So now that we know Democrats are hypocrites, what about you Republicans?


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
I'm quite confident no Republican would've been outspoken against Bush and his Republican Congress if he wanted to bomb the hell out of Libya. Seeing how they cheered, and still cheer whenever the Iraq War is mentioned.

How about now that Obama is bombing a muslim country with a brutal dictator despite being completely unprovoked? This is a good thing right?
I'm quite confident no Republican would've been outspoken against Bush and his Republican Congress if he wanted to bomb the hell out of Libya. Seeing how they cheered, and still cheer whenever the Iraq War is mentioned.

How about now that Obama is bombing a muslim country with a brutal dictator despite being completely unprovoked? This is a good thing right?

yes, now you are getting it. thanks for proving the point
I'm quite confident no Republican would've been outspoken against Bush and his Republican Congress if he wanted to bomb the hell out of Libya. Seeing how they cheered, and still cheer whenever the Iraq War is mentioned.

How about now that Obama is bombing a muslim country with a brutal dictator despite being completely unprovoked? This is a good thing right?

You finally understand. That's good.
A little slow on the uptake - but commendable progress.
Now, all you need to do is enlist and serve your country to fully understand.
I'm quite confident no Republican would've been outspoken against Bush and his Republican Congress if he wanted to bomb the hell out of Libya. Seeing how they cheered, and still cheer whenever the Iraq War is mentioned.

How about now that Obama is bombing a muslim country with a brutal dictator despite being completely unprovoked? This is a good thing right?

You finally understand. That's good.
A little slow on the uptake - but commendable progress.
Now, all you need to do is enlist and serve your country to fully understand.

So yes, you fully support Obama in this action?

I know you're a party-line, straight ticket voting Republican, and you'd vote for Osama if he joined the party, so the point of this thread is to find the viewpoints of the ardent supporters.
I'm quite confident no Republican would've been outspoken against Bush and his Republican Congress if he wanted to bomb the hell out of Libya. Seeing how they cheered, and still cheer whenever the Iraq War is mentioned.

How about now that Obama is bombing a muslim country with a brutal dictator despite being completely unprovoked? This is a good thing right?

You finally understand. That's good.
A little slow on the uptake - but commendable progress.
Now, all you need to do is enlist and serve your country to fully understand.

So yes, you fully support Obama in this action?

I know you're a party-line, straight ticket voting Republican, and you'd vote for Osama if he joined the party, so the point of this thread is to find the viewpoints of the ardent supporters.
I'm a Indy, and am ambivalent personally, on the action. I don't believe for example, that Gaddafi is not a target. You don't commit to a major military operation with the goal of leaving such a despot in power. Especially after repeatedly saying beforehand, "He has to go."

On the other side of the pancake, the calls for "impeachment" and such today are just as stupid as they were in 2004. President Obama has violated no laws and has not violated the Constitution. He is NOT required to get congressional approval to use the armed forces he is commander in chief of. Under the War Powers Act, he has 90 days after such action, to get approval. And even if it isn't approved, about all they can do is de-fund it. There's no criminal provision of the WPA.

Gaddafi is a criminal, a murderer, and a terrorist and terrorist financier. And in general, a piece of human slime. He's deserved a tomahawk up his ass for decades. Let's just make sure he gets one. If he remains in power after all of this, that sends a terrible message not only to freedom fighters everywhere, but also to other despots and tyrants.

KILL the son of a bitch. Don't be dicking around with it.
Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran.

The right would hate anything Obama did.

This has far less to do with Obama then it does the Hypocrites on the left who proved that no matter what Bush did they would fly into a raging fit about it and hey look at there we were proven right. The Silence from the left on Obama 's illegal action have proven that point.
Lots of people on the left are angry with it.

Im not because it was a wise UN decision that will keep alot of people in the ME alive and help them shake off the dictators who are running their countries.

Its a perfectly legal and wise move on the part of the UN.
Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran.

The right would hate anything Obama did.

This has far less to do with Obama then it does the Hypocrites on the left who proved that no matter what Bush did they would fly into a raging fit about it and hey look at there we were proven right. The Silence from the left on Obama 's illegal action have proven that point.
It's not illegal, Robert. Neither was Bush's.

Have you not seen the same little coalition in Congress, calling for Obama's impeachment just like they did for Bush? Same ignorant, idiot cast of characters.
It is by consideration of the fact that he did not go through congress for consent to commit our armed forces to combat that makes his action illegal.

Shall we consider these words:

"Obama '07: 'President Does Not Have the Power...To Unilaterally Authorize a Military Attack'"

Bomb Bomb Bomb Iran.

The right would hate anything Obama did.

This has far less to do with Obama then it does the Hypocrites on the left who proved that no matter what Bush did they would fly into a raging fit about it and hey look at there we were proven right. The Silence from the left on Obama 's illegal action have proven that point.
It's not illegal, Robert. Neither was Bush's.

Have you not seen the same little coalition in Congress, calling for Obama's impeachment just like they did for Bush? Same ignorant, idiot cast of characters.
I'm not a republican and am as against this travesty as I was Iraq.

Even a little more so, as our Boyking president looks like he's the UN's little bitch.
I'm quite confident no Republican would've been outspoken against Bush and his Republican Congress if he wanted to bomb the hell out of Libya. Seeing how they cheered, and still cheer whenever the Iraq War is mentioned.

How about now that Obama is bombing a muslim country with a brutal dictator despite being completely unprovoked? This is a good thing right?

It would be a good thing if we were actually going to remove Qaddafi.

If we are there to just enforce an endless No fly Zone and not remove Qaddafi it seems like a massive waste to me.

I would point out however that you just said if Bush and "His congress" wanted to do it. Well that is the problem here isn't it. Obama did not go to the US congress. Oh sure he met with some of their leaders, but he did not meet the Constitutional Requirement(according to some) of inform and consent. It is like he thinks just because he has the UN behind him, he can ignore the US congress.
I'm not a republican and am as against this travesty as I was Iraq.

Even a little more so, as our Boyking president looks like he's the UN's little bitch.
I'm for it if we are gonna KILL the fucker and his sons. They have committed acts of war against us, 190 of our citizens dead.
I'm still against any involvement with Libya, whether or not it's officially being conducted under our flag or not.
Again shall we consider these words "Obama '07: 'President Does Not Have the Power...To Unilaterally Authorize a Military Attack'

Also I find it interesting that all of the sudden the left has utterly no issue with Obama Illegal actions in that the Left absolutely DEMANDED that Bush go before Congress for consent now all of the sudden the left has decided that the President alone can commit our Nation to acts of War against other Nations. ....Is it just me or does this seem highly inconsistent with the rage the left exhibited with Bush?

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It is by consideration of the fact that he did not go through congress for consent to commit our armed forces to combat that makes his action illegal.
WRONG. Read the War Powers Act. It has a 90 day clause, and NO criminal element.

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