So Politically Speaking,What Created Hurrican Irma?,Democrats?,Republicans,Cows,White Men's SUV's?

I blame Trump supporters and detractors for pissing and moaning so much as to cause a great swell of yellow heat in the Atlantic Basin. We're all to blame.
:2up: Ok, now that Irma has passed and opened up one hell of a can of whoop ass on Florida, now we can all debate what caused it?
We all know the left will blame global warming {aka, white people driving SUV's}...and the right will blame too many cows on the planet, and we all know what cows do every 23 minutes.
So let the blame game begin?
What Caused Hurricane Irma?
:argue: :boobies: :cow::cow: :desk: :dunno: :lalala: :poop: :smoke: :omg:
I blame Antifa.

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