So Obama wants to spend 1 Billion on his 2012 campaign?

What's your point here?

Seems contradictory.

That he should "donate" his campaign funds for job creation and not run? :lol:

That's rich.

My point is that this guy has no clue about the value of other peoples' money. A Billion on a political campaign.....


He's goning to need it: his popularity is so low, Kenyans are swearing he was born in the United States!


I am thinking he's getting a second term.

Wanna wager against that?
With short video, Obama launches bid for re-election -

How many jobs could he create with $1,000,000,000.00?
Gee....I thought it was (only) the.....

....that had the ca$h & know-how to create jobs?? :eusa_eh:

Do you 'Baggers enjoy being suspended in a state o' perpetual-confusion??


We wouldn't know seeing as how Obama has only destroyed job's not created them. :lol:

So hows that Hopey changey thing working out for ya all.

Are you mentally handicapped?
With short video, Obama launches bid for re-election -

How many jobs could he create with $1,000,000,000.00?
Gee....I thought it was (only) the.....

....that had the ca$h & know-how to create jobs?? :eusa_eh:

Do you 'Baggers enjoy being suspended in a state o' perpetual-confusion??


We wouldn't know seeing as how Obama has only destroyed job's not created them.'s a.....


"At many companies, being socially responsible has typically meant handing out checks to victims of natural disasters, environmental groups, or producers of green TV commercials. Now the corporate sustainability movement has a simple premise: Saving the planet can save big bucks. Executives are trying to realize meaningful cost savings by coming up with innovative ways to go easier on the environment.

"Sustainability has emerged as a factor in determining which companies win in the marketplace, and smart CEOs are investing in a more rigorous approach to the environment," says Esty, on leave from Yale to run Connecticut's Environmental Protection Dept., which will have additional energy responsibilities pending approval from the legislature. "A good number of companies begin to see the upside opportunity. The very best companies see the brand and corporate identity opportunity."



$1 billion ought to do it

While the Republicans use up their campaign funds fighting off Tea Party attacks, Obama can sit back building up his war chest
A campaign is a small business. People are hired, goods and services are purchased...

...job creation and consumer spending, in the private sector.

And the OP is complaining about it. WTF?
My point is that this guy has no clue about the value of other peoples' money. A Billion on a political campaign.....


He's goning to need it: his popularity is so low, Kenyans are swearing he was born in the United States!


I am thinking he's getting a second term.

Wanna wager against that?

I'm gonna bet on the American people, you know, 'fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me."
I wasn't aware he'd ever stopped campaigning.
I guess that'd be one way to describe....


[ame=]YouTube - Rachel Maddow (1) 111th Congress put policy before politics[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Rachel Maddow (2) 111th Congress put policy before politics[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Obama Takes a Victory Lap After Big Wins[/ame]

Two sources tell CNN the campaign team hopes that in total its bundlers will raise $500 million, leaving the campaign to raise another $500 million and amass a record-breaking $1 billion war chest.

Hey! According to the SCOTUS money = free speech.

Don't blame Obama, blame the far-right wing appointees in the SCOTUS who so ruled in favor of MONEY over democracy..

They're the folks who made such obscenely expensive campiagning necessary.

And you know, you just know, that as a result of that assinine ruling the RICH will forever control the political scene.
He likely also wants the Taxpayers to fit the bill.

Heck, if he cut a trillion from the budget, i wouldnt mind if the taxpayers fit that bill. It would be worth the cost and we'd still vote him out of office.

Which is what conservatives want with their tax cuts. You just want the cuts to go to the the expense of the poor.

"But but it's already OUR money. It's not the government's money or their choice to decide who it goes to!" You have elected officials. If you want to change what's happening - ELECT DIFFERENT PEOPLE.

Obama's support this time around won't be nearly as overwhelming. The cat's out of the bag. We've seen the magic show.

One of my principles is "A conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to help a liberal."

On that basis, I'll explain the correct way of thinking to you:
"...conservatives want with their tax cuts. You just want the cuts to go to the the expense of the poor." is flawed for several reasons.

1. You are incorrect- need I say 'as usual'?- in that what conseratives actually want is that no one remain poor.

2. Policies of the liberals, the Left, the Democrats make sure that folks remain poor and in dire circumstances. Proof? Sure...look at the cities that are traditionally Democrat fiefdoms....and you will see poverty and degradation and crime .

3. Now, this next nugget of knowledge may be beyond your comprehension, but bear with me: your post assumes that there is an eternal group known as 'the poor.'
The truth, as explained by Dr. Thomas Sowell is the following:

More than three-quarters of those working Americans whose incomes were in the bottom 20 percent in 1975 were also in the top 40 percent of income earners at some point by 1991, says Sowell.
Source: Thomas Sowell, "How Media Misuse Income Data To Match Their Preconceptions," Investor's Business Daily, January 12, 2010.


There's a lot of income mobility in America, so comparing poor families today with the poor families of 10 years ago can be misleading because they're not the same families. Every year hundreds of thousands of new immigrants and the young enter the workforce at "poor" income levels. But the CBO study found that, with the exception of chronically poor families who have no breadwinner, low-income job holders are climbing the income ladder.The Poor Get Richer -

Now, show that you are capable of learning by saying 'now, I see,' and never making that mistake again.
Two sources tell CNN the campaign team hopes that in total its bundlers will raise $500 million, leaving the campaign to raise another $500 million and amass a record-breaking $1 billion war chest.

Hey! According to the SCOTUS money = free speech.

Don't blame Obama, blame the far-right wing appointees in the SCOTUS who so ruled in favor of MONEY over democracy..

They're the folks who made such obscenely expensive campiagning necessary.

And you know, you just know, that as a result of that assinine ruling the RICH will forever control the political scene.

This has got to be one of the funniest posts, assuming that you really don't know how far from the truth you are!

1. "President Obama has been among those sounding the alarm that corporations, in the wake of Citizens United, will swamp campaigns with private money; so far, however, no such corporate spending tsunami has materialized.
If anything, labor unions have jumped in more quickly to exploit the new rules, dumping millions of dollars into Arkansas' Democratic Senate primary and other high-profile races this year.
One reason may be that, unlike corporate executives, union leaders do not risk offending shareholders and customers if they openly bankroll candidates. - Access Denied

2. The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees is now the biggest outside spender of the 2010 elections, thanks to an 11th-hour effort to boost Democrats that has vaulted the public-sector union ahead of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the AFL-CIO and a flock of new Republican groups in campaign spending.
The 1.6 million-member AFSCME is spending a total of $87.5 million on the elections after tapping into a $16 million emergency account to help fortify the Democrats' hold on Congress. Last week, AFSCME dug deeper, taking out a $2 million loan to fund its push. The group is spending money on television advertisements, phone calls, campaign mailings and other political efforts, helped by a Supreme Court decision that loosened restrictions on campaign spending.
"We're the big dog," said Larry Scanlon, the head of AFSCME's political operations. "But we don't like to brag."
Public-Employees Union Is Now Campaign's Big Spender -

3. BTW, while lobbying for the EFCA, the SEIU fired 75 of its 220 employees, ‘cause, you know, they needed that $60 million for Obama, so the employees filed an NLRB unfair practices suit. (NATIONAL BRIEFING - LABOR - Union Is Accused of Violations - Brief -

Now, wanna admit the truth, lady?
A campaign is a small business. People are hired, goods and services are purchased...

...job creation and consumer spending, in the private sector.

And the OP is complaining about it. WTF?

:thup:.. Where's the response for this..?
I'm going to be on a plane most of the day (no....not Southwest....and not even commercial), but if Sallow and PoliticalChic can work out a wager, and are willing to let me in on it, I'm in.

I'll check back in when I can, but it will likely be tomorrow morning.

Unless we decide to stay for breakfast :)

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