So my 24 yr old son tried to sign up for Obamacare and they told him

No one is forcing young adults to not be independent....

If her son was NOT a tax dependent of hers ALREADY, then he would not be allowed to get on her and her husband's Tricare at 24 years old.

But since he IS DEPENDENT on his parents for at least 50% of what it takes to support him, his parents can write off on their taxes the cost it takes to support him, they can take the standard deduction for him and take the personal exemption for him to LOWER their own tax obligation to the IRS.

Even if the ACA had never been instituted, Lovebears would be faced with the situation of her 24 year old son not being eligible to get on her tricare policy and her and her husband would have to be making a decision on whether they wanted to purchase health care insurance for their son, or not.

They can still NOT purchase health care for him, but since they are using their son on their tax return as a dependent so they can reduce the taxes that they owe the IRS, then they are faced with paying a penalty if he does not purchase health care....

If their son was NOT a dependent of theirs, then it would be solely up to their son to get his own health care, he can not get added to their Tricare. Obamacare DID NOT make their son dependent on them...THIS IS A CHOICE of Lovebears and her husband to still be supporting their son at 24 years old...they already made that choice...O-Care had NOTHING to do with that choice.
No one is forcing young adults to not be independent....

If her son was NOT a tax dependent of hers ALREADY, then he would not be allowed to get on her and her husband's Tricare at 24 years old.

But since he IS DEPENDENT on his parents for at least 50% of what it takes to support him, his parents can write off on their taxes the cost it takes to support him, they can take the standard deduction for him and take the personal exemption for him to LOWER their own tax obligation to the IRS.

Even if the ACA had never been instituted, Lovebears would be faced with the situation of her 24 year old son not being eligible to get on her tricare policy and her and her husband would have to be making a decision on whether they wanted to purchase health care insurance for their son, or not.

They can still NOT purchase health care for him, but since they are using their son on their tax return as a dependent so they can reduce the taxes that they owe the IRS, then they are faced with paying a penalty if he does not purchase health care....

If their son was NOT a dependent of theirs, then it would be solely up to their son to get his own health care, he can not get added to their Tricare. Obamacare DID NOT make their son dependent on them...THIS IS A CHOICE of Lovebears and her husband to still be supporting their son at 24 years old...they already made that choice...O-Care had NOTHING to do with that choice.
LOL! So basically the fault that the son isn't independent is hers.

Every one of her threads has proven to be a lie. Every single one of them.
Maybe you didn't read the thread. Her son tried to sign up for Obamacare and they told him no, Go have your parents add you onto their insurance. And as for supposed tax benefits, add it up and you will find the tax "credit" is far less than the actual cost for this.
Heck, I wish I could still be covered under my parents insurance. :lol: I don't understand what the complaint is about . . . That the young man doesn't have to spend money to be covered and can still be covered under his parents' insurance? How is this a problem? He wants to be raped by the insurance companies?
Maybe you didn't read the thread. Her son tried to sign up for Obamacare and they told him no, Go have your parents add you onto their insurance. And as for supposed tax benefits, add it up and you will find the tax "credit" is far less than the actual cost for this.
I have green eyes too! (a hazel green) Welcome to USMB!

Actually, that's not the case Gel. Her son could sign up for health insurance on the exchange right now, but they will not give him a government tax subsidy to do so. If he wanted his own insurance without his parents supporting him and without us tax payer's supporting him with a subsidy, he could get insurance this nano second.

The reason is because Lovebear's 24 yr old child is NOT supporting himself in full....she and her husband has him as a tax dependent on their tax household and she and her husband supports him with 50% or more of what it takes for him to live. (I believe he is still in college?) She and her husband gets to claim him on their taxes and they get to take the Standard deduction and personal exemption for him.

If this were NOT the case and her son was dependent of lovebears and her husband, then he could get subsidized for his health care on the exchange, depending on how much money he earns.
So you're saying the parents should be raped by the insurance company for an adult child?
Lovebears does not have private insurance. Her husband is in the Military and their insurance is paid as a benefit by the Military, along with children up to the age of 24 if they are still in college....and over the age of 24, if she and her husband are STILL supporting him and he is still in college, then TriCare(military/government health care) allows the parents to add them to their Tricare for a fee of $208.00 a month.

Even if Obamacare were never passed or created, after the age of 23 years old, TriCare would NOT allow her 24yr old son, to be covered by TRICARE for free.
again, the tax deductions for Lovebear is far less than the payout for the adult child's insurance and deductible.
Sounds like a good deal for him.
Really . He wants to be independent not dependent on us..
So he wants to pay more and receive less? He should run for office he sounds like a great republican.

Or the government shouldn't have interfered in the first place by passing ObamaCare and then we wouldn't be having this discussion, right?

I don't know what it is... I mean if I had a tazer I'd taz you.
again, the tax deductions for Lovebear is far less than the payout for the adult child's insurance and deductible.
And he gets something in return, excellent HEALTH CARE Coverage.... for what he has to pay....$208.00 a month for the absolute BEST HEALTH CARE COVERAGE in the Nation....none of this $5000 deductible crud that the rest of the world is faced dealing with....

OR he can choose to buy no insurance at all and pay the very very small penalty for such....

She said he wanted to be independent...he can do so, any time he wishes.
So you're saying the parents should be raped by the insurance company for an adult child?

Well, first of all, welcome to the forum. :) I see you are new.

Some advice for you. You need to use the "reply" option to a post you are replying to. I had no idea that you had replied to my post. If you use the "reply" function, the person you are addressing gets a notification.

Now, about the topic of the thread. I believe if the young man had a full time job, it is mandatory for the employer to provide him with some insurance that meets a specific standard. If he doesn't want to be covered under his parent's insurance, or if his parents do not want to pay for a family plan (which they should probably already have if they have a family), then he can go without insurance and pay the penalty in his taxes.

I do think that he SHOULD be able to purchase his own insurance if he so wishes though. That is kind of a stupid rule there. I think the issue here though is that a lot of young men and women in their early 20s are NOT purchasing their own insurance anyway, so that is the MO behind the rule.

Of course, let's keep in mind that I'm no expert on Obamacare so I could be wrong.
Maybe you didn't read the thread. Her son tried to sign up for Obamacare and they told him no, Go have your parents add you onto their insurance. And as for supposed tax benefits, add it up and you will find the tax "credit" is far less than the actual cost for this.
I have green eyes too! (a hazel green) Welcome to USMB!

Actually, that's not the case Gel. Her son could sign up for health insurance on the exchange right now, but they will not give him a government tax subsidy to do so. If he wanted his own insurance without his parents supporting him and without us tax payer's supporting him with a subsidy, he could get insurance this nano second.

The reason is because Lovebear's 24 yr old child is NOT supporting himself in full....she and her husband has him as a tax dependent on their tax household and she and her husband supports him with 50% or more of what it takes for him to live. (I believe he is still in college?) She and her husband gets to claim him on their taxes and they get to take the Standard deduction and personal exemption for him.

If this were NOT the case and her son was dependent of lovebears and her husband, then he could get subsidized for his health care on the exchange, depending on how much money he earns.

Thank you, that is an excellent explanation. :)
his insurance at his job may not meet the ACA standards, this is true. HOWEVER, that would allow him to purchase his own plan through the Marketplace. THats exactly what the Marketplace is designed to do...give coverage to those whos employer offered coverage isnt up to par.

I would have him go back on the Marketplace website and read a little closer

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