So, Napolitano wants to play?

Sanctuary Is Treason

Then she should be imprisoned and the university fined. Time to play hardball.
This is what Napolitano said from the article you cited;
Campus police officers will not contact, detain, question or arrest any individual solely on the basis of (suspected) undocumented immigration status’
Now from that statement, cite PRECISELY cite which Title, Chapter and Section in the US Code that would be a violation codified within the laws recorded in the USC? Suspicion of something alone is grounds for imprisonment? Really?

Further, square that with the decision SCOTUS in Arizona v. United States regarding the points of Federalism, the preemption thereof, and the Supremacy Clause in that 5-3 decision with one recusal (Kagan).

Unless you believe, beyond doubt, that we now are dominated by a tyrannical dystopian government currently, explain exactly how Napolitano could be imprisoned as you so wishfully believe she should if she has broken no law, she has not been arrested, she has not been charge and indicted, she has not been tried,she has not been found guilty of any crime and she has not been sentenced for any crime!

Please let us all understand the laws, as codified and defined/interpreted from the Constitution by SCOTUS which support your unsupportable position!
Our Transnationalist Rulers Must Be Overruled

Suspicion and being asked to provide proof of legal presence is not a violation of a legal citizen's civil rights. Someone in position of authority taking away that law-enforcement duty is more than suspicious. So Napolitano is guilty of enabling an invasion of our sovereignty, which is treason. Your precious SCROTUS is the tyranny here. Its decisions on this matter prove that it an agency hostile to American interests.
There is no 'playing' or 'negotiating' - you obey the f*ing law or face the consequences.
University of California President Janet Napolitano has announced that system leaders will protect and defend students in the country illegally — and will advise campus cops to do the same.

Napolitano — who served as Secretary of Homeland Security under the Obama administration, charged with protecting the nation’s borders — put out a statement Wednesday that her office will “vigorously protect the privacy and civil rights of the undocumented members of the UC community and will direct its police departments not to undertake joint efforts with any government agencies to enforce federal immigration law.”

The announcement comes as students in the country illegally and their peer allies are distraught that there might be mass deportations of undocumented students under a Donald Trump presidency. Many student leaders have announced their schools are “sanctuary campuses.” Now campus leaders are essentially following suit.

I'm thinking that there is legislation on the way that will make her eat her words. This woman was Secretary of Homeland Security for Christ's sake! completely inexcusable.

Look at all the qualifiers "Big Sis" :puke: put in her's a PR stunt like all the others....when the Federal Marshalls storm the campus, she'll hightail it out to her lesbo love shack and hide until they're done with the roundup.
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University of California President Janet Napolitano has announced that system leaders will protect and defend students in the country illegally — and will advise campus cops to do the same.

Napolitano — who served as Secretary of Homeland Security under the Obama administration, charged with protecting the nation’s borders — put out a statement Wednesday that her office will “vigorously protect the privacy and civil rights of the undocumented members of the UC community and will direct its police departments not to undertake joint efforts with any government agencies to enforce federal immigration law.”

The announcement comes as students in the country illegally and their peer allies are distraught that there might be mass deportations of undocumented students under a Donald Trump presidency. Many student leaders have announced their schools are “sanctuary campuses.” Now campus leaders are essentially following suit.

I'm thinking that there is legislation on the way that will make her eat her words. This woman was Secretary of Homeland Security for Christ's sake! completely inexcusable.

Isn't she violating federal law by doing this? The FBI should arrest her and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.


What law would that be?
Sanctuary Is Treason

Then she should be imprisoned and the university fined. Time to play hardball.
This is what Napolitano said from the article you cited;
Campus police officers will not contact, detain, question or arrest any individual solely on the basis of (suspected) undocumented immigration status’
Now from that statement, cite PRECISELY cite which Title, Chapter and Section in the US Code that would be a violation codified within the laws recorded in the USC? Suspicion of something alone is grounds for imprisonment? Really?

Further, square that with the decision SCOTUS in Arizona v. United States regarding the points of Federalism, the preemption thereof, and the Supremacy Clause in that 5-3 decision with one recusal (Kagan).

Unless you believe, beyond doubt, that we now are dominated by a tyrannical dystopian government currently, explain exactly how Napolitano could be imprisoned as you so wishfully believe she should if she has broken no law, she has not been arrested, she has not been charge and indicted, she has not been tried,she has not been found guilty of any crime and she has not been sentenced for any crime!

Please let us all understand the laws, as codified and defined/interpreted from the Constitution by SCOTUS which support your unsupportable position!
Our Transnationalist Rulers Must Be Overruled

Suspicion and being asked to provide proof of legal presence is not a violation of a legal citizen's civil rights. Someone in position of authority taking away that law-enforcement duty is more than suspicious. So Napolitano is guilty of enabling an invasion of our sovereignty, which is treason. Your precious SCROTUS is the tyranny here. Its decisions on this matter prove that it an agency hostile to American interests.
So you admit you are ignorant of the law of the land and are unwilling to find the truth! Got it!
Well well well.look what happened to "state rights " now that the cons are in charge .
Well well well.look what happened to "state rights " now that the cons are in charge .

We tried to let you have States rights, and your leader; Obysmal, took AZ to court. What did they say! That the President has the authority.

Now, if you want to make a case for states rights so they can keep their little illegals safe, we can negotiate-) Roe V Wade is now gone, states choose. EPA gone, state EPA controls their area. That is just the start Timmy, so you want to start negotiating, or give up the illegals, lol-)
Well well well.look what happened to "state rights " now that the cons are in charge .

We tried to let you have States rights, and your leader; Obysmal, took AZ to court. What did they say! That the President has the authority.

Now, if you want to make a case for states rights so they can keep their little illegals safe, we can negotiate-) Roe V Wade is now gone, states choose. EPA gone, state EPA controls their area. That is just the start Timmy, so you want to start negotiating, or give up the illegals, lol-)

The az case says Feds control immigration . Cali is saying the same thing . Immigration is on the Feds , don't force the states to be Ins .
Well well well.look what happened to "state rights " now that the cons are in charge .

We tried to let you have States rights, and your leader; Obysmal, took AZ to court. What did they say! That the President has the authority.

Now, if you want to make a case for states rights so they can keep their little illegals safe, we can negotiate-) Roe V Wade is now gone, states choose. EPA gone, state EPA controls their area. That is just the start Timmy, so you want to start negotiating, or give up the illegals, lol-)

The az case says Feds control immigration . Cali is saying the same thing . Immigration is on the Feds , don't force the states to be Ins .

That is correct, so if it is against the law, the states doing it are no more than what the confederate states did by breaking the law. If a state can just do that, how about if the the red states ignore Roe V Wade! Hw about we ignore the department of educations edicts! How about what the EPA says!

Can't have it both ways Timmy. If you try that without a solid argument, nobody is going to listen.
Well well well.look what happened to "state rights " now that the cons are in charge .

We tried to let you have States rights, and your leader; Obysmal, took AZ to court. What did they say! That the President has the authority.

Now, if you want to make a case for states rights so they can keep their little illegals safe, we can negotiate-) Roe V Wade is now gone, states choose. EPA gone, state EPA controls their area. That is just the start Timmy, so you want to start negotiating, or give up the illegals, lol-)

The az case says Feds control immigration . Cali is saying the same thing . Immigration is on the Feds , don't force the states to be Ins .

That is correct, so if it is against the law, the states doing it are no more than what the confederate states did by breaking the law. If a state can just do that, how about if the the red states ignore Roe V Wade! Hw about we ignore the department of educations edicts! How about what the EPA says!

Can't have it both ways Timmy. If you try that without a solid argument, nobody is going to listen.

Not all issues are equal . For example , the constitution says immigration is for Feds only .

Roe v wade does allow for abortion restrictions . Different states have different rules . But you can't ban abortion.
University of California President Janet Napolitano has announced that system leaders will protect and defend students in the country illegally — and will advise campus cops to do the same.

Napolitano — who served as Secretary of Homeland Security under the Obama administration, charged with protecting the nation’s borders — put out a statement Wednesday that her office will “vigorously protect the privacy and civil rights of the undocumented members of the UC community and will direct its police departments not to undertake joint efforts with any government agencies to enforce federal immigration law.”

The announcement comes as students in the country illegally and their peer allies are distraught that there might be mass deportations of undocumented students under a Donald Trump presidency. Many student leaders have announced their schools are “sanctuary campuses.” Now campus leaders are essentially following suit.

I'm thinking that there is legislation on the way that will make her eat her words. This woman was Secretary of Homeland Security for Christ's sake! completely inexcusable.

Awfully telling, but don't expect liberals to get it.
University of California President Janet Napolitano has announced that system leaders will protect and defend students in the country illegally — and will advise campus cops to do the same.

Napolitano — who served as Secretary of Homeland Security under the Obama administration, charged with protecting the nation’s borders — put out a statement Wednesday that her office will “vigorously protect the privacy and civil rights of the undocumented members of the UC community and will direct its police departments not to undertake joint efforts with any government agencies to enforce federal immigration law.”

The announcement comes as students in the country illegally and their peer allies are distraught that there might be mass deportations of undocumented students under a Donald Trump presidency. Many student leaders have announced their schools are “sanctuary campuses.” Now campus leaders are essentially following suit.

I'm thinking that there is legislation on the way that will make her eat her words. This woman was Secretary of Homeland Security for Christ's sake! completely inexcusable.

Isn't she violating federal law by doing this? The FBI should arrest her and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.


What law would that be?
Section 274 felonies under the federal Immigration and Nationality Act, INA 274A(a)(1)(A):

A person (including a group of persons, business, organization, or local government) commits a federal felony when she or he:

* assists an alien s/he should reasonably know is illegally in the U.S. or who lacks employment authorization, by transporting, sheltering, or assisting him or her to obtain employment, or

* encourages that alien to remain in the U.S. by referring him or her to an employer or by acting as employer or agent for an employer in any way, or

* knowingly assists illegal aliens due to personal convictions.

Penalties upon conviction include criminal fines, imprisonment, and forfeiture of vehicles and real property used to commit the crime. Anyone employing or contracting with an illegal alien without verifying his or her work authorization status is guilty of a misdemeanor. Aliens and employers violating immigration laws are subject to arrest, detention, and seizure of their vehicles or property. In addition, individuals or entities who engage in racketeering enterprises that commit (or conspire to commit) immigration-related felonies are subject to private civil suits for treble damages and injunctive relief.
The fact that the law hasn't been prosecuted under President obama becomes irrelevant on January 20 2017
Well well well.look what happened to "state rights " now that the cons are in charge .

We tried to let you have States rights, and your leader; Obysmal, took AZ to court. What did they say! That the President has the authority.

Now, if you want to make a case for states rights so they can keep their little illegals safe, we can negotiate-) Roe V Wade is now gone, states choose. EPA gone, state EPA controls their area. That is just the start Timmy, so you want to start negotiating, or give up the illegals, lol-)

The az case says Feds control immigration . Cali is saying the same thing . Immigration is on the Feds , don't force the states to be Ins .

That is correct, so if it is against the law, the states doing it are no more than what the confederate states did by breaking the law. If a state can just do that, how about if the the red states ignore Roe V Wade! Hw about we ignore the department of educations edicts! How about what the EPA says!

Can't have it both ways Timmy. If you try that without a solid argument, nobody is going to listen.

Not all issues are equal . For example , the constitution says immigration is for Feds only .

Roe v wade does allow for abortion restrictions . Different states have different rules . But you can't ban abortion.

Not all issues are equal? Who decides that! What is important to you may not be important to me, and vice-versa.

Nobody says that your side can not try and change the law. Why aren't they? I will tell you why, because every state that this issue has been brought up in except possibly 2 or 3, the issue has lost; even in California.

So what you are basically saying is---------->you do not care when these things are voted on what your fellow Americans say. Instantly it is taken to court, and pushed to be over turned. This is why you have Trump. Same thing with same sex marriage. Virtually every state it was on the ballot, the voters said no. Instantly, the far left took them to court.

Look back in recent history------->when your person is voted in, or your issue comes out the way your side wants, we are told, "the people have spoken." But when your side loses, or your sides issue comes out badly for the left, they run instantly to court trying to use the court system to overturn the will of the people. Look at the recounts. Now you will say, "that is not Hillary, it is Stein." And yet, every person on this board including you knows that Stein is a greeny, and which side of the aisle does every greeny reside on! Your arguments to counter the truth are so weak, their is no logic to them, lol.

And so, here is how I look at it. You look at it any way you wish------------->if it is constitutional; especially if it has already been addressed by the constitution, or the supreme court, then regardless if it is Republican or Democrat, it is ok by me, even if I do not like the policy. If I do not like it, then it is my job to find enough like minded people to overturn the law legally. If I decide to break the law because I am to lazy to try and overturn it?!?!?! Then I can't complain if the feds have me in court and run me out of money. It is what it is, and all the whining by you, or me, is going to change anything.................the criminal illegals are going to be run out of town, and if you want to stand against the law, be my guest, I will send you a jello cake in jail!
Sanctuary Is Treason

Then she should be imprisoned and the university fined. Time to play hardball.
This is what Napolitano said from the article you cited;
Campus police officers will not contact, detain, question or arrest any individual solely on the basis of (suspected) undocumented immigration status’
Now from that statement, cite PRECISELY cite which Title, Chapter and Section in the US Code that would be a violation codified within the laws recorded in the USC? Suspicion of something alone is grounds for imprisonment? Really?

Further, square that with the decision SCOTUS in Arizona v. United States regarding the points of Federalism, the preemption thereof, and the Supremacy Clause in that 5-3 decision with one recusal (Kagan).

Unless you believe, beyond doubt, that we now are dominated by a tyrannical dystopian government currently, explain exactly how Napolitano could be imprisoned as you so wishfully believe she should if she has broken no law, she has not been arrested, she has not been charge and indicted, she has not been tried,she has not been found guilty of any crime and she has not been sentenced for any crime!

Please let us all understand the laws, as codified and defined/interpreted from the Constitution by SCOTUS which support your unsupportable position!
Our Transnationalist Rulers Must Be Overruled

Suspicion and being asked to provide proof of legal presence is not a violation of a legal citizen's civil rights. Someone in position of authority taking away that law-enforcement duty is more than suspicious. So Napolitano is guilty of enabling an invasion of our sovereignty, which is treason. Your precious SCROTUS is the tyranny here. Its decisions on this matter prove that it an agency hostile to American interests.
So you admit you are ignorant of the law of the land and are unwilling to find the truth! Got it!

Majoritarian Nullification of Judicial Injustice

You'll never get it. You are misbegotten.
Sanctuary Is Treason

Then she should be imprisoned and the university fined. Time to play hardball.
This is what Napolitano said from the article you cited;
Campus police officers will not contact, detain, question or arrest any individual solely on the basis of (suspected) undocumented immigration status’
Now from that statement, cite PRECISELY cite which Title, Chapter and Section in the US Code that would be a violation codified within the laws recorded in the USC? Suspicion of something alone is grounds for imprisonment? Really?

Further, square that with the decision SCOTUS in Arizona v. United States regarding the points of Federalism, the preemption thereof, and the Supremacy Clause in that 5-3 decision with one recusal (Kagan).

Unless you believe, beyond doubt, that we now are dominated by a tyrannical dystopian government currently, explain exactly how Napolitano could be imprisoned as you so wishfully believe she should if she has broken no law, she has not been arrested, she has not been charge and indicted, she has not been tried,she has not been found guilty of any crime and she has not been sentenced for any crime!

Please let us all understand the laws, as codified and defined/interpreted from the Constitution by SCOTUS which support your unsupportable position!
Our Transnationalist Rulers Must Be Overruled

Suspicion and being asked to provide proof of legal presence is not a violation of a legal citizen's civil rights. Someone in position of authority taking away that law-enforcement duty is more than suspicious. So Napolitano is guilty of enabling an invasion of our sovereignty, which is treason. Your precious SCROTUS is the tyranny here. Its decisions on this matter prove that it an agency hostile to American interests.
So you admit you are ignorant of the law of the land and are unwilling to find the truth! Got it!

Majoritarian Nullification of Judicial Injustice

You'll never get it. You are misbegotten.
No, you know-it-all Sea Lawyers simply don't know Shit from Shinola! That is why you CAN'T respond to my initial post to you and why you respond with HORSESHIT rather that a cogent response, Fony Fuck!
University of California President Janet Napolitano has announced that system leaders will protect and defend students in the country illegally — and will advise campus cops to do the same.

Napolitano — who served as Secretary of Homeland Security under the Obama administration, charged with protecting the nation’s borders — put out a statement Wednesday that her office will “vigorously protect the privacy and civil rights of the undocumented members of the UC community and will direct its police departments not to undertake joint efforts with any government agencies to enforce federal immigration law.”

The announcement comes as students in the country illegally and their peer allies are distraught that there might be mass deportations of undocumented students under a Donald Trump presidency. Many student leaders have announced their schools are “sanctuary campuses.” Now campus leaders are essentially following suit.

I'm thinking that there is legislation on the way that will make her eat her words. This woman was Secretary of Homeland Security for Christ's sake! completely inexcusable.

Isn't she violating federal law by doing this? The FBI should arrest her and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.


What law would that be?
So....No reply?
Sanctuary Is Treason

Then she should be imprisoned and the university fined. Time to play hardball.
This is what Napolitano said from the article you cited;
Campus police officers will not contact, detain, question or arrest any individual solely on the basis of (suspected) undocumented immigration status’
Now from that statement, cite PRECISELY cite which Title, Chapter and Section in the US Code that would be a violation codified within the laws recorded in the USC? Suspicion of something alone is grounds for imprisonment? Really?

Further, square that with the decision SCOTUS in Arizona v. United States regarding the points of Federalism, the preemption thereof, and the Supremacy Clause in that 5-3 decision with one recusal (Kagan).

Unless you believe, beyond doubt, that we now are dominated by a tyrannical dystopian government currently, explain exactly how Napolitano could be imprisoned as you so wishfully believe she should if she has broken no law, she has not been arrested, she has not been charge and indicted, she has not been tried,she has not been found guilty of any crime and she has not been sentenced for any crime!

Please let us all understand the laws, as codified and defined/interpreted from the Constitution by SCOTUS which support your unsupportable position!
Our Transnationalist Rulers Must Be Overruled

Suspicion and being asked to provide proof of legal presence is not a violation of a legal citizen's civil rights. Someone in position of authority taking away that law-enforcement duty is more than suspicious. So Napolitano is guilty of enabling an invasion of our sovereignty, which is treason. Your precious SCROTUS is the tyranny here. Its decisions on this matter prove that it an agency hostile to American interests.
So you admit you are ignorant of the law of the land and are unwilling to find the truth! Got it!

Majoritarian Nullification of Judicial Injustice

You'll never get it. You are misbegotten.
No, you know-it-all Sea Lawyers simply don't know Shit from Shinola! That is why you CAN'T respond to my initial post to you and why you respond with HORSESHIT rather that a cogent response, Fony Fuck!
The "Rule of Law" Is the Law of the Rulers. Veto.

If you don't hear what you want to hear, you become deaf. You authoritarians want to write and direct the script for those you need to turn into your puppets.

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