So Naddler wants to charge Barr for ignoring the subpoena to give the full report by X date.....

Yet the fucking DIMocrat hasn't gone to read it in its unredacted entirety behind closed doors. It is available to be read but he wont go read it. Just more proof it's all a big game to these asshats.

It is a Charade. A play on words, if you prefer.

The word that Nadler is playing on is..."Contempt."

Yesterday. Nadler, the fucking dumb ass, told the media that he was going to hold Barr in contempt for not showing
up for the hearing.

When he was done with his showboating, someone on his staff probably explained the law to him and told him he could
not hold the AG in contempt for not showing up. Barr was not invited to that meeting nor was he under subpoena. He volunteered
a few weeks ago to appear. You can't hold someone in contempt for not appearing under those conditions.

Nadler would have to correct himself and then create a subpoena, which would include the rules of the hearing, if they differ
from a normal procedure and then have the subpoena served. Then Barr would have to either, not show up at the prescribed
date and time or refuse the subpoena and put it in the courts.

So instead of looking like a total and complete dumbass in front of the nation, he changes the contempt charge to not giving
him the unredacted report for all members.

Barr has given an unredacted report to the Congress and 6 members of each party, with proper clearances were allowed
to read it in a secured room. None of the Dems have bothered to read the report.

Today is Friday, he'll have the entire weekend to dream up some excuse for next Monday.
Yet the fucking DIMocrat hasn't gone to read it in its unredacted entirety behind closed doors. It is available to be read but he wont go read it. Just more proof it's all a big game to these asshats.

dimocraps are scum. ALL of them.

What you're not pointing out is.....

Barr agreed to be questioned by ELECTED Congressmen, not to have the questioning turned over to dimocrap scum committee hatchet-men/women.

If the worst criminal AG we've ever had, Eric Himmler, refused a subpoena to a Republican Congress under those conditions, I'd be on his side.

And you don't know how hard that is for me to say......
Yet the fucking DIMocrat hasn't gone to read it in its unredacted entirety behind closed doors. It is available to be read but he wont go read it. Just more proof it's all a big game to these asshats.

It is a Charade. A play on words, if you prefer.

The word that Nadler is playing on is..."Contempt."

Yesterday. Nadler, the fucking dumb ass, told the media that he was going to hold Barr in contempt for not showing
up for the hearing.

When he was done with his showboating, someone on his staff probably explained the law to him and told him he could
not hold the AG in contempt for not showing up. Barr was not invited to that meeting nor was he under subpoena. He volunteered
a few weeks ago to appear. You can't hold someone in contempt for not appearing under those conditions.

Nadler would have to correct himself and then create a subpoena, which would include the rules of the hearing, if they differ
from a normal procedure and then have the subpoena served. Then Barr would have to either, not show up at the prescribed
date and time or refuse the subpoena and put it in the courts.

So instead of looking like a total and complete dumbass in front of the nation, he changes the contempt charge to not giving
him the unredacted report for all members.

Barr has given an unredacted report to the Congress and 6 members of each party, with proper clearances were allowed
to read it in a secured room. None of the Dems have bothered to read the report.

Today is Friday, he'll have the entire weekend to dream up some excuse for next Monday.
How do they suppose Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III would have handled it differently ?
The Democrats sure do seem to miss him don't they ?
If I was Trump, I'd send some folks a little 5 am wake up call by the FBI with Fox News cameras live at the scenes, starting with these two.
Congress has the responsibility and duty of legislating laws to protect against further and future Russian interference in elections. Elected officials can not make informed decisions on legislation to protect against interference without being fully informed. Hence, refusals to testify in Congress, provide complete documentation and evidence is aiding and abetting our enemy.

Now that's a stretch.......even for you.

Right, the reason they want him to testify is so they can save the country. It has nothing to do with Trump, or trying to setup Barr in a possible perjury trap. They are doing this all just for us.

BTW, I have a bridge for sale in your area if you are interested in one!
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Yet the fucking DIMocrat hasn't gone to read it in its unredacted entirety behind closed doors. It is available to be read but he wont go read it. Just more proof it's all a big game to these asshats.

you know this how ?
Morning radio news on the way into work today. ABC Radio I think it's called

ooooooo, I see, you heard it on the radio - :rolleyes:

I didn't read it either, did you ?

Here ya go champ, guessing you could have searched it also.
Just 2 lawmakers have seen less-redacted Mueller report
Yet the fucking DIMocrat hasn't gone to read it in its unredacted entirety behind closed doors. It is available to be read but he wont go read it. Just more proof it's all a big game to these asshats.

Pretty much a dog and pony show; a common strategy by the left.
Yet the fucking DIMocrat hasn't gone to read it in its unredacted entirety behind closed doors.
Because they don't have the full, unredacted report. Are you serious right now? That's the subpoena Barr is defying. Literally the topic of your own thread, dude.

You are an uninformed clown, or a propagandist.

1. Any member of congress can now go see the unredacted version, period, end of story.

2. LEGALLY, by the RULES the Democrats created, Barr did NOT even have to release the Mueller report, not even 1 word! He did it as a courtesy. So you can wish in one hand, and poop in the other; you are 100% EL WRONGO!

3. Congress has LEGISLATIVE POWER, and they can change the rules if they so wish. They do NOT have indictment power, only the DOJ does, which is part of the executive branch.

The NEXT time you uneducated, uninformed clowns want to start whining like the DIMICRAPS you are, at least know what in the hell you are talking about!
Yet the fucking DIMocrat hasn't gone to read it in its unredacted entirety behind closed doors. It is available to be read but he wont go read it. Just more proof it's all a big game to these asshats.

you know this how ?
It's been widely reported. Barr offered 12 members of Congress, six Democrats and six Republican, access to a less redacted report which includes much of the information being withheld from the public, but so far only only two Republicans have looked at it.
The investigation needs to continue. We can't stop until Comey, Mueller, McCabe, Stzrok, Brennen, Clapper, Ohr, Holder, Lynch, both Clintons and Obama are in jail.
Yet the fucking DIMocrat hasn't gone to read it in its unredacted entirety behind closed doors. It is available to be read but he wont go read it. Just more proof it's all a big game to these asshats.

There's nothing funnier than watching a liberal being told no, they freak out :aargh:
Congress has the responsibility and duty of legislating laws to protect against further and future Russian interference in elections. Elected officials can not make informed decisions on legislation to protect against interference without being fully informed. Hence, refusals to testify in Congress, provide complete documentation and evidence is aiding and abetting our enemy.

Now that's a stretch.......even for you.

Right, the reason they want him to testify is so they can save the country. It has nothing to do with Trump, or trying to setup Barr in a possible perjury trap. They are doing this all just for us.

BTW, I have a bridge for sale in your area if you are interested in one!

Barr testified before the Senate, there's no reason for him to waste time testifying before the House. They can just read the Senate transcripts.
Lock him up!

Lock him up!

They will, or at least indict him! Yes they will, poor Jim (your homey) Comey! He is going to be the 1st, watch and see, because it is a SLAM DUNK! Even Leftist media has admitted what he did was illegal, so at least we are all on the same page-)

So, the 1st one is not in question, the real deal is---------->who will be the 2nd-) To get to the heart of the matter, I have a feeling it will be the former UN Ambassador, and she WILL SPILL the rest of the beans-)

Know what that means?

Yet the fucking DIMocrat hasn't gone to read it in its unredacted entirety behind closed doors. It is available to be read but he wont go read it. Just more proof it's all a big game to these asshats.
Wrong. Not unredacted, less redacted.
Yet the fucking DIMocrat hasn't gone to read it in its unredacted entirety behind closed doors. It is available to be read but he wont go read it. Just more proof it's all a big game to these asshats.

The only people who have read it are two Reps.

Twelve copies were handed out and only those two Rep's have read it.

Oh and I'd like to see them try to charge Barr. He doesn't work for those useless dweebs. He works for Trump.

Maybe someday the useless fucks will get their heads out of their asses.
Where did you fools get the idea he's supposed to work for tRump?
You mean like Holder? Remind us what happened to him again?
Not much, because the congress didn't have the will to pursue. That's not the case today. I gotta tell ya bro, that didn't take a lot of brain power to puzzle out.
Congress has no authority to JAIL anyone much less the Attorney General of the United States......

Think again:

Contempt of Congress - Wikipedia

Can Congress Jail Witnesses Who Refuse to Cooperate?

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