied logic," company spokesman James Lee said.

Harry Sawyer, election supervisor in Key West, was stunned when Florida officials sent him a list of 150 convicted felons to cut from county voter rolls in mid-1999.

Among those named: an election employee, another worker's husband--and Sawyer's own father. None was a felon. "It was just a mess," Sawyer said.
On Thursday, The Heritage Foundation is releasing a new edition of its voter fraud database. Featuring well over 100 new cases, the database documents 1,071 instances of voter fraud spanning 47 states, including 938 criminal convictions."

That comes to 4 votes per state per year.

Out of millions of votes cast.
then why does one vote count so much in a libturd mind?

Interesting question

Contards think that preventing even one fraudulent vote is more important than ensuring that legal voters can vote.

Liberals think that preventing even one legal voter from voting is more worse than preventing the one fraudulent vote.
what's the difference with those positions?
He must be worried about the woman who voted twice - for Trump?
Actually I am. Unlike Democrats, I am not ok with criminal activity as long as it is my party doing it.
Good on you and see, the system worked, she got busted so, stop all the panic.
Not Democrats are. If you eliminate all the illegals, dead people, pets, voting multiple times, and non-existent people voting, the Democrats are at a massive handicap at election time.

Except of course- as many fraudulent votes are cast by Republicans for Republicans as by Democrats for Democrats.

You do know that 11,000,000 dead people voted for Trump- right?

I don't have proof of it yet- but I want an investigation to find those 11,000,000 fraudulent votes.
We've complained in priority. Such as in florida in 2000...


Snowflakes have STILL not gotten over Gore's loss to Bush after 17 years...and now they have an equally devastating loss in 2017! 17 about sore f*ing losers! :p

Gore lost 17 years ago - get over it.
Hillary lost last year - get over it.

'I WON....Elections have consequences'. - Barak Obama
He must be worried about the woman who voted twice - for Trump?
Actually I am. Unlike Democrats, I am not ok with criminal activity as long as it is my party doing it.
Good on you and see, the system worked, she got busted so, stop all the panic.
Not Democrats are. If you eliminate all the illegals, dead people, pets, voting multiple times, and non-existent people voting, the Democrats are at a massive handicap at election time.

Except of course- as many fraudulent votes are cast by Republicans for Republicans as by Democrats for Democrats.

You do know that 11,000,000 dead people voted for Trump- right?

I don't have proof of it yet- but I want an investigation to find those 11,000,000 fraudulent votes.
good I'm with you. give the voter roles.
Voter Fraud Database Tops 1,000 Proven Cases

"One of the left’s main arguments against reform is that voter fraud simply does not occur. How liberals arrive at this conclusion, we cannot say."

(It's called 'DENIAL')

"Time and again, studies and analyses point to one incontrovertible conclusion: that voter fraud is a real and pressing issue that deserves serious solutions, and The Heritage Foundation has the evidence to prove it.

On Thursday, The Heritage Foundation is releasing a new edition of its voter fraud database. Featuring well over 100 new cases, the database documents 1,071 instances of voter fraud spanning 47 states, including 938 criminal convictions."

Thing is, you can't assume scumbags and illegals just vote Democrat. I'd estimate only 95% vote Democrat.
He must be worried about the woman who voted twice - for Trump?
Actually I am. Unlike Democrats, I am not ok with criminal activity as long as it is my party doing it.
Good on you and see, the system worked, she got busted so, stop all the panic.
Not Democrats are. If you eliminate all the illegals, dead people, pets, voting multiple times, and non-existent people voting, the Democrats are at a massive handicap at election time.

Except of course- as many fraudulent votes are cast by Republicans for Republicans as by Democrats for Democrats.

You do know that 11,000,000 dead people voted for Trump- right?

I don't have proof of it yet- but I want an investigation to find those 11,000,000 fraudulent votes.
good I'm with you. give the voter roles.

I have already submitted all of the voter roles I am in charge of.

By the way- Trump also paid 10,000,000 people for their votes.

I don't have any proof of it yet- but I do want an investigation to find evidence of those payments...
Except of course- as many fraudulent votes are cast by Republicans for Republicans as by Democrats for Democrats.

...except no evidence has been shown the GOP ever rigged their own primaries, engaged in election fraud in their OWN primaries, and cheated in debates.... :p

BTW, You do know that 11,000,000 dead people voted for Trump- right?

I don't have proof of it yet - but I want an investigation to find those 11,000,000 fraudulent votes.

By the way- Trump also paid 10,000,000 people for their votes.

I don't have any proof of it yet- but I do want an investigation to find evidence of those payments...

"You do know that..."
- NO, and neither do YOU! :p

"I don't have proof of it yet..."
OF COURSE YOU DON'T...snowflakes haven't been able to produce evidence of anything they have clamed so far!

Here's the more important question:

How many of these cases would have been prevented by voter ID laws?

I looked though the first 300 or so examples, and I found exactly 1.
Contards think that preventing even one fraudulent vote is more important than ensuring that legal voters can vote.

Liberals think that preventing even one legal voter from voting is more worse than preventing the one fraudulent vote.
what's the difference with those positions?

One to two orders of magnitude. In florida in 2000 alone, there was over 2,000 people prevented from voting by an illegal felon purge. Many thousands upon thousands more by enacting overly strict voter ID laws.

Illegal votes represent just a tiny fraction.
Contards think that preventing even one fraudulent vote is more important than ensuring that legal voters can vote.

Liberals think that preventing even one legal voter from voting is more worse than preventing the one fraudulent vote.
what's the difference with those positions?

One to two orders of magnitude. In florida in 2000 alone, there was over 2,000 people prevented from voting by an illegal felon purge. Many thousands upon thousands more by enacting overly strict voter ID laws.

Illegal votes represent just a tiny fraction.
it should never happen period I don't care the side. you'd think the libturds would feel the same way.
Snowflakes in 2000 and 2016 after losing elections be like...


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