So Now It's Bad To Not Cause A Panic?????

And when Trump wins in November we'll see at least 4 more years of this shit. Hopefully the GOP wins back the House and Pelosi retires.
When he loses in November we'll only see a 4 year trial for tax evasion and crimes against the american people.
Let me ask you clowns a question.

Did Drumpf know the virus was highly contagious? If you can answer that truthfully at least to yourself then lets progress to the next question.

Why would he mock wearing a mask and hold rallies with his own supporters exposing them to the virus?
Because HE can't mandate anyone to wear a fucking mask, you clown! He didn't mock anyone, and that was CNN saying that he mocked.
He asked a reporter to take off his mask when he couldn't hear the question the reporter was asking. You really are oblivious.
OK lets go with that.

So youre saying because he cant mandate wearing a mask, instead of suggesting everyone wear a mask he mock them and then invite his own supporters to catch the virus at his rally. Does that actually make sense to you?
He didn't mock anybody. Good people make shit up and argue what you make up.
The people are old enough to make their own decisions.
Seems you need to be told what to do, and that is sad.
Have a good day

" He didn't mock anybody. Good people make shit up and argue what you make up. "

Do you really think he didnt mock anyone? So did he invite people to attend his rallies and have them sign waivers without enforcing a mask mandate at his rally?

President Trump doesn't have the power to enforce a mask mandate at the Palmer Airport. He just has a small Secret Service contingent.
Sure he does. All he has to say is...."You cant come to my rally unless you wear a mask."

You clowns are full of excuses. :lol:

He wouldn't have the power to stop them, if they didn't listen.

Although, what Mr. Trump believes in is the Freedom to Choose. If you choose to wear a mask, or if you don't, that's your choice.

Trump didn't say a word when his staff member Tony Fauci was photographed not wearing a mask at a baseball game.
His own team has guidelines to social distance and wear a mask. Trump is holding events
I know...I'm so sick of this bullshit that I want Newsome to hurry up and send me mine and my dogs ballots so we can vote......:102:
Please do that. Cast a vote for your pets.
Hey if the dummies in CA want to blindly send out ballots to non registered folks dogs not registered either.....
You think they are sending ballots to non registered voters?! Haha. You sound super smart man. Can you help me catch up to you by sending a link so I can learn about this policy?!

Would you like to tell Chewy he can't vote.....
View attachment 386968
sorry chewy, your dumbass owner is about to commit a felony, you will soon be rewarded with a new home and free healthcare
Open air events are not super spreaders and since his last indoor rally three months ago before the 2nd wave hit that's all he is doing....
Are you saying that Trumps own safety recommendations of mask wearing and social distancing doesn’t apply if you’re out doors?! That’s nuts and flat out wrong. They have chairs stacked right next to eachother. If you can’t social distance then you are supposed to wear a mask. We’ve now seen many thousands of people attend trump events and not follow safety protocol while he openly mocks people who do wear masks. It’s a joke. He’s a joke.
I didn't say it first Dr Fauci said it....being outdoors is not a super spreader...if it were we would be in a hell of a lot worse shape than we are now...imagine all of the outdoor contact we have....the case numbers would be three times what they are couldn't fill your tank up at the pumps.....or ride on a bike trail.....or go to Farmers markets which most of us do....come on man you can do better than this....I know you can....Buuuuaaaaahahahahaha
I have done better but you regurgitate lies about what I’ve said. First of all I never said the words super spreader. I said irresponsible and not following safety protocol. Do I need to show you Fauci saying that people should wear masks when they can’t social distance outdoors?
Hahaha, are you joking about the baseball game comparison? What fans are you talking about? His wife and close friend?? Do I even need to waste time responding to that or is the picture enough?

Trump's entire campaign is about causing fear and panic.

It's how he intends to win, by scaring whites, who are all-to-gullible for my liking.

Yet another Trump bootlicker thread.

The dem posters melting down over this is delicious. I can see them red faced and shaking fists at their laptop screens, lol.

I think this next BS attempt is going to again backfire on the left. People are rolling eyes at and getting tired of the silly smear attempts.

Nothing can overshadow the burning riots, the hypocrisy of glorifying black criminals instead of the black children caught in the crossfire, the rampant black on black crime, the death of safety with police defunding, death of religion, and comedic economic plans that the democrats are championing. Nothing.

Trump's got this, and they know it. The smear jobs and ballot fraud plans are the last gasps of the desperate.
And when Trump wins in November we'll see at least 4 more years of this shit. Hopefully the GOP wins back the House and Pelosi retires.
When he loses in November we'll only see a 4 year trial for tax evasion and crimes against the american people.
Let me ask you clowns a question.

Did Drumpf know the virus was highly contagious? If you can answer that truthfully at least to yourself then lets progress to the next question.

Why would he mock wearing a mask and hold rallies with his own supporters exposing them to the virus?
Because HE can't mandate anyone to wear a fucking mask, you clown! He didn't mock anyone, and that was CNN saying that he mocked.
He asked a reporter to take off his mask when he couldn't hear the question the reporter was asking. You really are oblivious.
OK lets go with that.

So youre saying because he cant mandate wearing a mask, instead of suggesting everyone wear a mask he mock them and then invite his own supporters to catch the virus at his rally. Does that actually make sense to you?
He didn't mock anybody. Good people make shit up and argue what you make up.
The people are old enough to make their own decisions.
Seems you need to be told what to do, and that is sad.
Have a good day

" He didn't mock anybody. Good people make shit up and argue what you make up. "

Do you really think he didnt mock anyone? So did he invite people to attend his rallies and have them sign waivers without enforcing a mask mandate at his rally?

President Trump doesn't have the power to enforce a mask mandate at the Palmer Airport. He just has a small Secret Service contingent.
Sure he does. All he has to say is...."You cant come to my rally unless you wear a mask."

You clowns are full of excuses. :lol:

He wouldn't have the power to stop them, if they didn't listen.

Although, what Mr. Trump believes in is the Freedom to Choose. If you choose to wear a mask, or if you don't, that's your choice.

Trump didn't say a word when his staff member Tony Fauci was photographed not wearing a mask at a baseball game.
His own team has guidelines to social distance and wear a mask. Trump is holding events
I know...I'm so sick of this bullshit that I want Newsome to hurry up and send me mine and my dogs ballots so we can vote......:102:
Please do that. Cast a vote for your pets.
Hey if the dummies in CA want to blindly send out ballots to non registered folks dogs not registered either.....
You think they are sending ballots to non registered voters?! Haha. You sound super smart man. Can you help me catch up to you by sending a link so I can learn about this policy?!

Would you like to tell Chewy he can't vote.....
View attachment 386968
sorry chewy, your dumbass owner is about to commit a felony, you will soon be rewarded with a new home and free healthcare
Open air events are not super spreaders and since his last indoor rally three months ago before the 2nd wave hit that's all he is doing....
Are you saying that Trumps own safety recommendations of mask wearing and social distancing doesn’t apply if you’re out doors?! That’s nuts and flat out wrong. They have chairs stacked right next to eachother. If you can’t social distance then you are supposed to wear a mask. We’ve now seen many thousands of people attend trump events and not follow safety protocol while he openly mocks people who do wear masks. It’s a joke. He’s a joke.
I didn't say it first Dr Fauci said it....being outdoors is not a super spreader...if it were we would be in a hell of a lot worse shape than we are now...imagine all of the outdoor contact we have....the case numbers would be three times what they are couldn't fill your tank up at the pumps.....or ride on a bike trail.....or go to Farmers markets which most of us do....come on man you can do better than this....I know you can....Buuuuaaaaahahahahaha
I have done better but you regurgitate lies about what I’ve said. First of all I never said the words super spreader. I said irresponsible and not following safety protocol. Do I need to show you Fauci saying that people should wear masks when they can’t social distance outdoors?
Hahaha, are you joking about the baseball game comparison? What fans are you talking about? His wife and close friend?? Do I even need to waste time responding to that or is the picture enough?

View attachment 387048

It is considered "too dangerous" for other people to attend professional baseball games with their families at all. Especially when they are sitting so close and one isn't wearing a mask
Trump's entire campaign is about causing fear and panic.

It's how he intends to win, by scaring whites, who are all-to-gullible for my liking.

Yet another Trump bootlicker thread.


Actually, it has nothing to do with race. Elsewhere I commented how I drove yesterday along US Route 6 in PA through several counties, and people of all races here love their President.
OK lets go with that.

So youre saying because he cant mandate wearing a mask, instead of suggesting everyone wear a mask he mock those that do and then invite his own supporters to catch the virus at his rally. Does that actually make sense to you?
In that dunce's meth-addled brain, if you could call it that, it makes total sense.

For these palookas, the dumber, the better.
And when Trump wins in November we'll see at least 4 more years of this shit. Hopefully the GOP wins back the House and Pelosi retires.
When he loses in November we'll only see a 4 year trial for tax evasion and crimes against the american people.
Let me ask you clowns a question.

Did Drumpf know the virus was highly contagious? If you can answer that truthfully at least to yourself then lets progress to the next question.

Why would he mock wearing a mask and hold rallies with his own supporters exposing them to the virus?
Because HE can't mandate anyone to wear a fucking mask, you clown! He didn't mock anyone, and that was CNN saying that he mocked.
He asked a reporter to take off his mask when he couldn't hear the question the reporter was asking. You really are oblivious.
OK lets go with that.

So youre saying because he cant mandate wearing a mask, instead of suggesting everyone wear a mask he mock them and then invite his own supporters to catch the virus at his rally. Does that actually make sense to you?
He didn't mock anybody. Good people make shit up and argue what you make up.
The people are old enough to make their own decisions.
Seems you need to be told what to do, and that is sad.
Have a good day

" He didn't mock anybody. Good people make shit up and argue what you make up. "

Do you really think he didnt mock anyone? So did he invite people to attend his rallies and have them sign waivers without enforcing a mask mandate at his rally?

President Trump doesn't have the power to enforce a mask mandate at the Palmer Airport. He just has a small Secret Service contingent.
Sure he does. All he has to say is...."You cant come to my rally unless you wear a mask."

You clowns are full of excuses. :lol:

He wouldn't have the power to stop them, if they didn't listen.

Although, what Mr. Trump believes in is the Freedom to Choose. If you choose to wear a mask, or if you don't, that's your choice.

Trump didn't say a word when his staff member Tony Fauci was photographed not wearing a mask at a baseball game.
His own team has guidelines to social distance and wear a mask. Trump is holding events
I know...I'm so sick of this bullshit that I want Newsome to hurry up and send me mine and my dogs ballots so we can vote......:102:
Please do that. Cast a vote for your pets.
Hey if the dummies in CA want to blindly send out ballots to non registered folks dogs not registered either.....
You think they are sending ballots to non registered voters?! Haha. You sound super smart man. Can you help me catch up to you by sending a link so I can learn about this policy?!

Would you like to tell Chewy he can't vote.....
View attachment 386968
sorry chewy, your dumbass owner is about to commit a felony, you will soon be rewarded with a new home and free healthcare
Open air events are not super spreaders and since his last indoor rally three months ago before the 2nd wave hit that's all he is doing....
Are you saying that Trumps own safety recommendations of mask wearing and social distancing doesn’t apply if you’re out doors?! That’s nuts and flat out wrong. They have chairs stacked right next to eachother. If you can’t social distance then you are supposed to wear a mask. We’ve now seen many thousands of people attend trump events and not follow safety protocol while he openly mocks people who do wear masks. It’s a joke. He’s a joke.
I didn't say it first Dr Fauci said it....being outdoors is not a super spreader...if it were we would be in a hell of a lot worse shape than we are now...imagine all of the outdoor contact we have....the case numbers would be three times what they are couldn't fill your tank up at the pumps.....or ride on a bike trail.....or go to Farmers markets which most of us do....come on man you can do better than this....I know you can....Buuuuaaaaahahahahaha
I have done better but you regurgitate lies about what I’ve said. First of all I never said the words super spreader. I said irresponsible and not following safety protocol. Do I need to show you Fauci saying that people should wear masks when they can’t social distance outdoors?
Hahaha, are you joking about the baseball game comparison? What fans are you talking about? His wife and close friend?? Do I even need to waste time responding to that or is the picture enough?

View attachment 387048

It is considered "too dangerous" for other people to attend professional baseball games with their families at all. Especially when they are sitting so close and one isn't wearing a mask
Friends and family can go eat on a patio in every city in the USA... you don’t eat with a mask on... but if youre in an area where you can’t distance from strangers you should be wearing a mask. This isn’t very complicated and it’s a completely idiotic fight for you to engage in. If the mask resisting tards out there would have taken this seriously in March we would be open by now. But no, y’all had to be independent and tough and drive that example trump has been pushing all along... now we are about to breach 200k deaths. Way to go!!
And when Trump wins in November we'll see at least 4 more years of this shit from the Left, demagoguery and fear-mongering up the ying-yang. Hopefully the GOP wins back the House and Pelosi retires.
I think that the progressives have been getting progressively worse every time a Republican wins the White House.
Next they'll be storming the fences at the place and we'll have to either deport them all to Canada or shoot them on sight and bury them in a mass-grave in the Rose Garden.
OK lets go with that.

So youre saying because he cant mandate wearing a mask, instead of suggesting everyone wear a mask he mock those that do and then invite his own supporters to catch the virus at his rally. Does that actually make sense to you?
In that dunce's meth-addled brain, if you could call it that, it makes total sense.

For these palookas, the dumber, the better.
Thank you for the useless comment you racist....
I think that the progressives have been getting progressively worse every time a Republican wins the White House.
Next they'll be storming the fences at the place and we'll have to either deport them all to Canada or shoot them on sight and bury them in a mass-grave in the Rose Garden.

The left wing media is going to be putting new bullshit on a daily basis from now till the election.

They wouldn’t tell the truth concerning Trump if their lives depended on it.
I think we can now testify to the fact that Democrats feel that being rational and trying to not cause panic is a crime.
I remember when Obama somehow got his corrupt media stop causing a panic with some Ebola scare.
But apparently Trump cannot do anything without them making a federal case over it.

Now...can we all see the hopeless situation Trump is in.
They call him Xenophobic if it takes steps....and they accuse him of doing nothing if he doesn't cause a massive worldwide panic.

The American Thinker is pro-Trump trash. If Trump shot someone in broad daylight they would defend it. Even National Review admits Trump has mishandled the coronavirus situation. This has nothing to do with causing a panic. It is about Trump's re-election and he doesn't care how many people die for his re-election. If he had taken stronger measures earlier he might be cruising to re-election. Many governors who took strong measures have high approval ratings.
Stop whining. Drumpf fucked up and trusted China even when his own intel told him different. The he fucking lied about the danger calling it a hoax. Then he sat there and held rallies and exposed his own retarded supporters to the virus. You clowns cant wish this away. You all voted for the incompetent fuckup and liar.

There isn't one true sentence in your post...except for the hoax....because it is a hoax.

I think we can now testify to the fact that Democrats feel that being rational and trying to not cause panic is a crime.
I remember when Obama somehow got his corrupt media stop causing a panic with some Ebola scare.
But apparently Trump cannot do anything without them making a federal case over it.

Now...can we all see the hopeless situation Trump is in.
They call him Xenophobic if it takes steps....and they accuse him of doing nothing if he doesn't cause a massive worldwide panic.

The American Thinker is pro-Trump trash. If Trump shot someone in broad daylight they would defend it. Even National Review admits Trump has mishandled the coronavirus situation. This has nothing to do with causing a panic. It is about Trump's re-election and he doesn't care how many people die for his re-election. If he had taken stronger measures earlier he might be cruising to re-election. Many governors who took strong measures have high approval ratings.

National Review is run by Jonah Goldberg an avowed never Trumper.

When Trump tried to handle it in January he was attacked viciously by the left as a xenophobic racist.

I think we can now testify to the fact that Democrats feel that being rational and trying to not cause panic is a crime.
I remember when Obama somehow got his corrupt media stop causing a panic with some Ebola scare.
But apparently Trump cannot do anything without them making a federal case over it.

Now...can we all see the hopeless situation Trump is in.
They call him Xenophobic if it takes steps....and they accuse him of doing nothing if he doesn't cause a massive worldwide panic.

The American Thinker is pro-Trump trash. If Trump shot someone in broad daylight they would defend it. Even National Review admits Trump has mishandled the coronavirus situation. This has nothing to do with causing a panic. It is about Trump's re-election and he doesn't care how many people die for his re-election. If he had taken stronger measures earlier he might be cruising to re-election. Many governors who took strong measures have high approval ratings.

National Review is run by Jonah Goldberg an avowed never Trumper.

When Trump tried to handle it in January he was attacked viciously by the left as a xenophobic racist.


There have been many pro-Trump articles on National Review. Why should we trust the American Thinker? They need to0 put their thinking caps on.
I think we can now testify to the fact that Democrats feel that being rational and trying to not cause panic is a crime.
I remember when Obama somehow got his corrupt media stop causing a panic with some Ebola scare.
But apparently Trump cannot do anything without them making a federal case over it.

Now...can we all see the hopeless situation Trump is in.
They call him Xenophobic if it takes steps....and they accuse him of doing nothing if he doesn't cause a massive worldwide panic.
Yup! If these same folks never called out Obama/Biden for 8 years of describing jihadist terrorism as ‘man-caused disaster,’ they can take their indignation elsewhere.

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