So Now It's Bad To Not Cause A Panic?????

I've said all along that Trump is always put into a Catch 22 by the left.
Drumpf puts himself in a catch 22 because he gets caught lying. You guys should really stop whining. He does this to himself. If he was a real leader he would know how to deal with people. Instead he purposely causes people to dislike him.

Funny I don't hear you telling us about Pelousy lying when she told everyone the virus was nothing and we should all enjoy the Chinese New Year.

I also don't see you telling us the Dems were full of shit when the called Trump a racist for wanting to stop flights into the us to stop the spread of the virus.

Oh and you must think all Americans are stupid. Most were watching what was going on and new exactly what to do. They didn't need the Govt or the CDC to tell them. Hell I went right out and bought a mask and distanced myself from people by 6 feet. I did that before the CDC came out with those instructions. Common Sense.
" Funny I don't hear you telling us about Pelousy lying when she told everyone the virus was nothing and we should all enjoy the Chinese New Year. "

Pelosi like the rest of us was lied to by Drumpf. Then Drumpf told his own supporters they could come to his rally without a mask.

" I also don't see you telling us the Dems were full of shit when the called Trump a racist for wanting to stop flights into the us to stop the spread of the virus. "

Thats because I knew Drumpf was a racist long before he partially stopped flights into the US from China.
I think we can now testify to the fact that Democrats feel that being rational and trying to not cause panic is a crime.
I remember when Obama somehow got his corrupt media stop causing a panic with some Ebola scare.
But apparently Trump cannot do anything without them making a federal case over it.

Now...can we all see the hopeless situation Trump is in.
They call him Xenophobic if it takes steps....and they accuse him of doing nothing if he doesn't cause a massive worldwide panic.
The whole Trump didn’t want to cause a panic excuse next to the “Dems are going to destroy you” narratives he is pushing on a daily basis is a complete joke. You don’t expect anybody to buy that do you?

He was protecting himself by denying reality and not wanting the markets to react in a way that would hurt him politically. It’s clear as day. Wake up
Didn't want to cause a panic????? how short is your memory?....don't you remember the empty shelves of TP?...I would say he looked at that and stepped in to calm people a good leader should....this is making you libtards look very bad....
And when Trump wins in November we'll see at least 4 more years of this shit. Hopefully the GOP wins back the House and Pelosi retires.
When he loses in November we'll only see a 4 year trial for tax evasion and crimes against the american people.
Let me ask you clowns a question.

Did Drumpf know the virus was highly contagious? If you can answer that truthfully at least to yourself then lets progress to the next question.

Why would he mock wearing a mask and hold rallies with his own supporters exposing them to the virus?
Because HE can't mandate anyone to wear a fucking mask, you clown! He didn't mock anyone, and that was CNN saying that he mocked.
He asked a reporter to take off his mask when he couldn't hear the question the reporter was asking. You really are oblivious.
OK lets go with that.

So youre saying because he cant mandate wearing a mask, instead of suggesting everyone wear a mask he mock them and then invite his own supporters to catch the virus at his rally. Does that actually make sense to you?
He didn't mock anybody. Good people make shit up and argue what you make up.
The people are old enough to make their own decisions.
Seems you need to be told what to do, and that is sad.
Have a good day

" He didn't mock anybody. Good people make shit up and argue what you make up. "

Do you really think he didnt mock anyone? So did he invite people to attend his rallies and have them sign waivers without enforcing a mask mandate at his rally?

President Trump doesn't have the power to enforce a mask mandate at the Palmer Airport. He just has a small Secret Service contingent.
Sure he does. All he has to say is...."You cant come to my rally unless you wear a mask."

You clowns are full of excuses. :lol:

He wouldn't have the power to stop them, if they didn't listen.

Although, what Mr. Trump believes in is the Freedom to Choose. If you choose to wear a mask, or if you don't, that's your choice.

Trump didn't say a word when his staff member Tony Fauci was photographed not wearing a mask at a baseball game.
His own team has guidelines to social distance and wear a mask. Trump is holding events
I know...I'm so sick of this bullshit that I want Newsome to hurry up and send me mine and my dogs ballots so we can vote......:102:
Please do that. Cast a vote for your pets.
Hey if the dummies in CA want to blindly send out ballots to non registered folks dogs not registered either.....
You think they are sending ballots to non registered voters?! Haha. You sound super smart man. Can you help me catch up to you by sending a link so I can learn about this policy?!

Would you like to tell Chewy he can't vote.....
View attachment 386968
sorry chewy, your dumbass owner is about to commit a felony, you will soon be rewarded with a new home and free healthcare
Now the liar on TV lies about Biden, says he was against vaccine Oh for only a fact checker there.. He saved millions??? Oh God please take him. I'll never ask you for anything ever again
I've said all along that Trump is always put into a Catch 22 by the left.
Drumpf puts himself in a catch 22 because he gets caught lying. You guys should really stop whining. He does this to himself. If he was a real leader he would know how to deal with people. Instead he purposely causes people to dislike him.

Funny I don't hear you telling us about Pelousy lying when she told everyone the virus was nothing and we should all enjoy the Chinese New Year.

I also don't see you telling us the Dems were full of shit when the called Trump a racist for wanting to stop flights into the US to stop the spread of the virus.

Oh and you must think all Americans are stupid. Most were watching what was going on and knew exactly what to do. They didn't need the Govt or the CDC to tell them. Hell I went right out and bought a mask and distanced myself from people by 6 feet. I did that before the CDC came out with those instructions and you can bet your ass I wasn't the only one. Common Sense.
Did Pelosi have inside info about virus that Trump did???
And when Trump wins in November we'll see at least 4 more years of this shit. Hopefully the GOP wins back the House and Pelosi retires.
When he loses in November we'll only see a 4 year trial for tax evasion and crimes against the american people.
Let me ask you clowns a question.

Did Drumpf know the virus was highly contagious? If you can answer that truthfully at least to yourself then lets progress to the next question.

Why would he mock wearing a mask and hold rallies with his own supporters exposing them to the virus?
Because HE can't mandate anyone to wear a fucking mask, you clown! He didn't mock anyone, and that was CNN saying that he mocked.
He asked a reporter to take off his mask when he couldn't hear the question the reporter was asking. You really are oblivious.
OK lets go with that.

So youre saying because he cant mandate wearing a mask, instead of suggesting everyone wear a mask he mock them and then invite his own supporters to catch the virus at his rally. Does that actually make sense to you?
He didn't mock anybody. Good people make shit up and argue what you make up.
The people are old enough to make their own decisions.
Seems you need to be told what to do, and that is sad.
Have a good day

" He didn't mock anybody. Good people make shit up and argue what you make up. "

Do you really think he didnt mock anyone? So did he invite people to attend his rallies and have them sign waivers without enforcing a mask mandate at his rally?

President Trump doesn't have the power to enforce a mask mandate at the Palmer Airport. He just has a small Secret Service contingent.
He doesn’t need to enforce a mask mandate... just support it. Do you think he has done that?
The POS mocked folks wearing masks .. Never suggested it

The Dems don't wear masks when they are rioting or otherwise trying to destroy the country. I can't count the number of times I've seen Pelosi on TV without a mask
Now the liar on TV lies about Biden, says he was against vaccine Oh for only a fact checker there.. He saved millions??? Oh God please take him. I'll never ask you for anything ever again
I've said all along that Trump is always put into a Catch 22 by the left.
Drumpf puts himself in a catch 22 because he gets caught lying. You guys should really stop whining. He does this to himself. If he was a real leader he would know how to deal with people. Instead he purposely causes people to dislike him.

Funny I don't hear you telling us about Pelousy lying when she told everyone the virus was nothing and we should all enjoy the Chinese New Year.

I also don't see you telling us the Dems were full of shit when the called Trump a racist for wanting to stop flights into the US to stop the spread of the virus.

Oh and you must think all Americans are stupid. Most were watching what was going on and knew exactly what to do. They didn't need the Govt or the CDC to tell them. Hell I went right out and bought a mask and distanced myself from people by 6 feet. I did that before the CDC came out with those instructions and you can bet your ass I wasn't the only one. Common Sense.
Did Pelosi have inside info about virus that Trump did???

Pelosi had inside info that Trump didn't have. She had the reports for the Deep State as well as the Biden Family's Chinese masters who are responsible for the Kung Flu.
I think we can now testify to the fact that Democrats feel that being rational and trying to not cause panic is a crime.
I remember when Obama somehow got his corrupt media stop causing a panic with some Ebola scare.
But apparently Trump cannot do anything without them making a federal case over it.

Now...can we all see the hopeless situation Trump is in.
They call him Xenophobic if it takes steps....and they accuse him of doing nothing if he doesn't cause a massive worldwide panic.
The whole Trump didn’t want to cause a panic excuse next to the “Dems are going to destroy you” narratives he is pushing on a daily basis is a complete joke. You don’t expect anybody to buy that do you?

He was protecting himself by denying reality and not wanting the markets to react in a way that would hurt him politically. It’s clear as day. Wake up
Of course he didn't want the markets to crash fuck head, that's what a leader does
And when Trump wins in November we'll see at least 4 more years of this shit. Hopefully the GOP wins back the House and Pelosi retires.
When he loses in November we'll only see a 4 year trial for tax evasion and crimes against the american people.
Let me ask you clowns a question.

Did Drumpf know the virus was highly contagious? If you can answer that truthfully at least to yourself then lets progress to the next question.

Why would he mock wearing a mask and hold rallies with his own supporters exposing them to the virus?
Because HE can't mandate anyone to wear a fucking mask, you clown! He didn't mock anyone, and that was CNN saying that he mocked.
He asked a reporter to take off his mask when he couldn't hear the question the reporter was asking. You really are oblivious.
OK lets go with that.

So youre saying because he cant mandate wearing a mask, instead of suggesting everyone wear a mask he mock those that do and then invite his own supporters to catch the virus at his rally. Does that actually make sense to you?
So you saying you need to be told by the president if you need to wear a mask or not?

What are you 7 years old?
Woodward is a washed up has been. He probably needs to embellish to sell this undoubtedly stupid book. He would have been better off writing a book about a real conspiracy, the coup against Trump. That would have actually made Watergate look like a walk in the park. But Woodward is a partisan dweeb so that's out of the question. This stupid gripe that Trump lied to the American people is like saying the captain of the Titanic should have told all the passengers they were going to die. Trump showed a level of leadership that is beyond Democrat comprehension. MAGA, live and let live
Woodward is a washed up has been. He probably needs to embellish to sell this undoubtedly stupid book. He would have been better off writing a book about a real conspiracy, the coup against Trump. That would have actually made Watergate look like a walk in the park. But Woodward is a partisan dweeb so that's out of the question. This stupid gripe that Trump lied to the American people is like saying the captain of the Titanic should have told all the passengers they were going to die. Trump showed a level of leadership that is beyond Democrat comprehension. MAGA, live and let live

Woodward is a literal god among liberal journalists. He needs to do "his part" in the coup efforts of the media
And when Trump wins in November we'll see at least 4 more years of this shit. Hopefully the GOP wins back the House and Pelosi retires.
When he loses in November we'll only see a 4 year trial for tax evasion and crimes against the american people.
Let me ask you clowns a question.

Did Drumpf know the virus was highly contagious? If you can answer that truthfully at least to yourself then lets progress to the next question.

Why would he mock wearing a mask and hold rallies with his own supporters exposing them to the virus?
Because HE can't mandate anyone to wear a fucking mask, you clown! He didn't mock anyone, and that was CNN saying that he mocked.
He asked a reporter to take off his mask when he couldn't hear the question the reporter was asking. You really are oblivious.
OK lets go with that.

So youre saying because he cant mandate wearing a mask, instead of suggesting everyone wear a mask he mock them and then invite his own supporters to catch the virus at his rally. Does that actually make sense to you?
He didn't mock anybody. Good people make shit up and argue what you make up.
The people are old enough to make their own decisions.
Seems you need to be told what to do, and that is sad.
Have a good day

" He didn't mock anybody. Good people make shit up and argue what you make up. "

Do you really think he didnt mock anyone? So did he invite people to attend his rallies and have them sign waivers without enforcing a mask mandate at his rally?

President Trump doesn't have the power to enforce a mask mandate at the Palmer Airport. He just has a small Secret Service contingent.
He doesn’t need to enforce a mask mandate... just support it. Do you think he has done that?
The POS mocked folks wearing masks .. Never suggested it

The Dems don't wear masks when they are rioting or otherwise trying to destroy the country. I can't count the number of times I've seen Pelosi on TV without a mask
Shame on them and shame on Pelosi. Are the actions of these irresponsible people supposed to excuse Trump and his supporters?
I think we can now testify to the fact that Democrats feel that being rational and trying to not cause panic is a crime.
I remember when Obama somehow got his corrupt media stop causing a panic with some Ebola scare.
But apparently Trump cannot do anything without them making a federal case over it.

Now...can we all see the hopeless situation Trump is in.
They call him Xenophobic if it takes steps....and they accuse him of doing nothing if he doesn't cause a massive worldwide panic.
The whole Trump didn’t want to cause a panic excuse next to the “Dems are going to destroy you” narratives he is pushing on a daily basis is a complete joke. You don’t expect anybody to buy that do you?

He was protecting himself by denying reality and not wanting the markets to react in a way that would hurt him politically. It’s clear as day. Wake up
Of course he didn't want the markets to crash fuck head, that's what a leader does
A leader lies to the American people about a health risk?! And how did that work out for the markets in Feb/March?
Now the liar on TV lies about Biden, says he was against vaccine Oh for only a fact checker there.. He saved millions??? Oh God please take him. I'll never ask you for anything ever again
I've said all along that Trump is always put into a Catch 22 by the left.
Drumpf puts himself in a catch 22 because he gets caught lying. You guys should really stop whining. He does this to himself. If he was a real leader he would know how to deal with people. Instead he purposely causes people to dislike him.

Funny I don't hear you telling us about Pelousy lying when she told everyone the virus was nothing and we should all enjoy the Chinese New Year.

I also don't see you telling us the Dems were full of shit when the called Trump a racist for wanting to stop flights into the US to stop the spread of the virus.

Oh and you must think all Americans are stupid. Most were watching what was going on and knew exactly what to do. They didn't need the Govt or the CDC to tell them. Hell I went right out and bought a mask and distanced myself from people by 6 feet. I did that before the CDC came out with those instructions and you can bet your ass I wasn't the only one. Common Sense.
Did Pelosi have inside info about virus that Trump did???
Speaker of the house and third in line to be president you bet your ass she did.....
I think we can now testify to the fact that Democrats feel that being rational and trying to not cause panic is a crime.
I remember when Obama somehow got his corrupt media stop causing a panic with some Ebola scare.
But apparently Trump cannot do anything without them making a federal case over it.

Now...can we all see the hopeless situation Trump is in.
They call him Xenophobic if it takes steps....and they accuse him of doing nothing if he doesn't cause a massive worldwide panic.
The whole Trump didn’t want to cause a panic excuse next to the “Dems are going to destroy you” narratives he is pushing on a daily basis is a complete joke. You don’t expect anybody to buy that do you?

He was protecting himself by denying reality and not wanting the markets to react in a way that would hurt him politically. It’s clear as day. Wake up
Of course he didn't want the markets to crash fuck head, that's what a leader does
A leader lies to the American people about a health risk?! And how did that work out for the markets in Feb/March?
You do know people where committing suicide left and right during the great depression correct?
I think we can now testify to the fact that Democrats feel that being rational and trying to not cause panic is a crime.
I remember when Obama somehow got his corrupt media stop causing a panic with some Ebola scare.
But apparently Trump cannot do anything without them making a federal case over it.

Now...can we all see the hopeless situation Trump is in.
They call him Xenophobic if it takes steps....and they accuse him of doing nothing if he doesn't cause a massive worldwide panic.
The whole Trump didn’t want to cause a panic excuse next to the “Dems are going to destroy you” narratives he is pushing on a daily basis is a complete joke. You don’t expect anybody to buy that do you?

He was protecting himself by denying reality and not wanting the markets to react in a way that would hurt him politically. It’s clear as day. Wake up
Of course he didn't want the markets to crash fuck head, that's what a leader does
A leader lies to the American people about a health risk?! And how did that work out for the markets in Feb/March?
You do know people where committing suicide left and right during the great depression correct?
Yes I do. What’s your point?
Some one tell the moron in our WH to ask his pal putin to stop
Russian military intelligence unit again targeting Democrats ahead of November presidential election, says Microsoft

Associated Press
And when Trump wins in November we'll see at least 4 more years of this shit. Hopefully the GOP wins back the House and Pelosi retires.
When he loses in November we'll only see a 4 year trial for tax evasion and crimes against the american people.
Let me ask you clowns a question.

Did Drumpf know the virus was highly contagious? If you can answer that truthfully at least to yourself then lets progress to the next question.

Why would he mock wearing a mask and hold rallies with his own supporters exposing them to the virus?
Because HE can't mandate anyone to wear a fucking mask, you clown! He didn't mock anyone, and that was CNN saying that he mocked.
He asked a reporter to take off his mask when he couldn't hear the question the reporter was asking. You really are oblivious.
OK lets go with that.

So youre saying because he cant mandate wearing a mask, instead of suggesting everyone wear a mask he mock them and then invite his own supporters to catch the virus at his rally. Does that actually make sense to you?
He didn't mock anybody. Good people make shit up and argue what you make up.
The people are old enough to make their own decisions.
Seems you need to be told what to do, and that is sad.
Have a good day

" He didn't mock anybody. Good people make shit up and argue what you make up. "

Do you really think he didnt mock anyone? So did he invite people to attend his rallies and have them sign waivers without enforcing a mask mandate at his rally?

President Trump doesn't have the power to enforce a mask mandate at the Palmer Airport. He just has a small Secret Service contingent.
He doesn’t need to enforce a mask mandate... just support it. Do you think he has done that?
The POS mocked folks wearing masks .. Never suggested it

The Dems don't wear masks when they are rioting or otherwise trying to destroy the country. I can't count the number of times I've seen Pelosi on TV without a mask
Shame on them and shame on Pelosi. Are the actions of these irresponsible people supposed to excuse Trump and his supporters?

Trump didn't tell any of his supporters to wear masks, or not to.

Its called the Freedom to Choose, which I guess you oppose.

But until all of the Democrats start wearing masks, they have no reason to attack the GOP
I think we can now testify to the fact that Democrats feel that being rational and trying to not cause panic is a crime.
I remember when Obama somehow got his corrupt media stop causing a panic with some Ebola scare.
But apparently Trump cannot do anything without them making a federal case over it.

Now...can we all see the hopeless situation Trump is in.
They call him Xenophobic if it takes steps....and they accuse him of doing nothing if he doesn't cause a massive worldwide panic.
Only if you are Trump, then ANYTHING you do is evil for the TDS woketards.

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