So much for Obama's "Hope and Change" message... Trump "TROMPS" it!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
In looking at Drudge, here are some headlines...

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Dollar Climbs to Strongest Since 2003 on Fed Path; Bonds Drop
Dollar Climbs to Strongest Since 2003 on Fed Path; Bonds Drop

Homebuilder sentiment spikes 7 points, Trump has them feeling fantastic
Trump has homebuilders feeling fantastic: Here's why

Measures of Economic Optimism Are Shooting Up All Over the Place After Trump's Win
Measures of Economic Optimism Are Shooting Up All Over the Place After Trump's Win

Why is this? Maybe people were tired of Obama's "America's to blame" tour and continuous bashing of
capitalism, small businesses and over all negative attitude about our country.
Maybe especially small businesses love to hear this..
"for every ONE NEW Federal rule or regulation TWO have to be abolished!"
He has pledged to eliminate two regulations for every new one passed and shut down the Education Department and parts of the Environmental Protection Agency.

Trump has a plan for government workers. They’re not going to like it.

No wonder businesses all over are optimistic!
Maybe with Obamacare's stupid ass ruling that prevented any business from thinking about hiring that 50th employee being smashed... businesses can grow again!
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What happened to the good old days like the 90's when RWnuts gave all the credit for the Clinton economic expansion

to Reagan?


OK.. an analogy a 4th grader could understand.
The economy under Reagan after Carter's Misery index (and I stupidly voted for CARTER!!! cause I thought he was so smart...!) is like
a big oil tanker. . Big ships cannot stop on a dime. In fact, these ships may require as much as 5 miles to stop (with gears in full reverse). The solution is simple: stay out of their way. (So as not to be wrong I checked this out.. Twenty Tanker Tips)

And so it is with the economy. You can't turn the economy around in five days. 10 days. You understand just like a big ship takes up to 5 miles,
so to with the economy. It is not something that dumb people evidently like you think that can be turned on or off like a faucet.

So with Carter and his misery index... ( I lived through 14% inflation.. 18% prime interest rate... 10% unemployment... all thanks to
Jimmy Carter who On February 2, 1977, the newly-inaugurated president appeared on television clad in that sweater, and asked us all to take a simple step to save energy: turn down the thermostat, and put on a sweater...! Eco-Tips: Jimmy Carter's Sweater

Yup the Carter economy tanked and it took SEVERAL YEARS of Reagan optimism to re-crank the economy JUST in time for Clinton to
take ALL the credit!
"Bill Clinton deserves, at most, a small sliver of the blame for the financial crisis.
But he probably doesn’t deserve much credit for the late-’90s boom, either.
The reality is, presidents have at best limited influence over the economy. Clinton’s economic policy was determinedly centrist: modest tax increases, free trade (including the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement) and limited government regulation and spending (the latter due in part to the Republican Congress). Those policies no doubt affected the economy, for good or bad. But their impact pales in comparison to that of forces beyond Clinton’s control: the rise of the internet, the entrance of the baby boomers into their peak earning years, the “peace dividend” that came from the fall of the Soviet Union.
No, Bill Clinton Does Not ‘Know How’ To Fix The Economy

So is it NO wonder businesses seeing a successful businessman now in charge of the government and telling the government...
"get the hell out of the way and let these people do their jobs"!!!!
What happened to the good old days like the 90's when RWnuts gave all the credit for the Clinton economic expansion

to Reagan?


it left when they refused to credit the Bush recession to Bush and pawned it off on Obama.
I love watching the left writhe in agony as Trump differentiates himself with Obama's 8 years of at best mediocre performance.
Trump is pretty capable. Lets just see how it goes.

I for one hope he gets everything he wants to do done.
AMERICA GREAT AGAIN: Dollar Climbs to Strongest Since 2003...

Measures of Economic Optimism Shooting Up All Over...

Homebuilder sentiment spikes 7 points, Trump has them feeling fantastic!

Measures of Economic Optimism Are Shooting Up All Over the Place After Trump's Win

Following the election, a number of indexes that track confidence have jumped, with respondents citing the potential for deregulation and tax cuts once President-elect Donald Trump takes office as the cause of their increased confidence.

Homebuilders are the latest segment of the economy to testify to this surge in optimism.

Measures of Economic Optimism Are Shooting Up All Over the Place After Trump's Win
..NW Arkansass has been booming for 2 years now..

I'm sure it has.

The Clintons left Arkansas years ago so I'm sure they are all doing much better in that State.
Has nothing to do with the Clinton clan..Has everything to do with the investment in the area..

I had heard Arkansas was a good state to retire to.
I suppose, I don't live in Arkansaas anymore..It does have a low unemployment rate along with a diversified manufacturing base, along with the headquarters of severl businesses like Wal Mart, Tyson's Foods, JB Hunt..
I love watching the left writhe in agony as Trump differentiates himself with Obama's 8 years of at best mediocre performance.

Honestly... the bar ls so low for Trump i.e. Obama said all the below and so....
Trump will never say:
he wanted to bankrupt 1,400 companies, that pay $100 billion a year in taxes and unemploy 450,000 people that work for these companies! (Obama told us he favored a "single payer health system... so what happens to the above?)
" if somebody wants to build a coal plant, they can – it’s just that it will bankrupt them.” (Pretty easy way of increasing unemployment.)
"I prefer higher gas prices". (And Obama signed 40% fewer Federal oil lease exploration then Bush).
Trump will never tell a foreign country such as "Brazil to develop oil and that the USA will be their best customer"!
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." (That certainly puts a dent in the pocketbook..._
Trump will never tour the world tearing America and Americans down as Obama did his first year... just so he could travel!

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